

Dr Vernon Coleman

The war in Gaza is our war. But if you’re American or British then you are clearly supporting the wrong side in the war. Your government is complicit in the worst genocide in living memory; a ruthless territorial grab and brutal ethnic cleansing disguised as revenge killing.

At the United Nations, thirteen nations voted to demand a cease fire – to stop the Israelis continuing their slaughter of babies and children and old people in Gaza.

Two countries did not vote for peace. The United States of America, under Biden, vetoed the vote – which means they voted to allow Israel to continue the slaughter. What’s the difference between supporting Israel’s genocide and supporting Germany during the Second World War? If there is a difference I cannot see it.

A genocide is a genocide is a genocide is a genocide is a genocide.

Biden effectively said to Israel: `It’s OK to kill as many children as you like. Here are some bullets and bombs which you can use.’

The United Kingdom, under Sunak, sat on the fence and abstained. In practice this means that Sunak also said `Carry on Murdering’. Sunak, like war criminal Blair, is an American poodle. He barks when he’s told to bark. And he does nothing when he is told to do nothing.

As I predicted at the start of the Iraq war, Blair became very rich. What’s Sunak’s price? Whatever it is, the result is that Britain has stamped the genocide with Sunak’s seal of approval. This is the worst, most cold-blooded war crime in modern history, and Sunak has turned his back on decency, com-passion and honour. Why I am not surprised.

Israel, as some brave Jews now agree, has weaponised the `holocaust’ and uses history as its perennial get out of jail free card. Netanyahu and the Zionists seem to think that history gives them special rights – and entitles them to behave contrary to human, moral and criminal laws.



Author unknown

From the comment section of an online article, cited below.

In the 10 years before Israel was created, from 1937 to 1947, Israel launched at least 50 major terrorist attacks, blowing up 814 civilian aircrafts, two trains, one ship, and razing 385 Arab villages to the ground. Note that these are only “major” terrorist attacks.

Between 1947 and 1949, Israel attacked major Palestinian cities, destroying some 530 villages and killing some 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including dozens of massacres.

On April 9, 1948, Zionist forces carried out one of the most notorious massacres of the war in the village of Deir Yassin, on the western outskirts of Jerusalem, where more than 110 men, women, and children were killed by the Zionist militia of the Irgun and Stern Gang.

During this period, 750.000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and became refugees in their own ancestral land. Refugees have the right under international law to return to their displaced homes and to recover their property. So Israel’s current occupation of Israel is illegal.



Finian Cunningham

Biden, Netanyahu and all Western enablers are the Herod figures of today who 2,000 years ago massacred infants in an attempt to kill the Son of God.

All the Christian Churches in Bethlehem will not be celebrating Christmas in the usual way this year. There will be religious services and prayers but there will be no festivities and lights. Amen to that!

The prevailing atmosphere is one of mourning and solidarity with the people of Gaza and the West Bank who are suffering genocidal violence from the Western-backed Israeli state.

Bethlehem is the historic birthplace of Jesus whom Christians believe is the Son of God. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Christians believe the “savior of the world” was born in poverty and in a humble stable in Bethlehem, a town in what is now the Occupied Palestinian West Bank territory. Instead of the Roman Empire, we now have the U.S. and its American-armed Israeli garrison.

Every year there are usually magnificent celebrations to commemorate Christmas in Bethlehem, with a splendid lit-up giant Christmas tree aloft in the town square, along with fireworks and droves of pilgrims from all over the world.

This year, however, there will be no visitors from overseas as the West Bank and Gaza, the other Palestinian territory, are submerged in shockingly brutal military violence meted out with impunity by the Israeli state, armed to the teeth by an indulgent Washington. The Israeli onslaught against defenseless civilians is declared by the scowl-faced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and endorsed by Western governments, to be retaliation for a deadly attack by the militant group Hamas on October 7.

In reality, for many other observers, it is a heinous opportunistic ramping up of genocide to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the map. The Israelis have admitted that objective. The slow-motion genocide of Palestinians that has going on for decades with American and European acquiescence (under the guise of a peace process and delivering humanitarian aid) is now hideously sped up. There is no pretence now. And it is shocking how blatant and brazen it is with no objection from the Western governments. Every day the slaughter is televised as if it were normal or excusable.



