

Permalink Gaza live: Israeli forces storm Rafah border crossing

Gaza border authorities say passenger movement and aid deliveries have ceased | Israeli forces have stormed the Rafah border crossing, shutting down the only crossing between Gaza and Egypt and causing a halt in aid deliveries and civilian movement. At least 12 Palestinians have been killed in overnight Israeli attacks on Rafah, while several others were killed in strikes on northern Gaza. The Israeli army said that two soldiers were killed in a Hezbollah drone attack near Metula, northern Israel on Monday. The UN General Assembly is set to vote on a draft resolution that would recognise Palestine as qualified for full UN membership this week. Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said that the US should "completely stop funding the UN and its institutions" should this resolution be passed.

Israel carpet bombs Rafah after Hamas accepts ceasefire proposal (MEE)
Israel continues intense strikes on Rafah ahead of ground invasion (TRT World)
Israeli tanks enter Rafah (VIDEO) (RT.com)
IDF Launches Targeted Operation in Eastern Region of Rafah in Gaza Strip (Sputnik News)
Israeli Tanks Enter Southern Gaza Town Of Rafah: Palestinian, Egyptian Officials (Outlook)
US tells Israel it won’t back Rafah operation "as currently planned" (RT.com)

I Oppose Israel’s Atrocities In Gaza Because I’m Not A Psychopath (Caitlin Johnstone)
Another Zionist Crime - The Psychopathic Destruction Of Rafah (Moon of Alabama)

Permalink Rep. senators to ICC chief over Israeli arrests: 'You've been warned'

Khan was warned that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues accountable for their war crimes in Gaza would be interpreted "as a threat ... to the sovereignty of the United States" as well. | Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), has received a stern warning from US senators threatening him with "severe sanctions" if he issues international arrest warrants for Israeli officials.  In a terse, one-page letter obtained by Zeteo and signed by 12 Republican senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Marco Rubio of Florida, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan was warned that any attempt by the ICC to hold Benjamin Netanyahu and his colleagues accountable for their war crimes in Gaza will be interpreted...

💬 "...not only as a threat to Israel's sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States." “Target Israel and we will target you,” the senators threatened, citing sanctions on Khan's employees and his associates, adding that they and their families would be "barred from the United States." "You have been warned," the letter brazenly stated.

Permalink France not at war with Russia — Macron

"We are also not seeking a change of power in Russia," the French leader underscored | France is not at war with Russia, French President Emmanuel Macron said at a joint news conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "We are not at war with Russia or the Russian people," he said in comments webcast on the Elysee Palace's X account. "We are also not seeking a change of power in Russia." Macron said EU countries are ready to "support Ukraine as long as it takes."

Climbing the 'Escalation Ladder': French, British Threats Provoke Russian Warning (Sputnik News)
Macron Again Struts Feathers, NATO Troop Paranoia, & More (Simplicius The Thinker)


Permalink Russia Warns British Ambassador - Russia May Strike British Forces Anywhere

Russia Warns British Ambassador - Russia May Strike British Forces Anywhere | Both the French and British Ambassadors to Russia were Summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry this morning. When they came out, they were pale with nothing to say to the Press. INTEL Source reveals what the British were told. A strong protest was expressed to the British ambassador in connection with the country's Foreign Minister David Cameron's statement about Kiev's right to strike Russia with British weapons. (Reported HERE 3 days ago) The Ambassador was warned that "the Russian response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory, could be any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond."

EXTRAORDINARY: Russia delivered a three-point "nuclear ultimatum" to France and Britain: "We will bomb your countries directly"! (War News 24/7)
  Russia delivered a three-point "nuclear ultimatum" to the ambassadors of France and Britain regarding the arrival of F-16s, a possible strike on the Russian mainland with NATO weapons, and the presence of NATO forces in Ukraine. The French and British ambassadors have just left the Russian Foreign Ministry building in a sullen mood.
  Pierre Levy stayed at the Russian Foreign Ministry for about 40 minutes. The British ambassador in Moscow, Nigel Casey, was also summoned there. Half an hour after his arrival, the British ambassador left without a word to the media, Sputnik's correspondent reports. The head of the French diplomatic mission also refused to speak to reporters. Also today, the German government announced that it was recalling its ambassador to Moscow, Alexander Lambsdorff, to Berlin for consultations.
  Within 24 hours there has been a rapid escalation of NATO-Russia relations. This was preceded by statements by Cameron and Macron about striking the Russian mainland with NATO weapons as well as sending NATO forces to Ukraine. Following these statements, the Russian Federation started exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. (Translation: DeepL + Grammarly)

