

Stephen Lendman

Cynthia Sularz, shown on a studio monitor, hosted an Eng-
lish-language version of “StopFake News” this month in
Kiev. Credit...Brendan Hoffman for The New York Times

By escalating conflict, [the Biden regime is] recklessly pushing things for greater US direct confrontation with Russia. The risk of global war 3.0 is more ominously high than any previous time since WW II ended.

Most everything reported by MSM on major world and national issues turn truth on its head and trample on it. MSM are bribed with big bucks to stick exclusively to the fabricated official narrative. What diverges from it is excluded from daily editions.

In print, the New York Times is the worst of the worst, a lying machine since the mid-19th century — proving it in daily fake news editions with rubbish like the following:

💬 “Russian tanks were stuck in the mud outside Kiev earlier this year (sic).” Russia’s SMO caused “economic fallout” in the country (sic).

The Times [also] mockes the reality of “secret (US) labs in Ukraine” for developing and producing deadly bioweapons.

And the Times repeatedly defies reality by falsely claiming that Ukrainian Nazis are prevailing over vastly superior Russian firepower, including the following trampling on truth rubbish:



John Waters

It is 1,000 days since they suspended the Irish Constitution. These ubiquitous ‘temporary’ suspensions — in reality permanent — were aided by the creation of pseudo-realities across the ‘free’ world.

"People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." - K. Rove

Other countries will have slightly different beginning dates, but the Age of Industrial Lying began in Ireland on March 19th, 2020, the day of the enactment by the Oireachtas (parliament) of a handful of statutes generally travelling under titles like Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (Covid-19) Act 2020, and such like.

The first lie — that there was, facing Ireland, some kind of unprecedented ‘pandemic’, requiring emergency responses — was accompanied by many smaller and more pragmatic lies. Centrally, there was the PCR test lie, used to weaponise as ‘infections’ latent residues of pathogens or toxins, major and minor, within the human body, in order to ramp up the scare factor to be charted in a daily ‘league of disease’, soon afterwards to be accompanied by a daily chart of death.



Neil Oliver

The relentless erosion of Christmas, and Christianity itself, is essential for those whose mission it is to unmake Britain

For the second year in a row, the Christmas trees are going up early round my way. More and more households that would, in the world of before, have waited until the second or third week in December before decking the halls … have already gone the whole nine yards with the trees and twinkly lights. We are doing likewise in our house. I won’t lie … I love it. Every bit of it. I love Christmas … always have and always will. In every conceivable way, Christmas is light in a time of darkness and for many of us, that light has never been more welcome and so can’t come soon enough.

Especially since the festival is once again under attack by the joyless division. In line with what has become a tradition of the season in benighted Britain, yet another bunch of interfering, patronising preachers of the witless cant of “diversity and inclusivity” have decided it’s their turn to take a pop at Christmas.

Bristol-based Watch This Space – describing themselves as an Inclusion Consultancy … Heaven help us all … have scored some free publicity by calling on organisations to “rethink Christmas” on account of how all those of other faiths feel left out in December. I really don’t think those of other faiths feel left out at all. I am certain the vast majority of those of other faiths are perfectly fine with Christians enjoying Christmas … the same way I have no issue whatever with Diwali and Eid and the rest of the religious festivals that genuinely matter to those of faith … and that it is only those that could … and deliberately would … start a fight in an empty room that want to persuade everyone that Christmas is EX-clusive and only bad news.



eugyppius: a plague chronicle

What’s missing from all these planning scenarios – what every last one of them fails to predict – is the steely biomedical dictatorship that emerged to ruin all of our lives in 2020. Nobody in any of these wargames is ever locked up in their homes.

When I write of the pandemic response as a basically undirected social and institutional contagion, the same question always comes up: What about Event 201, and the 2017 SPARS exercise, and all those other creepy prophetic pandemic wargames? Don’t they indicate some of kind of unified plan? How else to explain the foreknowledge of the planners?

I’ve given partial replies here and there, but I’ve never laid out all of my ideas in one place. I think these strange exercises seem much less bizarre when considered against the broader backdrop of the pandemicists and the beliefs they share. You might call their most central article of faith pandemicism, which is the doctrine that pandemics represent a serious threat to human health, and that they can be prevented or substantially ameliorated with the right scientific interventions.

