Top 6 illnesses that CONVENIENTLY DISAPPEARED during the “Covid-19” scamdemic
Top 6 illnesses that CONVENIENTLY DISAPPEARED during the “Covid-19” scamdemic | There was a major reason the Covid-19 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test kits created millions of "false-positive" results that said everybody had the Fauci Flu. Whether you had a bacterial infection, a virus of any kind, or just a common head cold, you could count on the China Flu test kits to read "positive" for the plandemic virus most of the time. This was a huge factor in creating and sustaining the all-out panic of a fake pandemic, across the entire globe. ■ Meanwhile, every sickness, illness or infection that was NOT Covid-19 (if there even really is a such thing) conveniently disappeared from the planet for three years. Nobody got sick at all, unless it was a novel virus that required everyone to shelter in place, social distance, wear face diapers, and get a deadly injection that creates millions of prions that cause horrible health consequences, including death. ■ For three years, if you coughed or sneezed in public, you were treated like a leper. Allergies to pollen and dust no longer existed, because of the plandemic. Contact tracing became a major ordeal, where cell phones tracked the location of anyone who tested positive for "Covid," letting all other humans know if they were near anyone who was sick and "contagious." Anyone who died in the hospitals died from "Covid" or "with Covid," but it seemed nobody was dying anymore from natural causes, or from MRSA (hospital superbug infections), or bacterial infections from dirty instruments.