

John Waters

The world’s governments have waged a two-year war on behalf of rich, powerful interests seeking to destroy the sovereignty and futures of their own peoples. This war now enters its most lethal phase.

A crime is being committed on an ongoing basis, all across the world, free and unfree. It is a crime of commission and omission, and arguably the most serious in either category that has ever been perpetrated. We are facing multiple crises but our governments tell us only about crises that are not crises, or at least not crises that involve us, as opposed to affecting us. Effusing moral blackmail in all directions, they shruggingly point towards the war that they started with the precise intention of creating an alibi for themselves, so as to avoid the wrath of their peoples and the punishment that ought properly to await them.

In Ireland, three months ago, the ‘crisis’ that had allegedly assailed us for two years — the ‘crisis’ of a ‘deadly’ disease — evaporated overnight to be replaced by the ‘crisis’ of a war in a country nearly 2,500 miles away. At first sight, it seemed unlikely that such a conflict might affect us in any substantial way, but immediately our Government announced that it would be taking an unlimited number of refugees from the affected country, guesstimated at 200,000 — into a country whose government has for the past decade declared itself perplexed and powerless in the face of a housing shortage affecting 10,000 of its own citizens. Instantly, those who thought that a war in Ukraine was none of our business were ‘proved wrong.’

We who have been seeking to confront the attempted destruction of our lives and societies occurring over the past two years have many times speculated as to whether the dominant note of the political responses might more correctly be ascribed to stupidity or to wickedness. The jury remains out. Stupidity, as we have noted, is no excuse, especially considering that these politicians have been proactive in pushing potential lethal poison serums and preventing people exercising fundamental freedoms on foot of a refusal to accept them. These are not victimless inanities. There must, we have ruminated, be some legal limit on the stupidity of people who exercise public power, especially when that stupidity leads to loss of life or serious injury, which in this case is most certainly the case: a dramatic uptick in working-age mortality in multiple countries of 40 per cent and more.



Stephen Lendman

Some inconvenient facts suppressed in the West by their ruling regimes and MSM press agents include what’s indisputable.

Hegemon USA and its NATO vassals bear full responsibility for war in Ukraine, not Russia. Its SMO is defensive in response to years of US orchestrated and directed aggression by Kiev on Donbass, what was prelude to the collective West’s war on Russia.

For days last February, ahead of Russia’s legitimate intervention, Ukrainian Nazis intensively shelled Donetsk and Lugansk in preparation for large-scale cross-border aggression. The launch of Russia’s SMO prevented a bloodbath.

From day-one of its campaign, there was never a doubt about its outcome — none about its ability to triumph over the made-in-the-USA, Nazi-infested, Ukraine monster. President Vladimir Putin explained what’s indisputable, a reality Russia should have been guided by long ago, saying:

💬 Russia’s “biggest mistake is that we trusted (the US/West) too much.” Separately, he said the following: “We cannot change past events, but we must at least admit them openly and honestly, without any reservations or politicking.”



James Howard Kunstler

“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” ~ Edmund Burke

You thought the Titanic sinking was an astounding spectacle? Looks like the ship of the Deep State got some holes ripped in its hull and may be fixing to go down sometime in 2023. The fun-and-games about voting for Speaker of the House are over. Time to get down to bidness and compel some folks to do some ‘splainin’ under oath. You don’t know for sure who will be chair of exactly which congressional committee, but there will be several of them running investigations at the same time, looking to shake out some verifiable truth from the dumpster of misrule, sedition, and perfidy that America fell into the past decade. Here are a bunch of my top outlines for inquiries.

Covid-19. Forget about Fauci for the moment. First, subpoena the various deputies working under him going back as far as the twentieth century and see what they know about the twisted path that gain-of-function research on coronaviruses traveled from the DOD’s DARPA to the labs of Dr. Ralph Baric at the U of North Carolina, to labs in Canada, Ukraine, and finally to Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Then put Dr. Fauci’s ass in the witness chair and wring out the ‘splainin.’



Peter Imanuelsen

2023 may be worse than 1984.

The future is already here. Forget about microchips implanted in your hand. Now they are coming up with chips implanted into your brains! You heard that right, it is already here.

A company called ”Inner Cosmos” has revealed a new brain implant designed to treat depression. They have already implanted it in a human patient and are planning to start a second human trial next month. The implant sends electrical pulses to your brain to allegedly ”treat” depression.

It comes with an app that measures your mood and has depression graphs to be shared with your physician.

