
Permalink LATVIA: Woman Sentenced to 3 Years Prison for flying Russian flag

A Latvian Court sentenced activist Yelena Kreile to three (3) years in prison for displaying a Russian flag in the window of her apartment. The woman was charged under a law that proscribes justifying genocide or war crimes. | Hal Turner Editorial Opinion: This is the child-like level of the government of Latvia; apparently little more than a group of spoiled brat children demanding everyone see, think, and do as they. It is also a stark reminder of the totalitarian nature of so-called "Tolerant" Europe. Once again, so-called "tolerant" Europe shows itself to be a complete fraud because its citizens and government are too weak-minded to tolerate even an opinion. Or, is is not a case of weak-minded, but rather overt, tyranny? Maybe Latvia needs to be purged of Nazis, again? Russia would do well to send the Russian army into Latvia, put-down its government by force, and restore liberty to the people being held hostage by the ideological madmen in the Latvia government/courts.


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