
Permalink Ukraine could not use British missiles effectively without US data – Times

Storm Shadow missiles will not hit their targets if London unilaterally allows Kiev to strike deep into Russia, sources have said | Ukraine will not be able to effectively use British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles for long-range attacks on Russia without targeting data provided by the US, The Times has reported. [...] The Times noted that “Britain could fire Storm Shadows without US approval or assistance, but they might be intercepted by Russian air defenses or be diverted off-course.” A UK defense source told the outlet that Storm Shadows, which were jointly developed by UK and France, “probably would not survive in the contested, electronically jammed environment that the Russians have.” Russian electronic warfare has rendered GPS useless. They jam it. So it has to use another type of data set instead, which is American-owned,” the source stressed. According to The Times, such data is classified, but it is likely linked to American ground-mapping capabilities.

Russia warns NATO of ‘direct war’ over Ukraine (09/14/24)

Permalink ⚡There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic

Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Introduction | Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute a “solution” to combating a novel coronavirus which mysteriously emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province (PRC) in late December 2019. That was the imposed “solution” —implemented in several stages from the very outset–, leading to The March 2020 Lockdown and the Rollout of a so-called Covid 19 “Vaccine” in December 2020, which since its inception has resulted in an upward trend in excess mortality. It’s the destruction of people’s lives Worldwide. It is the destabilization of civil society.  Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and Repetitive “Covid alerts” in the course of more than three years. In turn, the ongoing fear campaign had devastating impacts on people’s health. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity.

Permalink US announces plans to deploy treaty-banned MRC Typhon missile systems in Japan

The United States plans to deploy missile systems banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty on Japanese territory. We are talking about the MRC Typhon system. This is reported by The Japan Times. | The United States continues to deploy medium-range missile systems in the Asia-Pacific region, taking advantage of the fact that the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is no longer in effect. The Americans made their first attempt in the Philippines, where the MRC Typhon was deployed as part of joint exercises. Now it is Japan's turn. The system deployed on its territory is capable of hitting targets in the DPRK, China and Russia.

China to take 'effective measures' if US missiles deployed in Asia — general (TASS)
US missile deployment in Asia poses biggest danger to region — general (TASS)

Permalink Houthis Fire Ballistic Missile at Tel Aviv; Flew UNDETECTED for 1800km - HIT TARGET

Houthis in Yemen fired a new, undetectable, ballistic missile at Israel, hitting a power plant near Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. The missile flew 1800km, was airborne for 15 minutes, flew through Saudi Air Space UNDETECTED, actively evaded Israeli jamming and other defenses, including fighter jets, and struck the power plant it was aimed at.


Permalink Gaza’s death toll after 344 days of the lsraeli aggression: 42,182 Palestinians killed, 95,280 others injured.

Permalink Russia warns NATO of ‘direct war’ over Ukraine

Moscow’s envoy to the UN has reiterated where the Kremlin’s red line is | Granting Kiev permission to use Western-supplied long-range weapons would constitute direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict by NATO, Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, has said.  Moscow will treat any such attack as coming from the US and its allies directly, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, explaining that long-range weapons rely on Western intelligence and targeting solutions, neither of which Ukraine is capable of.  NATO countries would “start an open war” with Russia if they allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons, Nebenzia told the UN Security Council on Friday.

💬 “If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia,” Moscow’s envoy said. “In that case, we will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for Western aggressors.”  “Our Western colleagues will not be able to dodge responsibility and blame Kiev for everything,” Nebenzia added. “Only NATO troops can program the flight solutions for those missile systems. Ukraine doesn’t have that capability. This is not about allowing Kiev to strike Russia with long-range weapons, but about the West making the targeting decisions.”

Russia will be ‘at war’ with NATO if Ukraine long-range missile restrictions lifted, Putin warns (09/13/24)

Permalink ‘Terrified of dissenting voices’: RT comments on new US sanctions

The news outlet will continue to work to reach audiences in every corner of the world, the deputy editor-in-chief has said | The new US sanctions against RT are further proof that Washington does not want people to hear views that diverge from the mainstream narrative, RT Deputy Editor-in-Chief Anna Belkina has said.  The latest restrictions against the news outlet were announced by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who accused it of being “engaged in covert influence activities” and “functioning as a de facto arm of [Russian] intelligence.” Earlier this month, the US authorities also sanctioned several Russian nationals, including RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and three other senior RT employees, over alleged efforts to influence the upcoming US election.

