

Video Rebel
Video Rebel's Blog

Later this month the US will join in an Israeli mock attack on Iran by offering mid-air refueling to Israeli jets. This is nonsense. Israel has been claiming since 1988 that Iran is months away from developing nuclear weapons. There is no such program. Iran has a nuclear power plant but has neither nuclear weapons nor a program to make them.

If Israel were ever to attack Iran, the response of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah would devastate Israel. It would be akin to Israeli self-immolation. And the US military would become engaged in a hot war they could not win without nuclear weapons.

My mother used to say, “England is always willing to fight to the last American.” We could truthfully revise that for the modern era by saying “Israel is willing to fight to the last American.”

40 years ago, Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist with ties to the Mossad, first announced the plan to attack Iran. US General Wesley Clark told us that the 2001 Neocon version of the plan was for the US to attack 7 Muslim nations in 5 years. The nations in order were: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.




Amidst intense fighting under way, Russian forces entered Severo-
donetsk city in Luhansk, Donbass region, May 24, 2022.

The Western narrative that Russia is facing defeat at the hands of the Ukrainian military is falling apart. The contrived narrative that Ukraine was “winning” made Kiev delusional which in turn created conditions for Washington and London to extend the war and incrementally enter into it laterally and turn it into a war of attrition against Russia.

But the compelling reality is that the Russian forces are steadily seizing the upper hand in the Battle for Donbass. The Ukrainian Defence Ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday that “the most active phase” of the Russian special operation has begun in Donbass. In military terms, Russian forces face the daunting task of taking over the best-fortified areas of Ukraine, which have been carefully preparing for this battle for seven years. But on the other hand, after their triumphant victory in Mariupol, Russian forces have the wind on their sail.

Looking back through the past 3-month period, Russia’s topmost priority has been to establish a land corridor to Crimea and put in place the economic underpinnings for the region’s development. That objective stands fulfilled. It is from such a viewpoint that the current operation in Donbass needs to be understood. Ukraine and its Western allies are pinning hopes that the sanctions will eventually exhaust Russia’s military and economic potential.


James Howard Kunstler

The phoniest trope in American life goes like this: We must find the cause of X so that it never happens again. Of course, it will happen again. We only pretend that the cause is a mystery. Let’s count the ways that school massacres happen.

American schools are fantastically depressing places. They are designed to look like medium security prisons and insecticide factories. They send the message: Enter here and be psychologically brutalized. They are too big, overwhelmingly alienating, ugly, devoid of visible symbolism signaling the value of being human. The interiors of the schools are designed for the convenience of janitors, hard surfaces of tile and linoleum that can be hosed down easily like the quarters of zoo animals. Children act accordingly.

The “facilities,” as we call them, are deployed in the illegible landscape of a demolition derby, separated from all the other activities of daily life, which themselves have reached a culminating state of meaninglessness: big box shopping, national chain franchise food installations, strip malls of empty storefronts, parking lot wastelands, nothing that will excite a child’s imagination with emotions other than bewilderment, anxiety, and aversion.



Aaron Kheriaty, MD

The WHO recently announced plans for an international pandemic treaty tied to a digital passport and digital ID system. Meeting in December 2021 in a special session for only the second time since the WHO’s founding in 1948, the Health Assembly of the WHO adopted a single decision titled, “The World Together.” The WHO plans to finalize the treaty by 2024. It will aim to shift governing authority now reserved to sovereign states to the WHO during a pandemic by legally binding member states to the WHO’s revised International Health Regulations.

In January of 2022 the United States submitted proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations, which bind all 194 UN member states, which the WHO director general accepted and forwarded to other member states. In contrast to amendments to our own constitution, these amendments will not require a two-thirds vote of our Senate, but a simple majority of the member states. Most of the public is wholly unaware of these changes, which will impact the national sovereignty of member states.



Richard Hugus (October 4, 2021)

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

— Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias

The evidence is in. Gene-manipulating injections advertised as a “vaccine for covid 19” have killed and injured millions of people. Instead of providing immunity to an alleged virus, the shots actually harm the immune system and turn it against us. The spike proteins created by the shots spread out to attack major organs in the body, leading to a thousand and one different health problems, including heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, blood clots, spontaneous abortions, neurological disorders, depression, and death. Yet the medical establishment is urging everyone, including pregnant women and children, to get the jab. The ghost standing in as US President recently decreed that if people refuse the shot they will lose their job. This is coercion to accept a medical intervention known to be a danger to human health — a crime against humanity. Half the population of the country is now facing this coercion.