According to Forbes, depression has more than doubled during the pandemic lockdowns. So this seem to come at a very convenient time…

The unique thing with this brain implant is that it sits under the skin, and not inside the skull, which sadly could make it much easier to push onto people. A psychiatrist will program the device and tune it for what they say is the patient needs.

Of course they say it will be used for all kinds of good things, treat depression and so on (without telling you that one of the best ways to treat depression is to go for a hike in nature!). What they are not telling you is how this could be used in very nefarious ways.

But you might have heard the World Economic Forum talk about brain implants before. In fact, in an article on their website they said there were ”rational reasons” to put tracking chips in children.



John Waters

"The only good news I have today is that they – I mean those criminals we are supposed to recognise as ‘our side’ – are going to lose. A ‘higher power’ will intervene...to deal with the perpetrators of this, The Vilest Crime in History." – John Waters

FRIDAY – This year, New Year has been for me a moment of reevaluation not just of the past year, but the past three, which merge into one in my head. I saw a cartoon somewhere recently that made this point rather well: a guy complaining that ‘2020 has been the longest year’ he’s ever experienced, and another guy telling him: ‘Dude, it’s almost 2023!’

I need to pinch my arm hard when I remind myself that its nearly 24 months since we first started talking and writing about the ‘vaccine’ die-offs — and still the media are implacably ignoring it (For the most part anyway: Jimmy Rhatigan of the Kilkenny Press stands alone in the mainstream for his reporting on the issue. His reports focus on Patrick Walsh’s continued delving into the local mortality stats, and as such manage to tell a much bigger story, which of course Walsh is prosecuting on multiple levels, as I reported last week and hope to do again next week.)

The mainstream avoidance of the issue cannot continue, but my advice to people is to beware of cornered rat syndrome as the truth continues to bleed out in spite of the best efforts of the journaliars. We know enough to understand that the people behind this have no consciences and no scruples, and will therefore pull any stunt they think might work by way of distraction or misdirection.



Stephen Lendman

What hegemon USA created, Russia is systematically annihilating. And there’s nothing that the empire of lies and its Western vassals can do to change the course of history.

In challenging Russia militarily, they bit off more than they can chew and swallow. Russia is a preeminent military power, China heading in the same direction — while the US-dominated West is in decline.

The battle to demilitarize and NeNazify Ukraine is proceeding as planned. Russia’s liberation of Soledar assures deNazification of Artyomovsk to follow. These triumphs hasten the end of Nazi occupation throughout Donbass, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Kharkov and demise of the US-created Ukraine monster overall.

Yet the collective West and its MSM co-conspirators can’t bear to admit what’s indisputable. According to New York Times fake news,

💬 “Ukraine denied the claim that Soledar” was liberated from Nazified occupation.

And this from the UK’s owned and controlled disseminator of state-approved propaganda, the BBC; defying reality on the ground, its so-called “reality check team (sic)” falsely claimed the following, saying:

💬 “Russia has not taken a key town or city in Ukraine for months (sic), despite intense efforts to achieve military gains (sic).” “Ukraine’s (US-installed puppet) is adamant (in falsely claiming that Russia is) not succeeding in (its) push to capture” Soledar.

Like other Western instruments of state-approved propaganda, the "Beeb" can’t bring itself to admit that Russia liberated Soledar from the scourge of Nazified occupation.



Kurt Nimmo

The latest demand by neocons that Russia must be wiped off the map is locked up behind a paywall at the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post. In order to read what former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote, I used a browser text reader to bypass the paywall. Rice and Gates argue:

💬 The way to avoid confrontation with Russia in the future is to help Ukraine push back the invader now. That is the lesson of history that should guide us, and it lends urgency to the actions that must be taken—before it is too late.

In other words, this must happen prior to Russia concluding its SMO and its eradication of neo-Nazis elevated and empowered after the USG staged a 2014 coup in Kyiv.

💬 For Putin, defeat is not an option… He cannot cede to Ukraine the four eastern provinces he has declared part of Russia. If he cannot be militarily successful this year, he must retain control of positions in eastern and southern Ukraine that provide future jumping-off points for renewed offensives to take the rest of Ukraine's Black Sea coast, control the entire Donbas region and then move west. Eight years separated Russia’s seizure of Crimea and its invasion nearly a year ago.



Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Director of the RUSSTRAT Institute

Why the unity of the collective West against Russia is gradually crumbling

Stiff reaction of the collective West, which swiftly undertook the maximum possible sanctions against Russia, continues to have a negative impact on the economies of the EU countries above all. At the same time, the leverage of the West is weakening considerably in a confrontation that the parties involved perceive not as just another regional conflict, but as an existential confrontation in fact.

