
Permalink RE.: Criminal Case Against Italian Journalists (Aug 19)

Commentary by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Ms. M.V. Zakharova. | Media: “A journalist of the Italian state broadcaster Ilario Pianenerelli, who last week released a report with an AFU soldier wearing a cap with the SS division insignia, said that he ‘deeply regrets’ it, but called the social media hype a tool of pro-Russian propaganda

 First, no one has the right to insult anti-fascists by suspicion of bias and non-self-importance.
 Secondly, believing that it was Russia that drew attention to the terrible informational pandering of the Italian media to the Kyiv neo-Nazis, the Italian journalist records the historical role of our country and our people in the fight against fascism, Nazism, racism, and all their derivatives. What Ilario Pianenerelli calls “pro-Russian propaganda” is the propaganda of anti-fascism - this was bequeathed to us by our ancestors who liberated the world from the brown plague at the cost of their lives.

Yes, we propagandize the fight against fascism and Nazism. And we will always propagandize! (Translation: DeepL + Grammarly)


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