

Dr Vernon Coleman

The following article first appeared on my website on June 18th 2020. Sadly, many people are still not aware that the conspirators want to kill everyone they regard as useless. And by useless they mean anyone over 60 and anyone, younger than that, who is mentally or physically disabled in any way. Please read and share this article with everyone you know – it contains important information.

What I am about to reveal is, perhaps, the most shocking evidence I have come across in 50 years of writing about health matters. To say that I am horrified is the biggest understatement of all time. You will be shocked too.

It started a while ago. The internet has, for months now been full of stories of patients being asked to sign ‘Do Not Resuscitate' forms or having Do Not Resuscitate forms signed on their behalf. They are known as DNR forms or DNAR forms – for 'Do Not Attempt Resuscitation'. GPs all over the country have been contacting their elderly patients, and those with chronic health disorders, and asking them two questions:

Are you happy for us to put a DNR on your file? [and]
Are you happy for us to put on your file a note that you won’t be admitted to hospital if you become unwell?



Gaius Baltar

Some knowledgeable people, apparently including the Pope, are beginning to suspect that there may be more going on in the world than just the war in the Ukraine. They say that World War 3 has already started and things will get worse from now on. This can be difficult to determine while we are participating in the unfolding events and do not have the benefit of the historical perspective. It is doubtful that people back in 1939 realized that they were looking at the start of a major worldwide conflict, although some may have suspected it.

The current global situation is in many ways like a giant jigsaw puzzle where the general public only sees a tiny part of the complete picture. Most don’t even realize that there may be more pieces and don’t even ask these simple questions: Why is all this happening and why is it happening now?

Things are more complicated than most people realize. What they see is the evil wizard Vladimir Saruman Putin invading innocent Ukraine with his orc army – for absolutely no reason. This is a simplistic view, to say the least because nothing happens without a reason. Let’s put things in perspective and see what is really going on – and why the world is going crazy before our eyes. Let’s see what World War 3 is all about.



We've had some MySQL issues from Friday till today. Unfortunately, it was not possible to post anything during this time. We apologize for this and hope to be able to resume normal service from tomorrow. (Tuesday 07/12/22) – Editor



John Waters

Belgian psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet may be the most articulate voice on the most clear and present danger facing us: the mob-baiting now being pursued by formerly democratic governments.

The most significant obstacle to our developing the necessary capacity to fight back against what is engulfing us is an imaginative block preventing us conceiving of the possibility that what seems to be happening could actually be happening. These things could not be happening here, now, for the very simple reason that they are the kind of thing that used to happen far away, in different times, to people who were not as ‘intelligent’ or ‘educated’ or ‘advanced’ as we are.

Dr. Mattias Desmet begs to differ with such perilous smugness. He is a professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. He lectures on Individual psycho-analytics psychotherapy, and the psychology of the crowd. He holds a master’s degree and PhD in clinical psychology, and a master’s in statistics.

As the Covid subterfuge shifts from the manufacture of mass terror concerning a dubious virus — and a related indoctrination with spurious medical data — to the mass mobilisation of mesmerised populations in silencing voices threatening to expose these crimes, Dr Desmet has emerged as the clearest and most meticulous voice describing the dangers and intimating what we need to do to offset them. A selection of his remarkable video interviews can be found at the end of this article, which I have written by way of an introduction to his thoughts and interpretations, which I believe are among the most crucial things we might hear at this precise moment.



Neil Oliver

It makes no sense. It makes no sense because, and here’s the hardest pill to swallow, it’s not supposed to make sense. This is planned. This is on purpose. It’s supposed to make us do what we’re told. It’s supposed to make us stop asking impertinent questions and just submit to The Man. It’s supposed to divide us, one from another until everyone feels alone. It’s supposed to make us scared, angry, cold, hungry and sick to death. And when enough us are scared enough, angry enough, cold enough, hungry enough and sick enough or dead … we’re expected to welcome the new world with open, spindly, incessantly jabbed arms.

