
Permalink LETTER FROM LONDON: On the UK Terrorism Act

Alexander Mercouris | In the wake of the Medhurst arrest, Alexander Mercouris looks back at the genesis of the Terrorism Act under which the journalist was held. | At the time when Prime Minister Tony Blair brought in the Terrorism Act 2000 — note that this was before 9/11 – I was working in the Royal Courts of Justice. As I remember the lawyers were buzzing about it, worried about its vague and sloppy language, and its overt authoritarianism and capacity for abuse. There was general incredulity that Blair, who is himself a lawyer, as of course is his wife, and his Home Secretary Jack Straw, who is also a lawyer and a former adviser of Barbara Castle, one of the most revered figures in modern Labour history, would bring in a law like that. Looking back and thinking of those days, it’s amazing how naive we were. Here we are and this terrible law is now being used against journalists, and is being used in a way which violates fundamental human rights.

‘Can’t Make This Up’: Journalist Arrested Under UK Anti-Terror Law Hours After Criticizing It (Brett Wilkins)


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