

James Howard Kunstler

We’re witnessing the destruction of every institution in the land and nobody knows how to stop it….

The CDC seems to think nobody will notice its crimes, and the crimes of its sister agencies, FDA, NIAID, NIH (and the White House Task Force) if it strolls jauntily into the fall season whistling a happy a tune: Nevermind Covid anymore, la la la...Did I say crimes? Yes, I did. As in gross violations of the law and the basic social contract.

They lied about their roles in the nefarious origins of SARS CoV-2. They conjured up — already had waiting, actually — dangerous genetic treatments masquerading as “vaccines” and then they faked the safety trials to rush them into use. They denied people proper, effective treatments with inexpensive drugs and killed them with ventilators and remdesivir — solely to maintain a fraudulent emergency use authorization (EUA) that shielded “vaccine” companies from lawsuits. Once the “vaccines’ were widely distributed — and forced upon many people with mandates — they confabulated and hid information about adverse reactions and deaths. They destroyed countless small businesses, livelihoods, households, and hindered children’s development with lockdowns. And they used both social and news media to censor their critics in direct violation of the first amendment. That’s all.

Oh, one more thing: they destroyed modern medicine. They will probably assist in the destruction of law, too, because the legal system will never be able to handle the volume of lawsuits against all parties involved in the Covid “vaccine” mass slaughter — including the corporations that forced their employees to get vaxxed and the pharma companies themselves, who will lose their EUA protections once their fraud is proven. And they will hasten the death of an already ailing financial system that can’t bear the wealth transfers implied in the foregoing (on top of the worst debt crisis in human history).



Gary D. Barnett

“There is beauty in truth, even if it’s painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don’t teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one’s character, one’s mind, one’s heart or one’s soul.” ~ José N. Harris

The predetermined outcome of every aspect of the political system is the backbone of tyranny, in that fooling, frightening, and dividing the masses is the single best way to control them. Everything that happens in the political sphere is pre-planned and manipulative, regardless of which ‘side’ has currently been purposely selected and placed in power. There is, and never has been, any legitimate difference in politicians or political parties as a whole, and the left versus right paradigm is but a ruse, as both (all) sides work together to achieve the very same end result; which is one based only on money, power, and control.

Actually, the party system is the worst of all political systems in my view, because it is the most dishonest. In a monarchy, one ruling king with his units of enforcement, claims sole power over all. In a dictatorship, one ruler does virtually the same thing, but uses a political system as a cover, even if he takes power by force. In a pure and open oligarchy, the rule is by the few, but it is still evident that it is based on force and control. In all these situations, it is obvious that the people are ruled, and not free.

But in any democratic or socialist society, based on the scam of feigned participation (voting) by the common peasant class, the nefarious deceit is concealed behind a curtain of trickery and evil. The essence of all democratic societies is deception, and at best, it is unconditionally dishonest.



Emmet Sweeney

💬 Yanukovych's pivot towards Russia was seen by the “woke” establishment in Washington as a sign that Ukraine would follow Russia into adopting an increasingly Christian-friendly social culture; one that the “liberals” and “progressives” in Washington despised.

The war currently underway in Ukraine—which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia—is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular.

This statement may sound strange, given the fact that some Westerners – though fewer every day – still see “the West,” (basically Europe and North America) as Christian, and Russia as Communist, or crypto-Communist. But this is no longer the case, and has not been for some considerable time.

In fact, the thirty years that have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, has seen a complete reversal of roles; the collective West is now a totalitarian and aggressively anti-religious power-block that seeks to export its anti-Christian and anti-human ideology onto the rest of the world. And Russia is loathed by the West's ruling elite precisely because it has resisted this process and moreover has gone in the opposite direction: having once been an active proponent of “scientific materialism” and atheism, Russia has reverted to its Orthodox Christian roots and has rolled back the more pernicious policies and attitudes of the Soviet era. In order to demonstrate the truth of this, we need to look at the history of Russia and its interaction with the West since the early 1990s.



Stephen Lendman

Are things on a path toward global war 3.0? Is it inevitable? Will it be waged with nukes able to end life on earth by mass destruction and nuclear winter?

Cities turned to smoldering rubble can't be rebuilt. Radioactive contamination is long-lasting. If occurs from enough detonations, nuclear winter threatens all life forms with extinction.