What’s being done to us, or tried on us at least, isn’t working … and it isn’t working and won’t work because what we’re being pushed to accept as the new world makes no sense. The supposed utopia we’re being promised – or, rather, having rammed down our throats – is one in which there is no universal truth, no absolute and trusted truth, but only personal truth that trumps all else. There are to be no facts like those observed by biologists, just as a for instance, and only feelings based on personal preferences that change from day to day. It will be a world in which we might have no inalienable rights, rights we are born with – just permissions granted one by one by the state … and then only if we do as we are told and do without cars and warm homes and eat our bugs and fake meat and take our medicine on demand. It is a world in which 2+2 might equal 5 if some faceless, unelected bureaucrat says it does – and if any of us says no, 2+2 always and only equals 4, then our bank accounts won’t give us any money until we accept our arithmetical and moral error. It is a world that makes no sense and that will not work, not for the likes of you and me. It will benefit the few, but it won’t work for the billions.



Gilbert Doctorow

In recent weeks, I have received a number of complimentary emails from readers of my essays who took note of what they consider my even-handed approach to the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian military conflict which is at variance with the fired-up Russophile and Russophobe positions that we find daily in alternative and mainstream media respectively. Some have gone on to say that they have profited from my reporting on the content and changing views aired on Russian political talk shows these past few months, all of which is rarely featured in mainstream Western news and analysis. My intent in such reporting was to ensure that at least some people here understand what Ukraine and its Western backers are up against, so as to better understand the course of the fighting on the ground and who may be winning.

In this context, I announce with sadness that the job of even-handed reporting has just become much more difficult as a result of Eutelsat’s implementation yesterday of a policy decision announced just over a month ago, but which went unnoticed by most everyone, myself included. I quote from Google Search:

💬 “Eutelsat to remove banned Russian channels. Eutelsat ready to immediately stop the rebroadcasting of the Russian channels RTR Planeta and Rossiya 24 on its satellites on June 25. 13 May 2022”



Harry Vox
Vox Popoli

For all that it makes Americans extremely uncomfortable and quick to cite a panoply of irrelevant tangential facts that don’t excuse their ancestors’ actions, the absolute historical fact is that the European colonists – English and Spanish – committed imperialist genocide against the various American Indian tribes.

And China is now utilizing these historical facts to great rhetorical effect to undermine the USA’s false claim to the moral high ground; for all the horrific crimes of the Mao era, at least the Chinese only victimized their own people.

CRI: We noticed that a report from the US Department of the Interior last month said a large number of Native American children died at Indian boarding schools. After that, more and more survivors and their descendants have spoken out and accused the US government of genocide against American Indians. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian:We are deeply sympathetic to the tragic experience of the Native American children. Those so-called boarding schools that carried the motto “Kill the Indian, save the man” were in essence crime scenes of the US cultural genocide against Native Americans. What happened at these schools is also important evidence of the racial genocide committed by the US against Native Americans. More and more facts have come to light and shown that the US committed systemic genocide against Native Americans in three dimensions, which has lasted hundreds of years and continues to this day. 



Andrei Martyanov

How can one possibly start trying to extricate oneself from own pile of shit such as that created by the US Department of State in 404? Tony Blinken--the strategists' strategist, the geopolitical thinker of the scale of Bismark... nah, I am screwing with you--some mediocrity with "soft degree" in some BS from Ivy League, but well versed in obfuscation, double meaning and gaslighting, in other words newspeak, tries. Here is his PBS interview:

Judy Woodruff: Well, as — what we're hearing from experts, though, at the same time, is, no matter how unfair or repugnant it may seem, that it is now appearing inevitable that Ukraine is going to have to make territorial concessions in the east. Is that what you see, that they are going to have to bow to Vladimir Putin and give him that territory that he says he wants?

