

Elijah J Magnier

Nestled in the Caucasus, the Nagorno-Karabakh region is a living emblem of global geopolitics. Far from being a simple territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the region is a nexus where the strategic aspirations of Russia, Iran, Israel, America and Turkey intersect. Armenia’s struggle with the loss of Nagorno-Karabakh reveals a broader narrative that involves not just land, but a maze of strategic pathways, alliances and geopolitical moves. While some see the conflict as rooted in ethnicity, others see a struggle for key corridors that could potentially separate Iran from Armenia and bolster Turkey’s influence in Eurasia. The geopolitical stakes are high: Armenia’s NATO aspirations are opposed by Russia, Iran and Turkey; European interests are at stake; and Israel’s prominent role in Azerbaijan makes Iran wary. With Russia and Turkey promoting corridors that could further marginalise Iran in the South Caucasus, the search for a lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains challenging, with the prevailing tensions serving the interests of several global actors.

Under Russian guidance, Armenian officials in Nagorno-Karabakh recently signed a deal with Azerbaijan that has yet to be finalised. The pact will see them become a minority but still Azerbaijani citizens and integrate into Azerbaijani society, a significant change after the 24-hour attack. After years of intense conflict, Baku is now asserting its dominance over the disputed region. But the underlying crisis between Armenia and Azerbaijan is far from resolved.



James Howard Kunstler

“When you give power over law to people who see law only as a weapon with which to get enemies, you destroy the rule of law. That’s what the dumbshit white liberals have done.” — PC Roberts

Everybody I talk to feels a gnawing tingle of dread in their livers and lights as our world tilts into the season of darkness. The Party of Chaos rules solely on the basis of insults to its citizens. They are certainly trying to provoke something like civil war, something they can label “white supremacy,” as if that would justify declaring a state of siege — an emergency suspension of rights to speak, to move, to assemble, to resist the sticky pseudopods of the malevolent Blob that Washington has become.

These insults are all obvious untruths, and behind them, you can be sure, lurk great crimes. Crimes, of course, call for adjudication and payment. That has been the American way. So, naturally, the Party of Chaos, stolidly based against the American way, has hijacked the law to prevent it from being applied to them. They have spoiled and dishonored every authority in this land and disgracing the law is their ultimate prize.

It’s hard to say which of their insults is the worst, they are all so gross and arrant, but the untruths around the Covid-19 vaccine operation seem the most conspicuously sinister. CDC director Mandy K. Cohen is still pushing these shots for all Americans down to six-month-old babies, despite a freight train of evidence that they are useless for preventing the disease and blatantly harmful, especially for children. She is either very stupid, dangerously wicked, or insane. You decide:



John Waters

"When you rinse it right down, the PC/Cultural Marxist revolution has as its objective the emasculation of the white male and the eradication of all values and power systems which are laid at his door, including religion, tradition and the normative family."

One of the legacies of the 1960s ideological culture to the present is what is called ‘political correctness’ (PC), which the average citizen perceives as a weird and slightly infuriating agenda to stop people talking about certain things, but in an irritating rather than a worrying way. The restricted topics form a pattern of sorts, but it is difficult for the uninitiated to say what it is. There is a general sense that it has to do largely with sexual preferences and ‘gender stuff’, feminist diktats and what is called 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism'.

The phrase 'political correctness’ has tripped off the lips of alleged conservatives for so long that it is no longer a tool of clarity. 'PC' is generally regarded as a prim, precious, faintly amusing obsession with the relentless promotion of 'equality', and ‘rights' for what are called ‘minorities'. Most people are unsure why such areas are subject to a particular regime of untouchability, but don't really worry about it too much because there are lots of other things to worry about already and, without getting into too much detail, they are broadly in favour of things like ‘rights’ and ‘equality’.

A standard meme of modern political discourse is the intellectual who, when challenged that some element thrown up by political activism or activity is ‘political correctness gone mad’, simply grins and shakes his head and says: ‘If I hear one more time this nonsense about political correctness, I'm going to start screaming!’ This manner of implying that PC is simply a perverse and eccentric invention of the enemies of ‘equality' and ‘rights’ is just one of the weapons in the armoury which has been developed to protect the very phenomenon being denied. Similarly, depictions of a continuing orchestrated conspiracy, which allow activists operating under the general banner of what has become known as ‘Cultural Marxism’ to dismiss claims of political correctness as 'conspiracy theory'. The point is that the conspirators are no longer around and are not needed now, having long ago constructed a mechanism that operates more or less by its own momentum.

What is called ‘PC’ is actually a highly disturbing climate of censorship, by which the advocates of an extreme radical programme of social transformation have succeeded in advancing their ideas and activities under its cloak of censorship and inhibition. In truth, what is called ‘political correctness' is actually a kind of force field thrown up around a phenomenon sometimes called 'Cultural Marxism', a mutated version of the original, directed at changing fundamentally the way Western societies conduct their everyday existences in the most intimate areas of their family and community lives.



James Howard Kunstler

"The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine" — Sextus Empiricus
“We didn’t love freedom enough.” — A. I. Solzhenitsyn

Do you think that more than half of the US public may be getting a little irked with “Joe Biden’s” lawfare elf, AG Merrick Garland, as he rolls one innocent J-6 protester after another into decades of hard-time for strolling through the US Capitol building — while the special counsels assigned to only a few of the Biden family crimes play hide-the-salami with due process?