Aspects of pandemicism are as old as 1918, but the proximate origins of this mind virus are much more recent. Tellingly, they don’t lie with any kind of pandemic at all, but rather with the WHO campaign to eradicate smallpox. This started in 1967, and it took ten years to complete. Any institutionalised enterprise that persists for a full decade will acquire institutional momentum, such that it can’t simply be turned off when the mission is over. Just as the push for trans rights and trans acceptance owes a lot to the institutional forces accumulated by the gay rights movement since the 1970s, pandemicism became the next stage of advocacy for the smallpox eradicators after they had put themselves out of business. All the careers, institutions and grant funding schemes that had been thrown at smallpox needed a second act.



Xoaquin Flores

The granting to Bosnia of EU candidacy seems innocuous as generally this is a decade plus long path, but it instantaneously legitimizes precisely the kind of catalyst I have previously described could kick off the war crisis in Bosnia.

This new phase of the crisis is where we will see Sarajevo attempt to illegally ram through changes to the constitution on the basis of being 'EU compliant', changes meant to strip the autonomous status of the Serbian Republic.

The Serbian entity within Bosnia Herzegovina is a small population of just 1. 3 million Serbians, but geographically makes up half or even more of the entire country of Bosnia Herzegovina. Life for the Serbian population there in the Serbian Republic has been fair, and there are no issues of violence with the Mecca-Vatican Bosnian entity adjacent to them.

The socio-economic life isn't different from rural Serbia, and there isn't a strong case for changing what for now is a workable status quo. This was one arrived at during the war in the 90's, before the US bombing campaign. At that time, Serbia/Yugoslavia held the advantage, and the Dayton Accords which created the modern Bosnian state genuinely reflected a larger degree of Serbian interests than we would observe in any accord afterwards.

While Bosnian Serbs for larger reasons would like to rejoin with the UN member-state 'Republic of Serbia', with its capital in Belgrade, the Serbs control both sides of the border between Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina.



James Howard Kunstler

Twitter execs were regularly meeting with FBI over what to censor. Twitter’s censorship was almost 100% aligned with the Dem Party. Twitter’s chief censors were deranged ideologues abusing their power over our discourse to silence dissent. —Glenn Greenwald

Startling fact of the week: Twitter’s senior ranks of content moderators included over a dozen former FBI and CIA agents and analysts who let child porn run loose all over the app while surgically removing any utterance contradicting the government’s claim that mRNA “vaccines” are “safe and effective” — not to mention the effort this elite crew expended against anyone objecting to the Woke-Left’s race and gender hustles. Wouldn’t you like to know how much they were paid? Probably more than government work.

Here’s another awful reality (better fasten your seatbelts): What also emerged in the tweet record of Yoel Roth, the company’s chief censor (former “Head of Trust and Safety”), begins to look like a gay mafia assault on the collective American psyche. Having gained official federal government sanction and protection, a statistically tiny homosexual demographic left in charge of the country’s main public forum has been out for revenge against their perceived enemy, political conservatives — Americans disinclined to join the cheerleading for drag queen story hours, “minor-attracted persons,” transsexuals in the military, and other LBGTQ cultural pranks.

In the process, that gay mafia running the public dialogue supported every lie that the government, its protector, put out, to keep it happy and well-fed. Shocking, I’m sure… but there it is.



Natalia Taran (Наталья Таран)

The West itself, by its own stubborn and short-sighted policies, and its seemingly organic inability to make the institutions it controls inclusive, has contributed to clarifying the reality of the global economy and trade.

Globalization allowed the U.S. and the West as a whole to gain significant competitive advantages, albeit at the cost of impoverishing its middle class. But other countries have also benefited, above all China, which has used Western investment, technology and markets for its “peaceful rise.” Moreover, over 40 years it has created a middle class of hundreds of millions of people, has taken the lead in a number of areas of artificial intelligence, and digital "wallets" have become commonplace for at least 100 million Chinese citizens.

This ambiguous picture of the distribution of the "tops and spines" of globalization led Americans to a simple decision: to "close" the same China that the West was "opening" in the Opium Wars of the mid-19th century. The need to roll back globalization was discussed at one of the Davos Forums.



Anton Zhitkov (Антон Житков)

Japan also seeks to upgrade its maritime defenses - the Japanese Defense Ministry recently began a project to upgrade its Type 12 anti-ship missiles, which increased their range to a thousand kilometres and would be completed by 2026, and Japan plans to have hypersonic missiles by 2030.

Electronic warfare is a separate military spending item for the Land of the Rising Sun. According to Yahoo News Japan, the leadership of the Self-Defense Forces decided as early as 2021 to seriously expand the army's capabilities in this area. Last year's military budget envisioned the creation of a new EW station at the Asaka base near Tokyo, where it is planned to house about 80 personnel. In the same year, an EW station was also commissioned at another military base in Kumamoto Prefecture. Interestingly, the Asaka base normally houses the high command of all Japanese ground forces.

