
Permalink Ukraine Aircraft Strikes Interior Russia with West-Supplied Weapons

Ukrainian fighter jets have fired NATO missiles at a target on Russian territory for the first time in this war! A "Russian command node" was hit on Sunday in the area of Belgorod. Expect a massive response from Moscow. | NATO continues to use Ukraine to launch its attacks on Russia!  The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is deteriorating so fast, and on so many levels due to NATO interference, that Serbia's President Vucic now openly warns of World War 3 in Europe!!

💬 “We are months away from a full-scale war between NATO vs Russia!! All signs point to a major war in Europe!” said President Vucic. “We are heading for a major catastrophe, and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped." In a TV interview, Vucic went on to say "No one in the West is talking about peace anymore - only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don't think they will find a solution other than war and everything...everything is at stake." he continued.

In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war,” he said. Hal Turner Snap Analysis: NATO forces started direct attacks against Russia at the end of last month, when they gave the "green light" to Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia. We all know that NATO troops are doing it, not Ukrainians.

Alle Zeichen stehen auf einen grossen Krieg: Serbiens Präsident Aleksandar Vucic über die düsteren Zeiten der Gegenwart (Die Weltwoche) - VIDEO (Interview in English starts at the 7:00 mark)

Permalink US ‘flirting with neo-Nazis’ to hurt Russia – Kremlin

Moscow has condemned Washington’s decision to allow arms supplies to Ukraine’s notorious Azov Brigade | Washington will stop at nothing, including the use of neo-Nazis, to damage Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday, following a US decision to lift a ban on supplying weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade.  The unit has notoriously welcomed into its ranks people who espouse ultranationalist and neo-Nazi ideologies, and has been described by the Western press as a magnet for such individuals from across the world.  On Monday, the US Department of State cleared the brigade to receive American military assistance, stating that it found no evidence of human rights violations by the group.

US lifts arms ban on Ukrainian neo-Nazi unit (RT.com)

Permalink Israel Bombs Hermel, Lebanon

Israel Bombs Hermel, Lebanon | Israeli Air Force jets have conducted air strikes against the city of Hermel, Lebanon, in the far north of Lebanon, near the Syria border. For months, Israel has been demanding Hezbollah members in Lebanon be moved to "north of the Latani River" but Hermel is nowhere near that river or near southern Lebanon. Yet Israel has bombed it with multiple air strikes. Initial reports say there are numerous dead and injured.

Hezbollah intercepts an Israeli warplane, forces it to retreat (Al Mayadeen)
LIVE: Israel attacks Rafah as official says Hamas accepts Gaza ceasefire plan (Al Jazeera)

Permalink UN Security Council endorses US-backed resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire

The United Nations Security Council has passed a US-sponsored resolution that backs Washington's ceasefire plan in the Gaza Strip and calls on Palestinian group Hamas to accept it. | The resolution, which was backed by 14 nations except Russia, welcomed the truce and hostage release proposal announced on 31 May by President Joe Biden, and urged “both parties to fully implement its terms without delay and without condition”. Unlike earlier drafts, the resolution states that Israel has “accepted” the ceasefire proposal and calls on Hamas to do the same. [...] Hamas welcomed the resolution after the vote, saying it is ready to cooperate with mediators over implementing the principles of the plan.

Israel attacks Rafah as official says Hamas accepts Gaza ceasefire plan (Al Jazeera)
Iran calls on UN to pressure Israel into honoring ICJ rulings (Iran Front Page)

Permalink Russian Naval Group off Melbourne, Florida Coastline (Images)

The Russian Navy has a grouping of warships off the east coast of Florida, between Melbourne and Vero Beach. | One of the vessels involved is a Russian nuclear submarine. While [...] vessels from the Russian Navy are hanging out off Florida, the Russian Navy frigate Admiral Gorshkov - capable of carrying Zircon hypersonic missiles, arrives in Havana.