French Ambassador "Warned" By Russia (Hal Turner)(Updates 05/07/24)
Nuclear weapons drills a response to ‘escalation’ – Kremlin (RT.com)
‘Russia’s Not Bluffing’: Tactical Nuke Drills are Deafening Warning to NATO to Stay Out of Ukraine (Ilya Tsukanov)
Signal to NATO Powers ‘Playing War in Ukraine’: Why Russia is Drilling Its Tactical Nuclear Forces (Ilya Tsukanov)

Kyiv given the green light for NATO weapons attacks on the Russian mainland (War News 24/7) | NATO member countries, including Britain, have given the green light to Ukraine to strike the Kerch Bridge and other strategic targets inside Russia with Western-origin long-strike weapons. This is the first time since the war began that NATO member countries such as Britain-Estonia-Lithuania have openly threatened Moscow with striking the Russian mainland in an attempt to break the last Russian "red line". This is the information that War News 24/7 revealed a few days ago.  The last ten days have seen a rapid escalation between NATO and Russia. Lithuania's ambassador to Sweden, Linas Linkevičius, has hinted that there is an imminent attack on the Crimean Bridge by making a post on the social network X (formerly Twitter). He even posted a collage with a picture of the bridge and a picture of a missile fired at it. He accompanied the photo with the caption: "If someone didn't get a chance to take a photo on the Crimean Bridge, there is still time," he said. Dmitry Polyansky, Russia's First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, responded by saying:

💬 "It seems that (Polish Foreign Minister) Radosław Sikorski's infamous tweet about sabotage on Nord Stream, which he later timidly deleted, inspires the submissive Baltic-American dogs. They are barking desperately now, but they will cry later, when the Day of Judgement comes they will repent for all these mistakes." (Translation: DeepL + Grammarly)

Permalink US-NATO Chinook Helicopters inside Ukraine Air Space Near Odessa

Video (paywall) shows two US/NATO Chinook (Double-prop) Helicopters, flying about 100 feet above the waters of the Black Sea, INSIDE Ukrainian air space, near Odessa.  It is important to realize that what you're seeing is the US/NATO operating in an area where they are considered a legitimate military target by Russia!  It is also important to point out the long air-refueling pipe protruding from the front of both helicopters indicates these are MH-47G helicopters; for "SPECIAL FORCES."

Nuclear weapons drills a response to ‘escalation’ – Kremlin (RT.com)
French Foreign Ministry denies France sent troops to Ukraine (TASS)
US not to send troops to Ukraine — Department of State spokesman (TASS)
France Sends Combat Troops into Ukraine [?] (Hal Turner)(05/05/24)
‘Russia’s Not Bluffing’: Tactical Nuke Drills are Deafening Warning to NATO to Stay Out of Ukraine (Ilya Tsukanov)
Signal to NATO Powers ‘Playing War in Ukraine’: Why Russia is Drilling Its Tactical Nuclear Forces (Ilya Tsukanov)

Russian paratroopers killed French and German soldiers in Chasov Yar — A "signal" was sent for the deployment of NATO forces Russian paratroopers late last night informed Russia's Supreme Military Command that during fighting in Chasov Yar, they engaged and killed seven French soldiers of the Foreign Legion and an undetermined number of Germans. Russian casualties are not mentioned.  Paratroopers and Spetsnaz forces that had penetrated deep into Ukrainian defensive fortifications reaching the Seversky Donets - Donbas canal were clear: "NATO forces have gathered in the area. They are not mercenaries, they are regular NATO troops! This is one of the two reasons why Putin this morning ordered the Southern Military District to prepare for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. (Translation: DeepL + Grammarly)

Permalink Chinese President to Visit Three Key Countries During Trip to Europe

Xi’s diplomatic visit to Europe – his first in five years – [...] comes during a period when the United States’ global leadership is in doubt. | The New York Times documents various reasons for shared skepticism towards the United States among China and the three countries Xi plans to visit during his trip.