F. William Engdahl

Acting on an initiative from the Biden Administration, by November 2022, conveniently at the onset of the next flu season in the northern hemisphere, the World Health Organization, barring a miracle, will impose an unprecedented top-down control over the national health regulations and measures of the entire planet. In what amounts to a stealth coup d'état, WHO will get draconian new powers to override national sovereignty in 194 UN member countries, and to dictate their health measures with force of international law. It is sometimes referred to as the WHO Pandemic Treaty but it is far more. Worse, most of the WHO budget comes from private vaccine-tied foundations like the Gates Foundation or from Big Pharma, a massive conflict of interest.

Draconian New WHO Powers

Doing something with stealth means doing it in a secretive or concealed manner, to prevent it being widely known and possibly opposed. This applies to the proposal given by the Biden Administration to the Geneva WHO in January 18, 2022 according to official WHO documents. The WHO hid the details of the US “amendments” for almost three months, until 12 April, just a month before the relevant body of the WHO meets to approve the radical measures. Moreover, rather than the previous 18 month waiting time to become treaty in international law, only 6 months are used this time. This is a bum’s rush. The US proposal is backed by every EU country and in total 47 countries ensuring almost certain passage.



Dr Vernon Coleman

1 Every thirty seconds vivisectors around the world kill another thousand animals. They use cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, horses, sheep, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, monkeys, baboons and any other creature you can think of.

2 While waiting to be used in laboratory experiments, animals are kept in solitary confinement in small cages. Alone and frightened they can hear the screams of the other animals being used.

3 Some of the animals used in laboratory experiments are pets which have been kidnapped, taken off the streets and sold to the vivisectors.

4 Animals used in experiments are blinded, burned, shot, injected and dissected. They have their eyes sewn up or their limbs broken. Chemicals are injected into their brains and their screams of anguish are coldly recorded.

5 Three quarters of the experiments performed by vivisectors are done without any anaesthetic.

6 Most vivisectors have no medical or veterinary training.

7 Scientists claim that animals are not sentient creatures and are incapable of suffering mental or physical pain.

8 All animals respond differently to threats of any kind depending on their circumstances (diet, cage size, etc.). None of these factors is allowed for by vivisectors. By locking an animal up in a cage, experimenters have already invalidated their experiment because by altering the animal's surroundings, the experimenter alters the animal's susceptibility, its habits, its instincts and its capacity to heal itself. Since these variations are not controlled (cages and surroundings differ) experiments performed on animals kept in cages are of no scientific value.



eugyppius: a plague chronicle

Remarks inspired by Manfred Kleine-Hartlage's 'Invective against Conservatives'

Corona is the latest chapter in a long parade of insanity by Western governments.

I was first summoned from inattentive normie sleep in 2015, when Angela Merkel opened the German borders to mass third-world immigration. It was an intensely strange moment. Weeks upon weeks of clearly manufactured media hysteria culminated in people of all political persuasions donating money and clothes to notional Syrian refugees and joining welcome parties at train stations. There they encountered primarily fighting-age men from across the Middle East and Africa, a far cry from the crowds of Syrian women and children and “doctors” that the media had promised. These refugees, supported by taxpayers and unleashed upon the indigenous population of Europe, behaved after the pattern of invaders across history. The press and government officials studiously hid the details of their conduct until the mass sexual assaults perpetrated at Cologne on Silvesternacht 2015/16 overwhelmed even the propaganda capacities of German state media.

By the end of 2016, an astounding 1.3 million migrants had entered the Federal Republic of Germany – a massive incursion overseen not by a leftist government, but by the nominally conservative Christian Democrats. It was also the CDU, under Merkel’s leadership, who developed the genius plan to phase out nuclear energy and close our coal-fired power plants at the same time, and who masterminded some of the harshest and most destructive Corona containment measures in all of Europe. You elect allegedly prudent, far-sighted centrist conservatives, you get mass immigration, deindustrialisation, and nationwide hygiene house arrests. – How does that happen?