Japan's ground forces are also an object of intense scrutiny by its neighbours in the region. The Self-Defense Forces' ground forces now have the most extensive fleet of military equipment in more than impressive numbers: more than a thousand tanks, including Japan's "next-generation tank" called the Type-10, seven hundred BMPs and APCs of all kinds, hundreds of MLRSs and SAMs, and much, much more.



Объясняет Readovka

Lessons from the Serbian Krajina for Russia

Everything in history has happened before. The problem of Russia and the Russian republics of Donbass is not unique, and the nearest analogue we find is not at all far away. The Serbian Krajina is a republic that is not on the map these days. It was destroyed by the Croatian armed forces in 1995. However, before Croatia defeated the Serbian insurgency, the Serbs defeated themselves. From the sad history of Krajina we can learn something important for ourselves: the leaders of the Serbian republic and "big" Yugoslavia, bogged down in negotiations, contractual arrangements and corruption schemes, were powerless to confront the challenge that had confronted them.

A house divided – The lands along the south-eastern borders of present-day Croatia long served as the border between the Ottoman Empire and Austria. Serbs who fled from under the Sultan's heavy hand acquired a status similar to the Cossacks in Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - they enjoyed rights and privileges in exchange for military service and protection of their new homeland from the Turks.

However, in the nineteenth century, when national consciousness began to grow across Europe and the Austrian government demilitarized the border, a rift naturally developed between the Serbs and Croats living in the area. The Croats perceived the Serbs as newcomers (even though they had been living there for centuries), whereas the Serbs were proud of their own history of living in the area.

World War II left scars that were simply impossible to eradicate. What was done to the Serbs who lived in Croatia could be boldly qualified as genocide. The Croatian nationalist movement of the Ustashas carried out a massacre in which hundreds of thousands of people were killed.



Sergey Monastyrev (Сергей Монастырёв)

("The effect of censorship on the Internet, radio broadcasting
and television in Ukraine" - Yandex Translate)(© cont.ws)

We live in interesting times. Almost imperceptibly, the humorous saying that "they wanted to Europeanize Ukraine, but they Ukrainized Europe" turned out to be a reality. And in a sense, this is the truth. Of course, the term "Ukrainization" is not scientific, but as a household name perfectly describes the situation of Europe.

Of course, European Ukrainization does not mean that Jean and Hans will start running around Paris or Berlin in a rural medieval embroidery. This does not mean that in Belgium they will scold their chocolate, kick out the chocolatiers instead and start using fat from a yellowed three-liter jar at a rapid pace. And you certainly should not expect that instead of "Oktoberfest" with a traditionally vomited Vomit Hill, they will start holding a borscht festival or Sorochinsky Fair, which once decorated Odessa's Primorsky Boulevard with piles of hay.

The phenomenon of Ukrainization is much more profound than this farm decorum. And modern Ukrainization is a multifaceted thing, expanded and much more destructive than the clay glechiki scattered along the Potemkin stairs.

Ukrainization is a loss of sovereignty, colossal corruption, deindustrialization, degradation of political elites directly in professional terms, outright show—off on the verge of fraud, etc. It would seem that there is no doubt that Ukrainian politicians are absolutely dependent on the West. The Commander—in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly reports to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, General Mark Milley, and the strategic enterprises of the state are actually run by supervisory boards consisting of foreigners - the subordinate position is extremely clear.



Rob Slane
The Blogmire

The overriding phenomenon of our times is the pretence that stuff that is happening isn’t happening, and that stuff that isn’t happening is happening. That’s another way of saying that we live in the Land of Inverted Reality surrounded by the Ocean of Lies.

A president who clearly has — let’s put it politely — cognitive issues, doesn’t have cognitive issues. A country that has lost more than 100,000 soldiers and has its energy system wrecked with impunity, hasn’t actually lost over 100,000 soldiers and is winning the war. The country that is systematically grinding them down and launching waves of missile attacks to decapitate its energy grid, has been almost out of missiles since March and is losing the conflict. The hard biological differences between those with XY and those with XX chromosomes are not really hard biological differences at all. The massive inflation that was caused primarily by the injection of trillions of dollars into the world economy that had largely been shut down under false pretences, is not really caused by the injection of trillions of dollars into the world economy that had largely been shut down under false pretences. The virus which the UK Government admitted had an Infection Mortality Rate of 0.096%, and which was associated with an average age of death above the normal average age of death, was actually potentially deadly to everyone. But the most astonishing of all these phenomena, however, is the continued pretense that a medical product that has killed or injured millions across the globe, hasn’t killed or injured millions across the globe. It’s not happening, even though it is happening. Even though the catastrophic damage they are causing is evidenced by data from all over the world, they are officially Safe and Effective, despite being obviously Fake and Defective.