💬 “Looking to the future, peace and development remain the trend of history and the aspiration of the people,” proclaimed Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in 2023. “China's experience shows that the path of peaceful development has worked and worked well. There is no reason for us to discontinue but every reason to stay the course, and come together with more countries in the pursuit of peaceful development.”

Permalink Ukrainians are God’s chosen people – Zelensky

Amid nationwide persecution of Orthodox Christians, the Ukrainian president claimed that God is his nation’s “ally” | Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has proclaimed that God is an “ally” of Ukraine in the conflict with Russia. Despite his invoking of the Almighty, Zelensky has led a crackdown on the Orthodox Church for the last two years.  As Orthodox Christians celebrated Easter on Sunday, Zelensky released a video address from Kiev’s Saint Sophia Cathedral, in which he accused Russia of “breaking all the commandments.” [...] Zelensky’s appeal to Christians came as Ukraine’s parliament examines legislation that would close down the country’s largest Christian church, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). While the law has sat in parliament for months, Zelensky’s government has moved to restrict the Church’s activity since the conflict began in 2022.

Moscow ridicules Zelensky’s claim about God and Ukraine (RT.com)
Multiple dead in Ukrainian drone raid on Belgorod Region (RT.com)

Permalink Utter Psychopathic Lunacy: PM Netanyahu rejects international criticism of war in Gaza

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [spoke] during a ceremony marking Holocaust Remembrance Day for the six million Jews killed [?] during World War II | Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday denounced international criticism of the country's war in Gaza, stating “Israel will stand alone! No pressure would stop us from defending ourselves." He was speaking at a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem.   The Israeli PM recalled the time when Nazis killed six million Jews during World War II, saying “no nation came to our aid" and “people were completely defenseless against those who sought destruction". [...]He further drew parallels between the anti-Semitic sentiment now and the treatment of Jews at German universities in the US and other international institutions during World War II. "What a distortion of justice and history," he was quoted as saying by AFP.

💬 “You will not chain our hands... Israel will continue to fight human evil... until victory. We will defeat our genocidal enemies. Never again is now!" Netanyahu asserted.

'Israel' commits massacre in Rafah, killing 12 in one airstrike (Al Mayadeen)
Gaza live: Israeli raid on Rafah leaves dozens dead (MEE)
Is­rael or­ders Rafah evac­u­a­tion ahead of mil­i­tary op­er­a­tion (Al Jazeera)

I Oppose Israel’s Atrocities In Gaza Because I’m Not A Psychopath (Caitlin Johnstone)
Another Zionist Crime - The Psychopathic Destruction Of Rafah (Moon of Alabama)


Permalink France Sends Combat Troops into Ukraine [?]

France has sent its first troops officially to Ukraine. They have been deployed in support of the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade in Slavyansk. The French soldiers are drawn from France’s 3rd Infantry Regiment, which is one of the main elements of France’s Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère). | These troops are being posted directly in a hot combat area and are intended to help the Ukrainians resist Russian advances in Donbas. The first 100 are artillery and surveillance specialists. For months French President Emanuel Macron has been threatening to send French troops to Ukraine. He has found little or no support from NATO countries outside of support from Poland and the Baltic States. Allegedly the US opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine (other than as advisors).  One of the questions to immediately arise from France’s decision to send soldiers from its 3rd Infantry Regiment is whether this crosses the Russian red line on NATO involvement in Ukraine? Will the Russians see this as initiating a wider war beyond Ukraine’s borders?  A key question is how NATO will react to the French decision to deploy. As France is acting on its own without NATO’s backing, the French cannot claim support from NATO under its famous Article 5, the collective security component of the NATO Treaty.

