
Permalink LEAKED: Classified Video from Israeli Apache Attack Helicopters SHOWING the IDF Attacked ITS OWN CITIZENS on 10/7

IDF took out its own citizens with Apache Helicopters on October 7 at the Nova music festival | Leaked footage from the Israeli Air Force proves it was the IDF that took out its own citizens with Apache Helicopters on October 7 at the Nova music festival…. Israel has now admitted 28 Apache helicopters discharged their ammunition and had to be reloaded. [...] The IDF Air Crews were dispatched to several places and told there were ongoing terror attacks taking place; they were ordered to "shoot everything that moves" and had NO IDEA they were hitting their own Israeli citizens. The troops involved were desperately trying to take out "the bad guys" but were not told there were Israeli citizens mixed-in and trying to flee. The poor troops didn't find out until well after the 10/7 incidents, that THEY KILLED their own citizens by mistake.

It Never Started on the 7th of October (08/30/24)

Permalink Interpreting Sikorski’s Proposal For Poland To Protect Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants

Andrew Korybko | This is nothing but a false pretext for justifying the open deployment of Western troops in Ukraine. | Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski told the BBC late last week that “It’s my personal view that legally we would have the right to self-defense” in helping Ukraine shoot down Russian missiles that allegedly threaten the three nuclear power plants (NPPs) that are still under Kiev’s control. This comes after he told the Financial Times earlier in the week that Poland has the right to intercept Russian missiles in Ukraine if they appear to be approaching the Polish border. [...] The objective is to cross another of Russia’s “red lines” by openly deploying Western troops to Ukraine on the pretext of this being about “nuclear security”, after which any attacks against them could be spun as “nuclear terrorism” and exploited to justify deploying more troops and systems to “defend them”. The geography in which the initial deployment would take place only concerns the Western Ukrainian hinterland, but it could expand to approach the Dnieper and then cross it as part of “mission creep”.


Permalink The Victim Was Shot Inside Her Home by an Israeli Sniper

Permalink UN expert accuses 'Israel' of 'starvation campaign' against Gaza

In his poignant report to the UN General Assembly, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food highlights the severe humanitarian crisis unfolding in the besieged territory. | A UN expert has accused "Israel" of conducting a "starvation campaign" against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, warning that the entity is weaponizing humanitarian aid to inflict harm on residents of the besieged area.  In a report presented to the UN General Assembly this week, Michael Fakhri, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, stated that since the Israeli military aggression against Gaza began in early October of the previous year, the flow of food, medicine, and other humanitarian supplies has been severely restricted.

💬 "By December, Palestinians in Gaza made up 80 percent of the people in the world experiencing famine or catastrophic hunger," Fakhri stressed.  He further noted, "Never in post-war history had a population been made to go hungry so quickly and so completely as was the case for the 2.3 million Palestinians living in Gaza."

Fakhri also highlighted that reports of the destruction of Gaza’s food system have been received since the Israeli aggression began, with documentation provided by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other sources. He emphasized that “Israel then used humanitarian aid as a political and military weapon to harm and kill the Palestinian people in Gaza.”

Permalink [Jewish] Washington wants Ukraine’s resources – US Senator

Kiev is sitting on a “trillion dollars’ worth of minerals” that are “good” for the US economy, US Senator Lindsey Graham says | US Senator Lindsey Graham has openly said Washington needs Ukraine’s natural resources and that, therefore, military aid to the country must continue until Kiev is able to “win” its conflict with Russia.  The South Carolina Republican, one of the top backers of Kiev within the US establishment, made the remarks on Friday in Kiev, speaking alongside leader Vladimir Zelensky. He praised the Ukrainians and their purported resolve to fight Moscow no matter what, noting that this means that Americans themselves don’t have to do this, only to provide the weaponry.

💬 “They [the Ukrainians] are sitting on a trillion dollars’ worth of minerals that could be good to our economy. So, I w nt to keep helping our friends in Ukraine. We can win this. They need our help,” Graham stated.