For all their cheap talk about “our democracy,” it’s a little scary to see what Democratic Party lawyers actually think of the legal system that is supposed to allow a society based on liberty to function fairly. Court filings last week indicate that Special Counsel David Weiss is about to indict Hunter Biden on that gun charge they have used as the joker in a three-card Monte game for going on five years.

Last time, they ran the game before Delaware federal judge Maryellen Noreika, she detected a teeny-weeny, sneaky clause in the plea agreement to a watered-down gun charge that would have granted immunity to Hunter B from any other past wrongdoing, including, of course, the entire alleged Biden family racketeering operation that had the First Son acting as prime broker and bag-man for tens of millions of dollars in bribes from foreign actors in countries less than friendly to US interests, funneled into any number of Biden family shell corporations. Judge Noreika nixed the plea agreement.




MOSCOW, 17 Dec 2021 | Russian Foreign Ministry published a draft agreement on guarantees of security between Russia and the United States Friday. The document includes eight articles and covers the main aspects of mutual guarantees of security between Moscow and Washington.

The document reflects the calls, repeatedly voiced by Moscow in the past, and offers a solution to the accumulated problems and threats, including those that emerged after Washington withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

First and foremost, the document outlines the principles of indivisible and equal security, and non-threatening of each other’s security. To this extent, the document includes the following points: rejection of actions and events that affect the other side’s security, non-participation in such events and refraining from supporting them. Besides, the draft agreement mentions the rejection of security measures - be it individual or within and international organization, military alliance or coalition - that could undermine the base security interests of the other side.



warnews247.gr editorial

Colossal Russia-North Korea deal for millions of shells and ammunition - Putin's mate move in Ukraine

North Korea gets satellites, ICBMs, nuclear-powered submarines, and the lifting of sanctions!

Gods and Demons threatened the US, UK, and other Western countries after the strategic "Deal" between V. Putin and Kim Jong Un. After marathon negotiations, the first information about the defense deal between Russia and North Korea is beginning to leak out.

This is a mate move by V. Putin as it will prepare the Russian troops for the biggest counterattack in modern times by acquiring millions of artillery shells and mortars. And what will Ukraine counter with? Probably nothing... The West is running out of steam.

The negotiations between the delegations of the Russian Federation and North Korea in an expanded format lasted about an hour and a half and then the leaders of the two states spoke face-to-face for about two hours. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un spent five hours today with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome.

The Russian delegation at the negotiations included Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Prime Minister Manturov, Foreign Minister Lavrov, Deputy Prime Minister Khusnullin, Head of the Russian Ministry of Transport Savelyev and Head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources Kozlov. Judging by the toasts at the joint dinner, the two leaders agreed on everything.


Dr Vernon Coleman

Hospitals are terrible places. People die in them. You should go to hospital only as a last resort. And you should escape the minute you can.

As a doctor, I am ashamed, saddened, and embarrassed to have to tell you this but hospital patients are routinely neglected, humiliated and left in pain. Thousands of patients have died as a result of poor treatment. One independent inquiry documented cases where patients had been left unwashed for up to a month and left without food, drink, and medical treatment. The conclusion was that managers had been ‘preoccupied with cost-cutting, targets and processes’ and had lost sight of their basic responsibilities. Astonishingly, none of the managers responsible was taken to court. Nor were any of the doctors and nurses punished.

I have little doubt that in all the hospitals where patients have been dying unnecessarily the staff (including doctors and nurses) managed to convince themselves that they were providing patients with excellent service.

And, equally, I have no doubt that an enormous number of patients relatives, and hospital visitors must have ignored all these awful things and believed that the hospitals concerned were doing a wonderful job.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to hear that the managers responsible for all this pain, agony, and death, have thick files of letters from patients and relatives thanking them for the excellent care.



James Howard Kunstler

“…a system that has been hollowed out by a string of cascading failures runs into one more crisis than it can tolerate, and implodes under the weight of its own absurdities. We are much closer to such scenes in North America and Western Europe right now than I think most people realize.” — John Michael Greer

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss was a bigger shock to the Washington DC deep state Blob than Donald Trump’s victory. But the dynamics of this trauma operated at many levels. At the most superficial level was the hysterical response of Democratic Party rank-and-file women who regarded Donald Trump as the most extreme and horrifying embodiment of an archetypal “bad daddy.” This was all sheer psychodrama of course, but women are engrossed with psychodrama — generating it and relishing it — which men often fail to appreciate.

In cases of madness, there is often a dark, sordid secret behind the weird behavior that presents outwardly. In the group madness provoked by Hillary Clinton’s loss, the dirty secret was that she had actually bought the Democratic National Committee in 2016, meaning the machinery that runs the party. She used lavish contributions to the Clinton Foundation to accomplish that. And Hillary along with her foundation — and husband Bill, who had been reduced by late career misadventure to a kind of political fashion accessory — had committed any number of grave crimes against our country over the years, especially during her service as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State. Think: Skolkovo… Uranium One…. In 2016 Hillary used her ownership of the DNC to underhandedly de-rail the likely Democratic primary winner, Bernie Sanders, from being nominated.

