British media gloating betrays masterminds behind Kirillov’s killing
Finian Cunningham | The reveling by the British news media over the assassination of a top Russian general in Moscow is revealing in several ways. | The reveling by the British news media over the assassination of a top Russian general in Moscow is revealing in several ways. ■ First of all, it is a sickening display of wretched so-called journalism. The celebratory tone in British media outlets at the sight of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov’s bloodied corpse lying in the snow speaks volumes of a despicable lack of respect. It says something about the depraved depth of British culture. ■ By comparison, the reporting of the assassination by American media outlets was relatively mundane and matter-of-fact. Not so in Britain. The British media were almost euphoric in their reaction. ■ The Pentagon’s response was significant. Spokesman Patrick Ryder denied any U.S. involvement in the killing. He said the Americans were not forewarned about the assassination and he added that the United States did not support such action. Of course, such denials should always be treated with skepticism. However, while the Americans had the decency to remain reserved, the British were giddy in their ghoulishness.
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