Europe, which has entered the sanctions arena as a fearless gladiator with NATO as its shield, is gradually having to admit that, despite all its desire to punish Moscow for its political independence, the West is running out of trumps. At the same time, the reverse effect of the sanctions on the EU economy cannot be concealed, nor can Russia be stopped. "Nine sanctions packages and less than zero impact!" lamented, for example, former Belgian Prime Minister and MEP Guy Verhofstadt recently.



John Waters

I remember the first day of January, 1973 as though it were last Monday. I was 17, studying (or, mostly, not) for my Leaving Cert, which I was to sit the following June. Over the Christmas holidays, as was my practice, I travelled with my father on his ‘stagecoach’ runs, helping with the mailbags and newspapers, emptying the pillar boxes, acting as door-opener for passengers, and generally riding shotgun. Normally, the mailcar was a clamour of argument, disagreement, insults, laughter and the occasional shouted ‘Yahoo!’ This day it was different — funereal, mainly in deference to my father’s mood, which was uncharacteristically morose. ‘This’, I heard him say to passenger after passenger, ‘is one of the worst days in Irish history!’ The decision to join the ‘European Common Market’, voted on by the Irish people the previous May, and carried by a landslide of 83 per cent to 17, with a turnout of 70 per cent, came into effect that day. My father, who had been one of 211,891 Irish people to vote against joining, believed membership would lead to the destruction of the Irish farming and fishing industries, and make us the paupers of Europe. He insisted that the required trade-offs — especially the exchange of sovereignty and natural resources for infrastructure and subsidies — would erode our longterm capacity for self-sufficiency, bringing with it renewed dependency, deceptively easy money, increasing debt and a degeneration of our political class. He was right on every score. If he were alive today, he would take no pleasure in his ‘vindication’, even though the evidence is to be seen all around.

This perspective was as though in my blood, and I articulated it for many years, encountering a high degree of abuse and ridicule along the way. The argument against Ireland’s membership was especially unpopular during the 1980s and early 1990s, when large amounts of structural and cohesion funding became available and Ireland was a net beneficiary of community largesse.



Andrey Fursov (Андрей Фурсов)

In February 1891, a society was established in London, the existence of which one of the greatest American historians C. Quigley considers one of the most important historical facts of the twentieth century. The society was created in secret, but there is nothing secret, and therefore today we can talk about it as closed. The founding fathers of this structure were three influential figures of British sociopolitical life: Cecil Rhodes, the founder and co-owner of the De Beers diamond mining corporation and other mining and industrial monopolies in South Africa, closely associated with the Rothschilds; William S. Stead was a scout and at the same time, the most famous and sensational journalist of that time (in 1912 he died during the wreck of the Titanic) and Reginald Balliol Brett (later Lord Esher), a friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later the closest adviser to Edward VII and George V.

At various times, the group was called differently – "The Secret Society of Cecil Rhodes", "Milner's Kindergarten", "The Round Table Group", "The Times Group", "The Chatham House Group", "The All-Souls Group." The main goal, however, remained unchanged: the strengthening of the British Empire in the face of the impending threat of Britain's loss of world hegemony.

It is necessary to emphasize one more thing: for Rhodes, the impetus for the construction of the British world empire was not political-imperial, but class and racial. Such an empire was supposed to avoid a class civil war at the core, in Britain. Anyone who does not want a civil war, Rhodes repeatedly stressed, must become an imperialist. As a result, in the world empire, ordinary Englishmen from the lower classes could feel like aristocrats in relation to lesser breeds – the "lower breeds" (in racial terms).



Serena Wylde
The Conservative Woman

Disease caused by prescribed drugs and medical errors, known as iatrogenesis, has been well documented as the third leading cause of death in the developed world, after cardio-vascular disease and cancer. How many people think about the broader implications of that information and apply it as a filter through which to scrutinise medical advice and recommendations? 

Some time back, before the plandemic, I heard a radio advertisement for prescription services which stated that 52 per cent of people in this country were on permanent medication. I do not know if this astounding statistic is accurate, but if it is anywhere near that figure, it is deeply disturbing. It indicates that illness is considered the norm, and good health the out-of-the-ordinary, particularly in the over-65 age group. What must now be the percentage of people on permanent medication following the multi-billion-pound campaign to render populations drug-dependent?

A great part of that campaign, as we know, has been psychological and mental manipulation, and one of the tools in the arsenal is the distortion of language, designed to remove rational thought.



David Swanson
World BEYOND War

U.S. high schools should teach courses on Guantanamo: what not to do in the world, how not to make it even worse, and how not to compound that catastrophe beyond all shame and recovery.