Physician, nuclear expert, anti-war activist, Helen Caldicott, earlier explained the following:

💬 “If present trends continue, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactive pollutants to pose a potential health hazard far greater than any plague humanity has ever experienced.”

A “single failure of nuclear deterrence (could) start nuclear war.” Devastating consequences would follow, potentially killing “tens of millions of people, and caus(ing) longterm, catastrophic disruptions of the global climate and massive destruction of earth’s protective ozone layer.” “The result would be a global nuclear famine that could kill up to one billion people.”


Neil Oliver

It’s time to stand up for humanity. Underlying so much of what is wrong in the West now, is a pernicious, baleful belief that there are too many people in the world – that people are the problem.

Generations have grown among us that have been taught – actually taught to believe – that our species is some sort of plague upon the Earth, a planet-wide cancer, if you will – that human beings only destroy, only do harm, only contribute one by one and billion by billion to the end of the world.

There are uncounted millions of children out there right now who are growing up unhappy and terrified of the future – all because relentless anti-human propaganda dressed up as Green politics and policies – the activities of outfits like Extinction Rebellion and many others besides – have made them feel guilty just for being here and alive.

There are so many adults who talk about how they, “Don’t feel it’s right to bring a child into this world.” Plenty more, if they allow themselves to have children at all, consciously limit how many they have – not because they don’t want them, wouldn’t love them, cannot afford to raise them, but because the guilt they have internalised persuades them a child is a sinful indulgence – a wrong committed against the planet and against nature.

Those are people who have been affected by more of the same propaganda that openly declares the world would be better off without us, better off without most of us at least. How many possible people, fellow travellers – individuals whose contributions to the world will never be known because they were never born – have we been denied on account of anti-human fear mongering? This is a profound evil and it has to stop.



S.D. Wells

The mass authoritarianism “delusion” of the Left is well underway in America, and nearly every person who voted for nearly any Democrat cannot see it. They are under the spell. From the fixed election to the scamdemic, the Democrats are brainwashed under a liberal umbrella that just keeps sinking them deeper into what is termed mass formation psychosis. It really ramped up in America under Obama’s watch, but it all dates back to a powerful and evil little dude named Adolf Hitler.

Remember, the majority of German citizens were also brainwashed by Hitler’s propaganda, and after WWII, the rest of the world wondered how all these German citizens, many of whom were highly educated, got so brainwashed and apathetic toward the Holocaust during the Nazi reign of terror. How did it happen?

Simple answer: They were under the spell of mass formation psychosis. They agreed that killing off certain races/creeds/quality of humans would cleanse the world and heal the ailing German economy. The main targets were Jews, Blacks, gays, autistic children, the elderly and anyone with a handicap. Similarly, the liberal youth of today, coupled with the adults who watch CNN and read the newspaper, are the epitome of the fully-brainwashed extremists who would gladly watch Republicans and Conservatives who voted for Trump be slow-walked into the gas chambers or shot in the head twice for being “fascists,” or “white supremacists,” or whatever other scapegoat name they slap on us all. It’s a cultural tyranny and there’s no way to talk these folks out of their psychosis, because the media has told them the same lies for so long, they all believe them wholeheartedly.



Dr. Michael Yeadon
Exposing The Darkness

It was prompted by this superb expose of malfeasance in the UK government.
Please repost EVERYWHERE.
Thank you,

What is the government of the United Kingdom hiding?

Dear everyone, who is nervously looking around and is asking “What the hell is going on?”

I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still on the right side of disaster & if enough of us become aware of what is happening here & everywhere in the democratic world, we can recover the situation. We really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter. Hence this urgent and unusual request.

Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible. If you experimentally adopt the position that OUR GOVERNMENT IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO HARM US, TO DISMANTLE MODERN SOCIETY & ENSLAVE ALL PEOPLE IN A DIGITALLY CONTROLLED TOTALITARIAN WORLD, it all fits. Nothing is surplus. Even if your immediate response is that this is absurd, please try it for a day or so.



Danijel Turina

For the last week or so, the Ukrainians have been shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (that has been taken by the Russians at the very onset of the war and not part of any military action). The Russians have arrested two Ukrainian agents inside the plant, who have been providing the Ukrainian military with the coordinates guiding artillery fire.