Stephen Lendman

Like its US/Western counterparts, Israeli democracy exists in fantasy form alone, the real thing banned from inception. Nearly two million Arab citizens of Israel, about 20% of the population, are denied rights afforded exclusively to Jews. Occupied Palestinians are treated as virtual enemies of the state.

Since Monday, Israeli forces killed 8 Palestinians for the “crime” of being Muslims in a Jewish state, for wanting rights afforded solely to Jews. Since January, Israeli forces virtually executed 214 Palestinians for the same reasons, including 54 children. According to freedom-fighting groups comprising the Palestinian Committee Committee for Resistance, Israel’s “policy of assassination will not curb” their struggle for long-denied justice.

The incoming Netanyahu regime promises to be the most extremist in Israeli history. Arab-hating, right-wing extremist, Itamar Ben Gvir is being given the regime’s national security ministry. In newly expanded form, it’ll control national and border police in the West Bank with an iron fist.



Vanessa Beeley

If people are thinking about complaining about the situation in their country - please be aware of what Syria is going through right now.

1. Electricity: most areas in Damascus and countryside have only had 30 minutes to one hour in last 24 hours. In the rest of Syria especially rural areas no electricity for 3 days at least.
2. Poor performance of the landline phone network and terrestrial internet due to lack of fuel to run generators during the time of power outage and even the towers powered by solar energy almost shut down because of cloudy weather.
3. Most of the large factories reduced their distribution because their vehicles have no fuel and many closed down until next week - crippling many industries and supply chains.
4. Some government institutions could not conduct electronic transactions on Wednesday and Thursday because there was no electricity or internet.
5. Shops and markets throughout Damascus are closing at sunset because there is no fuel for their generators.
6. Private bakeries reduced production of bread because they cannot operate their machines and ovens.
7. Restaurants reduced production and are only serving cold food or barbecue for the same reasons.
8. Diesel and fuel have disappeared even from the black market with 20L of BM fuel now at 200,000 Syrian pounds (average salary is 150,000, most are earning less).



Alexei Bobrovsky (Алексей Бобровский)

The French Foreign Ministry has announced that it is launching an international tribunal to investigate Russia's actions in Ukraine.

I strongly advise the Russian Foreign Ministry not to dismiss this French idiocy. It is only idiocy at first glance, but it will later be an argument in negotiations (there will be negotiations at some point). Apparently, they should not only be periodically reminded of their place in history (thanks to Stalin, for example, they are the victors in the Second World War), but also of their war crimes, just in case people forget about it.

Especially for those to whom the great and mighty gave the word "la Bérézina", which has become synonymous with the word "disaster", I remind you that in 2023 the second Russia-Africa forum will be held in St. Petersburg. In terms of the number of visiting heads of state, it is the most representative forum in the world, but that is not the point. What if the French remember everything? They do not forget in Africa.



Neil Oliver

Here’s the thing: if we set a course for ourselves and back each other every step of the way, we will cross this ocean of darkness together, all the way to where we want to be.

People write to me every day to tell me they fear the future. People from all over the world, all ages, all walks of life. I say this: we should not be afraid.

If anyone should be afraid it is our government, the whole of parliament, the State and the Establishment. They should be afraid because they are in the wrong – doing wrong things and behaving unforgivably.

You can tell they are afraid by the way they keep doing more and more, faster and faster, to make the people poor, cold and hungry – also demoralised, anxious and fearful about the present, never mind the future. The fear felt by people around the world is the deliberate consequence of the actions of so-called leaders all across the West and beyond. I say again, we should not be afraid. Those plotting and working against us, against our interests both as individuals and as sovereign states, have no power and no money other than that which we, the people grant them.


"Irish Savant"

[Urban Dictionary] The Noticing: "The realization, the revelation, the noticing that every single time, that it is those who cannot be named that are responsible or behind every bad company, movement and organization." - Ed.

So far so good, #The Noticing is still with us. The most recent manifestation has been Dave Chappelle’s appearance on SNL while Tucker Carlson did a hard-hitting piece on his show. The real mind-blowing thing for me so far has been the role of LLoyd Blankfein lookalike Harley Pasternak, a self-styled ‘personal trainer’ to the stars. You’ve probably seen the ultimatums he presented to Kanye West (Ye). The first was the offer of a friendly talk – under Pasternak’s conditions – while the other was the following: “Second option, I have you institutionalized again where they medicate the crap out of you, and you go back to Zombieland forever. Play date with the kids just won’t be the same.“ [My emphasis]

Just to be clear what this represents: A ‘personal trainer’ threatens probably the biggest musical star in the world with incarceration in a mental institution where he’d be zombefied with drugs forever.