As we tear down Confederate statues and continue brutalizing victims in Guantanamo, I wonder if in 2181, had Hollywood still been around, it would have made movies from the perspective of Guantanamo’s prisoners while the U.S. government commited new and different atrocities to be bravely confronted in 2341.

That is to say, when will people learn that the problem is cruelty, not the particular flavor of cruelty?

The purpose of the Guantanamo prisons was and is cruelty and sadism. Names like Geoffrey Miller and Michael Bumgarner should become permanent synonyms for the twisted dehumanizing of victims in cages. The war is supposedly over, making it difficult for aging men who were innocent boys to “return” to the “battlefield” if freed from the Hell on Earth stolen from Cuba, but nothing ever made sense. We’re on President #3 since promises were first made to shut Guantanamo down, yet it moans and rattles on, brutalizing its victims and their captors.

“Don’t Forget Us Here” is the title of Mansoor Adayfi’s book about his life from age 19 to age 33, which he spent in Guantanamo. He could not be seen as the youngster he was when first kidnapped and tortured, and was seen instead — or at least the pretense was made — that he was an important top anti-U.S. terrorist. That didn’t require seeing him as a human being, quite the opposite. Nor did it have to make any sense. There was never any evidence that Adayfi was the person he was accused of being. Some of his imprisoners told him they knew it was false. He was never charged with any crime. But at some point the U.S. government decided to pretend he was a different top terrorism commander, despite the lack of any evidence for that one either, or any explanation of how they could have captured such a person accidentally while imagining that he was someone else.



Rob Slane

When the announcement was made that vaccines would be available for Covid-19 by the end of 2020, even as someone with no training in immunology, virology or vaccinology, three basic questions raised the alarm for me:

   1. Since the Infection Fatality Rate for Covid-19 was so small (0.096% according to the British Government), and skewed towards a demographic above the average age of mortality, why on earth would we need to inject whole populations?
   2. Since vaccines normally take years before they come on the market, how did the manufacturers of these products come up with them in so short a timescale, with one particular manufacturer, which had never brought a single medical product to market before, designing its product within 48 hours?
   3. Since normal vaccines take 10-15 years of safety data before they are allowed to be given to people, how did the manufacturers manage to circumvent time itself to understand the safety of these products in the mid to long-term?

Since those initial alarm bells started ringing, all my worst fears about where this shocking display of hubris might lead have slowly but surely been coming to pass. However, even taking into account all the jaw dropping data on adverse events and deaths from these products (see here for instance), nothing has made me more concerned than a recent study showing a shift towards IgG4 antibody production in those who have had repeated mRNA injections. As I say, I have no background or training in interpreting this kind of thing, so I am entirely dependent on those who do have such expertise to help me understand its implications. And since this study appeared, a number of excellent analysts, whose work has been extraordinarily helpful for anyone wanting to understand the truth about these products, have all been sounding the trumpet that its findings are extremely alarming and potentially very dire.



eugyppius: a plague chronicle

Alena Buyx works really hard, and believes extremely pas-
sionately in all the things that all the other people around
her believe.
(eugyppius: a plague chronicle)

Alena Buyx, chair of the German Ethics Council, insists that nobody should be held personally responsible for catastrophic policies that ruined millions of lives and unleashed unprecedented economic chaos.

The German Ethics Council is an independent advisory body which has existed in some form since 2001, and which has a mandate to advise the government especially on matters of bioethics. It met its first serious test during the Corona era, when the entire political and bureaucratic leadership decided that the best way to respond to SARS-2 would be to commit massive human rights violations. Naturally, the Ethics Council not only failed to oppose these extraordinary policies, but supported them wherever possible.

Among the failures serving on the Ethics Council is its chairwoman, a medical ethicist and professor named Alena Buyx. Like Emily Oster, Buyx is an archetypal Head Girl – highly conscientious, deeply conformist, mildly intelligent, and totally bereft of all originality and independence of thought.



Vladislav Shablovsky (Владислав Шабловский)

As of the second day of the new year, the cost of a thousand cubic meters of gas for European consumers has dropped to $777. Moreover, on Monday, the price drop exceeded four percent at once, and the decrease of quotations below $800 showed up just before the New Year. As TASS notes, for Europe such a "sale" of the key energy resource was a record almost for the whole year: the last time such a forgiving price was recorded in the middle of last February.

The reason for such a gas price hike is apparent - it is now abnormally warm in Europe, which significantly reduces the need for the blue fuel. Thus, in the first days of the year, the temperature in Rome fluctuates around +15 degrees, in Amsterdam it is around +10, and in Madrid it is between those two figures. But that's not the only New Year's present from the weather: winds are blowing in abundance in the Old World, making it possible to generate as much electricity as possible from wind turbines. The maximum is up to a third of all European electricity.