Donald Jeffries

Despite my self-evident cynicism and my reflexive skepticism, I am basically a trusting soul. Even though I know how corrupt and unreliable so many people are, still I instinctually give them the benefit of the doubt. Until proven otherwise, I assume most people aren’t dishonest, and take them at face value.

This kind of delicate balancing act is how I manage to issue blanket condemnations of the “Sheeple,” while still being concerned about the welfare, and the rights of The People, which includes those who are oblivious to the criminal tyranny all around them. It’s not easy being a populist, of promoting power to The People, when so many of them are brainwashed enough to lash out at messengers like me, who are simply trying to defend their civil liberties. Who knows how many of them would support throwing people like me into the FEMA camps, for pointing out how badly they’re being screwed? They’ve been conditioned to act like Pavlovian dogs, waiting for the bell to ring.

The odd thing about the Sheeple, who constitute a clear majority in decaying America 2.0, is that most of them are skeptical of salesmen, or salespersons, for example. Salestranspersons. They blanch at anything that seems “too good to be true.” They hate “get rich quick schemes.” Even if they were offered a perfectly legitimate check, for a substantial amount of money, without any contract to sign that roped them into something nefarious, they would still regurgitate the adage, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” The Sheeple really, really hate “free lunches,” even when they’re doing the eating. I thoroughly documented how there are “free lunches” in this rigged economy, in my book Survival of the Richest. But “free lunches” are only for the elite.



Cesare Sacchetti

There was a time when Russia was not even a State. At least, it was not a national State in the real sense of this word. Its government had no power to enforce its laws and other actors dominated the scene. This was the time of the 90s. If we were to speak with some Russians who lived at that time in the country, they would surely tell us what kind of living hell Russia was then.

The collapse of the Berlin wall was a disaster because it dismantled the Soviet blockade and created a political vacuum. A political vacuum that was filled by foreign powers such as the US deep state along with the infamous Russian oligarchs, who happen to be quite often Ashkenazi Jews.

These oligarchs allowed Russia to be ruled by the worst kind of people, including mobsters, human smugglers and drug dealers. All these elements were the de facto government of Russia at that time. At this point, we need to stress some facts before continuing our analysis. We are certainly not nostalgic of the Soviet era.

How Wall Street created the USSR – The USSR was a creation of the Anglo-Saxon financial world and it was conceived to spread communism throughout the world and also to get rid of the ancient Russian tsarist tradition, which embraced Christian values.

The real story of the birth of the USSR is not told in the history books because it would disturb the liberal narrative. For instance, we do not read in the history books, at least the ones that we study at school, that Trotsky went to New York to plan his revolution in 1917 and we do not read that in this city he received funding by the local powerful and wealthy banks.



Finian Cunningham

Locking children up and threatening their families with punishment if they show the slightest emotion is the dirtiest terror tactic.

Despite Western media’s systematic attempts to normalize Israeli state terrorism, it is inescapably evident even from their distorted lens just how wicked the Netanyahu regime is.

All Palestinians released so far in hostage exchanges by the Israeli regime are women and children. Women and children! Why were they even in detention in the first place? What sort of despotic regime does that?

One that is supported to the hilt, militarily and diplomatically, by the United States and other Western governments. So much for “Western Values”.

And for all their valiant attempts to cover up for outrageous war crimes, the Western media can only be seen to be contemptible laundromats washing the blood away. They are as complicit in this sickening genocide as the U.S. and European governments are. The BBC and CNN, etc, are the most trusted news sources, according to their advertising. Yes, the most trusted to make you throw up.



Martin Jay
Strategic Culture Foundation

NATO’s 75th birthday is coming around soon, with celebrations planned for July of next year in Washington. Yet the organisation has a bit of a problem with the party and celebrations.

When people reach the ripe old age of 75, there is usually a tendency to slow down and take things easier; often there’s a lack of cohesion, sentences often aren’t completed, delusion and incompetence become more noticeable if not plain idiocy on a scale not previously seen. In some cases, relatives might even talk of assisted suicide to put the old bugger out of his misery, with some even as going as far to talk about being “brain-dead”.

NATO’s 75th birthday is coming around soon, with celebrations planned for July of next year in Washington. Yet, the organisation has a bit of a problem with the party and celebrations. What’s there to celebrate with Ukraine more or less, a war that even die-hard Republicans in America admit is a war which cannot be won? 75 years old, NATO is looking more and more like an outdated institution which, if anything, is going to fall on its sword at some point when the world wakes up and realises what a con it is.

