
Permalink The event that had been anticipated...

Dmitry Medvedev (Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council) (Дмитрий Медведев) |The President of Russia has outlined approaches to the new edition of the Fundamentals of State Policy in the field of nuclear deterrence. The main changes are as follows:
1. Aggression against Russia by a non-nuclear-weapon state, but with the support or participation of a nuclear-armed country, will be considered a joint attack. Everyone understands which countries we are talking about.
2. Equal nuclear protection will be established for Belarus as our closest ally. To the “ delight” of Poland and numerous NATO pygmies.
3. Massive launch and crossing of our border by the enemy's aerospace means of destruction, including airplanes, missiles and UAVs, under certain conditions can become the basis for the use of nuclear weapons. A reason to think not only about the rotten neo-Nazi regime, but also about all of Russia's enemies, who are pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe.

It is clear that each situation that gives reason to turn to nuclear defense must be assessed in conjunction with other factors, and the decision to use nuclear weapons will be made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. However, the very change in the normative conditions of our country's use of nuclear components may cool down the ardor of those opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation. And for the dumb-heads, only the Roman maxim will remain:

"Cælo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare..."("We believed from his thundering that Jupiter had dominion in the heavens...")[The soldier forfeits his country who surrenders himself to the enemy in battle. In this ode the political object of Horace is to stigmatize the Roman soldiers, who, being made prisoners—or, to use an appropriate French word, détenus-after the defeat of Crassus, had accustomed themselves to the country in which they were detained, married into barbarian families. (Source)]

(Translation: DeepL (free version) + Grammarly)

Putin Explicitly Confirmed What Was Already Self-Evident About Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine (Andrew Korybko)
Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine (09/25/24)


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