Hal Turner Remarks: Just so all of you grasp what's taking place here, the United States and our NATO vassals, are making more and more trouble for Russia, inside Ukraine. So now Russia is demonstrating to us they can make trouble for us...HERE...inside the United States. While what we are doing in Ukraine is causing the actual deaths of Russian soldiers, Russia has not yet decided to bring death to OUR people. Notice I said "yet."  This is what the US Congress and the US President are causing. While THEY play "the sport of Kings (war" in Ukraine, we the American people are the ones they are endangering HERE, inside our own country. If we get attacked here, inside America, by Russian forces, the sole and exclusive BLAME rests on members of the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the present illegitimate occupant of the Presidency.  They have been warned over and over again by Russia, to stop what they're doing. Yet Congress not only ignores the warnings, they up the ante and do even worse things. Sooner or later, once the Russians have had enough, they're going to show us that they are as powerful - if not more - than we are. Remember that when you see your member of Congress slithering out from a nuclear bunker after it's all over...and hold them accountable right then and there.

US to shadow Russian nuclear sub in Caribbean – CBS (RT.com)


Permalink Russia ready to strike NATO airfields hosting Ukrainian jets – MP

The head of Kiev’s air force, Sergey Golubtsov, previously stated that some F-16s donated to his country will be based abroad | Any airfields hosting Ukraine's F-16 fighter jets, whether they are in or outside the country, will be legitimate targets for the Russian military if they participate in combat missions against Moscow’s forces, the chairman of the Russian State Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, has warned.  The comments come as Kyiv prepares to receive the first delivery of US-made fighter jets from its Western backers after Ukrainian pilots were trained to fly them.  In a statement to RIA Novosti published on Monday, Kartapolov clarified that if the F-16s “are not used for their intended purpose” or are simply held in storage at foreign airbases with the intent to transfer them to Ukraine, where they will be equipped, maintained, and flown from Ukrainian airfields, then Russia would have no claims against its “former partners” and would not target them.  However, if the jets take off from foreign bases and carry out sorties and strikes against Russian forces, both the fighter planes and the airfields they are stationed at will be “legitimate targets,” according to Kartapolov.

Стали известны подробности о судьбе передаваемых Киеву истребителей F-16 (РИА Новости)

Permalink Assets worth 12 trillion: US Senator Graham named the reason for supporting Ukraine

US Senator Graham is recognized as a terrorist and extremist by the Russian Federation | Republican Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham* said in an interview with CBS that the United States does not want to give Russia the mineral resources that Ukraine has. According to him, its reserves are estimated at trillions of dollars. At the same time, the senator insists on the confiscation of Russian assets and the transfer of funds to help Ukraine. After the start of the CBO, the EU and G7 countries froze almost half of the Russian Federation’s foreign exchange reserves – approximately 300 billion euros.

💬 If we help Ukraine now, it can become the best business partner we have ever dreamed of, and $10-12 trillion worth of critical natural assets can be used by Ukraine and the West, rather than handed over to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and China.  There are $300 billion worth of assets in Europe that we should confiscate and transfer to Ukraine. There is Russian money in America that we should confiscate.

Using Ukraine Since 1948 (Joe Luria)

Permalink Scholz and Macron should resign – top Russian MP

The German chancellor and French president have “lost big time” in the European Parliament election, Vyacheslav Volodin says | French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have suffered crushing defeats in the European Parliament election and should resign, Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has said.  Writing on Telegram on Monday, Volodin weighed in on the preliminary results in the EU parliamentary vote, according to which right-wing forces have made significant strides, rattling traditional parties.