Gilbert Doctorow

Ideological blinkers prevent a correct U.S. assessment of the Russian successes in the Ukraine war, of the likely outcomes and of what to do now

Yesterday’s edition of the premier Sunday news wrap-up on Russian state television, Vesti nedeli, hosted by Dmitry Kiselyov, marked a turning point in what the Russians are saying officially about their achievements on the ground in Ukraine. It set me to thinking over why Washington is getting it all wrong and how America’s ideological blinkers may lead to very unfortunate consequences on a global level.

Up until now, Russian news has been very quiet about the country’s military achievements in Ukraine. The daily briefings of Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov have only given summary figures on the planes, tanks and other armored vehicles, command centers in Ukraine that were destroyed by high precision Russian missiles plus the names of towns that were taken, without elaborating on their strategic or other value. Otherwise, Russian television programming has been showing only the damage inflicted daily by Ukrainian forces on the city of Donetsk and its suburbs from artillery and Tochka U missile strikes. There is a steady toll of destroyed homes, hospitals, schools and loss of civilian lives. The sense of this programming is clear: explaining again and again to the Russian audience why we are there. Yesterday’s News of the Week devoted more than 45 minutes to Russian military operations on the ground. The message has changed to what we are doing there.



Edward Curtin

If you like my work, which I offer freely, please consider buying my book, Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies.

While the so-called liberal and conservative media – all stenographers for the intelligence agencies – pour forth the most blatant propaganda about Russia and Ukraine that is so conspicuous that it is comedic if it weren’t so dangerous, the self-depicted cognoscenti also ingest subtler messages, often from the alternative media.

A woman I know and who knows my sociological analyses of propaganda contacted me to tell me there was an excellent article about the war in Ukraine at The Intercept, an on-line publication funded by billionaire Pierre Omidyar I have long considered a leading example of much deceptive reporting wherein truth is mixed with falsehoods to convey a “liberal” narrative that fundamentally supports the ruling elites while seeming to oppose them. This, of course, is nothing new since it’s been the modus operandi of all corporate media in their own ideological and disingenuous ways, such as The New York Times, CBS, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News, Fox News, CNN, NBC, etc. for a very long time.

Nevertheless, out of respect for her judgment and knowing how deeply she feels for all suffering people, I read the article. Written by Alice Speri, its title sounded ambiguous – “The Left in Europe Confronts NATO’s Resurgence After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine” – until I saw the subtitle that begins with these words: “Russia’s brutal invasion complicates…” But I read on. By the fourth paragraph, it became clear where this article was going. Speri writes that “In Ukraine, by contrast [with Iraq], it was Russia that had staged an illegal, unprovoked invasion, and U.S.-led support to Ukraine was understood by many as crucial to stave off even worse atrocities than those the Russian military had already committed.” [my emphasis]



Vanessa Beeley

US patrol near Remailan oil fields north Syria  (North Press)

Under cover of media focus on the NATO proxy war in Ukraine and the Zionist assassination of Al Jazeera senior correspondent Shireen AbuAkleh, Washington is making moves to annex Syrian territory.

On May 11th during the meeting of the “global coalition against Islamic State” in Marrakech, Morocco the U.S acting assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, made an extraordinary move that has largely gone under the radar of even independent media. Everyone is distracted by events in Ukraine and the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

Nuland who famously exclaimed “Fuck the EU” during recorded conversations that exposed the US State Department involvement in the 2014 coup in Ukraine and the subsequent massacre in Odessa by the Washington’s Nazi Contras is now turning her attention to Syria’s north-eastern territory.

Nuland has announced that the US will allow foreign investment in north-east Syria under the control of the Kurdish Separatists, another US Coaliton proxy in Syria. These investments will not be affected by the unprecedented sanctions that are effectively blockading Syria. The most savage of these economic measures were introduced under the Trump administration – the Caesar sanctions that are designed to inhibit any external assistance for Syria from within the Syrian alliance, including Russia and Iran.



The Russian Defence Ministry

Full report & briefing here: The Saker

The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.

We have already mentioned Robert Pope, director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Programme and author of the idea of the Central Depository of Highly Dangerous Microorganisms in Kiev.

In his statement of April 10, 2022, Pope said that...

💬 "...there is no reason to claim that research related to the development of biological weapons is taking place in Ukraine...". He previously claimed that "...the Americans did not find biological weapons when they first started working with Ukraine, and they still haven't. In addition, Ukraine lacks the infrastructure to develop and produce biological weapons...".