The danger isn’t from them hitting the reactors; nothing short of a nuclear bomb could penetrate the reactor dome. The main problem is the interruption to the power supply to the water circulation pumps in the reactors, which is what triggered the Fukushima Daiichi incident, because this is the weak point of the solid fuel fission reactors; if you either cut the cooling, or the moderator rods get stuck on the outside position, you get a meltdown. You can guard against this by initiating a complete reactor shutdown.

The second problem is the spent fuel rods pool, which is nowhere near as well protected as the reactors. However, in my opinion this can cause only a localized incident, since you need a reactor meltdown for shit to really hit the fan, because it is then that the superheated steam carries the vast amount of highly radioactive particles high into the atmosphere, from where they spread globally, which took place in Chernobyl. In my opinion, threat to the reactor coolant circulation pump power supply is the greatest danger in any solid fuel fission power plant.



Video Rebel
Video Rebel's Blog

Several disturbing events are happening. The dollar, the pound, the euro and the yen should soon have zero value. In America that means Nationwide Food Riots and the cities burn to the ground.

China just forgave the debt of 17 African nations. That is an unusual move. What I believe they are doing is lining up support for the next big move which could happen at the 2023 BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) meeting in May in Beijing. Sergey Glazyev, Minister of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Union, wants all BRICS members and everyone from the Global South to refuse to repay loans denominated in dollars, pounds, euros, and yen. From that day forward trade would be conducted either in a basket of commodity backed BRICS currencies or in local ones with trade accounts settled in gold.

Bloomberg just recently noticed that the velocity or turnover of money just shot up sharply. That will support higher prices. Shadow Stats has our real inflation rate in the US at 16.8%. Money turns over faster and faster as we go further along the inflation track. Why? If I know the price is going up every 3 months, then I should run out and buy 3 months worth of consumables and pay on my credit cards. When I get paid, I can pay off my cards.



Pepe Escobar
Harry Vox (Comment)

The postmodernist econo-cultural vision of Europe has failed abysmally, as the ambitions of its architects were always based on false foundations and vastly exceeded their capabilities. More than four-fifths of the world has rejected their evil vision; the active resistance to it has barely even begun to take form. But it is already clear that there will be no Great Reset, and the global imperialists who believed they were destined to rule the world and own everything in it will be lucky to survive the series of regime changes over the next decade that are among the probable consequences of the Euro-Russian War:

The leadership in Moscow is making it very clear, to internal and international audiences, the new deal consists in slow cooking the Kiev racket inside a massive cauldron while polishing its status of financial black hole for the collective West. Until we reach boiling point – which will be a revolution or a putsch.

In parallel, The Lords of (Proxy) War will continue with their own strategy, which is to pillage an enfeebled, fearful, Europe, then dressing it up as a perfumed colony to be ruthlessly exploited ad nauseam by the imperial oligarchy. Europe is now a runaway TGV – minus the requisite Hollywood production values. Assuming it does not veer off track – a dicey proposition – it may eventually arrive at a railway station called Agenda 2030, The Great Narrative, or some other NATO/Davos denomination du jour.



Gary D. Barnett

How Many Have Figured Out That the State’s Only Plan is Mass Depopulation and Control of the Rest of Humanity? Not Enough!

💬 “Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.” ~ Nikola Tesla

I have held the position, and stand by it, that the masses are responsible for their own enslavement, especially over the past three years, when all plans to take over humanity have escalated almost beyond imagination. With that said, is there now a desperation evident by the ruling class due to more waking up to all the obvious lies and deception? The rulers and their political pawns given power by the people voluntarily, seem to be going in many different directions all at the same time. Fake ‘viruses,’ world war threats, food and energy shortages, ‘global warming,’ transhumanism, ridiculous gender nonsense, political false flags, and more. Is this an indication of confidence in their takeover conspiracy, or is it a sign of panic? My hope of course, would be the latter, but while still not convinced, it seems obvious that signs of uncertainty have arisen in the mindset of the ruling ‘elites.’ If this means that the rulers are fearful of their lies being rejected, and are reacting erratically in order to perpetuate the propaganda, that would be a good thing.



Rob Slane
The BlogMire

Yet another ambulance whizzes by (I lose count these days). Yet another sad story of a young person dying in their sleep for ‘reasons unknown’. Yet another week goes past with excess mortality way above normal: And yet the sound of crickets chirping in the echo chamber continues.

I had thought we’d seen enough weirdness to fill our days when people were somehow persuaded that they could prevent the spread of a microscopic virus by various superstitious rituals such as keeping 2 metres apart, covering their faces with bits of cloth, and scrubbing their hands with alcoholic squirty things.