💬 Antony Blinken: Judy, Ukraine's future is up to the Ukrainians. It's up to the Ukrainian people. And, ultimately, those decisions will be made by its democratically elected government, including President Zelenskyy. He will have to determine what's in the best interests of his country and his people. And we will support that. We're not going to be less Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. We're not going to be more Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. But it is fundamentally up to them. And that's ultimately what this is about. Vladimir Putin is trying to take away from Ukrainians the right to determine their own future. We strongly support that right. And we will look to the Ukrainians to decide what's in their best interest.



Carlo Maria Viganò,
, Life Site News

(LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s note: The following is the transcript of a video interview Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò gave to Armando Manocchia from Byoblu TV. The video is in Italian and can be found in two parts, here and here.

Armando Manocchia: Your Excellency, [Here in Italy] we are now in economic and financial bankruptcy, where the public debt is now over 2.7 billion euros. In my opinion the problem is the moral and ethical bankruptcy not only of the ruling class but also of a significant part of the population. What can we do to reconstruct a social fabric that includes an ethical and moral sense?

Archbishop Viganò: Bankruptcy is the inevitable result of multiple factors. The first is the transfer of the monetary sovereignty of individual nations to a supranational body such as the European Union. The European Central Bank is a private bank, lending money at interest rates to member states, forcing them into perpetual indebtedness. I recall, en passant, that the European Central Bank is officially owned by the Central Banks of the nations that are part of it; therefore, since the Central Banks are controlled by private companies, the ECB itself is essentially a private company, and acts as such.



Rob Slane
The BlogMire

One of the many things that continues to baffle me about the public response to all things Covid, is that the number of people demanding answers to the following questions is pitifully and inexplicably low:

1. Who was behind the creation of     SARS-CoV-2?
2. Why were they making it?
3. How and why did it get unleashed on     the world?

These questions should unite both those who believe with their whole heart that Lockdowns were necessary and saved lives, and those like me who believe they were utterly futile on their own terms, and have caused untold destruction. They should unite both those who believe that masks were necessary and saved lives, and those like me who believe them to have been utterly futile on their own terms, and a destructive dehumanising force designed to perpetuate fear. They should unite both those who think that the so-called vaccines were safe and effective, and those who believe these blood-clotting, immune-suppressing, gene-editing injections to have been useless on their own terms, and the cause of mass casualties, which will one day be found to have killed millions upon millions of people over the course of several years.



Vladimir Platov

Erdoğan has long been, for the majority of the population, the epitome of a political course that is independent of the West.

After Recep Tayyip Erdoğan officially announced his intention to run in the upcoming 2023 presidential elections in Turkey, the current White House administration gave a clear signal to its Western “allies” to intensify the campaign against the current Turkish leader and prepare measures to oust him. Although there is no talk of a coup d’état in Turkey yet, the ouster of Erdoğan as a result of the elections has become quite clear.

Not only the Americans, but also Western Europe, especially Germany, are now being blamed for stoking the internal political fire in Turkey. Not without explicit US involvement, as part of a provocative propaganda campaign against Erdoğan organized by the pro-Western opposition, there have recently been statements that the head of state is allegedly exporting millions of dollars to the US and preparing a plan to flee the country quickly. The ruling Justice and Development Party (JDP) responded swiftly with a statement by party spokesman Ömer Çelik, accusing the opposition of blatant lies and seeking to inflame the situation.



Dr Vernon Coleman

An old man in hospital had received no nursing care for a week. He wasn’t fed for three days. He asked a nurse if he could be bathed. She brought him a damp paper towel and told him to do it himself.

A 92-year-old former ward sister was told that she had terminal liver failure. The doctor had apparently conducted an examination via a video link. A face to face visit was refused. Taken by a relative to the local A&E department, the woman was diagnosed with a simple infection – treated with antibiotics. Three days later she made a full recovery. (There had been a 12 hour wait on a ward trolley.)

A patient was admitted to hospital as an emergency had to wait 49 hours before a bed could be found for him.

A patient with a broken arm, in great pain, was told by an ambulance service that her condition wasn’t life threatening and that the wait would be eight hours.