As a consequence, Europeans have temporarily forgotten about warm jumpers and stockpiles of firewood. Finally, "Ode to Joy" is also resounding in the EU, with the EU members having their natural-gas storage facilities filled to overflowing: the level of their storage capacity is now almost 85 percent.



Bradley Devlin

BlackRock gets paid by U.S. taxpayers via the Ukrainian government to devise a plan that ensures the success of their future investments in Ukraine, made from money gained by making American housing unaffordable.

Ukraine has a new Western backer. It’s not a nation-state, or a military contractor. It’s the financial firm BlackRock.

Ukraine announced Wednesday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a video teleconference with BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink. The pair apparently struck a deal to coordinate investment efforts to rebuild the war-torn nation.

A readout of the meeting on the Ukrainian president’s website boasted BlackRock’s involvement, calling the firm 💬 “one of the world's leading investment managers” and noted that it “manages client assets worth about 8 trillion dollars.” “Zelenskyy and Larry Fink agreed to focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channelling investment into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy,” the readout claimed.



Andrei Medvedev (Андрей Медведев)

This was the year we began our liberation. We began to free ourselves from lies, self-deception, imitations and substitution of reality with beautiful presentations. We were not completely victorious, but we were on the right track.

This was the year we got slapped down for our vanity, our pride, our worthless self-confidence. And we began to learn on the fly to accept reality as it is.

It was a year when we learned a great deal about ourselves. We finally became one, a political nation. Since March, thousands of volunteers have been gathering for the front. Thousands of brave kids are taking what they have collected to the front. People have not listened to the reassuring murmur that 'the military is provided for everything'. People took the care of the warring army upon themselves. This year saw the birth of a real civil society in Russia, which stepped boldly into the darkness of adversity together with the Motherland.

It was a year of amazing transparency and understanding of who is an insider and who is a leech on the body of the Motherland. Some top managers of state companies and banks flew abroad with US passports in their pockets during the first days of the war. And people from the "brigades" of the '90s, supported levies for the front and the mobilized. The brutal and tactical beards were hysterical and went to Kazakhstan. But ordinary boys, ordinary men, turned out to be heroes.



Gilbert Doctorow

The word “Russophobia” has been used very widely in the past couple of years by Russians and by “friends of Russia” abroad to describe the campaign of vilification of President Putin in particular and of the Russian people more generally that the U.S. led West has practiced with rising volume and shrillness ever since the start of an Information War launched in 2007.

In the course of the “Special Military Operation,” the Kiev regime has taken the lead in disseminating vicious calumny about the Russian military. We have heard about “massacres of civilians” in Bucha by retreating Russians. We have heard about Putin dispensing Viagra to his soldiers so that they might carry out sexual violence against Ukrainian women in occupied areas under their control. These and similar allegations have been repeated endlessly in Western media as if they were proven facts. They were not and are not anything more than bare-faced lies. The image of savage Buryat and Chechen units within the Russian armed forces has been so widespread that even Pope Francis spoke publicly against these peoples from the Vatican. The apologies later extended by his Secretariat were made privately to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so the damage of this calumny will not be undone.

I suggest that we consider the Russophobia as just a new manifestation of an old trick of those preparing the public for war and managing popular emotions in a jingoist direction. It is all about dehumanizing one’s opponents to make killing more acceptable than Scripture and the basic disposition of civil society would allow.

In many essays I have remarked on Russian foreign policy as being “reactive” rather than aggressive. And so it is in the Information War domain. The Russians took it on the chin when the Bucha narrative was spun in Western media. They whined and complained, but did not fire back.

Russia had sound strategic reasons for initiating and prosecuting the war in Ukraine. To be sure, these reasons changed from pacifying Ukraine (demilitarization and de-Nazification) at the outset to the present objective of de-fanging NATO itself ever since NATO began supplying state of the art weaponry to Kiev, together with military advisers on the ground and real time intelligence.



Vladimir Vladimirovitsj Putin
President of Russia

This blog now clearly affirms its support for Russia. The leaders of the Western world want to crush her; to defeat her militarily and corrupt her beyond repair. This will not happen.

She is not isolated; she has many friends all over the world. Like so many others, we fully support the national and religious endeavor of Mother Russia. She will prevail. The old system is terminally in decline, and hopefully will all but disappear. A better world may now be emerging.