The initial act of madness by the “Resistance” on Mr. Trump’s inauguration day was the women’s march of pink pussy-hats, so called, a symbolic exhibition of fleering female genitalia in Mr. Trump’s face, so to speak, as an act of defiance against the new national daddy figure (and his millions of deplorable supporters watching the ceremonies on TV). This proved to be a mere overture to the more extreme sexual acting-out that evolved in the years to follow, overall a campaign to horrify people of normal appetites, beliefs, and moral codes, culminating in the drag queen story hours aimed at maximally inducing outrage among people organized as families.



Donald Jeffries

I was struck early on in life by the nonsensical nature of of power. As a teen, I marveled at Shakespeare’s brilliant observation, “Man, proud man, dress’d in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d- his glassy essence- like an angry ape plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as makes the angels weep…”

Now, I naturally object to power, but I think that’s primarily because of all the extremely flawed authority figures I’ve had. I can really only think of one or two supervisors that I could stand, in forty five years of working. I was born a rebel, but I really think I would have been perfectly respectful if I’d been managed by Huey Long or John F. Kennedy types. When you’re young and naive, you expect those in power to be consistent and fair. It didn’t take long for me to recognize that this just wasn’t the case. I saw far more evidence of favoritism than competence. People with power abusing it, against the advice Uncle Ben gave Peter Parker. Perhaps others had different, more positive experiences.

The dictionary defines “meek” as “quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on.” That doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Don’t we all like gentle people? It takes a quiet person to mesh with extroverted talkers like me. Meek people don’t know how to say “no,” thus are “easily imposed on.” Salespersons lick their chops at the prospect of pushing them into buying whatever it is they’re selling. Even if they figure out they’ve been ripped off, or taken advantage of, the meek won’t complain. They certainly won’t file a lawsuit. The meek are never on offense. When forced to react, they do so as submissively as possible.

I unhappily discovered as a child that those in charge, of families and workers, and voters, were seemingly all hard-hearted. Tough. Strict. I learned this from personal experience, and reading too many fairy tales. The works of Charles Dickens- whom I consider the greatest writer to ever lift a pen- are replete with this. Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and company spent miserable childhoods being shuttled between one abusive adult or another. Where was the kindness in the adult world?



John & Nisha Whitehead

“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.”—Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

If there is one point on which there should be no political parsing, no legal jockeying, and no disagreement, it is this: for anyone to advocate terminating or suspending the Constitution is tantamount to a declaration of war against the founding principles of our representative government and the rule of law.

Then again, one could well make the case that the Constitution has already been terminated after years on life support, given the extent to which the safeguards enshrined in the Bill of Rights—adopted 231 years ago as a means of protecting the people against government overreach and abuse—have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded with the support of Congress, the White House, and the courts. Consider for yourself.



Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Spadaro’s article is not a simple provocation – something already unheard of in itself – but the manifestation, the epiphany, as some 'theologian' of Santa Marta would call it, of a counter-church with its false dogmas, mendacious precepts, deceitful preaching, its corrupted and corrupting ministers. (lifesitenews.com)

Spadaro’s words are like a puddle of sewage containing the scum of the worst Modernism that has been plaguing the Church for more than a century. It is the Modernism that was never definitively eradicated from seminaries and self-styled Catholic universities, to which a sect of heretics and those who are misguided has erected the totem of the Second Vatican Council in place of two thousand years of Tradition. Until some time ago this “synthesis of all heresies” tried to make itself presentable by failing to manifest its antichristic nature, which was nonetheless consubstantial with it: there was still the risk that some vaguely conservative Prelate not yet fully committed to the cause would realize its intrinsic danger.

Of course, the divinity of Christ was considered to be merely wishful thinking flowing from the need for the sacred of the “primitive community.” His miracles were downplayed to exaggerations, His words to metaphors; on the other hand, “There were no recorders,” said Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Satan. Today, protected by a Jesuit who in violation of the Rule of Saint Ignatius occupies the See of Peter, the worst followers of this sect feel free to give vent to their rantings and arrive, in an infernal delirium, at the point of blaspheming Jesus Christ, who has already been the subject of disturbing epithets from Bergoglio. “Jesus became a snake, he became a devil,” the Argentine said some time ago. He is echoed by Spadaro, who with the arrogance of one who believes himself unpunished dares to define Our Lord as “a sick person, a prisoner of the rigidity and the dominant theological, political and cultural elements of his time”; “indifferent to suffering, angry and insensitive; unbreakably hard; an unmerciful theologian; mocking and disrespectful; blinded by nationalism and theological rigorism.” It is useless to explain to these entangled minds what the Holy Fathers have taught about the Gospel passage about the Canaanite woman: they are interested in keeping the idol of Vatican II high on its pedestal; and it matters little to them if in order to defend their errors they have to trample on the Son of God, offending and blaspheming Him as not even the worst heresiarchs of the past had dared to do.



Dr Vernon Coleman

1. Scotland is proposing to pass a new law making it a crime to call someone old. I shall, presumably, have to have myself arrested for calling myself an old man in a chair. Still, as long as I stay out of Scotland I should be OK for the time being. Unless they extradite me and carry me off down a rabbit hole. Lewis Carroll never dreamt of anything quite as bizarre as the lives we live today.