Germany’s Scholz suffers EU election blow (RT.com)
Italy’s Meloni solidifies power in EU Parliament (RT.com)
Le Pen ‘ready to exercise power’ after Macron party trounced (RT.com)
Macron calls snap parliamentary election (RT.com)
EU elections see far-right advance in key France, Germany (Al Mayadeen)

Permalink Yemeni naval forces strike British destroyer, two commercial vessels

Yemeni naval forces have carried out two separate operations against a British destroyer and two commercial vessels off the nation's coast, demonstrating solidarity with Palestinians amid the ongoing Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip. | The Yemeni military announced in a statement on Sunday that the forces targeted the HMS Diamond in the Red Sea with a number of ballistic missiles, emphasizing that the strike was “accurate.” The statement, however, did not say whether the retaliatory attack had caused any damage.  The Yemeni army further noted that the country’s naval forces had also attacked two commercial vessels which it identified as the Norderney and Tavvishi. The statement said the Tavvishi – which was in the Arabian Sea – and the Norderney had both been hit, and that a fire broke out on the Norderney.  Yemenis have declared their open support for Palestine’s struggle against the Israeli occupation since the regime launched a devastating war on Gaza on October 7 after the territory’s Palestinian resistance movements carried out a surprise retaliatory attack, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, against the occupying entity.

Yemen strikes UK warship in response to Israel’s Nuseirat massacre (The Cradle)

Permalink US Drone Flights Over Gaza Supported Israeli Operation That Killed Over 200 Palestinians in Nuseirat

A team of US special operations soldiers and intelligence personnel based in Israel assisted in the operation | Israel received intelligence support from the US in its Saturday operation in central Gaza’s Nuseirat camp that killed over 200 Palestinians and freed four Israeli hostages.  The intelligence support included information provided by US drone flights over Gaza. The US began flying MQ-9 Reaper drones over Gaza days after October 7 and deployed special operations forces to Israel, demonstrating that US military support for Israel goes beyond providing weapons.  The Washington Post reported that a team of US special operations soldiers and intelligence personnel based at the US Embassy in Jerusalem provided the intelligence support. Besides the drone flights, the US provided communications intercepts, and Israel also received intelligence support from the UK.

UN chief puts Israel on list of "global offenders against children" (ISNA)
‘I heard all of my friends’ last breath’: Testimonies from the Nuseirat massacre (Mondoweiss)
CENTCOM denies US-built Gaza port used for Israel's Nuseirat massacre (The Cradle)
US army aided Israel in bloody military op launched from Gaza 'Aid Pier' (The Cradle)
Israel Rescues FOUR Hostages; But KILLS 274 Palestinians in the process (Hal Turner)


Permalink Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022 (British Medical Journal)

Permalink Former US presidential contender says Washington seeks regime change in Russia

A concern shared by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk | The administration of US President Joe Biden wants to stage a regime change in Russia, former US presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy said - a concern shared by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk. 💬 "Listen carefully to Biden & the bipartisan warmonger caucus on Ukraine. It’s no longer just about ‘defending’ Ukraine. These lunatics are starting to sound like they want full-on offense on Russia. It’s lunacy," Ramaswamy wrote on the X social network. "The reason they never stated the war aim in Ukraine is they wanted the flexibility to move the goalpost. They’re going for what they’ve wanted all along: regime change in Russia (without thinking twice about the consequences)." US entrepreneur Elon Musk responded to Ramaswamy’s post by describing the situation as "very concerning."

West wants to defeat Russia militarily to get access to its wealth — Hungarian premier (TASS)

Permalink Six Westerners, incl. 3 Americans, on trial for DRC coup attempt

If convicted, some of the defendants could be sentenced to death or hefty prison terms as Judge Freddy Ehume stated that the Americans' charges are “punishable by death.” | The trial of the failed effort to overthrow the government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has begun in Kinshasa, involving 50 suspects, of whom three are American and three others are from the UK, Canada, and Belgium.  The defendants appeared at a military court on Friday in Kinshasha where they face counts of criminal conspiracy, murder, terrorism, and other charges for their suspected roles in last month’s failed coup attempt.  If convicted, some of the defendants could be sentenced to death or hefty prison terms as Judge Freddy Ehume stated that the Americans' charges are “punishable by death.”

