Russian – A Trophy Language?
Grigory Borisovich Karasin (Карасин, Григорий Борисович) | The intellectually sophisticated Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov agreed to the dangerously stupid point of calling our Russian a "trophy language." ● What about the last, first names, and patronymics of most of his colleagues in the Kiev team? ● You should think, Comrade Minister, when you speak in public! Otherwise, there is no desire to discuss any serious issues with you and your likes. ● How do your Western masters negotiate with you...? (Translation with:
[Comment by] Maria Zakharova (Russian MFA)(Мария Захарова) | Grigory Borisovich, don't you expect too much? Forcing the Kiev regime to think is both late and useless. In order to think, you need intelligence, not a flash drive with instructions from Washington. ● The entire Kiev leadership speaks Russian to each other. Everyone knows that. And all this nationalist pathos just because they didn't have and don't have any other ideology for the political process. They originally tried to build a new Ukraine on the principles of nationalism, and they fell into a Nazi spiral. (