[...] Graham’s new admission matches the assessment of the US motives recently outlined by Russia’s ex-president and the incumbent deputy chair of the National Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev. Last week, Medvedev claimed both Kiev and its Western backers have been focused on holding their grip on Donbass solely over its natural-resource riches.

💬 “According to open-source data, the total value of Ukraine’s former mineral resource base is estimated at almost $14.8 trillion, but $7.3 trillion of this is now in the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. That means almost half of the former Ukraine’s national wealth is in Donbass!” Medvedev explained in a lengthy Telegram post. “To get access to the coveted minerals, the Western parasites shamelessly demand that their wards wage war to the last Ukrainian. They are already directly voicing such intent without hesitation,” Russia’s former leader added.

Graham urges more aid to 'trillion dollars’ worth of minerals' Ukraine (Al Mayadeen)
Assets worth 12 trillion: US Senator Graham named the reason for supporting Ukraine (06/10/24)
The Increase in Ukrainian Casualties (Glenn Diesen)

Permalink Donald Trump has taken offense and is threatening to lift sanctions on Russia...

Dmitry Medvedev (Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council) (Дмитрий Медведев) |Donald Trump has taken offense and is threatening to lift sanctions on Russia. Will he lift them if elected? | No, of course not. For all his apparent "non-systemicity", Trump is ultimately a systemic figure. Yes, he is a flamboyant narcissist, but he is also a pragmatist. As a businessman, Trump realises that sanctions are hurting the dollar's dominance in the world. But not so much that he would stage a revolution in the US and go against the anti-Russian line of the notorious deep state, which is far more powerful than any Trump.  And what about Harris? All the more reason not to expect any surprises from her. She is inexperienced and, as her detractors claim, just plain stupid. She will be prepared with nice, meaningless speeches and boring, correct answers to questions that she will read from a teleprompter whilst laughing infectiously.  Sanctions against the USSR were in place all through the 20th century. They have returned in the XXI Century on an unprecedented scale. Therefore, for all of us, sanctions are forever. Or rather, until the US implodes in an inevitable new civil war. After all, Hollywood makes movies about it 😂 for a reason. (Translation: DeepL + DeepL Write)

Trump Jokingly 'Very Offended' by Putin's Endorsement of Harris (Sputnik News)

Permalink Houthis Shot Down Eighth US Drone MQ-9 Reaper

Shiite movement Ansar Allah (the Houthis) ruling northern Yemen s shot down US reconnaissance drone MQ-9 Reaper in northwestern Yemen, which was carrying out reconnaissance over Marib province, the eighth since last fall, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria said on Saturday.

💬 "An American MQ-9 drone was shot down while carrying out enemy missions in the skies over Marib province. This drone was the eighth aircraft of this type shot down during the battle and holy jihad in support of Gaza," Saria told Al-Masirah broadcaster.

Earlier, Ansar Allah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi threatened to expand operations against Israel and Western countries supporting it on land. He stressed that "enemies will be caught off guard on land just as they were caught off guard at sea with the help of new technologies that will help to harm them." Al-Houthi also said that the response to the Israeli bombing of the port of Hodeidah in western Yemen is approaching.

Permalink Russia-Mongolia Military Cooperation Includes Supply of Arms, Soldier Training

Military-technical cooperation between Russia and Mongolia includes the supply of weapons to Ulaanbaatar and the training of military personnel, currently Russia has already trained 340 Mongolian soldiers, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said on Tuesday.

💬 "The supply of weapons and military equipment, repair, maintenance, modernization," Fomin outlined the areas of cooperation, adding "... we are cooperating on the military-technical line. And in the military as well. We teach. We have already trained about 340 people this year."

One of the training sites for Mongolian military personnel is the presidential cadet school in Kyzyl, the official said.  Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Mongolia at Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh's invitation on Monday to attend celebrations of the 85th anniversary of the Soviet-Mongol victory over militarist Japan on the Khalkhin Gol River.