Americans put on trial over failed African coup attempt (RT.com)

Permalink Ukraine fully governed, sponsored by West — Russian security official

Dmitry Medvedev also said that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz should repent before Ukrainians for "for his lies about imminent victory," for "devoting Ukrainians to destruction" and for "the revival of Nazism" | At this point, Ukraine is fully controlled, governed and sponsored by the United States and its NATO allies, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev.  "Ukraine? What is Ukraine? The present-day Ukraine is <…> some sort of a dominion, which is directly governed by the United States and NATO countries. They have been sustaining it," Medvedev said, commenting on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s remarks that Ukraine is "strong and cannot be brought to its knees."  He also said that Scholz should repent before Ukrainians for "for his lies about imminent victory," for "devoting Ukrainians to destruction" and for "the revival of Nazism.".

Украина? Что это? Сегодня б. Украина, если говорить высоким штилем, нечто вроде доминиона, который прямо управляется США и странами НАТО. Она, хотя и не без труда, полностью содержится ими. (D. Medvedev)
Scholz is ‘rotten liverwurst’ – ex-Russian president (RT.com)
No One Can Rule Out A Transition of the Conflict to Its Final Stage (Dmitry Medvedev)(05/31/24)
Dixi Et Animam Levavi (Dmitry Medvedev)(02/29/24)

Permalink Gaza gov't media office: 210 martyred in Nuseirat refugee camp

Earlier today, the Israeli occupation forces launched numerous airstrikes on the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, an Al Mayadeen correspondent reported. | According to Gaza's government media office, Israeli raids on a major Gaza Refugee camp killed at least 210 Palestinians on Saturday. In a statement, the office stated "The number of victims from the Israeli occupation's massacre in the Nuseirat camp has risen to 210 martyrs and more than 400 wounded." Heartbreaking videos were shared on social media of dozens of martyrs killed by the Israeli indiscriminate bombing of the Nuseirat Refugee camp. Many of the martyrs have been turned into pieces scattered across the streets of the camp.

Israel keeps pounding central Gaza as Palestinian death toll in hostage rescue raid rises to 274 (Reuters)
Israel infiltrated Nuseirat camp using humanitarian aid trucks, furniture lorries (PressTV)
‘Bloodbath’: Gaza hospitals overwhelmed by dead, wounded in Israeli raid (Al Jazeera)
'Israel' used captives to kill, starve Palestinians: UN expert (Al Mayadeen/Francesca Albanese)


Permalink Live: Death toll from attacks on Nuseirat rises to 210

Al Jazeera is reporting from outside Israel because it has been banned by the Israeli government. ‘Chaos inside the hospital’ after intense Israeli attacks  Deadly Israeli air raids in Deir el-Balah Israeli forces have launched air raids in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah, leaving a number of killed and wounded. Director of Kuwaiti Specialized Hospital in Rafah says there are dozens of corpses on the streets of people killed by the Israeli army with rescue workers unable to reach the injured people.

US involved in Israeli operation in Nuseirat that killed over 200 Palestinians (MEE)
'Catastrophic' Israeli strikes in central Gaza leave 210 dead (MEE)
Israel unleashes “unprecedented bloodshed” in West Bank (Electronic Intifada)
Day 246: 36,801 killed, 83,680 injured in Gaza (Al Mayadeen)
Army Abducts 36 Palestinians in Hebron, Seizes 50 Vehicles (IMEMC News)

Permalink It will never be home’: Artist Sandra Watfa on Palestine, genocide and growing up in England