US Recognizes Russian Media Play Important Role in Reporting Truth - Experts (Sputnik News)
US imposes sanctions on Rossiya Segodnya media group, TV-Novosti, Eurasia NGO (TASS)
RT Is Being Scapegoated For The US’ Global Soft Power Failures (Andrew Korybko)

Permalink Russian Forces Find Map of US Base in Captured Ukrainian Bradley - Sputnik Reporter

Russian soldiers have discovered a map of the US military base at Fort Irwin, which the US military forgot in one of its Bradley fighting vehicles that it transferred to Ukraine that was later captured in the Kupyansk area, a Sputnik correspondent reported. | Fort Irwin is one of the largest military training centers in the US located in the Mojave desert in California, where soldiers train to operate armored vehicles as part of brigades.  Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the US has supplied Kiev with more than 300 Bradley vehicles. A significant number of them have been destroyed by the Russian forces on the battlefield in Ukraine.  Fort Irwin is one of the largest military training centers in the US located in the Mojave desert in California, where soldiers train to operate armored vehicles as part of brigades.  Sputnik has found online ads seeking Russian-speaking individuals for the Fort Irwin training center. The Check Defense company is looking for "role-play professionals," who can replicate cultural nuances and assist the US Defense Department.

Russia ready to share knowledge of NATO weapons – minister (RT.com)


Permalink ⚡Russia will be ‘at war’ with NATO if Ukraine long-range missile restrictions lifted, Putin warns

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned NATO alliance leaders that a move to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of longer-range Western missiles to strike deep inside his country would be considered an act of war. (Путин предупредил о последствиях ударов по России дальнобойным оружием)(видео)

💬 “This will mean that NATO countries – the United States and European countries – are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the essence of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us,” Putin told reporters on Thursday.

But Putin on Thursday raised doubts as to whether Kyiv could carry out long-range strikes alone, saying “the Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West” without NATO assistance in targeting.


💬 "There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about authorizing or prohibiting the Kiev regime from striking Russian territory. It already does so with the help of drones and other means. But when it comes to the use of Western-made long-range precision weapons, that's a completely different story.

The fact is that, as I have already mentioned and any experts will confirm this (both in our country and in the West), the Ukrainian army is not capable of striking with modern long-range Western-made precision systems. It cannot do it. This is possible only with the use of intelligence from satellites, which Ukraine does not have - this is data only from satellites of either the European Union or the United States, in general, from NATO satellites. This is the first thing.

The second, and very important, maybe the key one, is that only NATO servicemen can make flight assignments to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this. And so this is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not; it's about deciding that NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not.

If this decision is made, it will mean nothing but direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation. And this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict.

It will mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries are at war with Russia. And if that is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be posed to us." (Source)

The island called Britain is likely to sink in the next few years (Dmitry Medvedev)
Vladimir Putin Does Not Make Empty Threats (Moon of Alabama)
Putin issues new warning to NATO (09/12/24)
Russia has now issued a DIRECT warning to the United States and to NATO (09/04/24)
UK approves Ukrainian missile strikes deep inside Russia – Guardian (09/12/24)
U.S. and UK to Officially Approve Long-range Attacks Into Pre-war Russia (Harold Turner)

Permalink How the Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine Since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014

The famous Jewish banking family has been deeply involved in Ukraine's affairs since the 2014 coup d'etat, despite Ukraine embracing neo-Nazi collaborators as its national heroes. | Multinational asset firm Rothschild & Co was instrumental in the restructuring of Ukraine's $20+ billion debt in July 2024, according to Western press.  It had reportedly been involved in arranging face-to-face meetings between Ukrainians and asset management firms, including Black Rock and Amundi, less than two months before the two-year payment moratorium expired on August 1.  The Rothschilds reportedly engaged IMF's experts in the talks while the plan of grabbing Russia's frozen sovereign assets was also on the table. The clan is believed to be cashing in on the Eastern European state through various schemes, including the future "restoration of Ukraine."

Rothschild helped Ukraine clinch debt restructuring – Reuters (09/04/24)
Uncovering ancient Ashkenaz – the birthplace of Yiddish speakers (02/03/24)
Ukraine as 'Big Israel' and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project (08/12/22)
The Birth Pangs of "New Khazaria" (04/08/22)
Ukraine will be a 'big Israel' – Zelensky (04/06/22)
Ukraine: Zionist America’s New Jewish Colony (06/05/14)

Medieval Kingdom of Khazaria, 650-1016 Over a thousand years ago, the far east of Europe was ruled by Jewish kings who presided over numerous tribes, including their own tribe: the Khazars. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath.