2. Today’s problems aren’t caused by the fact that 1% of the population controls most of the world’s property and wealth but by the fact that the 99% are, through their mortgages and bank loans, in debt to the 1%. Many will spend their lives working to pay off those mortgages or loans and, at the end of their lives, end up no richer than they were to start with. The 1% (or, in fact, considerably less than 1% but I’ll stick to calling them the 1% because it’s a simple way to describe them) have taken control of the 99% because, to put it bluntly, they own them. The 1% has sucked the world dry of money. They control everything. They control natural resources, they control finance, they control the politicians, they control the judiciary, they control the police, they control health care and they control the military. Globally, they have virtually total control over organisations such as the United Nations (and its subsidiaries such as the World Health Organisation), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Any dissent that appears at the top is contrived and artificial. The 1%, the conspirators, may sometimes appear to be at war with a government or an administrative body or an NGO but they are never at war with anything or anyone because they control everything and everyone. The 1% controls the protestors. Black Lives Matter, climate change groups and mobs smashing store windows are all financed by the billionaire financiers. (Cf. V. Coleman’s new book Their Terrifying Plan.



Dmitry Medvedev (Дмитрий Медведев)
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council

(once again about the population of a dying country)

I want to return once again to the topic of the size of the population of "Ukraine". Judging by some simple arithmetic, this "country" has a mythical past, a sad present and no future.

1. Let us remember that in 2001, as the census showed, there were about 48.5 million people living in "Ukraine" (many of them, however, were permanently working abroad and had only registration at home).

2. In 2014, Crimea and Donbas seceded - the shagreen skin of the population began to shrink.

3. Analytical almshouse with a beautiful name "Ukrainian Institute of the Future" believes that at the beginning of February 2022, the number of permanent population of Ukraine was 37.6 million people. This is confirmed by the figures given by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the electronic census of 2019 - then counted 37.289 million.

4. The main problem today is the incessant outflow of the population outside the "Nezalezhnaya"[1] as an aggressive, impoverished and life-threatening "nenka"[2]. This is recognized both by the Ukrainian services themselves and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. True, by habit, some data are overstated, others understated. But the trend is clear in all attempts at falsification.



Stephen Karganovic
Strategic Culture Foundation

The persecutors have made the mistake of prematurely revealing their brutish faces, Stephen Karganovic writes.

It is now confirmed that the illegal seizure of the ancient Kiev-Pechersk Monastery has been completed. It was forcibly emptied of its monastics and turned over to the bogus, regime-sponsored organisation claiming to be the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. There is presently no reliable information on the disposition of the Orthodox holy relics that used to be located within the monastery complex. Some time ago however it was announced that they would be moved out of the Ukraine to foreign museums, for “safekeeping.” That appalling act of sacrilege and religious pillage may already have taken place.

Meanwhile, clerics of the legitimate Ukrainian Orthodox Church are being arrested or kept under house detention. With the connivance of the authorities, and often at their instigation, temples are seized from believers belonging to the legitimate Church to be handed over to the bogus entity. This is done without any legal justification or opportunity to challenge the procedure. The Kiev Nazi regime’s secret police is currently intimidating priests and bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to call a church council that under their watchful eye would formally break canonical ties with the Moscow Patriarchy and “vote” to join the phony “church” that was set up to replace and absorb it. They apparently believe that such consent given under duress would legitimate the infamy.



Leo Hohmann

Globalist predators are banking on us having short memories but knowledge is power and we can shut down Covid hysteria 2.0 if we enact Operation Peaceful Non-Compliance

The brilliant constitutional attorney John Whitehead has argued that the U.S. Constitution has “effectively been terminated.” Whitehead first made this observation in a column posted at his website on December 6, 2022. He said it again on July 31, 2023, in an interview with CBN News.

The Constitution has been “terminated.” That’s a big statement from a man I trust, and it got me thinking. How did this happen?

What is the Constitution anyway? It’s a legal safeguard, a system of boundaries, meant to protect us against evil doers seeking to take over our society and dominate us. Yes, evil is always present but, at least in America, we had the Constitution and its vaunted Bill of Rights. It was our ultimate firebreak against the tyranny of men.

But after years of infiltration of our major institutions – schools, universities, churches, the media, government – and a couple of major crises in 9/11 and the Covid pandemic — the Constitution was subverted. Where they couldn’t get favorable court rulings, the globalists and their useful idiots (minions) found work-arounds, cleverly claiming they had extra-constitutional “emergency” powers. The legislative branch, Congress, sat back and allowed this evisceration to happen at the executive level. And once the Constitution had been terminated, all of the other safeguards fell like dominoes.



Ahmed Adel

Ukraine is running out of possibilities for a counteroffensive, according to the Washington Post. This report comes as it was recently revealed that cracks are beginning to emerge between Washington and Kiev over the latter’s handling of the war. These cracks will only deepen as we slowly creep towards next year’s US presidential election, where Biden’s unwavering and uncritical support for Ukraine is making him lose support – and at a fast pace.

The Washington Post writes that Ukraine appears to be running out of options in a counteroffensive that officials initially saw as Kiev’s most crucial operation. Although Ukrainian and Western officials call for patience, the newspaper stressed that “the window of time for Ukraine to conduct offensive is limited” because of the “inhospitable weather” in autumn and winter.

“Without more advanced weapons slated to bolster the front line or fully committing forces still being held in reserve, it is unlikely that Ukraine will be able to secure a breakthrough in the counteroffensive, according to analysts,” said the newspaper.