We fully understand that some of our readers may not agree with us here. In spite of this, we want to continue helping them understand the news. But in order to do this honestly and truly, we all must keep in mind the old Latin dictum: Audiatur et altera pars. - The other side must also be heard. - Editor



Sergey Marzhetsky

The First World War ended with the collapse of four empires - German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. As a result of World War II, the Greater German Reich and the Japanese Empire ceased to exist. As a result of the current proxy war on the territory of Ukraine, the future of the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America is in question.

We will devote this publication to possible options for the future of the EU, which is much darker and darker than it seems at first glance.

Bright past of the European Union — The path to the European Union in its present form was paved on April 8, 1951, when the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was signed. Post-war Europe needed development drivers, and financial assistance from the United States under the Marshall Plan gradually began to decline. Six countries became members of the new association - France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, the purpose of which was to maintain high rates of economic development and prevent new wars. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman's wildest dreams envisioned a united European federation: The creation of a joint production of coal and steel will immediately lay the foundations for common economic development as the first stage of a European federation and change the fate of regions previously doomed to the production of weapons, of which they themselves became a constant victim.



Gary G. Kohls, MD

We are an international association of lawyers, doctors, scientists, journalists as well as representatives of other professions. We represent interests of all people in the world who aspire to live in freedom, self-determination, dignity and truthfulness. This statement has been sent to the following national bureaucracies that are charged withregulating drugs and vaccines:

 TGA (Australia)
 Medsafe (New Zealand)
 FMRAC (Canada)

Stop the Holocaust!

We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War, feel bound to follow our conscience and write this letter. It is obvious to us that another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. The majority of the world’s populace do not yet realize what is happening, for magnitude of an organized crime such as this is beyond their scope of experience. We, however, know. We remember the name Josef Mengele. Some of us have personal memories. We experience a déjà vu that is so horrifying that we rise to shield our poor fellow humans. The threatened innocents now include children, and even infants.



Stephen Lendman

All things related to Russia and Ukraine were made-in-the-USA. Puppet Zelensky — a detached from reality buffoon — was a US creation, installed as an empire of lies front man for perpetual war on Russia.

Ignored by the fake Biden, US lawmakers and their MSM press agents is the growing risk of greater direct confrontation than already between the world’s leading nuclear powers.

On Christmas Day, Russia’s Deputy Security Council Chairman, Dmitry Medvedev, warned of the growing risk, stressing:

💬 “The only thing that stops stops our enemies (so far) is the understanding that Russia will be guided by (its publicly stated doctrine of) nuclear deterrence.” If there’s “a real threat (to the nation’s security), we will act” in self-defense as international law allows. US-dominated Western regimes are teetering “between a burning desire to maximally humiliate, dismember and destroy Russia, on the one hand, and the desire to avoid a nuclear apocalypse, on the other.”

Unless Russia’s security is guaranteed, things will “teeter on the brink of World War III and nuclear catastrophe.” Is the dominant criminal class in the empire of lies, its Western vassals and Ukrainian Nazis “ready…to unleash a full-fledged war against us, including a nuclear war?”

There’s “no one” in the West or Kiev for Moscow to “negotiate” with. “Our world (ominously) changed, forever.” “And the main question remains…what kind of future begins today?” "New disarmament agreements are currently unrealistic and unnecessary.” “(N)ormaliz(ation) requires guaranteed security for Russia, a notion the empire of lies rejects. — And wherever its ruling regimes go, Western vassal states follow, even at the expense of their own security and other vital interests.



Объясняет Readovka
Автор: Антон Житков

("Religion from Washington: Ukraine abandons Orthodox
Christmas for Western approval

+ Anton Zhitkov, Drink my blood: How Ukraine has lost Christ and whether it can find Him again (Scroll down)

Modern Ukraine will do anything to become closer to the West. When it comes to foreign lords, no Jesus can command - this is what Mr. Zelensky decided, obviously, and wished the citizens Merry Christmas... on December 25, according to the western Catholic tradition. This, of course, is not an amateurish act, but a formalized state policy.

Canonical Orthodoxy in Ukraine is being destroyed with the full approval of the authorities - no ties with Russia are allowed, churches and monasteries are regularly raided, and sectarians and dissenters from the PCU and the Uniates, who are essentially the agents of the Western agenda, are brought to the fore with the help of administrative resources. The other day they proposed another reform of the church calendar - the non-Orthodox should abandon the "imperial" Julian calendar and switch to the "democratic and European" Gregorian calendar, thus changing the date of Christmas from January 7 to December 25.

