
Permalink American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

Ron Unz | Israel Shahak and the Middle East  The Unusual Doctrines of Traditional Judaism  The Attitude of Judaism Towards Non-Jews  The Historical Role of Jews in Western Societies  The Controversial Scholarship of Ariel Toaff [...] My encounter a decade ago with Shahak’s candid description of the true doctrines of traditional Judaism was certainly one of the most world-altering revelations of my entire life. But as I gradually digested the full implications, all sorts of puzzles and disconnected facts suddenly became much more clear. There were also some remarkable ironies, and not long afterward I joked to a (Jewish) friend of mine that I’d suddenly discovered that Nazism could best be described as “Judaism for Wimps” or perhaps Judaism as practiced by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. [...]

“Jewish values”? (Nahida Izzat)
THE EXPRESSION OF HATRED FOR GENTILES Richard Edmondson/Nahida Izzat) (10/04/14)


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