But we hadn’t seen anything yet. We’ve now moved onto the phase in the movie where people are dying of the ‘cure’, and yet there’s no acknowledgement, no outcry, no demands for those who did this to be held to account. Is this how we go out — with a whimper? Or is there a tipping point when millions finally realise just how they were duped into giving up their liberties, their health and even their lives?



Steve Kirsch
Harry Vox (Comment)

It doesn’t matter how smart you are if you are psychologically unable to analyze anything outside of what previously recognized authorities have told you to believe:

I recently talked to a friend of mine at a recent social event. We’ll call him Bob. He’s super smart about most things. But when it comes to the vaccine, he’s blind to the truth.

He was bragging about how he has been vaxxed 6 times with the COVID vax and he’s perfectly healthy. He can’t wait for SB 866 in California to pass so when his kids turn 12, they can decide to get the vaccine over their mother’s objections.

Bob thinks I’m a nut case, cherry picking data. He says I used to be respected, but after turning anti-vax, people have lost all respect for me. He said I have a religious belief about the vaccine and I’m not driven by data.

What he isn’t telling anyone is that he’s been losing his vision ever since he got his first COVID vaccine. He used to have 20/20 vision, but now he wears glasses and can’t drive at night. When I brought up the data showing the connection between the shots and vision loss, he changed the topic.



Allan Stevo

In everything written below is a question at the heart of a single principle: Will you comply? And this is especially at the heart of that principle — Will you comply blindly before fully understanding the consequences of your compliance, which may take many years and would require you to default into non-compliance with every new idea placed in front of you? Will you even do that?

Where We Are & What Is Happening – True to plans written by British academics in winter and spring 2020, the newly introduced health policies have taken place according to a “rolling” approach. Rolling, in principle, means this: They ebb, and they flow.

In practice, that looks like this: For a few months, local public health officials do one thing and do it boldly, really pushing it to the limits. Though contrary to the stated aims of public health, such social engineers know that if there is not increased social tension, destruction, and violence from their approaches, then they are not pushing hard enough. Then they ease off for a time.

Then they come back with that same policy — often more heavily the second time around and often with additional measures. Books exist on such methods. They exist across fields. A hundred years of academic lectures have been given on the topic, though under a variety of names. The principle behind these rolling measures have been recognized for time immemorial. Many in the public health field realize that by employing this method of rolling health protocols, they are able to achieve much more compliance, much further penetration of ideas, and much less resistance. You push a population to the breaking point, release pressure, and then when you come back weeks or months later and apply the same pressure, it becomes evident that the breaking point has moved in favor of the social engineer. What was once considered impossible to get most in a society to do turns into a beloved tradition that people will rage over if denied.



Steve Kirsch

It's around 12M. That is 40X the number of Americans who were killed in World War II. It's more than double the number killed by COVID.

The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart

Margaret Anna Alice asked if anyone could estimate the global death toll from the COVID shots. In my opinion, a reasonable estimate is to divide the number of doses by 1,000. If you do that for the 600M doses delivered in the US, you get 600,000 deaths which is right in the ballpark.

A more conservative number is to divide the number of doses by 2,500. This is the number Mathew Crawford estimated from global data: 411 deaths per Million doses. Earlier, I offered a $1M reward to anyone who found a significant error in his work. No takers. This is documented on my Substack and in my Twitter stream, but of course everything I tweeted was deleted by Twitter as being unsafe. A free $1M no strings attached. Nobody accepted.



N.S. Lyons

A quick Public Service Announcement for Class B

Hello Friend,

I saw your post on the interweb the other day about that nasty thing Team A did, even though they always completely lose their collective mind with moralistic outrage if Team B (which I understand is your team) even "thoughtcrimes" about doing something similar. In fact Team A seems to blatantly do things all the time that no one on Team B could ever get away with doing without being universally condemned as the absolute worst sort of immoral criminal/being openly threatened with mob violence/losing their livelihood/having their assets frozen/being rounded up by the state and shipped to a black site somewhere for some extended TLC.

Maybe the latest thing was breaking some very important public health rules, or pillaging and burning down government buildings for fun, or mean tweets, or polluting the planet with a private jet, or using allegedly neutral public institutions against political opponents, or just engaging in a little tax-dodging or corruption while doing, like, a ton of blow in a hotel room with some capital city hookers – I forget the specifics. In fact I forget what country you’re even living in nowadays.