The article also warned that “the inability to demonstrate decisive success on the battlefield is stoking fears that the conflict is becoming a stalemate and international support could erode.”

According to the newspaper, Western and Ukrainian officials, answering questions about the progress of the counteroffensive, call for patience. They describe the fighting as slower than expected but emphasise that Ukraine is progressing. However, away from the public eye, US officials are expressing their disappointment in Ukraine’s handling of its counteroffensive and doubt Kiev will be able to achieve any significant gains by the end of the year.



Dr. Michael Yeadon

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The real goal of the "pandemic" was total digital enslavement, using digital ID and CBDCs: "[The] logical endpoint [is] totalitarian control of everyone on the planet using digital techniques. This whole thing is a multi-year plan designed to smash civil society, to wreck the economy, and to introduce various digital controls, [including] digital ID." "If you accept this, you are in the first stages of the same funnel that cattle go down waiting [for] the stun bullet. So please say no, because there’s no escape from the totalitarian control that digital ID will grant. Whoever owns the database and controls the algorithm, controls you." Dr. Michael Yeadon’s presentation at an SVPTF webinar, Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO, on Feb. 27, 2023. Dr. Michael Yeadon, PhD, former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergic and Respiratory Diseases worldwide for the drug company, Pfizer. He is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotech company Ziarco. Topic: Are the MRNA injections toxic by mistake or by design? Why is the WHO pressing them on the world?

TRANSCRIPT:[00:00:00] I can hardly describe to the audience how frustrated and angry as well as worried I feel. So I'm a career scientist, as Frank said. It's been obvious to me since about April 2020. That what was going on, these cells, which hadn't yet been fully understood, had as their logical endpoint totalitarian control of everyone [00:00:30] on the planet using digital techniques. And I'm afraid I believed then. And I believe even more firmly now that it's not just Big Brother in control that we face, it's extinction. And I'm going to describe why I am so sure about that. I'm getting up to three figures of interviews I've given, and it's immensely frustrating because as I gather [00:01:00] knowledge, I grow more and more certain of some of the things I'm going to tell you. And they ought to be such that a reasonable person, having heard them, you either got to decide that despite my years of experience and the fact that I've gained nothing from speaking out, I'm either mad or what I'm telling you is pretty, right? Pretty well, right? It's the latter. Obviously. I don't think I've gone crazy and I've received not a penny of compensation. [00:01:30] I haven't thought about it nor accepted anything, so I'll cut to the chase then. So before we get into the vaccines, it's actually really rather important to go back to the big picture. I've got a rhetorical question for you. How many times what's the right number of times would you think it appropriate for the public health people in your country and the leading politicians in your country to get on the TV and lie to you in your face? [00:02:00] What's the right number of times if it's in relation to health matters that could affect your health, your family's health, or your life? How many times? The answer is zero, isn't it? Am I making mistakes? But if they deliberately tell you things that they know are not true and can affect your health and life, I think you should disregard everything they say thereafter.



Dmitry Medvedev (Дмитрий Медведев)
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council

We do not need a repetition of the history of 2008. We are still ready to solve problems at the negotiating table in the spirit of the UN Charter. But if our concerns become reality, we will not hesitate.

Fifteen years ago, events took place that neither we nor the whole world will ever forget. On August 7, 2008, at 23:35, Georgia unleashed a barrage of cannons, Grads, and mortars on the sleeping capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali. There were reports of strikes in hospitals and schools, mass deaths of the city's inhabitants, many of whom were citizens of the Russian Federation, and casualties among Russian peacekeepers. Not just a provocation - a war.

The goal of aggression was to return unruly South Ossetia through blood, death, and horror to the limits of a hostile state that for many years carried out unconcealed and systematic genocide of the Ossetian people. To crush and bring to their knees, to force them to give up the very idea of independence and freedom. The moment of the attack was chosen with undisguised cynicism - in the days when the whole world was watching the Olympic Games in Beijing - then a symbol of competition without hostility, equality of the worthy, honor, and justice.



James Howard Kunstler

“Good faith people are willing to be corrected (because the Truth is important); not so the liars of course (they know they are wrong) or the ideologues. So the ideologues therefore don’t act in good faith, though they think they do.” — Truman Verdun

Of all the vicious lies spun around the Covid-19 operation, among the most damaging was the campaign to demonize ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-winning true wonder-drug, among the safest known pharmaceuticals ever, effective against disease-causing parasites and also a potent anti-viral agent — which was exactly why the CDC and FDA turned on it. It very effectively subdued Covid-19 infections.

That is, it worked. And because of that, these agencies had to pretend that it was worthless and harmful, to protect the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the fabulous mRNA vaccines that didn’t work and ended up harming, disabling, and killing many people. Any treatment that proved effective would have invalidated the EUA and negated the liability shield that came with the EUA, protecting the vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits.

A week ago, in a lawsuit brought by three doctors against the FDA for its Covid-19 restrictions, DOJ lawyer Ashley Honold told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in Louisiana that “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat Covid.” Really? After three years of bad-mouthing the drug in public service announcements — horse and cow de-wormer, not for humans! — and telling national boards of physicians not to use it, and telling the national organization of pharmacists not to fill prescriptions for it… which resulted in many states officially forbidding its use … which led to gross injustices such as the State of Maine Medical Board’s obtuse and insane persecution of bio-warfare expert and epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass (for which Dr. Nass is now suing them) … and to many other state boards revoking the licenses of doctors….



