
Permalink Trump's Gaza plan is not America First

Paul R. Pillar | Calling for the deportation of all Palestinians and takeover of the territory — and with US military assistance — may be bluster, but what if it's not? | President Trump’s most recent pronouncement about the Gaza Strip and the people who live there brings to mind Abraham Lincoln's definition of a hypocrite as a man who murders his parents and then pleads for mercy on grounds that he is an orphan.  Trump is correct in saying that the residents of Gaza are “living in hell.” But in the same breath he supports the policies and actions of the foreign state that has turned the Gaza Strip into hell. Trump is comfortable with the United States helping Israel to “murder” the Gaza Strip — and is increasing the supply of weapons to do so — while pretending to be merciful and compassionate toward the remaining people of Gaza who so far have survived the Israeli onslaught but are suffering immensely. The hypocrisy only adds a further gloss to what already was morally indefensible support for ethnic cleansing.


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