But I did see that slick video you posted on how just pointing out “imagine if someone on Team B did this!” is all it takes to blow the lid off this glaring hypocrisy, thus totally destroying Team A with facts and logic. I’ve noticed you posting a lot of things like this, which is nice, since they are very witty and produce a pleasant buzz of smug superiority, even though this feeling never lasts very long. However, I suddenly realized that you may not be in on the joke, so to speak, so I figured I’d write this short PSA to help explain what “hypocrisy” in politics actually is, just in case you didn’t know and had been fooled into seriously trying to benefit Team B with your comparative memes.



A Midwestern Doctor
Harry Vox (Comment)
Vox Popoli

A Midwestern doctor explains that the Covid vaxxes are far from the first global depopulationist assault on human fertility by the pharma-medical complex, they are merely the most effective:

💬 We are all the prey now. As there is no good way to go about population control, a lot of very messy approaches have been tried. In the last article I attempted to highlight some of the horrific examples from the past, in order to show there is a clear case precedent for this being implemented on a large scale.

Given that vaccines are unconditionally trusted by most people and are very easy to administer, if a vaccination could produce sterilization or at least reduce fertility from a single injection, it would provide a technological solution to a dilemma the ruling class has faced for over a century. The only possible superior alternative I can think of would be a highly contagious respiratory virus (or “self-spreading vaccine”) that impaired future fertility without otherwise causing too much damage (and to some extent has been observed in men after COVID-19).

As a result, methods of making fertility-impairing vaccines have been repeatedly researched. Each of the candidate vaccines I was able to identify worked in a similar manner: they carried an antigen that was similar to a protein necessary for fertilization or pregnancy, and thus created an autoimmune response that impaired fertility.



James Howard Kunstler

The regime must know that the next Congress is going to rip the face off the deep state and likely impeach “Joe Biden” for accepting bribes from countries hostile to the USA.

Do you still doubt that the federal bureaucracy and the elected government parasitically attached to it seek to harm the people they rule (i.e., us) by any means necessary? They’re still pushing Covid “vaccines” in a futile effort to eliminate the control group of their massive eugenics experiment — that is, the unvaccinated, who are not getting the many vaccine-induced diseases behind the rise of all-causes mortality in people under 65.

But the vaxx scam isn’t working anymore. Too many people have already been hurt, or killed, or seen friends and relatives go down mysteriously and they’re taking a pass on any more shots. Parents have evidently seen enough to not bring their little children in for the life-altering mRNA treatments. The CDC, the FDA, and their cohorts hide their information, lie when pressed, and pretend that they are acting scientifically. But really, at this point, many public health officials must be secretly wondering how they will evade prosecution. They won’t when fraud is proven in a court of law.



Ed Brodow

On Dec. 14, 2012, a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut resulted in the deaths of 20 children and six staffers. Alex Jones, a controversial far-right talk show host, called the Sandy Hook massacre a U.S. government hoax, staged using crisis actors, to serve as a pretext for gun control. Parents of one of the slain children filed a defamation suit against Jones, claiming that followers of Jones had harassed them and sent them death threats for years in the false belief that they were lying about their son's death.

Jones's defense was his right to free speech and that he was not responsible for the harassment. He lost. The jury awarded the parents $45.2 million in punitive damages on top of $4.1 million in compensatory damages — another example of outrageous damage verdicts that plague the legal system.

Freedom of speech is coming under attack from all directions. The primary assault is based on the existence of a new "right": the right not to be offended. It is claimed by many on the left that the right not to be offended is more important than the right to free expression. Our colleges and universities have fallen victim to this new "right." The feelings of students often constitute sufficient justification for campus censorship. If a conservative speaker offends some of the students, that speaker can be denied a platform. "The belief that free speech rights don't include the right to speak offensively is now firmly entrenched on campuses and enforced by repressive speech or harassment codes," wrote attorney Wendy Kaminer in The Atlantic. The problem is spreading to the mainstream.



Emmet Sweeney

The herd instinct is as much a characteristic of people as of animals. There is an inherent desire to blend in with the crowd, to not stand out, to not be seen as odd. According to evolutionary psychologists we inherited this from pre-human ancestors, where sticking with the crowd, looking and acting like all the others, helped ensure survival. Whatever one feels about evolutionary psychology, there is no question that the herd instinct is also found among people, where it manifests itself in following the latest trend – whatever trend one’s nature is drawn to; the latest fashion in clothes, or (for the more high-brow) art, literature, music, or even science. In short, moving with the times.