But the old git has to be kept alive at all costs, largely to keep up appearances for new members and also to protect the reputations of western leaders who have staked theirs on the war in Ukraine being a righteous win.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen is a lucky man. The former NATO chief is fortunate enough to actually not look as stupid as he really is and is at a period in his so-called career where he can say patently idiotic things, and it doesn’t matter. But his latest idea – to give Ukraine some kind of token, half-cocked NATO membership – is braindead nonsense on a whole new scale which we haven’t seen before.



Muhammad Hamza Tanvir

Since October 7, 2023, almost, 15000 civilians, including thousands of children and women, in Palestine have been killed by Israeli forces. There is much speculation that the latter is intentionally targeting children and women as a weapon to draw Hamas out of their hiding places. The recent genocide of the people of Gaza started after Hamas attacks on Israel on 7th October. Israel is using these attacks as an excuse for its beyond-the-pale atrocities and war crimes in Gaza, ignoring the fact that Hamas attacks were conducted in isolation. The history of the Israel Palestine conflict dates back almost a century. The Zionist people invaded the lands of Palestinians and forced them to evacuate their homes in 1948. A long history of violence, humiliation, and subjugation led to the creation and recent attacks of Hamas, which has also been admitted by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

The Israeli Defense Forces have killed thousands of civilians and bombed different hospitals, residential buildings, and some refugee camps in response to the Hamas attacks. Although these attacks provided an excuse for the Israeli forces to conduct this massacre in Gaza, the successful attack by Hamas has raised suspicions around the globe. Israel is considered one of the world’s best-equipped countries in terms of defense and eavesdropping technology. Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, has earned a reputation of being among the best infiltrators and intelligence gatherers in the world. Moreover, the United States also collaborates with Israel in terms of intelligence sharing. Despite possessing such an invincible intelligence and defense system, being unaware of the Hamas’ operation has raised suspicions among many analysts around the globe.

The recent mass ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from Gaza, indiscriminate operation by the Israeli forces, and rejection of ceasefire efforts and suggestions by Israel with the support of the United States demonstrate that all this predicate on something much more than just self-defense. Many believe that the real intention behind this genocide of the Palestinian people and their forced displacement from Gaza is directed towards the launch of Israel’s long-term dream project, the Ben-Gurion Canal. The construction of this canal was proposed in the 1960s by the founding father of Israel, David Ben-Gurion.

The continents of Asia and Europe are connected through the Suez Canal, which handles almost 10-12 percent of global cargo trade ships. It is responsible for the transportation of almost all the trade between Asia and Europe. The canal was once operated by the Suez Company. However, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Former Egyptian President, transferred the operations of the canal to the state-owned Suez Canal Authority, in 1956, which sparked the Suez Canal Crisis – the second Arab-Israeli War.




Australian Covid-19 concentration camp.

[11/24/21] As this article is written, the globalist-controlled Australian government is removing the indigenous Aboriginal people from their homes and forcing them to take the vaccine. They are being arrested by the military and taken to COVID-19 concentration camps. The same camps have been constructed in America and most countries around the world and stand ready for the next phase of the depop-psyop.

Australia is the testing ground. Whatever the super-rich can get away with there, they will do to the rest of humanity. Each country is at different stage in the operation. All could eventually be subjected to the same measures as the Australian people.

The logical next step in their mass murder plan would be to use the fake PCR test to force everybody in the camps to be injected, "for their good and to save lives,” they would say. The politicians and talking heads in the globalist media will claim the deadly (non-existent) Covid-19 germ is spreading, and drastic action must be taken.

The military will enter the camps and force every prisoner to take a “live shot”, not the saline that was given to politicians and the rich and famous. Within weeks, the simple cold germs that were in the camps will be replaced by a raging inferno of mass death as all those injected with the lethal bioweapon die.




L'affichage de ce titre, contenant l'expression d'une affection sans bornes pour l'UE, pour le Vieux Continent, que nous avons utilisé pour intituler cette note ne relève pas de Salvini ou d'un autre anti-européiste vrai ou supposé de notre continent, mais à un membre influent et respecté de l'establishment américain, Mme Victoria Nuland, épouse du politologue Robert Kagan.