Asian nation told ICC to ‘get lost’ with Putin warrant – Medvedev (09/04/24)
Putin invites Mongolian president to BRICS summit (09/03/24 )


Permalink Palestinian child killed in the lsraeli air attacks on Central Gaza Strip

Permalink At least 13 killed in Israeli bombing of Gaza school shelter, refugee camp

Israel’s war on Gaza live: 13 killed as Israel attacks school, refugee camp

  Israel said it attacked the Halimah al-Saadiyah school in northern Gaza, where eight Palestinians were reported killed in tent shelters. Five people were also killed in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.
  At least 33 Palestinians were killed in Israeli air strikes across the Gaza Strip on Friday, medical sources say.
  Witness says Turkish-American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, was “murdered” by Israel’s military at a protest against illegal Israeli settlements near Beita in the occupied West Bank.
  Bana Amjad Bakr, a 13-year-old girl, was among dozens of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank over the past week, the Wafa news agency reports.
  At least 40,878 people have been killed and 94,454 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza. At least 1,139 people were killed in Israel in the Hamas-led attacks on October 7.

Live blog: Israel bombs school and homes in Gaza, killing 13 Palestinians (TRT World)
Israeli Megiddo prison torture 'expression of hatred, sadism': Hamas (Al Mayadeen)
TRT World Exclusive: Gaza amputee in US reflects on war that took her limb (MEDIA)

Permalink Looking Back: Experts hail ICJ declaration on illegality of Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as “historic” for Palestinians and intl. law

30 July 2024 | Israel and other UN Member States must immediately comply with the authoritative determination by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory, independent human rights experts said today.  The landmark ruling of 19 July 2024 declared that Israel’s occupation of the Gaza strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is unlawful, along with the associated settlement regime, annexation and use of natural resources. The Court added that Israel's legislation and measures violate the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. The ICJ mandated Israel to end its occupation, dismantle its settlements, provide full reparations to Palestinian victims and facilitate the return of displaced people.Israel and other UN Member States must immediately comply with the authoritative determination by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory, independent human rights experts* said today.

ICJ ruling on Israeli occupation has historic implications — experts (TRT World)
ICJ opinion declaring Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories unlawful is historic vindication of Palestinians’ rights (Amnesty International)(July 19, 2024)
Press Release (International Court of Justice)(No. 2024/57 19 July 2024)

Permalink CIA and U.S. State Departments Anti-Russia Internet Trolls Hacked

CIA and U.S. State Departments Anti-Russia Internet Troll Boiler Rooms - HACKED | For a long time, K Street firms in Washington, DC, operating “Internet Opinion Management” houses/boiler rooms, have been run by the State Department and the CIA. Today, two of those . . . anti-Russian operations . . . have been HACKED and their info, leaked. Databases from the anti-Russian funds The U.S. Russia Foundation (USRF) and Free Russia Foundation (FRF) have now been leaked online. Among the leaked documents are the organizations' payrolls, information about correspondences and their participants, and other data. [...] The documents reveal that the foundation's employees were destabilizing the situation in Russia using a bot farm, for which a special guide was written as part of an anti-Russian campaign overseen by intelligence services. It turned out that the employees of this "elf factory" posted calls for protests, criticized the authorities, and even pretended to be wives of mobilized men. The documents show that "elves" were essentially given ready-made messages where they only needed to insert, for example, the name of a city or square where demonstrations were planned. Bots were also encouraged to spread complaints about "local administration," though exactly which administration was left for the employees to decide. This is hardly surprising since they had to meet a daily quota of 100 "dumps" over an eight-hour workday. [...] The revelations in these hacked documents proves the United States has been waging an information war against Russia for years; even before the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The clear intent of these operations was to sew social discord, create upheaval, and destabilize the Russian government at all levels: local, state, and national.

Permalink Britain Brain of Western Hydra That Helps Zelensky Regime

Russia has repeatedly said that Western countries’ military aid to the Kiev regime would only add to the prolongation of the Ukraine conflict. | It’s safe to say that London is directly involved in hostilities against Moscow, military journalist, Alexey Borzenko, told Sputnik. He was commenting on Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s recent statement that the preliminary adjustment of the flight controllers (of the Ukrainian drones that attacked an oil storage facility in Russia’s Rostov region) was carried out in Salisbury and Newport, UK.