French Foreign Ministry denies France sent troops to Ukraine (TASS)
Nuclear weapons drills a response to ‘escalation’ – Kremlin (RT.com)

Permalink WEF Admits Pandemic Was a Hoax to Eliminate Cash

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted that the Covid pandemic was a globalist hoax that sought to eliminate cash and force the public to accept central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs. | Interestingly, globalists have revealed that the coming single digital currency will have two tiers. There will be one CBDC system for the general public to use and another that only global elites, corporations, and politicians will be able to access. [...] Central Bank of Bahrain governor Khalid Humaidan discussed plans for eliminating physical cash while speaking at the WEF’s “Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy Development” on Sunday. During a panel discussion, titled “Open Forum: The Digital Currencies’ Opportunity in the Middle East,” Humaidan told WEF elites that the goal of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is to replace cash with “100% digital” payments. He revealed that the pandemic was part of the plan to rapidly advance that goal.

Permalink Hand of Soros: Georgian Prime Minister Denounces US Color Revolution Tactics

John Miles | The leader of the country of Georgia has criticized US efforts to interfere in the country dating back several years. | A major scandal emerged in 2016 over the disproven conspiracy theory of Russian interference in the United States presidential election. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Americans were told, had spent vast sums of money to influence the outcome of the vote via social media. According to the conspiracy’s most dedicated adherents, US democracy had been near-fatally wounded by the pernicious meddling of a hostile foreign power.  What adherents of the unfounded Russiagate narrative failed to acknowledge is that the United States is guilty of precisely the same type of political interference it accuses others of, and on a far larger scale.

USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia’s Border in Georgia (05/03/24)

Permalink Witch hunt against Muslims in UK Civil Service continues

The witch hunt takes place against a background of historical structural disadvantage facing Muslims in the Civil Service. | The British government's assault on all things Muslim carries on apace. No sooner had the toxic minister Michael Gove smeared five specific Muslim groups as potentially extremist than he widened the attack by turning on Muslims working in the civil service.  Echoing the shift in policy from individual extremism to targeting Muslim institutions, the Civil Service Muslim Network was in the crosshairs.  The Times reported that meetings held under the auspices of the network 'featured numerous antisemitic tropes.' The only alleged trope the Times was able to identify was “one official involved in the webinars allegedly told staff that the ‘Israel lobby’ had an ‘insidious influence’ on British politics, widely regarded as a common antisemitic trope.”  The Times also reported that the official also shared anecdotes from a lecture given by Lowkey, a controversial anti-Zionist rapper, claiming Western media were covering up US and UK involvement in the war against Hamas… The same official claimed mainstream media were “biased” and “full of lies” None of this is anti-Semitic or even inaccurate.

Renowned British-Palestinian surgeon denied entry into France (Al Mayadeen)

Permalink 👉 Russian forces carry out 25 group strikes at energy, military industrial facilities

The Russian Defense Ministry noted that the strikes also hit temporary deployment locations of Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias and foreign mercenaries, as well as concentrations of military vehicles | In the past 7 days, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 25 group strikes via precision weapons and drones, hitting Ukrainian energy and transportation infrastructure facilities and Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

  "Between April 28 and May 4, in response to the Kyiv regime’s attempts to inflict damage to Russian energy and industrial facilities, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 25 group strikes via precision weapons and drones, hitting Ukrainian energy and transportation infrastructure facilities, military-industrial complex enterprises, missile and ammunition storage areas, as well as unmanned speedboats and drone manufacturing workshops," the ministry said.   The ministry noted that the strikes also hit temporary deployment locations of Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias and foreign mercenaries, as well as concentrations of military vehicles.


Permalink Moscow puts Zelensky on wanted list

The Russian interior ministry has listed the Ukrainian president among people suspected of committing a crime | Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky appeared on the Russian Interior Ministry’s wanted list on Saturday. The exact offense he is charged with remains unclear.  The ministry’s website says the Ukrainian president is wanted under an article of Russia’s Criminal Code and contains his full name and photograph, as well as his date and place of birth. No data has been released about criminal proceedings against him.  The development comes a day after the head of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, Aleksandr Litvinenko, was also put on Russia’s wanted list. He took the position over from his predecessor Aleksey Danilov in March. In this instance, too, no charge details have been specified.  In April, Litvinenko claimed it was necessary to launch drone strikes deep inside Russian territory, to exert “pressure” on Moscow. He described this tactic as a key element of Kyiv’s strategy.