An 89-year-old woman waited six hours for an ambulance and died. It is now recognised that failing ambulance services are responsible for many deaths. In Northern Ireland ambulance delays were a contributory factor in 14 deaths. Ambulances spend 25% to 30% of their time waiting outside emergency departments.

An NHS boss who had a stroke was taken to hospital by her husband and recovered. She said it might have been different if she’d called 999. Waiting times for ambulances have never been as long. The ambulance service is so bad that patients are told to call a taxi – it’ll be quicker. Such stories now abound.



Sam Parker


Ukraine and Russia were so intertwined economically, socially and culturally, especially in the east of the country, that they were almost indistinguishable from one another. Most of Russia’s natural gas pipelines from West Siberia flowed through Ukraine on their way to Germany, France and other European states. In military strategic terms, a non-neutral Ukraine in NATO would pose a fatal security blow to Russia. In the age of advanced US weapons and anti-missile defenses, this was just what Washington wanted.

A look at the map of Eurasian geography revealed a distinct pattern to the CIA-sponsored Color Revolutions after 2000. They were clearly aimed at isolating Russia and ultimately cutting her economic lifeline – her pipeline networks that carried Russia’s huge reserves of oil and gas from the Urals and Siberia to Western Europe and Eurasia-straight through Ukraine.

The unspoken agenda of Washington’s aggressive Central Asia policies after the collapse of the Soviet Union could be summed up in a single phase: control of energy. So long as Russia was able to use its strategic trump card- its vast oil and gas reserves – to win economic allies in Western Europe, China and elsewhere, it could not be politically isolated. The location of various Color Revolutions was aimed directly at encircling Russia and cutting off, at any time, her export pipelines. With more than half of Russia’s dollar export earnings coming from its oil and gas exports, such encirclement would amount to an economic chokehold on Russia by US-led NATO.



Gilbert Doctorow

I have taken my time preparing a commentary on Putin’s speech to the Plenary Session of the St Petersburg Economic Forum last Friday, and I am well satisfied that this was the right decision.

Others have written about the content and delivery of the speech. Still others have written about the Forum itself in its twenty-fifth anniversary, with a particular emphasis placed on the absence of foreign government leaders and of high level contingents of Western businessmen.

What I intend to do here is to go beyond these narrow constraints and to put the event in the broader context of several other important international developments that have occurred in the past few days, many of which are interrelated. They have barely received the attention they deserve in global media and I intend to make amends here.




France's President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. President Joe
Biden, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Euro-
pean Commission President Ursula von der Leyen walk
along the boardwalk during the G7 summit in Carbis Bay,
Cornwall, south-west England on June 11, 2021.

Henry Kissinger predicted some three weeks ago that the Ukraine war was dangerously close to becoming a war against Russia. That was a prescient remark. The NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in a weekend interview told Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper that in the alliance’s estimation, the Ukraine war could wage for years.

“We must prepare for the fact that it could take years. We must not let up in supporting Ukraine. Even if the costs are high, not only for military support, also because of rising energy and food prices,” Stoltenberg said. He added that the supply of state-of-the-art weaponry to Ukrainian troops would increase the chance of liberating the Donbass region from Russian control.

The remark signifies a deeper NATO involvement in the war based on the belief not only that Russia can be defeated in Ukraine (“erase Russia”) but the cost shouldn’t matter. The NATO chiefs traditionally take the cue from Washington, and Stoltenberg was speaking just a fortnight before the alliance’s Madrid summit.



Sam Parker

Background (1991-Present)

The fall of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a highly dangerous new phase of American aggression against a severely weakened Russia. For the Rockefeller Empire, it represented a golden opportunity to destroy their former adversary, Russia, as a functioning agent. If they could succeed in destroying Russia, they believed they could eliminate the only remaining serious obstacle to what the Pentagon called Full Spectrum Domination – total control of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. One Sole Superpower could dictate to the entire world as it saw fit. This was the mad dream of David, his family and allies.