[We] would like to recall that the term "biological weapons" includes biological formulations that contain pathogenic micro-organisms and toxins, as well as the means of delivery and use of said formulations. While the priority for Ukrainian healthcare is socially significant diseases such as HIV, poliomyelitis, measles and hepatitis, US customers are interested in a completely different nomenclature: cholera, tularemia, plague and hantaviruses.



Sergei Glaziev

Sergey Glazyev: For those who still don’t understand (The Saker)

Translation: The hanging of Hussein was broadcast on all world TV channels in 2006. The death of Colonel Gaddafi, torn to pieces by the crowd, was also broadcast on all TV channels of the world in 2011. Why do you think this is shown to the whole world? This is a demonstration execution so that all countries can see what will happen to those who want to leave the American financial system.

The US Federal Reserve System (in other words, the US Central Bank) is a private organization owned by 20 private US banks. This is their main business – to print the world’s money. To achieve this, the current owners of the Fed have spent a lot of time – decades, centuries, to be exact – and effort – here: World War 1, the coup in Russia in February 1917, and then World War 2 and the Bretton Woods agreements, etc. d. and, of course, the very creation of the Fed in 1907. The Federal Reserve System is a very smart, gigantic in volume and scale financial pyramid scheme.



Dr. Naomi Wolf

The Always-Unverifiable Pandemic -- SO VERY VERY BAD! -- Evaporates into Thin Air

For the last two days I’ve felt an uneasy sense of grief, or of a heavy pressure on my heart. At first I could not figure out the cause of it.

Nothing unusual was wrong in my personal life. My loved ones were safe and well, thank God. The battle for liberty was ongoing, as it has been for over two years, but I was used to the rigors and stresses of that. What was the matter?

I was just driving with Brian over Taconic foothills, and through the vast early-Spring expanses of the beautiful Hudson Valley. The sun was shining. Daffodils, creamy-white and bright yellow, displayed their trumpets shyly in shadowy recesses under old ash trees with wide-spreading boughs. The lighter-yellow forsythia dotted the roadsides in a riot of buzzy color.

We’d just been talking to a realtor acquaintance who described how the area had changed when the city people fled their Brooklyn apartments at the start of the pandemic, to sit out the crisis in the gracious, creaky old farmhouses that they could purchase for a relative song.

We’d driven through reopened businesses flush with newly transplanted money. An old railroad car diner had been revamped and now offered curated organic-beef hash, and tasty, if ironic, egg creams.

We drove past little 1960s ranch houses with some land around them, now being redone with costly cedar shingles and white trim, for the farmhouse look that the ex-Brooklynites liked. Sotheby’s signs were out on the lawns already, in preparation for the lucrative flipping.

On driveway after driveway of the ex-Brooklynites, of the former weekend people — (and I confess that I too was once a weekend person, but something has happened to me in the last two years that has changed me even more than my change of home address) there were now Ukrainian flags. Not American flags. No one cared or even asked about the town halls being closed for the past two years. Tyranny overseas was more pressing than the rights that had been suspended just up the road. Otherwise most things were almost back to normal! Almost pre-2020 normal!



Josh Mitteldorf

💬 "Science is the opposite of belief" ~ K. Mullis

It was about 20 years ago that my mother made a substantial contribution to the National Center for Science Education, and I had the privilege of a personal interview with the executive director, Eugenie Scott. I was an active researcher in evolutionary biology at the time, and Eugenie’s primary concern at NCSE was to ban the teaching in public schools of religion under the guise of “creation science”.

I took the position that this was a golden opportunity to teach what science is: What distinguishes science from other belief systems? What is a “theory”, and how is it different from a creed? What makes a good theory or a bad theory? Let’s teach creation science and Darwinian evolution side-by-side, (I suggested) and cite the evidence supporting each. Give the students the opportunity to debate and to construct their own arguments, and along the way they will learn the open minded, disciplined logical approach that is the foundation of the scientific method.



Arina Grossu

Arina Grossu is Director, Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council. This article appeared in The Washington Times on May 5, 2014.

Recent articles have reported on an unearthed video from 1947 of Margaret Sanger demanding "no more babies" for 10 years in developing countries. A couple of years ago, Margaret Sanger was named one of Time magazine's "20 Most Influential Americans of All Time." Given her enduring influence, it's worth considering what the woman who founded Planned Parenthood contributed to the eugenics movement.

