
Permalink No future for Nazi-like 'Israel' in region, Sayyed Nasrallah says

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah underlines that the invasion of Rafah exposes the sham that the Israeli occupation is civilized. | Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemned Tuesday the Rafah massacre, stating that it stripped away the false facade that had been used to present the Israeli occupation as a "civilized" entity.  In his remarks at the conclusion of receiving condolences for his mother's passing, Sayyed Nasrallah said the Rafah massacre "confirms the enemy's brutality, treachery, and betrayal," emphasizing that "we are facing an enemy without values or morals, surpassing the Nazis. Nasrallah stressed the importance of condemning these horrific massacres, which should serve as a strong motivator for the world to press for an end to the aggression on Gaza. He pointed out that the "horrific Rafah massacre should awaken all the oblivious and silent people in this world."

Hezbollah Leader Predicts Collapse of ‘Nazi’ Israel (Tasnim)


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