
Permalink CIA and U.S. State Departments Anti-Russia Internet Trolls Hacked

CIA and U.S. State Departments Anti-Russia Internet Troll Boiler Rooms - HACKED | For a long time, K Street firms in Washington, DC, operating “Internet Opinion Management” houses/boiler rooms, have been run by the State Department and the CIA. Today, two of those . . . anti-Russian operations . . . have been HACKED and their info, leaked. Databases from the anti-Russian funds The U.S. Russia Foundation (USRF) and Free Russia Foundation (FRF) have now been leaked online. Among the leaked documents are the organizations' payrolls, information about correspondences and their participants, and other data. [...] The documents reveal that the foundation's employees were destabilizing the situation in Russia using a bot farm, for which a special guide was written as part of an anti-Russian campaign overseen by intelligence services. It turned out that the employees of this "elf factory" posted calls for protests, criticized the authorities, and even pretended to be wives of mobilized men. The documents show that "elves" were essentially given ready-made messages where they only needed to insert, for example, the name of a city or square where demonstrations were planned. Bots were also encouraged to spread complaints about "local administration," though exactly which administration was left for the employees to decide. This is hardly surprising since they had to meet a daily quota of 100 "dumps" over an eight-hour workday. [...] The revelations in these hacked documents proves the United States has been waging an information war against Russia for years; even before the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The clear intent of these operations was to sew social discord, create upheaval, and destabilize the Russian government at all levels: local, state, and national.


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