Ne dérangez pas Victoria – La famille Kagan mériterait un portrait, mais sur ce point nous vous renvoyons à l'annexe en note infra, pour l'instant nous allons nous concentrer sur Mme Nuland, sous-secrétaire d'Etat aux affaires politiques dans l'administration Biden et grande représentante de la politique étrangère américaine, qui a prononcé ces mots doux au moment du coup d'Etat de Maidan (voir la vidéo du Guardian), dont elle était l'architecte: elle a même été filmée en train de distribuer du pain aux manifestants.

Elle a utilisé cette expression parce qu'elle était agacée par certains dirigeants européens qui s'étaient permis de se mêler de sa révolution, qu'elle a couronnée de succès en intronisant son protégé Arseny Yatsenyuk au poste de premier ministre, comme le montre une autre de ses conversations (à la BBC).

Nuland appartient à la petite élite néoconservatrice, principalement grâce à son mari, rejeton du fondateur des néocons, un groupe d'intellectuels qui prêchait la nécessité pour les États-Unis de créer une politique étrangère agressive afin de conserver la primauté dans le monde.



Linh Dinh

[Phnom Penh, 11/14/22]

Leaving my hotel just after 5AM, I had the option of strolling towards the Mekong, just a mile away. At that hour, there was very little traffic, so crossing streets wasn’t so vexing. Most days, though, I’m sucked right into the dark alleys, with its roosters, sleepers, coal fires and eatery owners preparing breakfast. Seeing a large pot of boiling water can make you think everything is still fine. Something delicious will be made.

Although there are Westerners in this neighborhood, almost none ever stray into these alleys, even in daylight. With its motorbikes, playing children, shabby shops, good and bad smells, and so many bodies just inches away from you, these spaces engulf everything, so are essentially medieval. Bobbing in this stew, you’re finally home, pilgrim! The more modern or affluent a man, though, the more privacy he needs, so he hates to be touched by anyone but himself, which he does compulsively.

If such mingling is so great, India must be paradise, but, I must admit, its insane urban density, incessant honking and miserable cows shitting, pissing and eating garbage got to me, so that, after just one month, I found myself collapsed outside an airport, with my seemingly dying wish a return to Southeast Asia’s more manageable chaos. Writing this, I’m again at that café with the smiling, slightly chubby barista.


Oriental Review Editorial

Hamas may lose the Gaza Strip, but it will win the regional battle in the Middle East.

Having forgotten about Ukraine, Western experts turned their attention to the Middle East, where the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is turning into a war. Thus, the article by Richard Sindelar, an American expert and former official of the US State Department, on the online edition of 19FortyFive, forecasts future developments in the area and their effects on the whole world. In his view, Hamas, under the onslaught of Israel Forces (IDF), may the Gaza Strip but can win the regional battle in the Middle East.

The Palestinians are increasingly backed by new Islamist groups and Arab countries, causing a growing conflict. They are engaging in asymmetric warfare against the IDF on multiple fronts. Furthermore, leaders of Hamas have examined Israel’s vulnerabilities, such as conflicting politics within the nation, global criticism of the IDF military techniques, and will exploit them to conquer Jerusalem.

The things Hamas and indirectly Hezbollah have learned will be repeated and changed during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. They will be used not just in Gaza but in other areas of the region where these groups are powerful and have supporters who are prepared to fight against Israel.



Dr Vernon Coleman

It is mid November 2023 and this is video number 331 [check below] – all since I first exposed the covid fraud in February and March of 2020, and, at the same time, predicted a plan for a compulsory vaccination programme – long before they even had a vaccine.

Word has reached me that there are still a few people in the world who don’t understand why Israel is intent on destroying Gaza, killing the inhabitants, including babies and children, and taking over control of the land, coastline and sea bed. Thinking people find it difficult to understand why any nation should commit so many war crimes and enthusiastically welcome its status as the world’s latest rogue state, a terrorist nation guilty of the worst genocide most people can remember witnessing. Hospitals, ambulances, and refugee camps have all been bombed. You can’t get much worse than that. Babies and small children have been slaughtered. The sick, the frail and the elderly have been denied food, water and fuel. And the Israelis seem unembarrassed by an endless stream of lies. We weren’t there. It wasn’t our fault. Martians dropped those bombs. The dog ate our homework. I’ve seen videos which have appalled me and left me with images I’ll never eradicate from my mind.

