
Permalink [Jewish] Washington wants Ukraine’s resources – US Senator

Kiev is sitting on a “trillion dollars’ worth of minerals” that are “good” for the US economy, US Senator Lindsey Graham says | US Senator Lindsey Graham has openly said Washington needs Ukraine’s natural resources and that, therefore, military aid to the country must continue until Kiev is able to “win” its conflict with Russia.  The South Carolina Republican, one of the top backers of Kiev within the US establishment, made the remarks on Friday in Kiev, speaking alongside leader Vladimir Zelensky. He praised the Ukrainians and their purported resolve to fight Moscow no matter what, noting that this means that Americans themselves don’t have to do this, only to provide the weaponry.

💬 “They [the Ukrainians] are sitting on a trillion dollars’ worth of minerals that could be good to our economy. So, I w nt to keep helping our friends in Ukraine. We can win this. They need our help,” Graham stated.

[...] Graham’s new admission matches the assessment of the US motives recently outlined by Russia’s ex-president and the incumbent deputy chair of the National Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev. Last week, Medvedev claimed both Kiev and its Western backers have been focused on holding their grip on Donbass solely over its natural-resource riches.

💬 “According to open-source data, the total value of Ukraine’s former mineral resource base is estimated at almost $14.8 trillion, but $7.3 trillion of this is now in the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. That means almost half of the former Ukraine’s national wealth is in Donbass!” Medvedev explained in a lengthy Telegram post. “To get access to the coveted minerals, the Western parasites shamelessly demand that their wards wage war to the last Ukrainian. They are already directly voicing such intent without hesitation,” Russia’s former leader added.

Graham urges more aid to 'trillion dollars’ worth of minerals' Ukraine (Al Mayadeen)
Assets worth 12 trillion: US Senator Graham named the reason for supporting Ukraine (06/10/24)
The Increase in Ukrainian Casualties (Glenn Diesen)


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