Note the ‘again’. This original relates to events at a Ye concert shortly after Trump’s electoral victory where Ye got seriously out of line, praising traditional America, Trump and – shock horror – God and Christianity. He revealed how the music industry was really run, about how certain artists mysteriously skyrocketed to success while most of the talented languished. He drew a link between this success and the artists’ commitment to a degenerate lifestyle and art form. You can imagine how that went down with his Jewish handlers (and all his handlers were Jewish).



Dr Vernon Coleman

Over the years I have repeatedly found that all medical recommendations are best treated with a large dose of scepticism. Nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of cancer.

Patients who are diagnosed with cancer find themselves in a state of shock. And yet, while in a state of shock, they find themselves needing to make a number of vital decisions very quickly. One of the big questions is often this one: ‘Should I have chemotherapy?’

Chemotherapy might improve a patient’s chances of survival by three to five per cent though that modest figure is usually over generous. For example, the evidence suggests that chemotherapy offers breast cancer patients an uplift in survival of little more than 2.5%. When you consider that chemotherapy can kill and does terrible damage to healthy cells, and to the immune system, it is difficult to see the value of taking chemotherapy. I don’t think it is any exaggeration to suggest that much of the hype around chemotherapy has taken the treatment into the area of fraud – far more fraudulent indeed than treatments which are dismissed as irrelevant or harmful by the establishment.



Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Elena Panina/Telegram

The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, often claims to be an intellectual and global peacemaker. It is from this point of view, as a spiritual leader "above the fray" that many media often portray him in Russia as well.

In reality, however, this is not the case and Francis' statements are far from adequate. A blatant example is the pope's statement in a recent interview with Catholic magazine America about the "brutality of Russian troops" on Ukrainian territory, and as the most brutal he singled out "Chechens and Buryats".

If you follow the American foreign policy agenda, it turns out that another statement about the "cruelty" of Russian troops was made by Pope Francis for a reason. It is synchronized with Biden's expected signing of a memorandum that will instruct the US State Department and the Treasury to impose sanctions "in connection with cases of sexual violence in armed conflicts". You don't have to be a prophet to know what this will be about.

This is yet another attempt, as it already was at the beginning of the special operation, to launch the cynical myth of "mass rapes" in Ukraine into propaganda amid the failures of the AFU, which is used by Western propaganda in order to demonize the Russian military and Russia.



Stephen Lendman

Ukraine is a made-in-the-USA, Nazi-infested, fascist dictatorship. Its US-installed coup d'état regime is a festering sore in Europe’s heartland. Governance of, by and for everyone equitably, according to the rule of law, is banned. So is everything Russian.

No longer a nation-state, the length and breadth of its territory is unsafe and unfit to live in. It’s been this way since the Obama/Biden regime’s 2014 coup. Since Russia’s liberating SMO began last February, it’s been just a matter of time before its scourge is eliminated.

According to Russia’s UN envoy, Vassily Nebenzia at the Security Council on Wednesday: 💬 One of the SMO’s goals “is to undermine the (regime’s) combat capabilities.” It’ll continue until the US-installed regime capitulates.

Yet puppet Zelensky and dominant Nazis around him scorn peace in favor of “reckless threats and ultimatums” — as ordered by their US master. Along with its Western vassals, it seeks “geopolitical hegemony at the expense of the lives ordinary Ukrainians” — millions of people the empire of lies and forever wars doesn’t give a damn about, people to be used and abused, not served, in flagrant breach of international law. After the 2014 coup, hegemon USA-dominated NATO abandoned ordinary Ukrainians in pursuit of forever war on Russia.

Since early October, Russian forces have been eliminating Ukraine’s energy and communications infrastructure — what’s used for perpetual war-making. At the same time, Russia records and maintains detailed evidence of Ukrainian crimes of war, against humanity and related atrocities. What’s falsely blamed on Russia is committed by Kiev Nazis, supported by their US/Western patrons and MSM co-conspirators.