The 1990s was a time of immense suffering for the Russian people. As the impending collapse of the USSR became discernable, insiders created a planning group to ensure the continued influence of Soviet-era officials by transferring Russian state assets to offshore shell companies and thus stripping the country’s wealth. One such offshore company, FIMACO, was used to pilfer an estimated $50 billion from the nation. It was through this looting that liquid capital was generated and used by future oligarchs to build their fortunes. An early beneficiary of this arrangement was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who had started his career as a minor Soviet official and whose Yukos oil conglomerate was tied to FIMACO. And FIMACO was tied to Jacob Rothschild, in London.

In 1991 the Soviet Union finally collapsed. That August, state treasurer Nikolai Kruchina, responsible for Russia’s gold reserves, died by falling from his window. He had been a member of the planning group which originated the plot to steal state assets. His successor Georgy Pavlov fell to his death from a window two months later: the oligarchs were cleaning house. In September, the Russian central bank announced the Kremlin’s gold reserves had inexplicably dropped from the estimated 1000-1500 tons to a mere 240 tons. Two months later, Victor Gerashchenko announced Russia’s gold reserves had actually entirely vanished. While the Russian public was horrified at the revelation, European bankers were less surprised. It was whispered frequently among those circles that Soviet transport planes had been flying to and from Switzerland for months and selling off large amounts of gold. Boris Yeltsin announced his plans to privatize the nation’s assets and the real looting began.



Kester Kenn Klomegah

Does anyone seriously believe that this...this woman (we're being generous)
intends to fight for "zero hunger in Mozambique"? Or...could it be that the
immense natural gas reserves there could have anything to do with it? - Ed.

Reports monitored from the U.S. Department of State, Deutsche Welle and Rádio Moçambique have shown that the United States would be assisting with a further donation of US$40 million (€38.2 million) to support the displaced and victims of natural disasters in northern Mozambique. In addition, the United States would also offer US$14 million annually, over the next ten years to help rebuild Cabo Delgado.

US Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, announced these after visiting World Food Program (WFP) warehouses in the city of Matola, Maputo province. She was on an official visit to Djibouti, Mozambique and Nigeria, June 11-17, 2022.

In Djibouti, Under Secretary Nuland and an interagency team interacted with government counterparts to advance U.S.-Djibouti relations and close security cooperation.



Dr Vernon Coleman

The Bank of England and HM Treasury in the UK are now preparing a UK digital currency to replace cash – and to enable them to know what you are buying, and where and when you are buying it.

The new system is being designed to enable the tax authorities to take money out of your account so that all your taxes and fines are all paid automatically.

All this is being done under the auspices of, and with the encouragement of the Bank of International Settlements, which is very keen on central banks creating digital currencies. It was the Bank of International Settlements which helped fund the Nazis in World War II. If you want the proof just take a look at my book on the subject – The Shocking History of the EU – in which I pointed out that without the BIS there would have been no Second World War and there would be no European Union. The BIS is mega powerful and it is clearly a big player in the Great Reset and the plans for the new normal.

It’s pretty clear that this is part of the social credit program, whereby the authorities will be able to punish or reward you according to your behaviour. If you buy sugary food or meat you will be punished by not being able to travel. If you access the wrong websites, or mix with the wrong people, you will be punished by being denied access to certain shops selling luxuries such as food and clothing.

It’s already happening in China and it’s coming here. It’s an extension of the vax passport scheme. Without a digital passport you won’t exist. You’ll be like a citizen in the USSR or the Eastern Bloc, trying to exist without papers.


Greg Hunter

Wall Street money manager Edward Dowd has made billions of dollars for companies such as Black Rock picking good businesses with good products. He can also spot a fraud, and Dowd says Pfizer simply made up the research that said it’s CV19 vaccine was safe and effective. According to Dowd, it was neither safe or effective. Dowd says,

💬 “The data was garbage. As far as I am concerned, they made up the data. It was garbage.”

