
Permalink Dead Humans Liquefied, Then Fed Back to the Population via Fertilizers

One could call it involuntary cannibalism, or you could use the term Soylent Green, from a classic dystopian film about humans being fed their own kind without their knowledge. [...] Coroners and embalmers are blowing the whistle on one of the grossest atrocities now happening to American food, water and cheap supplements. Alkaline hydrolysis, also called liquid cremation, is the process of decomposing a human body using ultra-hot water and a strong base solution. Mainstream media claims there’s no human DNA, flesh or pathogens left after the big melt down, but then, who believes anything Big Food claims anymore. Remember, they’re the ones who say canola oil is “heart healthy” and fluoride in tap water is “good for building strong teeth.” [...] This whistleblower coroner says this recycling of dead people into the food and water supply is happening in most U.S. states. Human bones are being ground up into powder and used as calcium phosphate for prescriptions that “treat” calcium deficiencies.


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