Mariam Amini | Physical upheaval has been a defining characteristic of the Palestinian experience. Amid Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, the Palestinian artist reflects on her family’s own displacement from Akka and her journey to the UK | The door opens to a bundle of curly, silver hair. Wearing a black hoodie and leggings, Sandra Watfa offers an inviting smile as she clears the entrance to her London home.  Inside, the aura is one of purposeful zen. Ocean blue walls and patterned cushions evoke a sense of longing for the Levantine coast. “I was born in Lebanon by the sea,” says Watfa, about the palette. “I didn’t know anything other than that.” She brings over a white mug patterned with tiny Palestinian flags at its base. A plate of baklava and ginger biscuits dresses the table.  “Growing up in a Palestinian family, you begin to understand the repercussions of being in a country that is not your own,” she says.  Watfa’s parents fled Akka during the Nakba of 1948, which saw the Zionist dispossession of Palestinian land to establish the Israeli state. With the family having found refuge in Lebanon, where the artist was born, the onset of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975 led to a second exodus.“We ended up in Greece, which oddly enough, made Lebanon feel like home. A year and a half later, we came here, which made Athens feel like home.”  Physical upheaval has been a defining characteristic of the Palestinian experience. For many Palestinians, the search for safety and belonging continues today, as demonstrated by the ongoing displacement and killing of Palestinians in Gaza since the start of the war in October. “I didn’t speak a word of English. It literally felt like landing on a different planet. The weather, the coldness of the people - it was very difficult at first.” (More @ Middle East Eye)

Permalink NATO preparing for potential ground war with Russia – including plans for U.S. troop involvement

NATO preparing for potential ground war with Russia – including plans for U.S. troop involvement | NATO is mapping out "land corridors" to enable U.S. troops and other allied forces to reach the front lines quicker in the event of a broader European ground war with Russia. The move follows warnings from NATO leaders [aka a coterie of Grade 'A' sociopaths] earlier this year urging Western governments to prepare themselves for a full-blown war with Russia sometime in the next 20 years. The newly established troop expressways would see American soldiers landing at one of five designated ports. They would then be deployed along pre-established routes depending on how a potential attack by Moscow would play out, NATO officials told The Telegraph.

Permalink Izvestia: West should consider consequences of transferring long-range weapons to Ukraine - Russian diplomat

Head of Russia’s Delegation to the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control Konstantin Gavrilov in an interview with Izvestia [...] Gavrilov noted that it is necessary to complete the special military operation in Ukraine in 2-3 years, before the West organizes the production of shells.

💬 "I don't see them increasing the supply of weapons. It seems to me quite the opposite - there is a shortage of artillery shells, NATO and US warehouses are empty, the Czech Republic can't fulfill orders for the production of shells, they can't get the 800,000 they need from around the world. 150-mm Italian [shells] do not fit the Spanish [facilities] <...> They are in complete disarray. But the West will take two to three years to set up production - during this time we need to settle things with Ukraine," Gavrilov noted.

'Confident' Putin: Western Media Reflects on Russian President's SPIEF Speech (Sputnik News)
Plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (President of Russia)(Vladimir Putin's Speech)
Russia ‘not even thinking’ of using nuclear weapons – Putin (RT.com)
Putin responds to African leader’s ‘gift’ offer (RT.com)
«Что ВСУ, что наемники — нашей артиллерии и авиации всё равно» (iz.ru)

Permalink CIA Agent Testifies "We Invented mRNA As A Bioweapon With Gates And WEF

Forbidden News has divulged the “news” of an unknown CIA whistleblower – no names given – who tells us how the CIA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the WEF, and the Rockefeller Foundation, have invented the mRNA killer-technology. | The COVID plandemic was a tool to convert the surviving humanity into a surveillance state – into a One World Order (OWO), following a One World Government (OWG), with digital, programmable money – so-called “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC), with mandatory vaccination, to eliminate a large proportion of useless people (Schwab’s Israeli adviser Yuval Noah Harari), to free up resources for the elite. These deadly “vaxxes”, the Secret CIA agent says, were not developed in warp speed for a non-existent deadly virus, but were prepared at least ten years ahead of the plandemic to be used for depopulating the planet.

Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows (Slay News)

Permalink UK: Breaking: NIGEL FARAGE Calls for Public Inquiry re COVID Jab

"We were told take the vaccine, the so-called "vaccine" and you won't catch Covid, take the vaccine and you won't pass Covid on, both of those things were totally, completely untrue. We were told the vaccine was safe in every way, frankly it had not been through anything like the normal testing...and now we know there are elderly pensioners on their seventh jab, that's not the kind of vaccine you and I grew up with, you have a vaccine once and were inoculated for life. So I do think there needs to be a massive investigation not just into harms that were caused by the vaccines, all vaccines cause side effects., but there does seem to be an alarming number of people, young men in particular, who have developed myocarditis and other heart conditions."


Permalink Full-scale war in Lebanon will push 'Israel' into abyss: Israeli media

Israeli media discuss the dangers of expanding the war with Lebanon, stressing that this "will push Israel to the brink of the abyss." | Israeli media discussed the dangers of expanding the war with Lebanon into a full-scale war, stressing it would "push Israel to the brink of the abyss, especially with the absence of international legitimacy and an exhausted army." Military affairs analyst Amos Harel, writing for Haaretz, emphasized,

💬 "A war with Hezbollah would present an unprecedented challenge to Israel's home front, with the northern and central regions confronting a level of threat previously unseen." He added, "It is increasingly challenging to anticipate positive developments on the horizon, particularly as we approach the ninth month of war." Harel continued, citing "a series of discussions held over the past two weeks with officials in security and military circles," which disclosed growing signs that "Israel is heading towards a multidimensional failure."

In this context, he emphasized that "Israel" finds itself entangled in all fronts, with the most critical being "the arena of confrontation with Hezbollah in Lebanon," facing the looming threat of a full-scale war. He warned that such a war would dwarf all previous events, asserting, "Everything that occurred before would pale in comparison."

Israeli president threatens war on Hezbollah (RT.com)
Hezbollah Inflicts More Losses upon Israeli Enemy Troops, Fires Air Defense Missiles at War Jets (Al Manar TV)
HRW: Israel’s White Phosphorous Use against South Lebanon Risks Civilian Harm (Al Manar TV)
Israel’s War on Lebanon’s Trees (Bilal Nour Al-Deen)

Permalink Israeli strikes kill scores in northern and central Gaza

Meanwhile, Netanyahu is expected to speak in front of US Congress on 24 July Israeli strikes on Friday have killed at least 11 Palestinians in central Gaza, six of them in Maghazi and five in Nuseirat, according to the Wafa news agency. Two people were also killed in an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. The strikes come as US President Joe Biden claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “listening” to him regarding his prior warnings against an invasion in Rafah.

Day 244: 32 Killed in Another School Massacre by Israeli Forces (IMEMC News) As the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip entered its 244th day, the occupation army committed a massacre on Thursday morning by bombing a school belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), in which hundreds of displaced people were located, in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.  At least 32 civilians were killed and dozens more were seriously injured when an Israeli missile targeted the Nuseirat Preparatory Boys School, which is one of the schools being used as a makeshift shelter for Palestinians in Nuseirat camp, in central Gaza.  An Israeli warplane targeted the upper floors of the school around 2:15 a.m. while the people there were sleeping. The missile penetrated several school classrooms, which led to the deaths and injuries of a large number.  Also in Nuseirat camp, 6 civilians were killed and others were injured as a result of the Israeli occupation warplanes bombing a house belonging to the Al-Madani family in the camp. The Israeli occupation artillery launched a violent bombardment on the eastern area of ​​the Bureij camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli Quadcopter warplane also opened fire in the vicinity of the Nakheel Hall in the camp.