If a murderer runs amok in a town you don’t go around killing everyone you can find – just because you can. Humans don’t slaughter babies and small children without a shred of regret or shame. But that’s what has been happening. The Israelis attacked hospitals and claimed that Hamas were hiding behind the bedpans. And what did they find? Shergar, the crew of the Marie Celeste, Lord Lucan and an old water pistol – which wasn’t any use because the Israelis have cut off all the water.



Less Is More

[January 14, 2009] Anyone who thinks that Israel's invading Gaza has to do with 'terrorism' or 'defending Israel', or for that matter the history of the conflict, are missing the elephant in the room: Gas. Gaza has it; Israel wants it.

In fact, Israel has already made deals with British Gas (BG) (the innovative distributor) to pump the Gazan gas to the BTC pipeline where it can be sold to the West.

How many people still think the Georgia-Russia conflict was NOT about an oil corridor - the BTC pipeline? It is all about oil corridors....approximately 90% of it...and the other 10% is about the Big Dogs controlling the remaining resources of earth.

While the media whips up public opinion into a circus like feeding frenzy, the energy corporations are pulling the strings. Below is an article from 2007 on the contract between BG and Israel to harvest and transport Gazan natural gas. The following month, BG confirms their strategy to match markets and knows reserves innovatively, to continue soaring profits.

When Hamas came into power, democratically elected, it refused to abide by the previous terms set out by the American Fatah puppets: Isreal wanted the gas, but didn't want to give Gaza any money for it. This was not suitable for Hamas. So the gas deal is up in the air...along with the phosperous bombs over the people of Gaza.

To catch these ugly details requires some pretty boring reading through volumes of corporate doublespeak and media propaganda. I have presented some notable sources here. But we must all think for ourselves. To catch a bit of BG's rationale, 'Why what is good for us is good for Gaza' check out BG deal provides a basis for peace.

No one promised the truth would be easy to find or pleasant when found.



Kurt Nimmo

Netanyahu and his settler fanatics will never agree to stop killing Palestinians.

Hundreds of thousands of people in America, Europe, and the Middle East are in the streets protesting against the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. They demand a ceasefire now.

Yes, calling for a ceasefire is helpful, but it will not accomplish much. Israel will not stop killing Palestinians and Washington will continue to support the ethno-religious settler fanatics in Palestine in response to the outsized influence of the Israeli lobby. Call it “J Street,” the “Jewish Street” that commands much of USG foreign policy.

Israel’s bombing of the Gaza Strip, and its raids, home demolitions, and murder of activists and journalists in the West Bank and Jerusalem, will not suddenly come to a halt in response to growing protests.

If you believe this, you know nothing about Zionism. Israel will continue stampeding two million Palestinians into South Gaza and eventually through the Rafah Crossing into the empty desert of the Egyptian Sinai. This has been the plan for decades. It’s not a secret.



Aseel Mousa in Gaza,
Occupied Palestine

Waheed Mousa and his family recount the trauma of being trapped under debris following an Israeli air strike

In the blink of an eye, the early morning light that had filled the rooms of Waheed Mousa's home was smothered by a mountain of rubble, burying him, his wife and his son.

💬 "I woke up terrified. I found more than two-thirds of my body buried under the rubble. I thought it was our house that had been targeted. For a moment, I thought I was in a grave," Waheed, 55, told Middle East Eye.

An air strike had hit the house next door, but the powerful aftershock of the bombing caused major destruction to the residential building in al-Maghazi refugee camp, housing 36 residents, including Waheed's family, in addition to 35 displaced people.

Waheed, a laboratory manager, had hoped that his home - in an area in the central Gaza Strip classified as "safe" by the Israeli military - would be spared the brutal bombing campaign that has flattened whole neighbourhoods and killed over 11,200 people.

💬 "The first thing I thought about was my wife and children. I was terrified of losing them, until I heard the voice of my wife Reem calling me in a painful voice: 'Waheed'. At this moment, I felt hopeful that she was still alive," he said.

Reem can't find the words to describe how she felt while she was buried under the rubble.

