
Permalink Stop backing criminal Israeli regime before it’s too late

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf has told the Western countries to stop supporting the criminal Zionist regime and arming it before it is too late. | The criminal Zionist regime thought that it was able to destroy the Resistance in Lebanon after assassinating former Hezbollah Secretary General sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, but its defeats on the ground attack and the Operation Golani against the Zionist regime showed that Hezbollah still is alive and is strictly supported by the Lebanese people.  Emphasizing that Iran supports any ceasefire that is agreed by the Lebanese government, Parliament and the Resistance Movement, he noted, “To be honest with you. We are facing a criminal Zionist regime that not only has killed more than 10,000 children, but also it is proud of it. We are facing a criminal regime that does not value any legal and moral standards.”

💬 “We are facing a criminal regime that does not shy away from burning civilians alive in the refugee camps. We are facing a regime that used to usurp Palestinian lands and destroy their houses, but now it is safely destroying cities and infrastructures with American weapons, he underlined.

If the current situation continues, the world will face a deep crisis, he said, adding that continuation of the brutal behavior of the Zionist regime will lead to flare-up of the region and the beginning of endless military and security crises.


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