Israeli attacks kill at least 15 Palestinians in central Gaza since dawn today (Al Jazeera)

Permalink Why Hamas cannot accept Israel's ceasefire proposal

David Hearst | Contrary to Biden's portrayal of the deal, it does not guarantee an end to the war, nor a full withdrawal of Israeli forces | If anyone owns the daily carnage in Gaza being carried out by an angry and humiliated Israeli army, whose ranks are filled with religious settlers, it is US President Joe Biden. From the first days after the Hamas attack on 7 October, Biden framed this savage act of collective punishment on 2.3 million Palestinians as a just war. It was he who led the charge that Israel had the right to defend itself. It was he who sabotaged calls for an immediate ceasefire at the UN Security Council. It was he who replenished Israel’s stocks of smart bombs and missiles. And it is under his watch that the US turned its back on the two highest courts of international justice.

Permalink Germany Updates Wartime Measures - Draft Laws reactivated!

Germany has updated its wartime measures for the first time since the Cold War, preparing for potential conflict with Russia. The new plan includes:

Compulsory conscription reinstated: Citizens can be drafted at any time.
Evacuation of citizens and food rationing: Plans for mass evacuation and ensuring one hot meal per day through rationing.
Makeshift bunkers and prepared hospitals: Subway stations to be used as bunkers; hospitals ready for sudden influx of    patients.
Emergency food reserves stored secretly: Stockpiles of food in undisclosed locations for crisis situations.
Job bans in key sectors: Prohibitions on quitting jobs critical to defense; media must publish official updates.
NATO troop movements: Facilitating the rapid movement of NATO troops through Germany to the eastern front.
Civilian roles for healthcare professionals: Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and vets repurposed for military and civil service.
Priority repairs for military equipment: Quick repair and maintenance of military gear; increased defense budget commitments    to NATO.

These measures follow threats of retaliation from Putin, should Germany allow Ukraine to strike Russian territories.

Hal Turner States the Obvious: What does it tell you that Germany has done this after "threats of retaliation should Germany allow Ukraine to Strike Russian territories?" It tells ME that Germany...IS GOING TO...allow Ukraine to strike Russian Territories and they are now preparing to be retaliated against! Why else would Germany do this except they already know what they're going to do, and what Russia WILL do in response? Folks, Western governments are CREATING World War 3. Deliberately. I don't want World War 3, do you? Let's try to get our government public servants back under our control before they get a whole slew of us KILLED. Germany is at it again. Wrong side of history.

German defence expert urges army to recruit 900,000 reservists (MSM.com)
Germany must be ready for war – defense minister (RT.com)

Permalink War in Ukraine: By sending Mirage fighters, France steps up support for Kyiv

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday, June 6, that France would send Ukraine Mirage 2000-5s fighter jets. He did not specify the number of fighter jets to be delivered, of which France has a limited number. | French President Emmanuel Macron surprised observers on Thursday, June 6, in a televised interview on TF1 and France 2 conducted after the commemorations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when he announced that France would be sending fighter jets to Ukraine. "A plan for the transfer" of Mirage 2000-5s fighters will be launched "as soon as tomorrow," the French president said, on the eve of a visit to Paris by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Permalink EU looks at using its own budget as guarantee for huge loan to Ukraine

European Commission fears an alternative proposal put forward by U.S. is too risky for taxpayers. | The EU signaled it could massively scale up its financing of Ukraine by securing its own multibillion euro loan to fund the war-ravaged nation instead of relying on a broader U.S.-led initiative.  The European Commission is floating the idea of using future interest generated by the investment of Russian assets frozen in Europe to pay back a loan that would, crucially, use the might of the bloc's €1.2 trillion seven-year budget as collateral. This is similar to a joint proposal pushed by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, but would see the EU acting alone.