💬 "I was very terrified, until I heard the voice of my youngest son, Ahmed, who is 13 years old, screaming and saying: 'Mama, I am suffocating,'" she said.



Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Anti-government protesters detain a policeman (2nd L)
during clashes in the Independence Square in Kiev,
February 20, 2014. (© Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)

Ukraine’s socio-economic and political problems are rapidly approaching crisis proportions and can only sustainably be resolved by freezing the conflict and focusing entirely on maintaining stability through multifaceted means.

Bloomberg reported a few days back that Zelensky told a group of journalists that Russia is allegedly plotting a so-called “Maidan 3”, which the Ukrainian leader candidly acknowledged “is understandable” from the perspective of their strategic interests. This warning comes amidst his spiraling rivalry with Commander-In-Chief Zaluzhny, Time Magazine’s claim that some front-line commanders are refusing his orders to advance, and a former NATO Supreme Commander calling for a Korean-like armistice.

The writing is on the wall that NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine is on its last legs after summer’s failed counteroffensive soured Western policymakers on the scenario of continuing to indefinitely fund this conflict, which was already an issue even prior to the latest Israeli-Hamas war. With Russia having won the “race of logistics”/“war of attrition” with NATO, the bloc can no longer feasibly maintain the pace, scale, and scope of armed aid to Ukraine, ergo the need for freezing the conflict.

Instead of complying with the West’s reported pressure upon him to recommence peace talks with Russia, he flat-out refuses to do so and continues clinging to what Time Magazine described as his messianic delusion of ultimate victory in the words of one of his unnamed senior officials. This places him on the West’s bad side, thus meaning that his patrons might leverage their agents of influence in Ukrainian society and the state to orchestrate a Color Revolution for justifying another coup there.



Nahida Izzat,
Exiled Palestinian
Poetry For Palestine

I need to watch this horror
I need to feel their pain
Homes erased
Schools bombarded
Hospitals targeted
Water cut off
Food denied
Children crying
Babies Dying
Mamas losing their minds



Alahed News & Agencies

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund [UNICEF] says more than 700,000 children in Gaza have been displaced amid brutal “Israeli” strikes against the coastal enclave.

In a post on social media platform X on Monday, UNICEF said more than 700,000 children in Gaza have been “forced to leave everything behind.” The UN agency also called for “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire” and “sustained and unimpeded access to provide assistance.”

The UN agency earlier warned that children in Gaza are facing a dire humanitarian situation amid an ongoing “Israeli” aggression which has paralyzed medical and healthcare services.

💬 “Children in Gaza are hanging by a thread, particularly in the north,” Adele Khodr, UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional Director said on Friday. “Thousands and thousands of children remain in northern Gaza as hostilities intensify. These children have nowhere to go and are at extreme risk. We call for the attacks on health care facilities to stop immediately and for the urgent delivery of fuel and medical supplies to hospitals across all Gaza, including the northern parts of the Strip,” he said.

The UNICEF has already warned that the risk of waterborne and other diseases is rising and “particularly threatens children” amid rare access to safe water and as the total number of displaced people, which exceeded 1.5 million, are living in dreadful sanitation conditions.



Henry Turner

[This article has been moved to The People's VoiceEditor]


Nahida Izzat
Exiled Palestinian
Poetry For Palestine

This poem is very special, it was written by my beloved niece Jeanine, read by her two beautiful daughters Jude and Jena, and put together by my lovely niece Sabreen



Alison Weir

[2013/9/18/] I thought I would clarify the question of whether the UN "created Israel," since most people – even many of those who are otherwise well-versed on Palestine – are misinformed on this important matter.

The fact is that UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the Partition Plan (read below), was a recommendation that was to go to the Security Council. In the resolution the General Assembly requested that the Security Council take it up. This never happened, and the partition plan has no force of law.

Israeli propagandists, however, perpetrated the myth that the UN created Israel, and this interpretation was then been repeated by numerous others. Please see an article on this, "New States Are Not Created in the UN". Below is an excerpt:

"...was it true that Israel owed its very existence to the U.N., as it became popularly perceived years later? ...This same line of argument was repeated... by an Israeli analyst in the opinion section of the New York Times, who wrote that the vote on Nov. 29 was the “legal basis for the establishment of the State of Israel.”