But, whilst following the herd undoubtedly helps animals stay alive, among humans it’s just as likely to get you killed (notwithstanding the short-lived social benefits). One obvious example that springs to mind is the hordes of young men who rushed to “join up” at the beginning of World War I. No doubt they believed, on some level at least, that they were doing a great service to their country, or perhaps the world in general, as they marched against the Germans, whom the mass media of the time had convinced them were barbarians or “Huns.” But the Germans were not barbarians, and millions of young men throughout Europe were butchered in a needless and pointless war that should never have happened in the first place.

The herd instinct also played a major part in the COVID affair of the past two-and-a-half years. The perplexing question as to why some people saw through the COVID scam from the beginning whilst others – the great majority – fell for it hook, line, and sinker, is one that has exercised the minds of many since March 2020.




Most NATO governments have declared war on their unhappy citizens by making food and energy both scarce and expensive. In Holland the government has put the farmers on notice that the majority of farms will be closed by 2030. In the US the government has killed tens of millions of chickens, turkey, geese and ducks using phony PCR tests as a justification. Those 26 Biolabs in the Ukraine were working with Bird flu and drones to spread diseases in the air. My regular readers know that Bill Gates gave $12 million to the researcher who crossed Spanish flu with Bird flu and mixed the resulting brew with 3 of the most contagious strains of influenza then available. He enabled Bird flu to move from the beak to the lungs while making it contagious enough to infect humans.

The whole point of making food scare and too expensive for most workers is to force them to accept digital ration cards and IDs so they will be easily controlled while the Globalists are reducing the population of the world by 7.5 billion.

In WW II 40% of all produce was raised in backyards. These were called Victory Gardens. By raising the price of oil and all other forms of energy, the Globalists have made it impossible for commercial farmers dependent on chemical inputs to feed all of us. A US farmer said his fertilizer bill will be $186,000. Also going up will be the costs of diesel, pesticides and herbicides.

Fortunately, traditional farming practices have evolved over the last 6,000 years so we can use those methods in our backyards and in professional market gardens to give us free fertilizers, free pesticides and free treatments increasing the biomass of our crops. There are lots of videos telling us how to do all of this.


Permalink "The Repeal" shows how the Amish, in one county, fought to save ALL New Yorkers from what's happening now

Mark Crispin Miller

A powerful short documentary from the team behind the great "Perspectives on the Pandemic" series

This global drive to “vaccinate” the human race did not come out of nowhere, but was preceded, over decades, by “public health” campaigns that variously readied people for it, by expertly convincing them that their lives, and their children’s lives, depended utterly on their obeying, without question, the dictates of “public health,” however needless and/or risky they may be.

That preparatory process has been underway for quite some time; but it accelerated in the Eighties, when the vaccination schedule for our children started growing radically (some might say metastasizing) into the relentless poisonous assault it is today. That push increasingly entailed the demonization of all those who wouldn’t go along, whether on medical grounds or for religious reasons, all such heretics now fiercely vilified as “anti-vaxxers.” – I write this as one whose family has been variously ravaged by that program (which killed my nephew, Giovanni, at two months old), and as a friend to many parents of vaccine-injured children. Such hard experience is now especially poignant, as this murderous faux-vaccination drive continues to kill children, along with countless others of all ages, all around the world.



Dr. Michael Yeadon

This is the first instalment of a five-webpage transcript of Dr Mike Yeadon's testimony to the 86th session of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, held on 7 January 2022. In this transcript, covering the first twenty minutes of his testimony, Dr Yeadon establishes his credentials and rebuts critics of his motives.

Covid measures as per global script, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, May 2020


I'm Dr Mike Yeadon. I describe myself as an industry veteran. I worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for all of my life.

My first degree was biochemistry and toxicology. English people don't like to brag, but I’m told I should. I was top of the year by a very long way.

As an undergraduate, I worked under military clearance at Porton Down: that's the equivalent of Fort Detrick. It’s where the UK military develops its so-called chemical defences. So I was under the Official Secrets Act—they must have thought I wasn't a crazy person at the time.

I also worked for six months at the Police Forensic Service headquarters at Aldermaston, so i learned a lot of analytical techniques in that time.