The global elite planned many years ago to destroy the United States and the American people. They didn't believe that anyone would stand in their way. They were stunned and infuriated when Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election and delayed their planned take-down of America. This is why the globalists and their media have spent the past six years attacking and demonizing Donald Trump, the one man who poses a real threat to their plan.

The streets of American cities are now covered with homeless people, garbage, and excrement. Rampant crime, muggings, robberies, home invasions, rapes, and murders are common. Thousands of grocery stores, drug, stores, shopping malls, and restaurants have been robbed, looted, and closed down. Shoplifting is now encouraged by laws passed by Democrats. 22 million illegals have flowed over Biden's open border. Over 100,000 children have been exploited and disappeared this year alone. The Mexican mafia is now in America selling drugs. Over 100,000 Americans are dying each year from Chinese fentanyl carried over the border by the Democrat's darling illegal immigrants.



Donald Jeffries

The word “denial” has historically meant the withholding of something, even from one’s self (self-denial), or to doubt the truth in a statement or opinion. It eventually came to mean a refusal to recognize widely accepted “reality.” It has become a cornerstone Orwellian term in the giant mental asylum that is America 2.0.

When revisionist historians began disputing the details of the Holocaust, laws were passed pretty much everywhere except here (shockingly), which resulted in the prosecution and imprisonment of those who were labeled “Holocaust Deniers.” Over the past few years, after the COVID psyop and the laughably fraudulent 2020 election, the “denier” term was expanded to include other Thought Crimes. Disputing anything about COVID or the blessed vaccine was now “COVID Denial.” Complaining about voter fraud in 2020 made you an “Election Denier.” So vote, pay your taxes, but don’t “deny.” It’s become illegal.

They haven’t bandied the terms about much, but for all intents and purposes, those questioning Sandy Hook are “Sandy Hook Deniers,” and those who dare to mention Pizzagate are “Pizzagate Deniers.” They also throw up the “Climate Change Denial” and “Science Denial” thing quite a bit. Some years ago, none other than RFK, Jr. suggested that “Climate Change Deniers” be locked up. He has walked that back a bit, saying he meant heads of large corporations or something, but it’s still a disquieting thing to say. No one should be imprisoned for their views, regardless of how distasteful some might think they are. You certainly can’t have true free speech when anyone, anywhere can be prosecuted for their thoughts. I “deny” Thought Crimes.



Sergey Lavrov
Foreign Minister of Russia
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Russian Federation

Interview with Sergey Lavrov to the International Life magazine (August 19, 2023)

Question: The world has entered a period of confrontation between the concepts of global development: the position of Russia, China, and, in general, the non-Western position as opposed to the policy of Western dominance. Was it inevitable, based on the differences in civilizations, approaches to the use of force and international law, and understanding of the role of international institutions? In the context of the current challenges, what, in your opinion, is Russia's role and mission?

Sergey Lavrov: I cannot but agree that the concept of Western dominance promoted by the United States and the countries that obey it does not imply the harmonious development of the entire humanity. On the contrary, we have to deal with the constant desire of the Western minority for military-political and financial-economic expansion. The slogans change: they talk about globalization, then about Westernization, Americanization, universalization, liberalization, and so on. But the essence remains the same - to subjugate all independent players to its will, to force them to play by the rules favorable to the West.



Brandon Smith

"There are generally two kinds of people in the world – Those that want power over others, and those that just want to be left alone." ~ B. Smith

When I think back to the first days of the covid pandemic lockdowns, I suspect the majority of people, even many conservatives and liberty movement types, had a healthy concern about the effects of the virus and the potential for structural upheaval if it turned out to be as deadly as the World Health Organization initially claimed. If covid had an Infection Fatality Rate of 3% or more as global health officials warned, then the damage would be substantial enough to change our world for many years to come.

Anyone who was not at least partially concerned about a biological disaster (or biological warfare) was probably an idiot. Anyone who was smart was prepared. However, after a few months of the spread of the virus and after the first flurry of scientific data, several facts became evident:

) The lockdowns did nothing to stop the spread, they were simply destroying our economy.
2) The masks were useless and did nothing to prevent transmission of the virus.
3) The IFR of covid was a tiny 0.23%, and that’s not accounting for all the co-morbidity deaths that were falsely labeled as covid deaths.
4) The vaccines did not prevent transmission for millions of people. They did not prevent infection in many cases and numerous vaccinated people have died from the virus. Not only that, but unvaccinated people with natural immunity were better protected than those that took the vaccine and boosters.
5) Studies show that vaccines cause dangerous side effects at a much greater rate than the CDC admitted.

Everything government officials told us during the pandemic was a lie. It was not a mistake, it was not bureaucratic confusion, it was a lie. Even after this information became available, they KEPT GOING – They kept people locked down, kept them masked and they even tried to force-vaccinate the population.



Katherine Watt
Bailiwick News

Madonna of the Rosary with Saint Catherine of
Siena and Saint Dominic.
Painting by Francesco
Lazzaro Guardi. (More @ Fine Art America)

Orientation for new readers

"Cloaked by the secrecy, identifiable men and women impersonating US government officials have committed discernible, lethal fraud, to carry out mass murder behind ‘public health emergency’ camouflage." ~ K. Watt

Key premises of Bailiwick reporting and analysis

The US military is actively engaged in an organized criminal enterprise to injure and kill large numbers of military personnel and civilians without detection or legal impediment.