Leading international legal scholars have vociferously rejected this claim. The noted Australian legal scholar Professor Julius Stone wrote in 1980 that Israel “does not derive its legal existence from the Partition Plan.”

Even Cambridge University’s Professor James Crawford... concluded in his monumental book on the creation of states in international law that "Israel was not created on the basis of Resolution 181..."



Dr Vernon Coleman

Doctors writing in the British Medical Journal have called for the medical profession to do less screening of patients and to cut back on prescribing treatment – ‘to help combat climate change’. Doctors called for global warming concerns to be put above patients’ interests.

Let’s get this straight: the medical establishment wants to cut back on diagnosing cancer early in order to save Big Ben from disappearing under 100 foot waves a week on Wednesday. This is terrifyingly wicked.

The climate emergency is the true health crisis of our time,’ is the message from the medical establishment. Doctors’ leaders appear to have had their brains removed and replaced with those of 12-year-olds. The members of the medical establishment who believe this should all be certified insane and put into a coma to protect the public from their deranged utterings.

The nonsense from the BMA is pouring out these days. For example, the BMA now says that Britain needs another 60,000 doctors. Britain doesn’t need any more doctors. Dare I suggest that the NHS needs the GPs on the payroll to do what they’re paid for – which is to see patients?



Dr. Marwa Osman

With the escalation of the armed confrontations between the Zionist ‘Israeli’ occupation forces and the Palestinian resistance movements mainly in the Gaza enclave, the United States of America began taking procedural steps to strengthen military support for its Zionist allies, in parallel with US President Joe Biden delivering a speech, on October 10, 2023, in which he affirmed the continuation of this support and attacked the Hamas Resistance movement. Through it, he warned “third parties” against interfering in the war directly meaning Hezbollah in south Lebanon. Meanwhile, the Pentagon announced that the US aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford had arrived in the eastern Mediterranean. It also announced that military equipment has already arrived to occupied Palestine.

This is the second time that the ‘Israeli’ entity has requested urgent help from the United States since its establishment on the land of Palestine in 1948. The first was during the October War of 1973, but the difference between the first and the second is extremely important in terms of significance. In the first, ‘Israel’ was facing two regular Arab armies, “Syria and Egypt,” on wide fronts, and in the second, it faced resistance with very modest capabilities confined to the small and besieged Gaza Strip. It is a difference that proves the theory of the erosion of the Zionist “invincible” ‘Israeli’ power now afflicting this entity, compared to the upward trajectory line of the Palestinian resistance.



Paul Matveev

US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in Sukhbaatar Square,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in 2023 (L) and 1988 (R). © X (Twitter)

The country’s location between Russia and China and its natural resources make it a valuable target for American influence operations

The US, true to its modus operandi of instigating “color revolutions” and interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries, could be in the initial stages of preparing a Ukraine-style coup in Mongolia, Russian officials believe.

“The situation in Mongolia is very difficult in terms of the fact that all this hypocritical US policy, which it is pursuing where it needs to realize its interests in any way, is now being transferred to Mongolia,” said Alexey Tsydenov, the head of Russia's Republic of Buryatia, which is located along the eastern side of Lake Baikal and borders Mongolia, in an interview with RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok in September.

According to him, Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who played a key part in the US-backed Euromaidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, is now trying to indoctrinate the Mongolian people and "shake up the youth." He is confident, however, that the Americans will not succeed.

“I believe that in Mongolia the leadership understands everything, and the people and youth are literate and understand when they are simply [being] used and manipulated. I hope they will have enough strength to resist this in order to remain an independent state, and not become a puppet in the hands of the United States,” said the head of the republic.

Mongolia’s geographic and political position makes it a country which could potentially become a springboard for a large-scale geopolitical clash. In this country, not only do the interests of its two friendly neighbors – Russia and China – intersect, but also those of the US, which is seeking to limit the influence of Moscow and Beijing in order to pursue its own geopolitical agenda.



Nahida Izzat
Exiled Palestinian
Poetry For Palestine

This is not the last battle
This is not the final blow
We have made the U turn
This is the road with no return
A pivotal battle on the path of liberation



Katherine Watt
Bailiwick News

Orientation for new readers

The Monster has only devised means to produce the illusion of deadly global pandemics. And that's all he will ever be able to do.

Notes on the 2017 addition of "public health emergency" definitions to 42 CFR 70.1.