Then I did a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, and after that I jumped into industry. I had seven years, seven happy years, at the Wellcome Research Labs, before they closed after being acquired by Glaxo. So my my career spanned the consolidation phase of pharmaceutical companies—we call it the “dirty snowball”. Companies became absolutely huge, and that's relevant to what's happening today: they are so large, so powerful.



Dr Vernon Coleman

1. There is much to look forward to – none of it accidental, all of it deliberate. Energy shortages may mean a three day week. Factories and shops will shut. Homes will be cold and dark. Food prices will soar and shelves will be empty within hours of being stocked. Fuel and food rationing is a real possibility. The drought will mean that water will be rationed. Maybe there will be stand-pipes at the end of your road. There is effectively no health care in Britain today – with GPs surgeries and hospitals unfit for purpose. There will be delays on the railways and at airports because of endless strikes. New 20 mph limits in towns will mean massive congestion and delays. (The only council I know of which had the electoral decency to ask local people what they thought, found that the majority was opposed to the limits. Only a few brain-dead nutters who never leave home thought 20 mph a good idea. It seems, however, that the council will ignore what the electors want. What a shock.) Inflation is going to push up way above 10% so interest rates are going to go higher. Property values are bound to take a dive. Rents will soar as landlords give up their properties in the face of oppressive legislation. The fake pandemic is returning so masks will be compulsory and schools will be closed. There may be lockdowns by October. Monkeypox is just the first of a smorgasbord of new diseases they’ll frighten us with. Social credit schemes are being introduced everywhere.




Russian FM Sergey Lavrov rounded off a tour of African states in a blaze of media publicity despite US hopes to “isolate” him.

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a press availability at the State Department on Wednesday made the dramatic announcement that he intends to speak to his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov “in the coming days...for the first time since the war began” in Ukraine on February 24.

Interestingly, he gave an alibi that harks back to the Soviet era — prisoner exchange. The US is offering a swap of a Russian entrepreneur Viktor Bout, who was arrested in Thailand in 2008 on a US warrant and later convicted to 25 years in prison on charges of weapons trafficking, in exchange for Brittney Griner, a basketball star who has been detained at Moscow airport on drug charges and, importantly, Paul Whelan, an ex-US Marine, who was arrested in Russia in 2018 and sentenced to 16 years in prison two years later on charges of espionage. Whelan surely was a prize catch for the Russians. The American ambassador in Moscow had been visiting him in prison.

Blinken also added a second topic he’d like to discuss with Lavrov —implementation of the recent “grain deal”. Washington played no role in negotiating the deal and is presumably hoping to make a lateral entry into the matrix now. Blinken claimed he is “seeing and hearing around the world a desperate need for food, a desperate need for prices to decrease. And if we can help through our direct diplomacy encourage the Russians to make good on the commitments they’ve made, that will help people around the world, and I’m determined to do it.”



James Howard Kunstler

In keeping with the principles of mass formation psychosis, the maliciously insane people in charge of national affairs will expect you to swallow ever-greater absurdities to maintain their control (and protect themselves).

We stumble into the horse latitudes of summer feeling trapped in the stillness. The heat disorders minds — and these are minds already scrambled by official propaganda. We are this close to a general recognition that the Covid vaccines were a deadly scam, even while Rochelle Walensky of the CDC keeps pushing boosters on TV and the entire public health bureaucracy stands by silently behind this murderous fakery. When their trials finally come, will they plead that they just didn’t know? How is that possible? (It’s not.)

The crisis of the vaccinated is coming and there won’t be any hiding it. Anyway, nobody expects actual news reporting out of the legacy media. It will get around through the alt.media for sure, and already is, but the real spread will proceed when all the everyday people see themselves and those around them get sick, and realize they have one thing in common: those vaxxes they submitted to. It’s already happening.



John Waters

Book review: ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’ — By Mattias Desmet; Translated into English by Els Vanbrabant;(Chelsea Green Publishing).

An abridged version of this article has been published by First Things magazine here:

In 2018, two years before the world as we knew it came to an end, a Polish academic study, Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age, led by Catholic priest and scientist Piotr Mazurkiewicz, of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, anticipated the beginnings of a shift in the attitudes towards freedom among European young people.

The focus was on ‘postmodern’ totalitarianism — a ‘progression’ from the 20th century kind — what Pope John Paul II had described as an ‘open’ and ‘thinly disguised’ totalitarianism, a kind built, as Hannah Arendt had predicted, in cooperation with ‘the masses’.