Sanger shaped the eugenics movement in America and beyond in the 1930s and 1940s. Her views and those of her peers in the movement contributed to compulsory sterilization laws in 30 U.S. states that resulted in more than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable people, including people she considered "feeble-minded," "idiots" and "morons."

She even presented at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, N.J. She recounted this event in her autobiography:

💬 "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan ... I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses ... I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak ... In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered" (Margaret Sanger, "An Autobiography," Page 366).



Edward Curtin

💬 “Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.”

It’s about time. – Isn’t it always?

With the start of World War III by the United States “declaring” war against Russia by its actions in Ukraine, we have entered a time when the end of time has become very possible. I am speaking of nuclear annihilation.

I look down at my great-uncle’s gold Elgin pocket watch from the 19th century. His name was John Patrick Whalen, an Irish immigrant to the U.S. who fled England’s colonialist created famine in Ireland. It tells me it is 5:15 PM on April 21, 2022, a date, coincidentally, with a history. No doubt John looked at his watch on this date in 1898 when the United States, after the USS Maine exploded from within in Havana harbor (a possible false flag attack), declared war on Spain in order to confiscate Spanish territories – Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. One colonial power replaced another and then proceeded over the long decades to wage war and slaughter these island peoples. Imperialism never dies. It is timeless.

One hundred-and twenty-four years go by in a flash and it’s still the same old story. In 1898 the yellow press screamed Spanish devils and today it screams Russian devils. Then and now the press called for war. If the human race is still here in another 124 years, time and the corporate media will no doubt have told the same story – war and propaganda’s lies to an insouciant and ignorant population too hypnotized by propaganda to oppose them.



Dr Vernon Coleman

This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.

1. 💬 ‘The spirit of enquiry leads up a lane which hath no ending.’

2. Biological warfare isn’t new. In the sixteenth century the Aztec Empire collapsed when three and a half million Mexicans died of smallpox, brought by Cortez’s small army. Later smallpox was used to help defeat native American armies; Amherst and Colonel Bouquet, for example, used infected blankets to spread the disease among the Indians. By the beginning of the seventeenth century, smallpox was endemic in America; nine tenths of the population on the Massachusetts coast were killed by the infection, and small towns were sometimes almost completely wiped out. (From The Story of Medicine by Vernon Coleman)

3. A number of Kennedy Administration officials, including Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara and McGeorge Bundy (who also happened to be Bilderberger members) met at a place called Iron Mountain, near New York – a huge underground corporate nuclear shelter. The authors of the subsequent report stated that war was both desirable and necessary as an economic stabilizer and an organising force. They argued that war could not be allowed to disappear until there was something to put in its place. ‘The possibility of war,’ they wrote, ‘provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…the basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has severed as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.’

4. There is a good deal of free material available on the internet but I was appalled to discover that the British Medical Journal charges £30 for the right to read one short article for a day. This is utterly outrageous since I suspect that the BMJ still doesn’t pay its contributors and makes a fortune out of advertising. Suppressing knowledge in this way is surely counter to the whole principle of medicine. Sadly, I’m not particularly surprised.



Stephen Lendman

An earlier article said the following: If nations had personhood, the US would be diagnosed as psychopathic, sociopathic, or both, and pure evil. There’s nothing normal about raping and destroying nations to control them, to loot their resources and exploit their people as serfs — no matter the human toll.

US ruling officials in high places are demagogic, egocentric, cold-hearted, manipulative, ruthless, remorseless, callous, shallow, impulsive, ego-centric, dishonest, deceitful, dangerous, depraved and deranged. They fit criminal psychology expert Robert Hare’s definition of psychopathological derangement. They threaten everyone everywhere in pursuit of their rage to dominate by whatever it takes to achieve their aims.

NYU’s Center on International Cooperation’s senior fellow, James Traub said the following:

He took note of what he called “a prominent, pro-American, French” analyst who called hegemon USA “decadent.” Not only decadent but depraved.

The same reality applies throughout West, especially to Britain, France and Germany. Where hegemon USA goes, subservient Western vassal states follow — even when harming their interests.



Dr Vernon Coleman

A list of the commonest side effects associated with the covid-19 jabs just happens to be the same as the commonest symptoms associated with `long covid’.