Khazaria: Ancestral home of the Ashkenazi, Non-Semite Jews A thousand years before the establishment of the Zionist State of Israel, there also existed a nominally Jewish kingdom on the eastern fringes of Europe. This was the Kingdom of the Khazars astride the Don and Volga rivers. The kingdom of Khazaria was ruled over by two monarchs and inhabited by a mixed population that included people who professed to be descendants of Judah.

Permalink Russia expels British diplomats over spying, sabotage claims

Russia has accused the UK embassy in Moscow of carrying out intelligence activities designed to harm the country and its people, leading to the expulsion of six British diplomats. | Russia's FSB security service has said it had revoked the accreditation of six British diplomats in Moscow whose actions it said showed signs of spying and sabotage work. Britain's embassy in Moscow did not immediately respond to a request for comment.  The FSB, the main successor agency to the Soviet KGB, said on Friday it had documents showing that a British foreign office department in London responsible for Eastern Europe and Central Asia was coordinating what it called "the escalation of the political and military situation" and was tasked with ensuring Russia's strategic defeat in its war against Ukraine.

Moscow names expelled British diplomats (RT.com)

Permalink Swiss parliament votes to stop UNRWA funding over incitement to hate and violence

The lawmakers also voted to pursue funding of alternative aid groups | On Monday, the Swiss National Council, similar to the House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress, voted to immediately stop payments to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The motion was proposed by the conservative Swiss People’s Party member David Zuberbühler based on evidence of several UNRWA members also being members of Hamas and incitement to hatred and violence in UNRWA school curricula.

Permalink COVID Bioweapon Shots: Deliberately Designed Destruction of the Human Genome

John Gideon Hartnett | Deliberately designed destruction of the human genome has been implemented though toxic sorcery. The recent COVID bioweapon injections massively increased the deleterious gene mutation rate, with a disruptive stepwise increase, leading to catastrophic irreparable damage and massive global depopulation within a few years. | Deliberately designed destruction of the human genome has been implemented though toxic sorcery. The recent COVID bioweapon injections massively increased the deleterious gene mutation rate, with a disruptive stepwise increase, leading to catastrophic irreparable damage and massive global depopulation within a few years.  Genetic Entropy refers to the concept, proposed by Dr John Sanford, a retired Cornell University professor of genetics, wherein the genomes of all living organisms are slowly degenerating due to the accumulation of slightly deleterious (harmful) mutations. This idea contradicts the fundamental principles of neo-Darwinian evolution, which relies on natural selection to drive the accumulation of beneficial mutations, which has never been observed. On this point miso theist Prof. Richard Dawkins said “Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it has not been observed while it’s happening.” Which, of course, makes no sense at all. Bill Moyers interviewed Richard Dawkins, Now, 3 December 2004, PBS network.


Permalink ‘People blown to pieces’: Israel bombs UN school in central Gaza

 Israel’s military bombs the UN-operated al-Jaouni school in central Gaza for the fifth time since October, killing at least 18 people. Witnesses say “women and children were blown to pieces” in the assault.
 Six of the victims were UNRWA staff, including the manager of the shelter. UNRWA chief condemns ‘endless and senseless killing’, as the number of UNRWA staff killed rises to at least 220.
 Hamas told mediators it was ready to implement the US-proposed, UN-backed truce proposal without any new conditions from any party.
 At least 41,118 people have been killed and 95,125 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza. In Israel, the number of those killed in the Hamas-led attacks on October 7 is at least 1,139, while more than 200 people were taken captive.

Difficult night in Jabalia & Gaza City as 'Israel' continues genocide (Al Mayadeen)

Permalink Putin issues new warning to NATO

Long-range strikes against Russia would mean direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict | Removing restrictions on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons would directly involve the US and its allies in the conflict with Russia and would be met with an appropriate response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned.  The West has sent Ukraine long-range missiles such as Storm Shadows and ATACMS, which Kiev has so far used against Crimea and Donbass. In the past several days, however, the US and UK have suggested they might allow these weapons to be used to strike targets deeper into internationally recognized Russian territory.  Ukraine lacks the capability to use Western long-range systems, Putin added, noting that targeting for such strikes requires intelligence from NATO satellites, while firing solutions can “only be entered by NATO military personnel.”