💬 "For Moscow, Britain is the most hostile NATO country because the UK is involved in all major projects to damage Russian infrastructure, and the civilian population and troops to the maximum," Borzenko, who is also deputy chief editor of the Literary Russia newspaper, said.

He stressed that it is in the UK where Ukrainian specialists in electronic warfare, missile technology, and strike systems using long-range artillery are trained. The UK can be called "the thinking head of the entire Western hydra", which helps the Kiev regime by providing it with military hardware, the journalist pointed out, recalling that Britain was the first to supply grenade launchers to Ukraine, followed by deliveries of tanks, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and even poison in ampoules. Borzenko expressed hope that "on a certain stage", Britain will bear responsibility for its actions.

Permalink Ça y est : la guerre est déclarée !

France-Soir Editorial | Rassurez-vous, ce n'est pas de la troisième guerre mondiale dont il s'agit. Mais, c'est quand même une guerre ou plutôt des guerres qui sont menées sur l'ensemble de la planète. Par qui ? Par une poignée d'individus éminemment malintentionnés. | La caste dirigeante qui s'accroche au pouvoir quoi qu’il nous en coûte, à nous, peuples du monde. Pourquoi ? Parce que si le pouvoir venait à leur échapper, la population aurait accès à des éléments de preuve, qui démontrent que, effectivement, « dans leur immense majorité » (1), les marionnettes politiques que les lobbys (principalement) du pétrole, l'armement, l'industrie agroalimentaire, l'industrie pharmaceutique et le BTP ont placées au pouvoir, mènent, depuis plus de 80 ans et contre tous les peuples du monde, une guerre sans merci. Une guerre politique, militaire, économique, culturelle et spirituelle, et qui, depuis environ 10 ans, est aussi, désormais, une guerre hégémonique.


Permalink Because some people see the rest as "sub-humans" or "Untermenschen"

Gaza situation ‘catastrophic’ as more than 1m without food aid rations: UN (Al Jazeera)

Permalink Attacks on Sputnik, RT About Shoring up US Institutions While Quashing Freedom of Press

The First Amendment to the US Constitution lists a number of rights considered most important by the country’s founding fathers, including freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of speech and the press. | This week brought further developments in the Biden administration’s ongoing war against alternative media in the United States just days after the Federal Bureau of Investigation promised “more searches” of figures connected to Russian media. The US Justice Department brought charges against two Russian media executives Wednesday, accusing them of not disclosing their support for a Tennessee-based media company that published edgy viral videos.

The Latest Russiagate Scandal Aims To Discredit Alt-Media & Trump (Andrew Korybko)

Permalink Russian Missile Strike Against Poltava Wipes-out Corporate Division Execs

Russian missile strike against poltava wipes-out SAAB corporate division execs | In yesterday's Russian missile strike against the Communication Training Center in Poltava, Ukraine there are many Swedish and Danish instructors among the dead. They are from the AWACS and drones company Globaleye of SAAB. Word in Intelligence Circles is that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems. So ferocious was the Russian attack that 15 trucks evacuated dead foreign NATO troops + officers: 600+ dead/wounded. Swedish Foreign Minister Billstrom has now resigned after Russian Iskander missiles hit Poltava, and Sweden suffered war dead just months after joining NATO, at the behest of the now-former, Foreign Minister.

Η Ρωσία κτύπησε δυτικούς εκπαιδευτές και στόχους σε 148 περιοχές της Ουκρανίας (War News 24/7)

Permalink US Elections RIGGED; Trump may not be allowed to Become President Again