Rob Slane

“The basic problem of the Christians in this country in the last eighty years or so, in regard to society and in regard to government, is that they have seen things in bits and pieces instead of totals.” ~ F. A. Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto

I’m quite sure that were he alive today, Francis Schaeffer would have seen through the fog of nonsense dished out to us every day by Globalist Pravda (aka the mainstream media), and would see that something extremely evil is being carried out in plain sight. I’m equally sure that he would have been even more grieved with the inability of his fellow Christians to join the dots than he was back in his day.

Let me start with an assertion, and then proceed to show how I think this is panning out. A relatively small group of people — let’s call them the Globalist Cabal — are currently engaged in an agenda to transition all of humanity from an old paradigm to a new paradigm. Although they have been working on this for decades, their plans burst out into the open two years ago with the announcement of an apparently novel virus (which was in fact a coronavirus manipulated in US-funded laboratories to include a synthetic Spike Protein), followed by an almost lockstep response of Governments across the world with measures that had never been tried or tested before, and which were self-evidently wicked and harmful.

Although I am in the dark about many of their end goals, I have seen enough to be able to confidently assert that it involves the transformation of our economy, the transformation of our society and – most importantly – the transformation of people. The transformation of the economy is to a Central Bank Digital Currency. The transformation of society is to a Social Credit system, in which people are allotted or denied credits by the state. The transformation of people themselves — Transhumanism — is two-fold, involving a depopulation agenda as well as the synthesising and synchronising of humans with the digital world.

I have little time for those who still claim these are conspiracy theories. Those behind these agendas are carrying them out as we speak and they no longer take much care to hide where they believe we are headed. So if you really think these are conspiracy theories, you can always take it up with the likes of the Bank of International Settlements and World Economic Forum as they — not some geek in a basement — are the source of many of these claims.



Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Elena Panina/Telegram

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are destroying the energy system of Ukraine not in order for someone to come to their senses and realize. They will not come to their senses and will not realize. And no one will be overthrown. And they will certainly not sympathize with us. I don't care about their sympathy.

All this is not done for the sake of improving negotiating positions. Not for bargaining or profit. Not in retaliation for the de-energized Crimea or the bombed Donbass. Even the logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have nothing to do with it: their soldiers will always get generators and diesel. We are destroying Ukraine's energy system for the most important purpose - to cut Ukraine off from modernity.

So that the enemy country plunged into its natural state of a wilderness— without factories, railways and satellite Internet. This is called, "bombed into the Stone Age." It's also called, "Why Such A World If Russia Is Not There?" Russia does not need their insights. Their sympathies. Their Maidans. Russia needs the enemy to stop being our contemporary.

And while we are talking about the borders of the XVII century, you also can draw them, not only in terms of territory, but you can trace them in mentalities too. The Russians who remained there will be patient and wait. We will come and take them back to Our Time. The enemy must perish – (they are singing a creepy lullaby over there). But we shall prevail. That will be our victory.


Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Elena Panina/Telegram

Washington think tank leads US in frontal attack on Russia

A "roadmap for sustained US support" for Ukraine has been outlined by The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in the US. Main theses:

🔸 The aim of the war is to restore Ukraine's territorial integrity. The optimal US political and military objectives were expressed by Joe Biden ("Putin cannot stay in power") and Lloyd Austin ("To weaken Russia to the point where it cannot do what it did to Ukraine").

🔸 Eliminate the ambiguity. The declared US goals are a clear reference point for the allies, so much the better for themselves.

🔸 Provide Kiev with the "necessary weapons for a competent fight". These are long-range artillery and missile systems, ammunition for them, including ATACMS missiles, MQ-1C UAVs, tanks and BMPs, A-10, F-15 and F-16 aircraft.

🔸 Get rid of "false fears of an even greater escalation of war" and fears of Russian nuclear weapons. Russia's use of nuclear weapons would prevent the threat of its economic collapse: "China, India and many countries in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa would consider [Moscow's use of nuclear weapons] as undermining their national security and would join the sanctions.




The series of execution and torture videos from Ukraine continues: On Tuesday, several journalists published another video that apparently shows the shooting of at least five prisoners of war lying on the ground.

Journalist Alexander Kots and Russian military expert and blogger Boris Roshin independently released a video on Tuesday that appears to show the shooting of more Russian soldiers in Ukrainian POWs.

The video – which should be warned if you don’t have the nerve to see it and are strictly forbidden to anyone under the age of 18 – shows several people (at least five) lying face down on the ground in Russian military uniforms. At least the body closest to the ending on the right shows signs of life in the form of movements that typically accompany breathing. He wears a red armband on his upper left arm, you can see his dark blonde hair, cut short. Next to it is an open black wallet.