Dowd thinks the CV19 injections will be the deadliest fraud in history. Dowd explains,

💬 “This is something we have never seen in the history of our country and the history of the world for that matter. We have a product (CV19 Vax) that is so fraudulent and so deadly from an acute basis and kills you right away, but the long-term implications of this health impact we don’t know yet. It’s looking grim. This is going to be with us for decades. This is going to change the face of the world. We have to try to control the outcome because people are going to try to take advantage of this and spin it and turn it into the ‘great reset.’ We are not going to allow the ‘great reset’ to happen. If it happens, it’s going to happen under our power, and we are going to take control and not some nameless elites that say I am going to own nothing and eat bugs.”



Corona Investigative Committee
Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Corona Investigative Committee: Your Excellency, many people know and appreciate you very much for having been a sincere man in an often insincere environment even during your service at the Vatican. You have served as a top diplomat, specifically as the Vatican Nuncio in the United States, representing the Pope to the local churches in the United States.

It is our great honor and pleasure to speak with you today. But before we move on to substance and ask you about your assessment of the world political situation, especially with regard to the so-called Corona crisis, please tell us a little bit about your personal history so that viewers who don’t yet know you will realize who you are.

💬 Archbishop Viganò: First of all, I would like to express to you, lawyer Reiner Füllmich, and to all your collaborators and colleagues, my most cordial greetings and my appreciation for having conceived the idea of the Corona Commission. Your research into the management of the Covid-19 emergency and mass experimentation greatly contributes to collecting evidence in order to bring to justice and punish those who are responsible. This constitutes an important contribution in view of the creation of an Anti-Globalist Alliance, because the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.



Andrea ZHOK

1) Au lendemain de l’invasion, l’Europe avait deux options :

Elle pouvait accompagner les nécessaires sanctions d’une demande auprès de Zelensky et de Poutine de lancer des négociations immédiates sur la base des deux requêtes fondamentales du contentieux : la neutralité de l’Ukraine et le respect des accords de Minsk. Si Zelensky ne s’était pas senti couvert et protégé pour la poursuite de la guerre, on pouvait probablement obtenir la paix en une semaine.

Ou bien, et c’est le choix qui a été fait, l’Europe pouvait se mettre à dire que Poutine était le nouvel Hitler, un fou, une bête, elle pouvait se mettre à ravitailler l’Ukraine en argent, instructeurs et armements lourds, elle pouvait déchaîner une vague de russophobie gênante et persévérer sur cette ligne jusqu’à dire (Josep Borrell) que la guerre devait se décider sur le terrain (les diplomates qui s’improvisent guerriers en risquant la peau des autres).



Dr Vernon Coleman

They faked a pandemic, they faked a test and they faked a cure.

There is a myth that the covid fraud is over. Even some of the conspirators and collaborators have said as much – though they’re undoubtedly just lying and spreading misinformation.

The fact is that they are still jabbing – now jabbing small children with an experimental drug that doesn’t work and isn’t safe or necessary – and they are steadfastly ignoring the damage done by the covid jabs and finding dozens of new explanations for the epidemic of myocarditis, strokes, hepatitis and death following in the wake of all those hugely profitable jabbing sprees.

All warfare is based on deception and this is warfare so deception is inevitable.



Eric Zuesse
Modern Diplomacy

To understand this matter, some fundamental background must first be briefly presented; and it is this (the remainder of this paragraph):

Ukraine’s Government has consistently promised that it will retake Crimea, which had been part of Russia during 1783-1954 when the Soviet leader Khrushchev then transferred it to Ukraine, and which subsequently broke away from Ukraine in 2014 to rejoin Russia. Russia has re-established its sovereignty there after a 2014 referendum in Crimea showed over 90% support by voters for Russia to do so.

That’s the background. –– On June 1st, when the White House announced that it would be sending to Ukraine weapons that might be used for invading Russia, Jonathan Finer, deputy White House national security adviser, said Washington had asked Ukraine for assurances the missiles would not strike inside Russia. On June 3rd, Ukraine’s Government rejected that request. At the time when Biden made that announcement on June 1st, Reuters noted that,

“Biden announced the plan to give Ukraine precision HIMARS rocket systems after receiving assurances from Kyiv that it would not use them to hit targets inside Russian territory.”