Harold Turner | Well-Connected Economist Admits US Elections are all RIGGED; Donald Trump may not "Be ALLOWED" to Become President Again | According the Economist Eric Weinstein, the ENTIRE American election system is setup to "prune" populist candidates through Primary Elections, to make certain both party Candidates are acceptable to the International Rules-Based Order. Our election system thereby provides only the "illusion" of Democracy, because both party candidates become a "magicians choice"..."Pick a card, any card" but the magician always knows what card it is, because the people cannot be trusted to decide. [...] He makes clear the American people do not have a real choice in elections. They get a "Magicians Choice" . . . . pick a candidate, any candidate" but the "Magician" (the real powers-that-be of the Rules-Based International Order), know that whichever candidate is chosen, that person will be someone acceptable to the Order, who will not upset the agreements and alliances that are long in-place.   Weinstein explains that, for decades, there have been agreements and alliances, designed to prevent war, and keep markets functioning. He says "those agreements and alliances are fragile" and can be upset or overturned by a President who disagrees with them.  So the powers-that-be cannot allow the public to choose a President that might upset things like NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) or NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). In Weinstein's words, "the public cannot be allowed to decide through a plebiscite every four years."

Even Walz Family are backing Trump! (Hal Turner Show)

Permalink Ukrainian governments since 2014 illegitimate – Kremlin

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov cited the Maidan coup as the reason, saying that Vladimir Zelensky has no legal right to power | Ukraine has not had a legitimate government or president since the 2014 Maidan coup, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said. He also reiterated earlier statements that Moscow does not consider Vladimir Zelensky, Ukraine’s current leader, a legitimate head of state. While Zelensky’s five-year term as Ukraine’s president ended on May 20, he opted not to hold a presidential election, citing martial law imposed due to the conflict with Russia.  In an interview with Izvestia on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Thursday, Peskov said that...

💬 “...de jure President Zelensky now is not the legitimate president” of Ukraine. “Let us not forget that it is a country where the legitimacy of power was interrupted in 2014 when a coup was staged there,” the Kremlin spokesperson argued. He added that Ukrainians would likely have a hard time dealing with what he described as the “snowball of illegitimacy” down the road.

At the same time, Peskov stressed that Russia has always been open to settling the Ukraine conflict via the political-diplomatic route. He said that the Ukrainian leadership and its Western backers, however, do not seem willing to engage in such dialogue at present. During a Q&A session with the media on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in early June, Russian President Vladimir Putin also stated that those who believe that “Russia started the war in Ukraine” are wrong. He argued that “it began with a coup in Ukraine – an unconstitutional coup d’etat.” Speaking to the issue of Zelensky’s legitimacy as Ukraine’s leader, Putin suggested at the time that his powers should have been transferred to the country’s parliament following the expiration of his term in office.

Permalink US close to agreeing on long-range missiles for Ukraine; delivery to take months

The U.S. is close to an agreement to give Ukraine long-range cruise missiles that could reach deep into Russia, but Kyiv would need to wait several months as the U.S. works through technical issues ahead of any shipment, U.S. officials said. | The inclusion of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package is expected to be announced this autumn, three sources said, though a final decision has not been made. The sources declined to be named because they are not authorized to discuss the topic.  Sending JASSMs to Ukraine could significantly alter the strategic landscape of the conflict by putting more of Russia in range of powerful, precision-guided munitions, an important concern of the Biden administration, the officials said.  Military analysts have suggested the introduction of JASSMs - which are stealthy and can strike further than most other missiles in Ukraine's current inventory - could push Russian staging areas and supply depots back by hundreds of miles. This would severely complicate Russia's ability to sustain its offensive operations and potentially provide Ukraine with a strategic advantage.

Biden Escalates Again, Threatening Russia with Long-Range Cruise Missiles (John Miles)


Permalink Jewish Israel Keep Denying Gaza Any Access to Soap and Shampoos

Permalink Palestinian girl shot, left to bleed to death by Israeli forces in Jenin

Israeli forces have shot a 16-year-old Palestinian girl in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin and denied medical access to her for over half an hour, leaving her to bleed to death, says the Palestinian Red Crescent. | The teenage girl, identified as Lujain Osama Musleh, was killed in the town of Kafr Dan in Jenin on Tuesday. The agency said the regime’s forces prevented its medical team and its ambulance from reaching the area of the shooting for some 30 minutes and left the Palestinian girl to bleed to death.  Doctors Without Borders warned earlier that Israeli forces delay people’s access to care by obstructing access to health facilities, blocking traffic and targeting ambulances amid its "alarming" assault on Jenin. Israeli forces also shot a 14-year-old Palestinian boy in the tight in the city. The victim’s identity and condition remain unknown.