In early 2022, the UK Government said that there were officially 1.3 million people in Britain suffering from ‘long covid’ – and that the figure was rising fast. Two thirds of those individuals were reported to have been off work for a year or more.

Almost before the figure had been published it had been amended and the total was said to be approaching two million. A report from the US suggested that around 12 million Americans were alleged to be off work with `long covid’.

Covid believers claim that 12% of those who’ve had covid still have symptoms 12 weeks later.

The media ignored the fact that the biggest and most significant research into long covid, involving 26,000 individuals, concluded that long covid is largely a psychological problem. People who had taken a year off work on full pay didn’t want to go back to their offices. The evidence shows that long covid is a combination of hypochondria and malingering. It’s the beginning of the universal basic income – a critical part of the Great Reset now being trialled in Wales and Ireland.

It has been proved beyond doubt that there was never a covid pandemic . What was called covid-19 was the rebranded flu. And although a few people do suffer from mental and physical tiredness for a while after the flu, we now have a global long covid pandemic. So, why have they created this fake disease – ‘long covid’?



Finian Cunningham

Neo-feudalism is what we are being offered in place of the “American dream”. This is why we are seeing growing efforts of workers to organize unions.

The following interview is a follow-up to an earlier one conducted this month with American writer and veteran labor rights activist Bruce Gagnon. He explains the current U.S.-led NATO conflict against Russia in a historical context. U.S.-dominated Western capitalism is addicted to war as a modus operandi going back to its original genocidal conquest and foundations in slavery through its colonial wars and other wars of aggression over the past century and more. The current conflict playing out in Ukraine is but a continuum of class war against the workers of the United States and other Western states.

American workers, however, are fighting back in the form of a resurgence in unionizing and strike actions. The crisis in capitalism is driving the U.S. ruling class and its European NATO associates to war against Russia, and ultimately a Third World War. The struggle for real democracy in the U.S. (and Europe) is part of the same challenge to defeat American-led Western imperialism. What’s at stake is the very future of the planet.

Bruce Gagnon coordinates the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He began his political career in 1978 organizing Florida fruit pickers for the United Farm Workers Union (UFW). While working for the UFW, he served on the union team negotiating contracts between the Coca-Cola Corporation (Minute Maid orange juice) and the UFW. He writes a daily blog called Organizing Notes.



Stephen Lendman

If the “world ends” ahead, I’m betting on a bang, not a whimper.

Most wars begin incrementally, rather than with a big bang. One thing leads to another then to full-blown conflict. WW I began before Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination — WW II before Pearl Harbor.

Months of advance planning precedes wars. US-led post-9/11 wars on Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, and Syria were planned long before the mother of all state-sponsored false flags to that time.

Years of US orchestrated and directed proxy war on Russia by Ukraine on Donbass preceded Moscow’s special military operation (SMO). Two months later, has WW III begun? Has hegemon USA-dominated NATO begun pushing things toward East/West confrontation? Is it inevitable ahead?

In cahoots with dominant US hardliners, Britain’s so-called armed forces minister, Heappey, said the BoJo regime considers cross-border strikes by Kiev on Russian territory with UK-supplied weapons a strategy it supports.



Dr Vernon Coleman

We are moving rapidly into a dystopian, digital dictatorship.

A few years ago, in a book called The Game’s Afoot (published in 2018) I wrote that the Chinese Government was giving people marks according to behaviour. It was I wrote, called social engineering, and citizens were being ranked and rated according to their behaviour.

‘The Government,’ I said, ‘will measure people’s behaviour in order to decide what services they are entitled to. Anyone who incurs black marks for traffic offences, fare dodging or jay walking will find that they are no longer entitled to the full range of public services and rights. Moreover, internet activity will also be used to assess behaviour. Individuals who do bad things on the internet (or whose searches are considered questionable) will find themselves ‘black marked’. Individuals who have ‘responsible’ jobs will be subjected to enhanced scrutiny.’

It was called a social credit score and I wrote then that it was likely that Western Governments would soon follow suit. And they are doing so with great enthusiasm. It might not have obviously reached your town just yet – but it will, oh it will.



Sergey Marzhetsky
Translation by DeepL

Turkey, a long-time geopolitical adversary of Russia, has tried to sit on two chairs until recently: to make money at the expense of our country and simultaneously wage several "proxy" wars against it. But now, it is turning from a "constructive business partner" into an open enemy more and more rapidly, and it is time to prepare the answer to the arrogant "sultan" before he and NATO bloc decided to engage in a new "Crimean War". What can we realistically do here and now to bring Ankara to its senses without bringing the matter to a direct confrontation?

