
Permalink Censorship Will Remain the Lasting Legacy of Biden’s Failed Presidency

John Miles | Social media censorship is “indistinct from government censorship,” writer Caitlin Johnstone observed, noting that tech giants operate under both implicit and explicit guidance from Congress. |

💬 “I think it’s about time that we stop apologizing for our support for Israel,” then Senator Joe Biden declared in 1986, as if anyone ever has. “There’s no apology to be made – none. It’s the best $3 billion investment we make. Were it not for Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”

Although American support for its Middle Eastern ally is frequently framed under the rubric of liberal antiracism, Biden’s candid pronouncement spoke to the geopolitical realpolitik that informed US alliance with Saudi Arabia, Pol Pot’s Cambodia and apartheid South Africa. The United States’ backing of Israel has formed a core part of its modern foreign policy, invigorating Western imperialism with the potent justification of fighting terrorism just as the communist threat had been seemingly vanquished.


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