Hilda Labrada Gore
with Dr. David Martin

Hilda Labrada Gore: I have friends who’ve gotten one of the new COVID-19 vaccines and you do too. These are the fastest developed vaccines in all of our medical history and many people are lining up to get them as soon as possible. What are they made of? What would they do to us? Why are they being promoted and by whom? This is episode 292 and our guest is Dr. David Martin. He received his Undergrad degree from Goshen College, Master’s of Science from Ball State University and Doctorate from the University of Virginia. He is an innovator, a professor, and a man with an extensive résumé of accomplishments.

With David, we focused on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He goes over the major issues surrounding them. He reviews the mRNA technology and explains how it is gene therapy, not a vaccine and our usual understanding of the word. He reviews the problems with the PCR tests and even helps us understand our broader state of emergency. Finally, he explains how fear on a subconscious level can make us resist the truth.



Gilbert Doctorow

It has been my rule not to join the vast majority of my fellow political commentators at the scrimmage line in sterile debates of the one subject of the day, week, month that has attracted their full attention. Their debates are sterile because they ignore all but a few parameters of reality in Russia, in Ukraine. For them, ignorance is bliss. They do not stir from their armchairs nor do they switch channels to get information from the other side of the barricades, meaning from Russia.

I will violate this overriding rule and just this once join the debate over how Russia’s ‘special military operation’ will end.

Nearly all of my peers in Western media and academia give you read-outs based on their shared certainty over Russia’s military and political ambition from the start of the ‘operation,’ how Russia failed by underestimating Ukrainian resilience and professionalism, how Putin must now save face by capturing and holding some part of Ukraine. The subject of disagreement is whether at the end of the campaign the borders will revert to the status quo before 24 February in exchange for Ukrainian neutrality or whether the Russians will have to entirely give up claims on Donbas and possibly even on Crimea.

As for commentators in the European Union, there is exaggerated outrage over alleged Russian aggression, over any possible revision of European borders as enshrined in the Helsinki Act of 1975 and subsequent recommitments by all parties to territorial inviolability of the signatory States. There is the stench of hypocrisy from this crowd as they overlook what they wrought in the deconstruction of Yugoslavia and, in particular, the hiving off of Kosovo from the state of Serbia.


Danijel Turina

I’ve been thinking about something for the last few days: it’s incredible how the people in the West make counterproductive moves because they start from bad premises, and when the evidence starts showing their errors, they stubbornly insist on their original course, and use their own lies and fallacies as inputs “proving” how they are right, and dismiss facts and evidence as “enemy propaganda”, and all the “official authorities” spew ideological nonsense that is completely out of touch with any kind of reality perceivable “on the ground”.

I’ve seen that mentality before, in the Soviet Union. They fought reality with ideology, and when ideology produced disasters, they attributed that to “sabotage” by “foreign agents” and “counter-revoutionary forces”, because their ideology was unquestionable, it was axiomatically assumed so the problem must, obviously, lie elsewhere. Interestingly, I also saw this mentality in various religious cults, where it’s obvious to the impartial observer that their problems follow from faulty ideology that doesn’t interpret facts and reality properly, and then they have problems which they don’t acknowledge and handle properly, and instead of that they double down on their ideology which of course is correct and is the answer to all of world’s problems, which in turn increases their problem until everything falls apart. – Basically, the West is a cult, and it lives in a similar kind of a false narrative that we find ridiculous in North Korea, but are completely oblivious to the one we live in, because we don’t know the actual facts, and instead we work with the false facts created by the cult we live in.



Laurent Brayard

Nadiya Sávchenko [lower r. hand corner], Ukrainian politician, ex-member of
#Aidar Battalion. French journalist Laurent Brayard tells how Sávchenko was
directly involved on the mass torture of civilians in Donbass, including a priest.