The clash with Russia was objectively laid when President Erdogan set out to Islamise secular Turkey and began actively playing on the phantom pains of his compatriots for the former greatness of the Ottoman Empire. Under this neo-Ottoman project, the Turkish army has already invaded Syria, occupying northern Idlib, from which it clearly has no intention of withdrawing. Ankara has come to the aid of the National Accord Government in Tripoli in its fight against Field Marshal Haftar's LNA, concluding an agreement with Fayiz Saraj on military and technical cooperation and the redivision of the Libyan sea shelf in favour of Turkey. The "sultan" is also eyeing neighbouring Egypt and the North and Central African regions, where France has traditionally had a strong position, which worries Paris greatly. The Turkish Navy is building a destroyer and is planning to acquire its first aircraft carrier, apparently to be able to forcefully resolve the issue with the disputed Greek islands in the eastern Mediterranean.



James Howard Kunstler

Welcome to the season of everything losing ground, at least for Western Civ. Sore-beset with idiots and scoundrels running things, the West stumbles backwards into neo-medieval darkness and superstition, hurling garlic bombs of objurgation against the supposedly wicked Putin along the way.

Your “trusted news sources” in our corner of the world will not tell you this, but the mythologized golem of the West’s collective sick mind, The Putin, mounted Operation Z in Ukraine at our country’s foolish behest. It was a twisted variation of the old head-trip Let’s You and Him Fight — described so well in psychologist Eric Berne’s classic book Games People Play. It’s a game instigated generally by women. The West detests the actual Mr. Putin for systemically and doggedly having to correct the mischief that the USA set in motion there in 2014 — putting out a dumpster fire we kept feeding for eight years.

Mainly we hate the Russian president for doing what he said he would do, acting like a man, literally having to set boundaries for the unruly children, like Daddy used to do. America hates daddies. To America, all daddies are monsters (rapists!).

That’s why America wants to turn all daddies into mommies. Anyway, we barely remember what daddies used to do. The context for daddies — the family — has been obliterated in America by every agency and institution in the land. The only role available these days is the chimerical creature known as a “baby daddy,” which is as much a baby as a daddy, developmentally speaking. Real daddies are men, which is to say: not babies. Mr. Putin acts like a man, especially having to do a dirty job that needs doing, without complaint. America can’t stand that.



Good Citizen

If we have learned anything from western governments in their quest to enflame a new cold war with Russia, and now a new world war with both Russia and China it’s that they can’t be trusted about anything.

We are forbidden to speak of Vladimir Putin at all these days without wrapping both sides of his name with sufficient admonishments of venomous slander. Anyone who does not pledge their immediate allegiance to the fashionable and misguided present hysteria against the man or 150 million Russians will be considered prima facie an apologist at best and a traitor at worst.

They say he’s a demon, a scoundrel, a war criminal, a cosmic accident sent to destroy democracy and all that is good and noble, which of course only derives from good and noble nations of the west claiming to still be democratic. Sixty years ago they also said that by now cars would fly, there would be no more wars, liberal democracy would shepherd us from evil, and not morph into the evil it proclaimed to dispel. Thirty years ago was supposed to be the end of history.

They say Putin is our enemy and the reason they keep repeating it ad nauseam is that they know millions will believe it. Those who incessantly level these charges without irony, apparently lack any self-awareness or a mirror. Perhaps all they have are mirrors and can only make dark accusations based on their own reflections.



Christopher Black

The First Geneva Convention governing the sick and wounded
members of armed forces was signed in 1864. (Wikipedia)

(This article was first published by New Eastern Outlook, March 9, 2022)

The western mass media and governments have fallen into a frenzy of anti-Russian propaganda over Russia’s military operations in Ukraine. One element of their propaganda war is the claim that Russia’s action is illegal under international law. But is this the case and what does it mean for these countries to make that claim when they have themselves invaded and attacked too many nations to enumerate, every one of which was not only illegal, but without any moral, ethical justification whatsoever?

The law on the use of force in international relations has two aspects, codified international law as set out in the Charter of the United Nations, and the commonly understood right to self-defence.