Live blog: Israel's ongoing offensive on West Bank kills 39 Palestinians (TRT World)
Where Is Duha? Netizens Want Answers After Palestinian Girl's Disappearance in Gaza (John Miles)

Permalink Report: US Close To Agreeing on Long-Range Cruise Missiles for Ukraine

US officials tell Reuters the US could start delivering JASSM missiles this fall | The US is close to reaching an agreement on giving Ukraine cruise missiles that could hit targets deep inside Russia, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing US officials.  The officials said the US is expected to include Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package that will be announced for Ukraine this fall. But first, there are technical issues to work through to ensure they can be fired by Ukraine’s Soviet-made fighter jets.  An older version of the JASSM can hit targets over 230 miles, and there are newer versions that can fly over 500 miles. Reuters said it was unable to establish which kind the US is considering sending to Ukraine. Providing the older, shorter-range version would put less strain on US military stockpiles.

Russia has now issued a DIRECT warning to the United States and to NATO (09/04/24)

Permalink Ukrainian troops filmed torturing Russian soldier (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

A prisoner was tied to a desk and apparently electrocuted, footage shows | Ukrainian troops can be seen filming the brutal torture of a defiant Russian prisoner of war (POW) who refused to disparage his country and hail Kiev’s military, in a highly disturbing video circulating on social media.  The 90-second undated clip depicting the mistreatment of a POW was filmed by an unidentified Ukrainian soldier stationed in occupied Russian territory, apparently in Kursk Region, and shared by several Russian Telegram channels on Tuesday.  The video shows the interior of an apartment where three handcuffed and blindfolded Russian prisoners are lying or sitting on the floor, while a fourth has been placed in a humiliating position. A fifth soldier, blindfolded, gagged, and stripped of his shirt, boots, and socks, is tied to an upside-down desk in the other room.  Mockingly referring to the prisoners as “Ivans,” one Ukrainian captor asks them why they are silent, before approaching the one tied to the desk. He then removes the gag and asks what unit he belongs to. When he gets no answer, the Ukrainian hits him in the face.

Permalink US Justice Department reveals legal action against RT

Two individuals identified as employees of the Russian network were criminally charged and four more sanctioned | The US Department of Justice has charged two Russians it identifies as RT employees with money laundering and working as foreign agents for their alleged role in pushing video content that sowed “discord and division” in the US.  In a criminal indictment unsealed on Wednesday, US prosecutors claimed that Konstantin Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva financed and directed a Tennessee-based production company that published English-language videos to various social media platforms aimed at amplifying “domestic divisions in the United States.”  These videos were viewed more than 16 million times on YouTube alone, the indictment alleged, and, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray, represented an attempt to “trick Americans into unwittingly consuming foreign propaganda.”  Producing videos that highlight social and political divisions in the US is not a crime. However, the Justice Department claimed that Kalashnikov and Afanasyeva broke the law by not registering as foreign agents.

Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN (RT.com)
Scott Ritter Says Ending Cooperation With RT, Sputnik Due to US Sanction (Sputnik)
US seeking to 'sterilize' national information space from dissent — Russian diplomat (Maria Zakharova/TASS)

Permalink Irish teacher jailed for a third time for refusing to ‘call a boy a girl’

Irish schoolteacher Enoch Burke has been sent to prison for the third time following his arrest outside the school that sacked him for refusing to ‘call a boy a girl’. | On 2nd September 2024, Mr Burke was placed inside a Garda vehicle outside Wilson’s Hospital School in Ireland’s Co Westmeath and driven to the Four Courts in Dublin, according to the Irish Independent.  The judge made the decision after Mr. Burke repeatedly refused to give a direct answer when asked if he would continue to ignore an order from Mr. Justice Alexander Owens, which prohibits him from attending the school.  Mr. Justice Quinn stated that he was ‘satisfied’ Mr. Burke was in contempt of court and noted that his presence at the school was ‘disruptive to the staff’s ability to provide orderly education to pupils’. He ordered that Mr. Burke be detained at Mountjoy Prison until he ‘purges his contempt’ [sic].