Also this year the PCU sect, which for some reason is called the church in Ukraine, officially allowed all Ukrainians to celebrate Christmas according to the Western rite in peace. Such trifles as canons and rules obviously do not interest these metropolitans of Washington and London. This issue is purely political in the context of Ukrainian society, and has nothing to do directly with Christianity, like the PCU itself. There are exactly two religions in Ukraine today: the cult of Ukrainianism and the sect of Euro-integration, to which all institutions, including spiritual ones, are actually subordinated. Both of these heresies are very active, and that is their main danger.

Already now, not only Bandera, but even Western politicians are being sacralized at a rapid rate, and the percentage of those who approve of the postponement of Christmas has risen from 26 percent to 44 percent in the past year. Those who cannot be brainwashed by constant propaganda will either be driven out of the country or simply killed off.



David Stockman

As we have repeatedly documented, this is not a Russian invasion but a civil war in the "borderlands" territory (i.e. "Ukraine" in Russian) that prior to the communist tyranny of the Soviet Union was always a vassal and sometimes integral part of greater Russia. The present civil war, in fact, was instigated in 2014 by the illegitimate government installed in Kiev after Washington’s coup d’état against the duly elected and Russian-friendly president.

The spectacle in the US Capitol Building last night was downright retch-worthy. And we are not actually referring to the detestable little warmongering clown who preened at the podium in a sweatshirt and cargo pants, offering endless lies and hideously false promises about why American taxpayers and consumers are being bled to death in a pointless and necessary war.

No, we are referring to the pathetic gaggle of Representatives and Senators who applauded relentlessly and uproariously in response to the casuistry of the tinny poseur who stood before them, albeit one who should have never been granted that august platform in the first place. After all, the mountebank who leads the rapidly decaying remnant of a nation that was never built to last anyway has been able to bring the world to the brink of economic catastrophe and even nuclear war for one reason alone: Namely, because the bipartisan duopoly on Capitol Hill has shoveled gargantuan sums of money into Ukraine and Washington’s proxy war on Russia with mindless negligence.



"A Sovereign Economy" (Суверенная экономика)

Before accusing Russia of militarism, the West should look in the mirror

A Defense Ministry board meeting with Vladimir Putin took place in Moscow. The President has emphasized that the militarization of the country and the economy is out of the question. The quality of life and social obligations of the state should not be reduced in favor of military expenditures. The development of the armed forces must be gradual, "without any fuss.

From our point of view, the accusations of Russian militarism are indeed groundless.

Global military spending averages 2.2% of GDP. In Russia, slightly more is allocated for this purpose: in 2022, for example, 3.1% of GDP was allocated. The next year, 2023, the draft federal budget includes an increase to 3.4% in order to achieve the objectives of the NWO. One of the popular points of reference for recognizing the economy as militarized is spending 4% of GDP on the needs of the army. For example, in the mid-1980s, the USSR allocated 15-17% to them - in this case, the labels are appropriate.

The problem is that in 2022 the US spent 3.2% of the GDP on the defense, which is more than Russia did. Our country's military spending does not compare with that of another energy-rich country, Saudi Arabia. Riyadh puts 6.6% of its own economy on defense. Moreover, the kingdom's involvement in the war in Yemen is incommensurate in scale with the events in Ukraine. The main Middle Eastern ally of the United States, Israel, spends 5.2% of GDP on the military, that is, it falls under the definition of a militarized economy. For some reason, these accusations against Jerusalem are not voiced.


Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Elena Panina/Telegram

The temporary lull on the fronts of the past two months is coming to an end, reminiscent of the lull on the eve of the Battle of Kursk. Russia and Ukraine, pumped full of Western, predominantly American, weapons, are completing the concentration of forces on the main strike directions and are lining up troops in an attacking configuration. The main issue now is the timing of the strike.

All these actions are accompanied by appropriate information and propaganda rhetoric, reflecting the parties' intentions to resolve the outcome of the confrontation by military means. After the West publicly condemned not only the Russian leadership but also Russia as a state (only the details and stages of dismemberment are disputed.), negotiations have exhausted themselves to such an extent that the president announced it openly.

A number of events underscore that the Kremlin is no longer seeking a compromise between Russia and the West. These include Putin's visit to the joint headquarters of the branches of the forces involved in the air defense system, to accompany strikes against Ukraine's infrastructure and its air defense assets. Establishment of a presidential working group on mobilization and social support for participants in the air defense. The visit of the President to Minsk and his speech at the enlarged meeting of the collegium of the Defense Ministry.

This list of events alone speaks for itself. Russia is staking only on military success. The forthcoming new version of the foreign policy concept will fix the changes in Russia's relations with the West.




He likes the smell of little girls; he likes pasta and ice cream...