💬 “We are not talking about allowing or prohibiting the Kiev regime from striking Russian territory,” Putin said on Thursday. “It is doing so already, with unmanned aerial vehicles and other means.”  “If this decision is made, it will mean nothing less than the direct participation of NATO countries, the US and European countries, in the conflict in Ukraine,” the Russian president said. “Their direct participation, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict.” With that in mind, Putin added, Russia will “make the appropriate decisions based on the threats facing us.”

UK approves Ukrainian missile strikes deep inside Russia – Guardian (09/12/24)[item below]

Permalink UK approves Ukrainian missile strikes deep inside Russia – Guardian

The Western media is manufacturing public consent for the move, according to a Russian senator | Washington and London may have already decided to let Kiev use long-range missiles for strikes deep inside Russia and are now seeding the narrative through the media, Russian Senator Aleksey Pushkov has said.  Britain has already given the green light for the use of Storm Shadow missiles, The Guardian reported on Wednesday, citing anonymous government sources. London, however, is not expected to announce the move publicly, the sources claimed.

💬 “The decision to strike Russian territory is clearly being prepared,” Pushkov wrote on Telegram on Wednesday. “There are too many conversations and hints about it for it to be reversed. Even if it has not been made yet, it looks like it will be a matter of days. The leak via The Guardian is not accidental. Public opinion is being prepared.”

Limitations on the use of Western-supplied weapons were originally put in place to allow the US and its allies to claim they were not directly involved in the conflict with Russia, while arming Ukraine to the tune of $200 billion. Kiev has been clamoring for the restrictions to be lifted since May, however.

Enemies must be sure Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons – former Kremlin adviser (RT.com)
Russia has ardently warned over the past ten days, that if the West allows Ukraine to begin attacking deep inside Russia with Western-supplied weapons, "it will affect both sides of the Atlantic." (Hal Turner Show)
Russia Says It Could ‘Combine’ With China If Both Face Threat From the US (Antiwar.com)
Korybko To Karaganov: Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine Shouldn’t Apply To Any Territorial Encroachment (Andrew Korybko)
США не станут защищать Европу от удара России – эксперт развеял давний миф - Язабыл Падписацца Асёл

US to allow Ukraine to attack Russia with long-range missiles – Axios (RT.com)
Swiss Government Announces it is in a "Pre-War" Phase; All Departments Planning Accordingly (Hal Turner Show)
Britain Brain of Western Hydra That Helps Zelensky Regime (09/07/24)

Permalink The New Zealand COVID vaccine data shows that the shots make you more likely to die

Permalink Dead Humans Liquefied, Then Fed Back to the Population via Fertilizers

One could call it involuntary cannibalism, or you could use the term Soylent Green, from a classic dystopian film about humans being fed their own kind without their knowledge. [...] Coroners and embalmers are blowing the whistle on one of the grossest atrocities now happening to American food, water and cheap supplements. Alkaline hydrolysis, also called liquid cremation, is the process of decomposing a human body using ultra-hot water and a strong base solution. Mainstream media claims there’s no human DNA, flesh or pathogens left after the big melt down, but then, who believes anything Big Food claims anymore. Remember, they’re the ones who say canola oil is “heart healthy” and fluoride in tap water is “good for building strong teeth.” [...] This whistleblower coroner says this recycling of dead people into the food and water supply is happening in most U.S. states. Human bones are being ground up into powder and used as calcium phosphate for prescriptions that “treat” calcium deficiencies.

Permalink BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Global Payment System; Isolating U.S. Dollar

After recent rumblings surfaced of how many nations would embrace the impending BRICS Pay system, the bloc has confirmed 159 participants are set to adopt the new payment system. Indeed, the economic alliance system is poised to hit the ground running when it finally launches. | Now, all eyes are on when that launch will take place. Many have surmised that it would be announced at the highly anticipated 2024 Summit. Moreover, it would be set to go live in what would be a groundbreaking unveiling. If that were to happen, the bloc has already noted there is a long line of entities ready to embrace it.  Earlier this year, the BRICS bloc announced the creation of a blockchain-based payment platform. It would redefine the collective’s global economic standing. Moreover, it would compete with some of the largest payment systems worldwide. That includes the Western-dominated SWIFT system.  Now, the BRICS group confirmed that 159 participants will adopt the new payment system. Indeed, Russian officials verified the number in a recent correction, according to a Yahoo report. Although previous statements rumored 160 countries would be involved, the number was clarified in subsequent reports.