The UN Charter is the primary document governing the use of force. Nation states do not have a right to use force in relations with other sovereign states except in very limited circumstances. It used to be, before the twentieth century, that there was an understanding that all nations had the right to use force, to go to war to ensure their interests. But the cataclysms of World War I and World War II led in each case to an attempt to prevent wars of aggression.

After WWI the League of Nations was created, supported by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, which I have referred to in previous articles, a Treaty still in effect, in which the USA and Soviet Union and all other nations promised never to use war to solve political disputes. The League of Nations fell apart in the 1930’s with the rise of fascism and the aggressions of Italy and Germany. But the Kellogg-Briand Pact still exists.



Reshetnikov, Leonid Petrovich

Analytical note by Reshetnikov, Leonid Petrovich - Lieutenant General of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (retired), Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies.

I consider it extremely vile to blame our army for the lack of communication systems and not inform ordinary civilians that our troops on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR operate with a three to five-fold enemy superiority in terms of manpower and the enemy has the full support of all reconnaissance and radio engineering power of NATO.

Any android, any iPhone is monitored continuously, any Facebook, WhatsApp, and other messengers continuously transmit information, all this is processed by the full power of artificial intelligence systems and forms a map for target designations in real-time. And even if the Russian army uses all encrypted communication channels - what to do with the population?

Over Romania and Poland, NATO AWACS aircraft with experienced crews are constantly hovering, and US spy satellites are constantly in orbit. Let me remind you that according to the budgets for our Roscosmos, we allocated $2.5 billion a year, the civil budget of NASA $25 billion, the civil budget of only SpaceX is equal to Roskosmos - and this is not counting tens of billions of dollars annually for the entire global control system feverishly deployed by the United States.

In 2-3 years, we will have an order of magnitude higher density of US reconnaissance and target designation. The United States sees not just our troops on the ground, they see our aircraft, and drones, study radar fields, estimate the time of Kalibr cruise missiles flight, and they constantly issue target designations to Ukrainian generals online from the operation control center in Poland. Is it all the merit of the former Ukrainian SSR?


Dr Vernon Coleman

I am increasingly concerned that what is happening in Ukraine is being used as an excuse to build up enthusiasm for World War III. The conspirators are working hard to push the collaborating public (brains softened by too many months of mask wearing and too many toxic injections) into demanding a war against Russia.

In the same way that Germany’s invasion of Poland led to World War II, so it is looking more and more possible that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be used as an excuse for the conspirators to start World War III.

There is no longer any doubt that NATO deliberately pushed Russia into invading Ukraine. Nor is there any doubt that this is not, by far, the most egregious military activity occurring at the moment. The wars in Yemen and Syria have killed far more people but have aroused little or no interest among Western politicians or journalists.

I don’t think anyone who has studied the evidence would disagree with the conclusion that Russia was inspired to invade Ukraine in order to help further the plans of those behind the Great Reset.


Permalink Don’t be Fooled by the War. The COVID Crime Continues: “Watch the Water

Peter Koenig
Peter Koenig

Did you know – or even suspect – that we are being poisoned under the guise of the fake Covid?

The science is overwhelming. Just watch this 47-min scientific video — well understandable for the common non-scientists — on what is really and still going on with Covid, while the media focus is on the western-instigated war with Ukraine.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that there is now “freedom” out there, no more masks…. This is just a smoke screen. And for that matter may soon be over… or replaced by another inhuman and degrading imposed measure – like the already EU-approved vaxx-pass without which, presumably starting in 2024 or earlier, you may not move anywhere.

This is a sophisticated eugenist agenda. What they are doing in the back is Machiavellian or much worse. This is not only a worldwide plan of population reduction; if we the people allow it, but also transferring assets from the lower and the middle of the economic echelons to the top. In other words, it fits exactly Klaus Schwab’s dictum of the Great Reset — by 2030, “you will own nothing but will be happy.”

And when you see and hear that among the funders of key components of this diabolical program is the United Nations, then you know that not just the UN, but all our UN member governments — the very governments which have supposedly been “elected” to protect you, us, the people. The UN is complicit AGAINST the people.

This is not all. The EU is in the process of adopting under the radar the devastating law of a universal vaxx-pass – applicable for the entire European Union, or be eventually integrated into a world vaxx- pass, or whatever other name they deem fit for our human slavehood. If we don’t stop it, it may become effective in 2023 or earlier.

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