The researchers were looking for signs of belief in the capacity of politics to deliver an ideal world: faith in radical human progress; the unfettered transformation of social values; antipathy towards the ‘old order’ and its guardians; signs of ‘anthropological palingenisis’ — ‘the will to radically change the real, existing man into a ‘new’ man, born out of the desire ‘that man himself should be able to create anything which is important to him, and above all — himself.’ The research canvassed young people from seven EU countries: Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The survey was conducted in two stages — a series of focus groups in early 2016, and a quantitative analysis carried out in October 2017.

Almost half of those surveyed did not preclude the right of governments to suspend key democratic political freedoms, while one-third were sanguine about governments engaging in political manipulation, or even lying, regarding these as necessary instruments of social control. A similar proportion could identify values for which they would readily forego both freedom and democracy. Slightly more than half indicated their support for democracy, while one-third said they had no clearly formulated views. Young people from the ‘old’ EU — roughly two-thirds — indicated higher degrees of support for democracy. Approval of palingenetic practices — the ‘improvement’ of the human biological structure — was consistently above 50 percent, and in the eastern cohort reached levels of 80 percent, halting only before human-animal hybrids. Just half of those surveyed indicated that they might resist incursions upon their freedom, while one in five appeared to regard freedom as inessential.



Batiushka (for The Saker Blog)

The Barbarian West

By the fifth century AD the barbarians had moved into Western Europe in significant numbers, bringing about the fall of Old Rome in what is now Italy in 410. Curiously, the barbarianism they brought with them, combined with the systematic brutality of Old Rome by the most brutal of them, the Franks, survives today. Indeed, we can state quite clearly that many in Western Europe have remained barbarians, knowingly or unknowingly supporting the ‘Frankish’ warlord aristocracy/ oligarchy which administrates (but not controls –control is from elsewhere) the Western world till this day. At first the barbarians took over only Western Europe, but then they expanded to its immediate neighbours in Eastern Europe, the Near East and along the African coasts. However, from 1492 on there began the Western European occupation and exploitation of the New Worlds. Barbarianism had literally gone global.



Aaron Kheriaty, MD

The photograph on the right: Holes literally being drilled into healthy living cells by the antibodies now produced to counter the spike protein. This antibody attack is more robust after booster shots. It’s a good idea to skip those booster shots if you haven’t already received them. (Palmer, MD & Bhakdi, MD: The Pfizer mRNA vaccine: pharmacokinetics and toxicity)

Government-funded research of lab-engineered viruses to create contagious self-spreading vaccines that bypass the consent of citizens. What could go wrong?

For two decades scientists have been quietly developing self-spreading contagious vaccines. The NIH funded this research, in which either DNA from a deadly pathogen is packaged in a contagious but less harmful virus, or the deadly virus’s lethality is weakened by engineering it in a lab. The resultant “vaccines” spread from one person to the next just like a contagious respiratory virus. Only five percent of regional populations would need to be immunized; the other ninety-five percent would “catch” the vaccine as it spread person-to-person through community transmission.



eugyppius: a plague chronicle

As a friend writes, “Our system is very opaque.” Various thinkers have tried to diagram or schematise the relationships among different branches of western liberal democratic regimes. A popular concept in some circles, and the prototype for many such efforts, is Curtis Yarvin’s Cathedral. What ties together much of this analysis, is the conviction that formal political structures have been increasingly sidelined by informal, illegible and corrupt power networks. We see a growing gulf between how western liberal democracies claim to function, and how they actually behave.

Attempts to model power structures like these are at base arguments about whether regime behaviour is emergent, or centrally directed; whether our governments are simply failing, or pursuing hidden goals; and whether our elites are malicious, or just remarkably stupid, or some unfortunate mixture of both.

Instead of contributing more schemata to the landscape of dissident thought on what is wrong with modern liberal democracy, I’ll take a descriptive approach. It seems to me that not only our pandemic response, but many signature western policies, are distinguished by a curious set of recurring pathologies. Taken together, these suggest important conclusions about how we’re governed.

As I see it, our brave new world is beset by state actions which betray 1) properties of inertia, 2) the absence of strategy, 3) symptoms of profound demobilisation, 4) an obsession with simple metrics, 5) diffuse consensus guidance, 6) transnational uniformity, and 7) media activism.

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