Permalink Russia has now issued a DIRECT warning to the United States and to NATO

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, responding to a question about the potential delivery of long-range U.S. missiles to Ukraine, warned the United States on Wednesday not to joke about Russia's "red lines". | Lavrov said the U.S. was losing sight of the sense of mutual deterrence that had underpinned the balance of security between Moscow and Washington since the Cold War, and that this was dangerous.  He was commenting on a Reuters report that the U.S. is close to an agreement to supply Ukraine with long-range JASSM cruise missiles that could reach deep inside Russia - for which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has been lobbying.

💬 "I won't be surprised by anything - the Americans have already crossed the threshold they set for themselves. They are being egged on, and Zelenskiy of course sees this and takes advantage of it," Lavrov told a Russian TV interviewer. "But they should understand - they are joking about our red lines here. They shouldn't joke about our red lines."

President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly warned the West since launching what he called his "special military operation" in Ukraine in 2022 not to try to thwart Russia, which has the world's biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons. But Washington and its allies have increased military aid to Ukraine, including by providing tanks, advanced missiles and F-16 fighter jets.

Russia Says It Will Change Nuclear Doctrine Because of Western Role in Ukraine (U.S. News)

Permalink Rothschild helped Ukraine clinch debt restructuring – Reuters

Kiev’s financial adviser arranged face-to-face meetings with bondholders in July 2022 after initial talks failed, according to a report | Ukraine reached its recent agreement with bondholders on a debt restructuring as a result of efforts by Rothschild & Co, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing sources involved in the talks. Kiev appointed Rothschild as an advisor to its Finance Ministry in 2017.  Kiev announced last week that it had reached an agreement with a group of foreign investors to restructure its $20 billion debt. Bondholders – including US financial giants BlackRock and Pimco, as well as French asset manager Amundi – granted Ukraine a two-year debt freeze in February 2022 when the conflict with Russia broke out.  The bondholders’ committee, which represents the holders of 25% of the bonds, has agreed to accept losses of 37%, or $8.7 billion, on the nominal value of their debt. [...] The restructuring of the massive debt will help Kiev save $11.4 billion over the next three years. This is crucial for both its war effort and its IMF program, Reuters wrote, describing the debt restructuring as one of the fastest and largest in history, eclipsed in scale only by those undertaken by Argentina and Greece.

Permalink WATCH RFK exposes the TRUTH about Ukraine in 3 minutes

Permalink Asian nation told ICC to ‘get lost’ with Putin warrant – Medvedev

The International Criminal Court should consider the consequences if someone dared to enforce the order, the ex-Russian president has said | The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin turned out to be a meaningless scrap of paper, his predecessor Dmitry Medvedev has said. Medvedev’s comments came after Putin arrived in Mongolia, a signatory to the ICC, which issued a warrant for the Russian president's arrest in March last year, without facing any obstacles.  Writing on Telegram on Tuesday, Medvedev, who now serves as Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, mocked the Western reaction to Putin’s visit to Ulaanbaatar.

💬 “The servile European Union has reportedly expressed ‘concern’ to Mongolia over the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin,” he said. However, the Asian country “has just told the ICC and Eurodegenerates to go do to themselves something that Russians and Mongols found a word for together, back in the 13th century” and get lost, Medvedev suggested. The ex-president went on to argue that the ICC – which he labeled a “half-baked ‘court’” – should be afraid of “a scenario where some madman tries to carry out their illegal arrest warrant. In that case, their lives would be worth no more than the piece of paper on which this sh*tty statute is written,” he warned.

Mongolia explains why it didn’t arrest Putin (RT.com)
EU ‘regrets’ Mongolian refusal to arrest Putin (RT.com)

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