
Permalink Criminal Case Against Italian Journalists for Illegally Crossing the Russian Border (Aug 18)

Commentary by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Ms. M.V. Zakharova. | As you know, Russian law enforcement authorities have opened a criminal case against Italian journalists for illegally crossing the Russian border. And this, in my opinion, is not the biggest crime of the staff of the Rai TV channel. What has rightly aroused the public, is that the Western media continue to engage in the purposeful rehabilitation of Ukrainian neo-Nazis and revision of the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

 Previously, correspondent Ilario Pianerelli has already made his mark with stories about Bucha and a dead neo-Nazi from Russia's banned Right Sector. Now he took it to a new level, or better to say - dived to a new depth, taking a video interview with a Veseushnik in a cap with the insignia of the SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler”. For those who do not know, it was an elite formation, created based on Hitler's guard, later deployed in the 1st SS Panzer Corps.

 Based on the materials of the Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of Atrocities of the Nazi Invaders, the division “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler” is included in the list of Wehrmacht and SS formations and units that committed war crimes on the territory of the USSR. The division participated in the Battle of Kursk, operated in Italy, fought against the Allies in Normandy and the Ardennes. At the Nuremberg Trials, the entire organization of SS troops, including the “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler”, was recognized as criminal.

 Maybe next time Pianerelli will film a Ukronazi with the symbols of the SS division "Reichsführer SS"? It would be more symbolic for Italian audiences on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the tragedy in the village of Mardzabotto south of Bologna. Between September 29 and October 5, 1944, in retaliation for guerrilla and Resistance attacks on German soldiers, the punishers of this division killed, according to various sources, between 770 and 1,830 civilians (of whom 155 were under the age of 10, 95 between 10 and 16, 142 over 60, 316 were women, and five were priests). The Italian media increasingly resembles the NSDAP organ "Völkischer Beobachter." We await official Rome's reaction. (Translation: DeepL + Grammarly)

Italian state TV broadcast Nazi symbols – Moscow (RT.com)


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