Permalink Russian Forces Down 4 Ukrainian ATACMS Missiles Over Crimea

Russian air defense systems shot down four ATACMS missiles over Crimea in the past night, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday. | ATACMS missiles are one of the overhyped weapons supplied by West to Kiev regime.  In the course of the special military operation, Russia has consistently warned against arms supplies to Ukraine, shattering the myth of NATO's superiority and proving the ineffectiveness of NATO weapons in modern warfare.

💬 "Over the past night, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using US ATACMS tactical missiles against facilities on the Russian territory was stopped. Four tactical missiles were destroyed by air defense systems on duty over the territory of the Crimean peninsula," the ministry said.

Kremlin accuses Macron and Cameron of dangerous talk (RT.com)
Grave of Ukraine’s Foreign Legion Commander Found in German CemeterySputnik)

Permalink Erdoğan on halting trade with Israel: “Aims to pressure Netanyahu government”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Ankara’s decision to completely halt trades with Israel aims to put further pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu government for ceasefire. | Since October 7, 2023, Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip have resulted in the deaths of at least 34,596 Palestinians, including 14,685 children and 9,670 women, with 77,816 others injured, Gaza Health Ministry stated on May 2. Despite ongoing international efforts to mitigate the crisis, civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and educational institutions, continues to be targeted.

Permalink Hostile Takeover: How NATO Annexed Macedonia

Kit Klarenberg | The alliance welcomed its newest inductee on March 27th 2020. How extraordinary it would be, if the country was the last one in, and first one out. | In Macedonia - or North Macedonia, or FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) - a counter-revolution impends. On April 24th, citizens went to the polls to choose their next President. Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova of Russophilic, pro-Serbian VMRO-DPMNE trounced Western-backed incumbent Stevo Pendarovski, albeit not by an absolute majority. The second round will be held May 8th, although opinion polls point to the challenger’s crushing victory. As we shall see, this development is a devastating blow to NATO, which could have far-reaching consequences regionally.  Pendarovski is a darling of EU and US officials. His upset win in 2019 was widely hailed in the mainstream media as illustrative of Macedonians’ yearning to at last become fully-fledged members of the transatlantic community, and rejection of VMRO-DPMNE’s “anti-Western” politics, which prominently included resisting NATO membership. His success also removed the last remaining barrier to Skopje joining the military alliance - a bitter, fraught, and protracted process, opposed by a significant proportion of the local population.

NATO Steadfast Defender Drills Indicate Preparation for 'Potential Conflict' With Russia (Sputnik)
USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia’s Border in Georgia (05/03/24)

Permalink They Are The Dark; We Are the Light

Elizabeth Nickson | The more we know, the closer we are to the end of tyranny | This is the fourth in a dredging operation. I am not asking you to take this on board as gospel. I just want you to consider it, and over the next weeks and months, see what comes to you as evidence or corroboration. I’m working towards a meta-theory, rather than presenting you with something I can prove in court. However, this is hardly speculative, I have a lot of validating evidence, but I am rigorous. I need things locked down before I assert them as fact. Out there in the wildlands of the internet, millions of people, educated and not, ‘believe’ what I am presenting and they are in full opposition. Any politician looking for a way forward would be wise to look at this theory because he would immediately gain an active base. Which is why I think it’s worth considering.

Permalink Diana West Warns about the Dark and Evil Nature of the Covid 'Vaccine' Program

“The Bioweapon is the Shot” | “There are all kinds of things in the vaccine toolbox to kill or control you.” “I think it’s hard to overstate the evil of this vaccine program,” claims Diana West in an exclusive interview for RAIR Foundation USA. “We are governed by people of dark criminality.”  West, a widely syndicated columnist, former CNN contributor, best-selling author, and Yale graduate, believes that the COVID-19 vaccine campaign was just one cog in a giant wheel, accelerating us towards a total loss of our freedoms as we have known them to date. “I don’t think there’s been a time in history when there have been so many dark forces pressing in on our existence, even at a microscopic level. It has been a huge education for me. I’ve been forced to learn so much about biology. Now I’m trying to proselytize the fact that the vaccine is going to kill you. It’s one thing to have an enemy try to kill you; it’s another to have people standing next to you who won’t even notice it or raise the issue and ask if there’s a problem.”  While data has shown a huge leap in excess deaths across Europe in 2022, West refers to Edward Dowd, a BlackRock whistleblower who published an analysis on deaths in the U.S. for the latter part of 2021. Dowd discovered that in the millennial cohort, those aged 25 to 45, there were 68,000 more deaths than expected. For the boomers, those over 65, that figure was 300,000. “This was a Vietnam War event for the millennial generation over those ten months,” says West. “And for the boomers, this was a WW11-sized event.”