Another person moves between those lying on the ground, carrying a gun in his hand. One by one, this person shoots at the other people on the ground. First on the one on the right and then in turn on the others. You hear short salvos, the bodies on the ground twitch briefly. When the camera pans back to the first man, he still shows signs of life, it’s the breathing movements that give him away. The shooter points the gun barrel directly at the soldier’s head, a salvo can be heard, and a red liquid, presumably blood, squirts out of his head.

The camera moves briefly through the surroundings, it is probably a clearing in the forest, the trees and bushes still have green leaves. There is no snow to be seen. The one who shot comes in front of the camera, says in Russian or Ukrainian (it is indistinguishable from this phrase): “That’s it.


Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Elena Panina/Telegram

"Russian War Machine" - These were fun to sketch. No rules,
just crazy Russian inspired vehicles. Most of these didn't make
it pass the drawing board for obvious reasons. (© Swang)

Poland will have "the most powerful land forces in Europe", said its defence minister Mariusz Blaszczak.

Poland has decided to increase defense spending from 2.4 percent of GDP to 5 percent, Politico says. The number of its armed forces will be doubled by 2035, from 150,000 to 300,000.

Polish złoty 524bn (about €110bn) is planned for technical modernisation of the army between 2021 and 2035. Contracts have been signed with the US to buy 250 Abrams tanks ($4.9bn) and 32 F-35 fighters ($4.6bn).

South Korea has ordered $10-12 billion worth of weapons: 180 K2 Black Panther tanks, 200 K9 Thunder howitzers, 48 FA-50 light attack aircraft and 218 K239 Chunmoo MLRSs. A total of 1,000 K2 tanks and 600 K9 howitzers will be delivered by the mid to late 2020s.

Poland will have "the most powerful land forces in Europe", said its defence minister Mariusz Blaszczak.

Amid Poland's exorbitant ambitions, Politico criticises Germany. The Bundeswehr is only 170,000 strong. And Berlin spends only 1.4% of GDP on defence, with the prospect of up to 2%.



Alexander Wolfheze

Recently, somebody from the East asked: how is it for Westerners to live in the West in the fall of 2022, under a power-cabal and a hate-ideology now openly at war with the entire world?

For decades, a hidden cabal, disguised in the cloak of ‘democratic institutions’ and ‘progressive values’, waged a proxy-war on the Western peoples through culture distortion (‘secular’ education, ‘soteriological’ science), social deconstruction (women’s ‘liberation’, sexual ‘revolution’) and ethnic displacement (‘open borders’, ‘multicultural enrichment’), but only recently, facing the massive indigenous risings of the Trump-Brexit era, did it throw off its mask.

Early in 2020, it decided to go for an all-out ‘Great Reset’ totalitarian power-grab by combining the new capacities of Big Pharma (bio-hacking, nano-medicine), Big Tech (surveillance, censorship) and Big Government (‘pandemic’ legislation, ‘misinformation’ persecution) - all to the benefit of Big Business and High Finance (breaking of small and medium private enterprise, take-over of family-held real-estate, imposition of generational debt slavery, no-risk state-funding of politized pharmacological and military business models). The ‘Covid’ swindle (economic shut-down, social liminality, psychological mass-trauma), the ‘BLM’ swindle (street terror impunity, openly politized judiciary, cultural dispossession) and the ‘Biden’ swindle (legalized fraud, all-out censorship, show-trials) were major mile-stones on this totalitarian trajectory.



F. William Engdahl

David Rockefeller's longtime friend, a billionaire oilman
named Maurice Strong. Strong was one of the key early
propagators of the scientifically fraudulent theory that man-
made CO2 emissions. (Image © Toronto Star/Getty)

💬 “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong

Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of Schwab. Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, and even earlier. The Davos Great reset is merely an updated blueprint for a global dystopian dictatorship under UN control that has been decades in development. The key actors were David Rockefeller and his protégé, Maurice Strong.

In the beginning of the 1970s, there was arguably no one person more influential in world politics than the late David Rockefeller, then largely known as chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank.



Danijel Turina

We are dealing with chaos, and in chaotic systems predictions are a pastime of fools.

Let me write down some of my thoughts on what’s going on in the war: Ukraine has almost no army left. This conjecture is based on the increasing reports that everything but the untrained cannon fodder there are the NATO people playing dress-up, the way Russians dressed up as “little green men” in Crimea or Croatian army dressed up as the HVO (Herzegovina Croat paramilitary troops) when they went across the border in 1995 to crush the Serbs. Also, Ukraine has basically no original Ukrainian equipment left, and the NATO stuff is all centrally controlled over satellites and manned by trained NATO personnel. Basically, NATO troops are the glue binding the broken up Ukrainian military, and as time goes on there is increasingly more glue and less Ukraine.