The EU wants to provide loans to Kyiv secured by its own budget (PolitNavigator.net)
The European sponsors of war in Ukraine (SCF)(InfoGraphic)
Les ministres de l’OTAN examinent la mise en œuvre d’un fonds de 100 milliards d’euros pour l’Ukraine (EurActiv)

Permalink Freedom of speech has disappeared in Europe – ex-Austrian FM to RT panel

The continent has “lost its soul,” Karin Kneissl has argued | Freedom of speech and other key liberties have disappeared in Europe and will not return any time soon, former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl has said during a panel organized by RT as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

💬 Europe was previously “a dreamland” for people in other parts of the world due to its “constitutionalism, freedom, equality of women and men, security and welfare state,” Kneissl said during the discussion on Friday. “Well, sorry to say, but all that is gone… what Europe was is gone, and I deplore it,” she stated. According to the former diplomat, who was in charge of Austria’s Foreign Ministry between 2017 and 2019, the continent “has lost its soul… it has sold its soul.”

RT hosted a discussion titled ‘The Empire of Evil: Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’ as part of the 2024 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The event featured several high-profile speakers, including former UN Special Commission weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who was prevented by the US authorities from coming to Russia to participate in the forum, as well as Tara Reade – a former aide to Joe Biden – and the great nephew of Otto von Bismarck, Alexander von Bismarck.


Permalink Putin outlines Russian response to long-range strikes

Moscow is considering arming adversaries of West in “sensitive” areas | Russia is considering “asymmetric” measures against Kyiv’s sponsors due to Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weapons against its territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. The Russian leader’s remarks came at a meeting with heads of international news agencies on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

💬 “We have no illusions in this regard,” Putin added, repeating his prior comments that Ukrainian troops might be pulling the trigger but the US and its allies are providing the intelligence and targeting information. [...] “Secondly, if someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory… why shouldn’t we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world, where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries?” the Russian president added. “We can respond asymmetrically. We will give it a thought.” [...] If the West continues to escalate, such actions “will completely destroy international relations and undermine international security,” Putin noted. “If we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against Russia, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way. This is a recipe for very serious problems,” he warned.

The Russian president also brought up the fact that some military instructors and advisers from NATO countries have already been deployed to Ukraine, and that a number of them were killed in Russian strikes.

Retired US Army Officer: Scary How West Pushing World to Brink of Nuclear War (Sputnik News)
US close to ‘fatal’ miscalculation – Moscow (06/04/24)
No One Can Rule Out A Transition of the Conflict to Its Final Stage (05/31/24)
Russia may arm US enemies, just like Washington does with Ukraine (Dmitry Medvedev)
Это весьма существенное изменение нашей внешней политики. (Дмитрий Медведев)

Permalink War in Ukraine started with coup in Kiev – Putin

The West and particularly the US are to blame for the crisis, the Russian president insists | The tragic events currently unfolding in Ukraine started with the US-backed 2014 coup d’etat in Kyiv, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, stressing that the West is to blame for the conflict. Putin was speaking with heads of international news agencies on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

💬 “Everyone [in the West] believes that Russia started the war in Ukraine. But no one – I want to emphasize this – no one in the West, in Europe, wants to remember how this tragedy began,” the president said, responding to a question by a German journalist. [...] “It began with a coup in Ukraine – an unconstitutional coup d'état. This is the beginning of the war. Well, is Russia to blame for this coup? No.” [...] “No one planned to execute the Minsk agreements, they publicly stated they were not going to implement it,” the Russian president stressed, adding: “We were deceived.”

The Russian leader pointed out that everyone seems to have forgotten how the foreign ministers of Poland, Germany, and France arrived in Kyiv and signed the Minsk agreements as guarantors of peacefully resolving the crisis in Ukraine. These countries now prefer not to remember this, instead, they decided to resolve the conflict by use of arms against civilians in Eastern Ukraine, Putin said.

War in Ukraine Began After the 2014 Coup, Not Because of Russia - Putin (Sputnik News)
Zelensky ‘seized power’ in Ukraine – Putin (RT.com)
Kremlin calls US ‘an enemy’ for first time (RT.com)
The Reckless Brinkmanship With Russia Just Keeps on Escalating (Caitlin Johnstone)

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