
Permalink The French Fraudulent Disaster Elections

Peter Koenig | It looks and feels like this past Sunday, 7 July 2024, second round French election is one of the biggest election frauds in French history, maybe even in European history. | The vote engineers have been at it in the same way they have been at it in the 2020 US elections, when by all appearance, President Trump, the Republican, but much more important, the anti-Globalist, won with a landslide. However, the Democrat, Joe Biden, an easily bought Globalist, suddenly emerged as the winner.  Similarly in France, Madame Le Pen’s Party, the National Rally (NR), is called unfairly by all mainstream as the Populist far-right, when in reality, Madame Le Pen is primarily an anti-Globalist wanting a new sovereign France, not one submissive to the European Union and by proxy to the United States, as are most members of the EU. These two-tier elections, with a second round when no first-round absolute majority winner emerges, are tailor-made for fraud.


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