One of the most useful tools in the arsenal — because it strikes an effective balance between the killers’ two primary interests in speed and deniability — is the deployment of prohibited biochemical weapons labeled as FDA-authorized or FDA-approved ‘vaccines.’

The ‘vaccine’-based killing program is an extension of medical and psychological torture and homicide programs conducted to kill millions of people (disabled, mentally-ill, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Roma, politically-dissident and many more), especially during and since World War II, including but not limited to Aktion T-4 and the Soviet gulag system.

The most recent and most visible phase of the program launched in the US in early 2020, under the title Operation Warp Speed, and resulted in global deployment of psychological fraud and control programs including terrorizing propaganda; social isolation; mask mandates; diagnostic tests; manipulated data presentations (i.e. “dashboards”); prohibition on treatments for symptoms; and financial coercion of hospitals and nursing home death protocols (sedatives, ventilators and toxins).

These components were followed by distribution of three brands of biochemical weapons (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson) with an unknown number of different batch formulations.

The biochemical weapons were and are developed and manufactured under redacted contracts, to DoD specifications, non-compliant with FDA pharmaceutical manufacturing regulations.

They are delivered — by way of the Strategic National Stockpile and DoD transport systems, non-compliant with FDA pharmaceutical distribution regulations — to retail pharmacies, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, workplaces, schools, parking lots and medical offices, and from there into the hands of pharmacists, nurses and other ‘vaccinators,’ for injection into military targets at community-level ‘vaccination’ clinics. To date, the contents have not been publicly disclosed.

Independent researchers have identified some but not all components of some vials diverted from the Strategic National Stockpile supply chain, including heavy metals, genetic code fragments, and many other contaminants not listed on applications submitted to regulators by manufacturers, who are working under redacted contracts for the US Department of Defense.



Henry Makow

"If we wish to obtain our liberation and sovereignty from the enslavement imposed by the private bankers, we must dismantle ...their central banks or we ourselves shall be destroyed and consigned to oblivion."
(A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson)

Here is a frightening thought. What if mankind were the highest expression of life in the universe? What if God pinned all His hopes on this craven, credulous, lazy, and stupid monkey, man?

What if a powerful satanic cult hijacked the human race? Imagine it displaced God and enslaved the human race in spiritual, mental, and physical bondage.

The cult did this by virtue of a very simple scam. It interjected itself between the state and its people by creating the medium of exchange (money) as an interest-bearing debt to itself. Money creation is something the State is perfectly capable of doing itself, without incurring any debt or paying any interest.

This fundamental fraud is the explanation for almost everything that has gone wrong with the world.



Donald Jeffries

Dysfunction and propaganda building an ugly "new normal"

Note- this article was originally published last year on my blog. I think it has become even more relevant. There are a lot of archived articles there that subscribers here may be interested in.

Polls tell us that 27 percent of Americans aged 60 or older live by themselves, more than anywhere else in the world. Older people in other countries, on the other hand, most often live with an extended family, as was once common here. Even older married couples tend to live without anyone else; more childless married couples, or those without children at home, live in the United States than in the rest of the world. We’re number one! USA! USA!

I’ve been thinking about what is a very real epidemic of loneliness, especially in America. Rugged individualism has gone wild. A lot of this is due to the unfortunate prevalence of dysfunctional immediate and extended families. I know very few families where there isn’t an often inexplicable dispute between parents and children, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or cousins. Many of the lonely I have known personally have been in this situation. Rejected by their parents, or having rejected them. Not talking to a sibling or sibling for years, even decades. Ostracized from their children or grandchildren. Facing the sad prospects of old age alone. Is this what anyone really wants?



John Leake

"They meet with darkness in the daytime, and grope in the noonday as in the night." (Job 5:14)

This evening at dinner, Dr. McCullough talked about the troubling signs that the noose is tightening on the Medical Freedom movement, with Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory recently receiving ‘Notice of Potential Disciplinary Sanction’ from the American Board of Internal Medicine. The once intellectually sound institution now resembles a Maoist Tribunal. Equally alarming was Chase Bank’s recent decision to shut down the bank account of Dr. Joseph Mercola, apparently for no reason apart from his unorthodox views of health and medicine.

Then there was RFK, Jr.’s abominable treatment at the hands of Democratic members of Congress at a hearing about the federal government’s flagrant violation of the First Amendment. As I watched the shocking rudeness, arrogance, and brutality of the Representatives, I was reminded of accounts I’ve read about so-called People’s Courts and Tribunals—i.e., Kangaroo Courts—that have been erected by various totalitarian regimes. Last but not least is the constant legal harassment of former President Donald Trump, who is accused of being “a threat to democracy,” even though he is apparently the preferred candidate of roughly half the electorate.

All of the above remind’s me of Arthur Koestler’s classic 1941 novel, Darkness at Noon, which he wrote in 1940 while living in France. A Hungarian Jew, Koestler studied at the University of Vienna, and then embarked on an adventurous life, residing in various European countries and in Palestine, working as a reporter and author. A socialist in his youth, he was discerning enough to recognize that for all of its idealistic promises, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia quickly became a corrupt and tyrannical regime.