Permalink “Explain to me why we have no right to exist?” – Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns whites about massive demographic changes in their native countries

In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Dutch political commentator and lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns Europeans that they must take a stand against rapid demographic changes or become a minority in their own country. | I have talked a lot about the rights of whites and the replacement of whites. But of course this exposes you to accusations of racism. So, how do conservatives deal with this catch-22 of not wanting to be replaced in their own country, but also not wanting to be attacked with this term?  You can't. That's right, you can't do that. So you have to choose a side. Of course you will be attacked if you say, “Hey, this continent, Europe, has always been predominantly white and now within one generation a few bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority. Why do we agree to that, or why do we allow that to happen?” If you say that, you will be attacked.  But the only other option you have then is to say nothing and let it happen, so the choice is yours, and I made my choice.


Permalink USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia’s Border in Georgia

This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine. | You may have heard of the protests in Tbilisi, Georgia recently. The protests are framed around what the State Dept and CIA call “Russian favored” legislation.  The Georgia legislation essentially says that domestic lobbyists, NGO’s, entities, groups and individuals who are funded more than 20% by foreign interests need to register as such.  Essentially, the USA law we call the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), is what the country of Georgia is enacting in their own political landscape. However, the USA is not happy about the Georgia law to disclose the source of foreign funding (most of it anti-government) because the USA (specifically the State Dept and CIA) is the source of that funding.  This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine. [...] We know the US State Dept and CIA are behind this because we predicted it and wrote about it two months ago. [...] So why is Samantha Power targeting Georgia now? Well, like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili does not want expanded war with Russia. Therefore, just like Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Georgia must now be removed and replaced with a pro-war leader.

Prime Minister Of Georgia Exposes U.S. Regime Change Attempt (Moon of Alabama)

Permalink Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Myocarditis, Pfizer & Moderna and the Causal Link

Esteemed microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi joins us today. Dr. Bhakdi has important information on the discovery of plasmid DNA in the mRNA vaccines and that they have established causality between myocarditis and Pfizer and Moderna gene therapies. Costa Rican property specialist, Mark Savoia joins us in the second of the show to talk about what it’s like to live in Costa Rica and whether you should too.

New Comprehensive Review Examines Potential Harms of COVID-19 Vaccination and Intramuscular Vaccination

Permalink Excess Deaths In Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why

A new study on harms resulting from the COVID vaccine was published on April 8 in the U.S.-based peer-reviewed medical science journal Cureus.It represents the largest study to date on adverse effects of the COVID vaccine, and the results are shocking, to put it mildly. | In the study, titled “Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan,” five Japanese scientists used an entire dataset of the country’s 123 million population (Japan has the highest vaccination rate in the world) to study excess cancer mortalities coinciding with mass COVID vaccination. The authors also provide a sound explanation as to why these deaths occurred after the mRNA injection. As a former vaccine researcher, I read the Cureus article with great interest. My fellow Epoch Times columnist, Megan Redshaw, has written an excellent article on this study. Here, I would like to highlight some points that I think are worth reiterating.

Permalink 'Israel' warns US it will punish PA if ICC issues arrest warrants

Two US officials reveal that the Biden administration told ICC officials privately that it would be a mistake to arrest Israeli leaders. | Axios has reported that the Israeli government has told the Biden administration that if the International Criminal Court (ICC) issues arrest warrants against Israeli leaders, it would retaliate against the Palestinian Authority, perhaps leading to its collapse, according to two Israeli and US sources.  Israeli authorities have become more anxious in recent weeks since reportedly the names of Netanyahu, Security Minister Yoav Gallant, and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi have been circled as suspects of war crimes that the ICC will look to prosecute.