For those who are confused about what is happening, America is being intentionally destroyed. Everything that can be done to damage and harm the American people, their culture, their laws, and their country is being carried out. The entrenched and corrupt Washington political class sold out the American people to globalist interests. America will now be economically hobbled and broken.

The globalists waited four years to remove Donald Trump, so they could carry out their plan. They are flooding America with millions of illegal immigrants as they did Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, and Norway. The economy, quality of life, language and culture are being destroyed. Soon it will be impossible for American citizens to mount any resistance.

Americans were taught to believe in inconvenient things like the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Another gene pool of less idealistic people, less educated and less capable of resistance will replace them. America has already invented everything that is needed, and the globalists no longer have any use for the amazing but difficult to control American people. The globalists are creating a new America. The children of the illegal immigrants will be educated by Marxist ideologues in the public schools and will be ignorant of the human rights documents upon which America was founded. They will accept without question the rule of an authoritarian regime and will obey all its diktats, like turning in their guns and not speaking certain politically incorrect words.

Professional politicians, mostly Democrats and a few Republicans are helping the globalists turn America into a communist country filled with the poor of the world. The illegals come with dreams of escaping corruption, poverty, and hopelessness only to arrive in a country with ever increasing corruption, poverty and hopelessness. Ironically these tens of millions of illegal immigrants are unwitting accomplices in the destruction of America. Globalist puppet politicians will change the United States Constitution removing most of the rights and freedoms. Ultimately the global elite wants the American people enslaved, owning nothing, and happy in their poverty.

Although Biden appears to be an incompetent old fool, he was carefully selected and installed in a blatantly rigged election to commit *treason. It takes a special kind of person to destroy their own country in the service of a small group of international trillionaires and billionaires.



Stephen Lendman

This holiday season, puppet Zelensky, not Santa, is coming to town. After making a list and checking it twice, the naughty, not nice, Biden regime arranged for the Ukrainian puppet to meet face-to-face with the White House imposter and address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday in prime time.

Announcing the visit on Tuesday, the Biden regime’s press secretary, Jean-Pierre, said it’ll “underscore” hegemon USA’s support (Nazi-infested) Ukraine “for as long as it takes.” In support of the scourge of Nazism and perpetual war on Russia, the US-installed puppet will reportedly thank Congress for over $100 billion in US military aid since 2014 and beg for more.

As part of a newly unveiled $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill, undemocratic Dem congressional members, in cahoots with RINOs, included another $45 billion for Ukrainian Nazis to continue perpetual war on Russia. According to RINO-to-the-bone Senate minority leader, McConnell, funding the scourge of Nazism in Ukraine is the “number one priority” for most congressional members.



Judith Curry

“Something frightening poses a perceived risk. Something dangerous poses a real risk.” – Swedish physician Hans Rosling et al.[i]

This post is a follow on to my recent post Victims of the faux climate ‘crisis’. Part I: Children. The issue of psychological trauma of children is one that I am continuing to work on, to identify root causes and a way forward.

The theme of this particular post is how our perceptions of risk differ from the actual risk itself. Understanding this difference provides insights to understanding these fears, as well as providing insights into how these differences are manipulated by propagandists.

Apart from the objective facts about a risk, the social sciences find that our interpretation of those facts is ultimately subjective. Risk science makes a clear distinction between professional judgments about risk versus the public perception of risk. Risk perception is a person’s subjective judgement or appraisal of risk, which can involve social, cultural and psychological factors.



Stephen Lendman

Cynthia Sularz, shown on a studio monitor, hosted an Eng-
lish-language version of “StopFake News” this month in
Kiev. Credit...Brendan Hoffman for The New York Times

By escalating conflict, [the Biden regime is] recklessly pushing things for greater US direct confrontation with Russia. The risk of global war 3.0 is more ominously high than any previous time since WW II ended.

Most everything reported by MSM on major world and national issues turn truth on its head and trample on it. MSM are bribed with big bucks to stick exclusively to the fabricated official narrative. What diverges from it is excluded from daily editions.

In print, the New York Times is the worst of the worst, a lying machine since the mid-19th century — proving it in daily fake news editions with rubbish like the following:

💬 “Russian tanks were stuck in the mud outside Kiev earlier this year (sic).” Russia’s SMO caused “economic fallout” in the country (sic).

The Times [also] mockes the reality of “secret (US) labs in Ukraine” for developing and producing deadly bioweapons.

And the Times repeatedly defies reality by falsely claiming that Ukrainian Nazis are prevailing over vastly superior Russian firepower, including the following trampling on truth rubbish:

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