
Permalink Durov leaves court after facing charges

Journalists waiting outside the court building failed to reach him for comments | Co-founder of the Telegram messenger app Pavel Durov has left the court building after being charged with numerous offences related to Telegram administration, a TASS correspondent reported. He left the territory of the court in a black minivan. Journalists waiting outside the court building failed to reach him for comments.  Earlier, the court charged him with six offences out of 12 named previously, the capital prosecutor’s office said in a statement. The charges include the refusal to cooperate with the authorities, complicity in dissemination of child pornography, complicity in drug trafficking and in a fraud, committed within an organized group. According to the Paris prosecutor’s office, he may face a prison term of up to ten years and a fine of 500,000 euro.  The judge in charge of Durov’s case placed him under judicial control with an obligation to post a bail of 5 million euros, to report to the police station twice a week and he is forbidden to leave the territory of France.

Durov under investigation for child abuse (Big News Network/AFP)
Telegram CEO Durov Released From Custody, Says Telegram Complies With The Law (Sputnik News)
Pavel Durov’s Naivete Was His Achilles’ Heel (Andrew Korybko)
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