Torture in Ukraine - Harrowing testimony from Journalist Laurent Brayard (Video)

This article and these testimonies were collected by Laurent Brayard on 29 November 2015 in Donetsk. These investigations, carried out in 2015 and 2016, aimed to give a voice to inhabitants of Donbass or Ukraine who had been victims of political repression, torture and exactions by the Ukrainian army, the repression battalions and the SBU political police.

These people had been arrested or abducted, and then after a more or less long period of illegal detention in Ukraine, had been exchanged by the Donbass Republicans. [The] testimonies, which are already very old, show that for 8 years, Ukraine engaged in terrible acts against ethnic Russians in the country, practising torture and without any reaction from the Western media. All these testimonies can be used in future tribunals so that justice is finally done.



Patrick Henningsen

The longer the geniuses at NATO and our media continue fueling their proxy war of attrition, the more territory Kiev is going to lose. And whatever they lose, they will never get back. That’s for the simple reason that the people in those regions do not want to live in a wildly corrupt and western controlled, Nazi-ridden sectarian basket case of a failed state.

The idea that Ukraine and Zelensky are going to “win the war” is an absolute fantasy. It’s delusional in the extreme. And yet, so many in the West have been conditioned to really believe it.

If you are getting your narrative and information from mainstream media in a NATO nation, then my heart goes out to you. Understand that your externalized reality on this war is nothing more than a testament to the power of western propaganda. We have a state-of-the-art consensus reality machine which would make Goebbels’ head spin, and makes Stalin’s Pravda look like Nickelodeon.



Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Declaration Regarding the Yielding of Sovereignty to the WHO for the Management of Health Emergencies

In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules,including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.

Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.

The psycho-pandemic has demonstrated the enslavement of rulers, the political system, the media, the judiciary, the entire medical industry, and even the Holy See itself to the diktats of a group of functionaries of a supranational entity that has a blatant conflict of interest. The disastrous adverse effects of the experimental mRNA serum are only now being recognized, while there are many who rightly expect that those responsible for these decisions ought to beheld accountable before an independent court.

It therefore sounds absurd, to say the least, that there is now a desire to give binding decision-making power to the WHO, when in its management of the recent emergency pandemic and the vaccine campaign the greatest damage was done in terms of the number of deaths and of patients who have suffered permanent damage to their health.


Sergey Lavrov
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Russian Federation

Question (translated from French): The special military operation in Ukraine is going on for three months. Since its beginning, Russia has faced problems both on the battlefield and the international scene, where it is being accused of war crimes. What is the result of this military operation? Can you sum it up now? Is it a success or, more likely, a failure? A few days ago, you said: “The “collective West” has declared total hybrid war against us… We did everything in our power to avoid a direct clash. But they issued a challenge and we have accepted it.” What did you mean? How do you want to respond? Does this mean that the third world war could start in a week or in a month and that a nuclear strike will be delivered? Could you begin by summing up this operation? Is it a success or, more likely, a failure?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Unlike our Western colleagues, we are not chasing after the external effects. Nor do we regard the international actions we take as aimed at winning someone’s approval or achieving success, as you said. We are doing what we are forced to do. We are defending people and the Russian language, which has been exposed to direct discrimination and aggression by the Poroshenko and Zelensky regimes in Ukraine. We are defending Ukraine from nazification, which has persisted there for years, with the West’s direct connivance. The West did not care what was happening to the Russian language and education and the Russian media, which were simply outlawed. We have for years knocked on various doors in Europe and the United States, urging our Western colleagues to make Ukraine fulfil the commitments it has assumed under numerous European and international conventions. But the West was deaf to it, as it was deaf to the fact that Ukraine publicly refused to implement the UN Security Council resolution which endorsed the Minsk agreements, agreements signed by France and Germany. We have tried to convince the West for years that Ukraine should not be dragged into NATO. There have been five waves of NATO’s expansion as it is, with its military infrastructure brought closer to the Russian borders despite the promises that were given at the time when the USSR was breaking up. Dragging Ukraine into NATO meant creating a direct threat right on the border of the Russian Federation.

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