Permalink '9/11 - Painful Deceptions - Full Documentary' - DocumentaryJoe - 2013

"9/11 - Painful Deceptions - Full Documentary: Eric Hufschmid wrote the book, "Painful Questions," which deals with the events of 9-11. Evidence and facts are carefully examined; photos and video captures are analyzed. | Eric shows us with graphic (literally), undeniable evidence that the official explanations for the atrocities committed on September 11, 2001 are questionable at best. He shows us that there is MUCH more to 9-11 than we are being told by our media and our government. Eric Hufschmid raises some very uncomfortable questions about 9-11; questions so uncomfortable that the magician/comedians Penn and Teller showed the book and urged people, "if you ever see anyone carrying it, push them down a flight of stairs." Why? Look to who cuts their pay checks and it might become clearer. To provoke calls of violence against himself and others by representatives of the "entertainment industry," Eric must have found something to make some powerful people VERY "uncomfortable" indeed.

Permalink Hamas is not collapsing, 'Israel' is: Israeli media

Israeli media highlight "Hamas’ restoration of its capabilities in northern Gaza," while reserve General Yitzhak Brik warns of "the army's losses if the fighting continues" and calls for a ceasefire deal to return the captives. | Israeli media cited a security source confirming that "Hamas has successfully restored its capabilities in the northern Gaza Strip." Reports indicate that an estimated 3,000 Hamas fighters "have resumed operations in the northern Gaza Strip and are actively working to enhance the organization's operational capabilities." These estimates suggest that the issue involves Hamas recruiting new members in recent months, rather than transferring fighters from the southern to the northern part of the Gaza Strip. That said, senior officials in the security and military establishment have stated that a large-scale incursion into the northern Gaza Strip is becoming inevitable.

Permalink ICC prosecutor says world leaders 'threatened' him over Israel arrest warrants

The International Criminal Court judges have yet to issue arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister and defense minister four months after prosecutor Karim Khan requested them | The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) says world leaders pressured him not to apply for arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister and defense minister on allegations of war crimes in Gaza, the BBC reported on 5 September. Karim Khan told the BBC, “Several leaders and others told me and advised me and cautioned me,” he said.  In May, Khan said there were reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had committed war crimes during the Israeli assault on Gaza that has killed over 40,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children. The state of Israel faces separate genocide charges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Israel Wants US ‘to Put Pressure’ on South Africa to Scrap ICJ Genocide Case – Report (Sputnik News)

Permalink Journalists Deliberately and Systemically Murdered by Jewish Israel

US journalist says that Israel is killing journalists who are democracy observers because the nature of the regime is not democratic, adding that Tel Aviv resorts to 'democracy' like a prostitute who wears a lot of 'perfume'. | The Israel-Gaza war has taken an unprecedented toll on Gazan journalists since the Israeli regime started the invasion of Gaza on October 7, 2023.  According to the Journalist Syndicate in Gaza, the total number of journalists killed in Gaza since 7 October 2023 has become 157. OHCHR has raised similar serious concerns about killings of journalists in the past in the context of the current escalations in Gaza.  Journalists in Gaza face particularly high risks as they try to cover the conflict during the Israeli regime's ground assault, including devastating airstrikes, disrupted communications, supply shortages, and extensive power outages. This has meant that it is becoming increasingly hard to document the situation.

Permalink Rainbow Flag Genocide Vs MAGA Hat Genocide

Caitlin Johnstone | Kamala Harris has enthusiastically accepted the endorsement of Dick Cheney. | The degree of comfort US liberals have with men like Cheney is more evidence that they don’t view people in the global south as fully human. If they did, his endorsement would be rejected with the same revulsion they’d show endorsements from NAMBLA or neo-Nazis. The emotional comfort they receive from all this warm cozy talk about “unity” between Democrats and Bush-era war criminals matters more to them than the lives of millions of Iraqis. Any political worldview that’s worth a damn necessarily includes a deep and visceral hatred of Dick Cheney, and an abhorrence toward any ideology which sympathizes with him.