Incessant prattling of lobbyists for State-sponsored bioterrorism (code name "biodefense") notwithstanding, there hasn't ever been a deadly global pandemic, or a pathogen with the potential to circulate around the whole world and kill millions or billions of people.

So there can't be another one, or a next one, or any other future one for which the lessons of Covid must be learned; new treaties and laws must be drafted, signed and enforced; new surveillance and control programs developed; and billions of preparatory dollars spent.

There was a first theatrical production of the illusion of a deadly global pandemic: the 1918 Spanish flu. And now there has been a second theatrical production of the illusion of a deadly global pandemic: Covid-19.

There are going to be more attempts to produce the same illusion under different titles; the producers routinely announce and demand funding for their road shows. Human men and women are the audience. Individual human minds are the private theaters into which the shows are projected.



Nadda Osman

‘Israel’s’ relentless bombing of Gaza since 7 October has flattened entire neighborhoods and left the besieged enclave resembling an apocalyptic nightmare.

The death toll, one month on, has surpassed 10,000 people and includes more than 4,000 children, as places of safety, such as mosques, churches, media centers, hospitals and supermarkets, have been bombed.

On the ground, Gaza's residents describe the air strikes, the constant explosions and near-death experiences.

The surrealism of the situation is seen on social media, as Palestinians use platforms like X, formerly Twitter, and Instagram to get their voices out, only for those same voices to disappear forever after the people who posted them are killed in air strikes.

Many post their stories with the caveat that this message might be their last.

Haytham Harrara, a journalist with Gaza’s government media office, was killed on 3 November. One of his final messages was published on X on 13 October. It reads:

“We will not leave, we will not be exiled, and you will not see anything from us other than steadfastness, certainty and resilience. If it will be migration, then it will be to our occupied lands or straight to God, Lord of the worlds.”

Harrara was pronounced dead at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital, one of the area's largest hospitals where thousands have been sheltering and seeking treatment from the ongoing bombardment.



Nahida Izzat
Exiled Palestinian
Poetry For Palestine

The New Ten Commandments

1. Thou shalt believe that “they” are the “Chosen Ones.”

2. If thou seest their numbers extremely over-represented in high positions of power and control, thou shalt not mention it, except if it were to praise their “superior” IQ.

3. If thou becomest aware that they are “running the show” in the media, thou shalt only glorify “their talents.”

4. If thou comest to notice their grip on the world of finance, thou shalt be in awe of their “out-standing aptitude.”

5. If thou detectest their attempted steering of social progress or revolutionary movements, thou shalt only explain it with their “admirable righteousness, evolved integrity and exceptional morality.”

6. Thou shalt not compare their suffering with that of any other's. Theirs is unique.

7. Thou shalt revere the Holocaust –faithfully, as narrated by their gurus, and with all thy heart.

8. Thou shalt have no doubt in your heart as regards the number 6 million.

9. Thou shalt not criticize “Israel”, the “light unto nations”, and thou shalt honour its eternal right to exist as a “Jewish state.”

10.Thou shalt sacrifice as many “goyim” as possible (especially those who dareth say NO), and on the altar of their conquest, greed, arrogance, and supremacy, thou shalt bow down and worship.



Christopher Black

International law has essentially collapsed with the US backed Israeli siege of the Palestinian people of Gaza, in response to the Hamas attack on Israeli occupation forces on October 7. The Palestinians have no expectation of mercy from the Israelis, when they have suffered decades of Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinian lands and their replacement by Israeli settlers, all in violation of international law and several UN resolutions, including of course, Resolution 242 which required Israel to withdraw from all the lands they seized in the 1967 War; a war which they now admit was started on a pretext in order to seize those lands and push out the Palestinians who lived there.

Israel has been granted impunity for its aggression and occupation of Palestinian lands for decades by the nations that helped to create it and support it after World War I and World War II; the USA, Britain and their allies, who granted it impunity to act as it wishes because Israel serves their objectives in the Middle East, acting as the local agent of the nation that seeks to be the world hegemon, the United States.

Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court says nothing about the crimes being committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians in the occupied lands and Gaza, even though it has had a file open on Palestine-Israel since 2019. Its lack of action is in stark contrast to the quick issuance of a warrant of arrest against President Putin some months ago based on no real investigation whatsoever.

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