The level of conflict is such that the NATO countries basically ran out of spare weaponry, and since their industries are incapable of producing quantities required for a real war (it’s all tuned for peacetime servicing and replacement of existing small quantities of stuff, and also military industry doesn’t work that well without oil, gas and electricity) they are now in a position where they are forced to deplete their own defensive capabilities if they want to continue with this war, and America/UK is not allowing any alternative to be heard. There was some fuss here in Croatia about whether we should train Ukrainians here or not. I think this is only a fig leaf; Ukraine has no men to be trained.



Anna Von Reitz

💬 We must now either wake up or go mad, and be enslaved by our delusions.

People are confused about the purpose of central banks. Since one of my ancestors created the world’s first “Central Bank” for the Kingdom of Prussia during The Seven Years War, it is perhaps oddly fitting that I am the one to tell you: The purpose of all Central Banks is commodity rigging.

The very first Central Bank was created to restrict the amount of coffee being imported into Prussia. At the time, coffee was an exotic and costly import. Like champagne, which appeared on international markets at about the same time, people weren’t quite sure what it was good for, or if it was good for anything at all.

King Frederick the Great took a dim view of Prussian gold being drained out of his country’s economy to buy coffee beans, and so, needed a means to restrict imports. He established the first Central Bank in world history to do this simple task: restrict the importation of coffee beans to Prussia.

Oh, and make a profit doing so. — They didn’t call him “the Great” for nothing, but it was my unassuming ancestor who figured out the nuts and bolts and institutional bureaucracy to implement these goals: a Central Bank to control commodities — all commodities, not just coffee.

The entire economy of a country could be controlled by one Central Bank. This discovery was to have world-spanning consequences. For one thing, it meant the death of free markets and the rise of “regulated currencies”, because the most important commodities of all, money and credit, could be controlled by a Central Bank, right along with sow bellies and coffee.



Elena Panina (Елена Панина)
Elena Panina/Telegram

Elena Panina, Director of the RusSTRAT Institute, on the outcome of the diplomatic standoff between Russia, the US and China at the G20 summit

We have a tradition of expecting things to change after certain key dates: presidential or parliamentary elections, summits, personal meetings of heads of state. It is advantageous to present this in the media sphere - there is a feeling of sensationalism. This is how journalists are now covering the G20 summit in Bali, commenting as if some informal consensus has been reached between the US, Russia and China on de-escalation of tensions.

The U.S. is in danger of losing global leadership over Russia's EWO in Ukraine and Beijing's hardline stance on the Taiwan issue. The level of the conflict is breaking out of control and no one is ready for an unpredictable change in the status quo. The Russian expert community is actively discussing the alleged agreement of the leading world players to slightly subdue the situation, and to do so in Bali.

In reality, the political configuration is much more complex. For the U.S., the G20 is a place to demonstrate its leadership and an opportunity to change China's intentions. The US believes that it has already shifted the balance of power in its favour: Europe is subdued, US displacement from Taiwan and Ukraine has been averted, internal victory over the Republicans has almost been achieved. Now it is the turn to resolve the issue with the PRC, and to resolve it precisely in conjunction with Russia.

That being said, the U.S. is doing everything in a package, this is the style of American diplomacy. This is why Washington is spreading the thesis that Russia has shown the limit of what is possible and China should not rely on it much, but rather go along with the US position.


Sergey Lavrov
Foreign Minister of Russia

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the General Debate of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September 24, 2022

Madame President,

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are meeting at a both challenging and dramatic moment. Crisis situations are growing, and the international security situation is deteriorating rapidly.

Instead of engaging in honest dialogue and searching for compromises, we must deal with misinformation, as well as coarsely staged incidents and provocations. The policy line adopted by the West undermines trust in international institutions, which are tasked with coordinating various interests and international law as a guarantee of fairness to protect the weak from arbitrary rule. We are witnessing these negative trends in their quintessential form here in the United Nations, which rose from the rubble of German fascism and Japanese militarism and was established to promote friendly relations among its members and to prevent conflict among them.

The future world order is being decided today, as any unbiased observer can clearly see. The question is whether this world order will have a single hegemon that forces everyone else to live by its infamous rules, which only benefit this hegemon and no one else. Or whether this will be a democratic and just world free from blackmail and intimidation against the unwanted, as well as free from neo-Nazism and neo-colonialism. Russia firmly opts for the second option. Together with our allies, partners, and like-minded countries, we call for efforts to make this a reality.

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