Darkness at Noon is set between 1938-1940, after Stalin’s Great Purge of dissidents (real, perceived, and fabricated) and the Moscow Show Trials. The action takes place in an unnamed prison in which the protagonist—a old guard Bolshevik named Nikolai Salmanovich Rubashov—has been arrested as part of Stalin’s campaign to eliminate all potential rivals. Rubashov undergoes a series of interrogations, which initially have a strange air of affability, but then turn progressively more severe and doctrinal.



Katherine Watt

Madonna del Prato with the Christ Child and Saint
John the Baptist. Painting by Raphael. (More here)

Orientation for new readers

Translation of July 26, 2023 NEJM op-ed by Xavier Becerra and Ashish Jha, for use by readers for educational and self-defense purposes.

Occasionally I revise and/or rebut lies of government and non-governmental publications, to render the content truthful. Similar posts [below].

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, letters to Polish Catholics, 1952-1953. Quoted in The Keys of This Blood (Malachi Martin, 1990) at p. 568:

💬 “Whatever served the system or certain persons was called moral, and whatever bothered them was called immoral or evil. In this way, morality was made a slave to people and the system…Words lost their value. Untruth reigned in the means of social communication, information was falsified, the truth passed over in silence, perverse commentaries given. Everyone said that the press lies, the radio lies, the television lies, the school lies. Until, in the end, the lies turned back on the liars.”

Government lies:

July 26, 2023 - Project NextGen — Defeating SARS-CoV-2 and Preparing for the Next Pandemic. Xavier Becerra, J.D., Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Ashish Jha, M.D., M.P.H., White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, published by New England Journal of Medicine


Project NoNextGen — Inducing Sterility and Disease by Weaponizing Chronic Fear of Faked Pandemics. By Xavier Becerra and Ashish Jha

The deployment of lethal biochemical weapons labeled as Covid-19 vaccines and treatments within months after the SARS-CoV-2 propaganda campaign began, represents one of the great successes of modern psychosocial manipulation systems.

Thanks to the ingenuity of technocrats, especially behavioral psychologists, along with cooperation between the US government, the private sector, and globalist organizations (World Health Organization, United Nations), these biochemical weapons changed the trajectory of the bio-behavioral control campaign, destroying millions of lives in the United States and tens of millions globally.



Colonel (ret.) Douglas Macgregor, US Army

A child says goodbye to his father through the window of an
evacuation train leaving Kyiv, Ukraine, on March 6, 2022

It is time for Washington to turn its attention inward and address the decades of American societal, economic, and military decay that ensued after 1991. It’s time to reverse the decline in American national prosperity, and power; to avoid unnecessary overseas conflict; and to shun future interventions in the affairs of other nation states and their societies. The threats to our Republic are here, at home, not in the Eastern Hemisphere.

From the moment the war in Ukraine started, Western reporting on the war was a radical repudiation of the truth. Washington and its NATO allies always knew that NATO expansion to Russia’s borders would precipitate an armed conflict with Moscow, but NATO’s ruling globalist class did not care. For them, Russia in 2022 was unchanged from the weak and incapable Russia of the late 1990s. The risk of failure seemed low. Ergo, Russia could be bullied into submission.

Americans and most Europeans did not bother to question or analyze. Widespread strategic ignorance about Russia and Eastern Europe ensured that most Americans and even West Europeans would react quickly and viscerally to the Western media’s distorted images and lies about Russia. At the same time, tolerance for criticism of Washington’s role in fashioning the corrupt and deceitful conduct of the Volodymyr Zelenskyy Regime and its war was disallowed in the press.

Washington’s ruling class was cheered when it dismissed Russian proposals for talks on any grounds that did not recognize NATO’s right to transform Ukraine into a base for U.S. and Allied Military Power aimed at Russia. Ukrainian flags sprouted from the lush grounds of America’s wealthier neighborhoods like flowers in an arboretum and wonders in the form of limitless military assistance, miracle weapons, and cash were promised to President Zelenskyy––promises that strategic reality did not justify.



Maria Zakharova

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on the impossibility of endlessly suppressing the independence and sovereignty of nations

In two articles of the UN Charter, 73 and 74, there is such a rarely met nowadays term - "Non-Self-Governing Territories". The official Charter definition is that they are territories "whose peoples have not yet attained full self-government". We are talking about colonies.

The UN Special Committee on the Situation about the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples ("Special Committee 24") approved a provisional list of territories subject to the Declaration.

The UN is mandated to regularly update and publish a list of "Non-Self-Governing Territories" whose peoples are still in colonial dependence on metropolises.

It was last updated just three months ago, on May 10. Special Committee 24 counted 17 colonies. Think about it: 17 colonies in the 21st century, in 2023:

Three by the United States (United States Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam);
Two for France (French Polynesia, New Caledonia);
Ten for the United Kingdom (Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Malvinas, Montserrat, St. Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands, Gibraltar, Pitcairn).

When the British monarch "apologizes" for the colonial crimes of his ancestors in Africa and other parts of the world, he remembers that even according to UN estimates, where Britain still has a veto in the Security Council, he is still the head of a colonial country. And for these colonies, his government is ready to kill and die (remember the relatively recent Falklands War). But that is not all.

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