Permalink Death toll from Israeli strikes on Syria’s central Hama province soars to 14

The death toll from a series of Israeli airstrikes against multiple military installations and buildings in Syria’s central province of Hama has risen to 14, as the Tel Aviv regime continues its acts of aggression on Syria concurrent with its bloody war against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. | Syria’s official news agency SANA, citing the Director of Masyaf National Hospital Dr. Faisal Haidar, reported that at least 14 people were killed as a result of overnight Israeli air strikes on a number of sites in the vicinity of Masyaf, located approximately 40 kilometers (24 miles) west of the provincial capital city of Hama. He added that at least 43 people were also wounded in the strikes, including six in critical condition. The update raises the toll of five dead and 19 wounded reported earlier.


Permalink Is Everybody Over Covid?

After everything that has happened since the start of the pandemic, it’s been really hard for me to deal with everyone acting like the shutdowns and mandates never happened.

 I was coerced to take the vaccine, which I knew was a bad idea, but I thought I couldn’t keep a job at that point (and I really regret this if anyone can help counsel me with making this decision)
 So many people turned into tyrants telling us what we could or could not do. Lost many relationships
 All the information coming out after lockdowns and mandates largely proved those ideas false, but the media and government totally ignore this I really was never conspiratorial before this, but since 2021 I’ve really lost faith in all our systems and institutions. Even people in general, I struggle socializing. Anyone else struggling?ws

Japan plans to roll out world’s first self-replicating mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (BadMedicine.Ne)
Official Covid vaccine death count 50% higher than thought (Cains News)
CIA Agent Testifies "We Invented mRNA As A Bioweapon With Gates And WEF (06/08/24)

Permalink Israeli Bulldozer Defiling the Body of a Palestinian Child

Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank (MEE)(VIDEO)
"Their obscene disregard for human life and the genocide they're carrying out in Gaza." (X)(VIDEO)
Death and Destruction in Gaza (John J. Mearsheimer)
APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (.pdf)(84 pages) Press Release (.pdf)

Permalink Israeli Forces Kill 94 Palestinians in Gaza Over Three Days

Gaza's Health Ministry said Sunday that the recorded death toll has reached 40,973, and 94,761 have been wounded | Israeli forces have killed at least 94 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip over the past three days, according to numbers released by Gaza’s Health Ministry. The ministry said on Saturday that 61 Palestinians were killed and another 162 were injured over the previous 48-hour period. On Sunday, the ministry said another 33 Palestinians were killed, bringing the recorded death toll to 40,972 and the number of wounded to 94,761. Strikes in Gaza on Saturday targeted two schools-turned-shelters for displaced people, one in Gaza City and one in the Jabalia refugee camp. The two strikes killed at least 12 people. On Sunday, six Palestinians were reported killed in attacks on homes in Gaza City.

Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank (MEE)(VIDEO)
"Their obscene disregard for human life and the genocide they're carrying out in Gaza." (X)(VIDEO)

Permalink The threats are flying! Ukraine threatens Iran, then...Israel threatens...Russia!

Harold Turner | The issue of long-range weapons for use in attacking interior, pre-war Russia, is developing into a very big - and dangerous - situation. Threats are being hurled back and forth, very publicly. | It all began when word came out early last week, that the U.S. was "considering" allowing Ukraine to use US-supplied weapons, to attack deep interior, pre-war, Russia. The Russians sent explicit, written warnings to the US which said "If Ukraine uses long-range weapons to attack interior Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."  A few days later, at a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, word leaked that the question of Ukraine using NATO (West) Supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russia was being discussed! Russia's Ambassador to The United States, Anatoly Antonov, then repeated publicly, his government's written warning: "If Ukraine uses long-range weapons to attack inside Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."  Late this past week, word leaked from US and UK Intelligence Agencies claiming Russia had taken delivery of "hundreds" of IRANIAN-MADE FATH-360, short-range ballistic missiles, for Russia to use against Ukraine. This revelation set off a firestorm of threats.  Saturday, The Defense Ministry of Ukraine (which can't even adequately defend their own land) said that "If Russia uses Iranian Missiles to target Ukrainian Civilians, then their Response against Iran will be Severe." Yes, you read that correctly, Ukraine just threatened Iran!  But the really big development took place today, from Israel. Israel announced that If Iran supplies missiles for Russia to use in attacking Ukraine, then Israel will supply "long range precision missiles to Ukraine, to strike Russia." Yes, you read that correctly; Israel just threatened the Russians.

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