
Permalink Hungary Being Pushed out of the EU?

Martin Armstrong | There is no European Union. There is a European authority within the pretend union that controls all members. | The European Union has revoked Hungary of its right to host the next summit. The EU supposedly has a rotating presidency of council to maintain the appearance that each state has an equal say in the direction of the bloc. The truth of the matter is that the unelected elite in Brussels control all of Europe and will silence dissenters, as Hungray’s Viktor Orban recently learned.  The next EU summit was to take place August 28-29 was slated to be Hungary’s opportunity to share its ideas for matters like foreign policy with the rest of the bloc. EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell planned a “formal” council meeting on the exact dates of Hungary’s summit to undermine the country’s voice in the bloc. Now, Borrell is revoking Budapest’s ability to host the next meeting and moving it to Brussels.


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