
Permalink 'UN, what are you waiting for to stop the genocide in Gaza?' — Erdogan

Just as Hitler was stopped by an international alliance 70 years ago, Netanyahu must be stopped, President Erdogan says in his speech at the annual UN General Assembly. | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pressed global leaders to recognise Palestine as a state.

💬 “I invite those states that have yet to recognise Palestine to stand on the right side of history during this critical period and promptly acknowledge the Palestinian state,” President Erdogan said in his address to the UNGA in New York on Tuesday.  “In recent years, the United Nations has failed to carry out its foundational mission, gradually transforming into an inefficient, cumbersome, and inactive structure,” Erdogan stated, underscoring the need for reform within the global body.

The creation of a fully independent and sovereign Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital and ensuring its territorial integrity, must no longer be delayed, Erdogan underlined. The Turkish leader also voiced his growing frustration with the UN's inability to take decisive steps to end conflicts, emphasising that the organisation has become increasingly ineffective.

President Erdogan’s UNGA speech: From Gaza to the "world is bigger than five" (Dr. Mehmet Celik)


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