Permalink Iraqi Resistance Strikes Mossad Center in Tel Aviv

Iraq’s Islamic Resistance has carried out a series of daring strikes against the “Israeli” entity in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, whom the entity has brought under a genocidal war. | The umbrella group of anti-terror fighters announced the strikes in separate statements on Friday.  The coalition said it had hit Mossad’s “Glilot” intelligence center in Tel Aviv with advanced Al-Aqrab cruise missiles. Using the same type of projectile, the group also targeted the "Abraham" intelligence headquarters in the occupied city of Bir as-Sabe [Beersheba] in the southern part of the occupied territories, it added.  Lastly, the resistance said, it carried out an operation against an “Israeli” target in the Dead Sea, using “appropriate weapons.” The strikes were conducted “in continuation of our path to resisting the occupation, in support of our people in Gaza, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly,” the group asserted. The fighters vowed to keep up their attacks as long as the regime sustained the war.

Permalink Eight Syrian Troops Wounded In Israeli Strikes On Damascus Outskirts

Israeli strikes hit a site in the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus, late on May 2, wounding eight Syrian soldiers and causing material losses, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency reported, citing a military source. | The unnamed source said that Israeli warplanes launched missiles from over the Golan Heights in northern Israel at a site around 10:05 p.m. local time [7:05 p.m. GMT].  Speaking to Reuters, a security source in the Iran-led alliance that backs the Syrian government alleged that the targeted site was a building, situated just south of the Sayyeda Zeinab Shiite shrine in southern Damascus, that was used by Syrian security forces.  Nevertheless, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based pro-opposition monitoring group, alleged that the building hit by the strikes had been used by members of the Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah group as a detention center since 2014.

Israel strikes target near Damascus (RT.com)

Permalink Very hard Russian strike in Odessa: NATO, the Headquarters of the "South" Command targeted

NATO weapons shipments, the Headquarters of the Command "South" and other targets were | The Russians struck with Iskander-M ballistic missiles and Iskander-K cruise missile targets inside Odessa, proceeding with one of the hardest blows of the last months. The city is engulfed in flames. The target was several warehouses of the courier and logistics company "Nova Poshta". ["New Post"] It is reported that there are many dead and injured among the warehouse staff. The caches reportedly contained weapons, grenades, and 155mm shells that had just been delivered from Romania by sea. In addition, Shkolny airport was hit. [...] "The headquarters of the operational command of the southern group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was hit by aviation, missile forces, and artillery," the Russian Defense Ministry announced. Ukrainian authorities said residential buildings and civilian infrastructure were damaged in Odesa in an overnight attack, while the southern military command in Ukraine said administrative and residential buildings and medical and educational institutions were hit. It is recalled that yesterday, Tuesday, April 30, 2024, Russian forces hit the so-called "Harry Potter Castle", a former politician's mansion, in Odessa, with cluster bombs. Four people were killed and 28 injured in the attack. What other targets were hit? According to Moscow, significant logistical support infrastructure, high-pressure water systems and unmanned surface vessel production lines in Ilyichevsk (Ukrainian name Chernomorsk) were also hit. Footage (Нова пошта) (I Love Translation)

Russia Revenges With Strikes On Decision Making Centre (South Front)
Russia Missile Strike Against NATO Officers in Odesa, Ukraine [?] (05/02/24)


Permalink Russia Missile Strike Against NATO Officers in Odesa, Ukraine [?]

High-Ranking NATO military officers were killed last night by 2 Iskander missile strikes launched against the Warehouse they were meeting in. | The two massive explosions also took out newly-arrived American military hardware, destined for the Ukrainian Army. The Novaya Pochta warehouse in Odessa is seen burning in the image above after the missiles struck. Casualties are considered "very high" given the number of Ambulances and nearby NATO helicopters apparently sent to evacuate the wounded -- or dead. Look for more news reports of NATO officers who "died suddenly" within the next few days.

SITREP 5/1/24: The Russian Steamroller Rolls On as Ukraine Braces for Impact (Simplicius The Thinker) | Russian Iskanders reportedly destroyed a huge Novaya Pochta mail warehouse in Odessa that, according to some sources, was housing one of the large new weapons shipments—particularly 155mm ammo—from NATO. [...] The fires and explosions were massive and are still raging for an entire day. [...] In the strikes, it’s said that an important Major of the Ukrainian Southern Command was eliminated.

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