

Video Rebel
Video Rebel's Blog

The World Economic Forum at Davos has accepted the Georgia Guidestones goal to reduce world population to 500 million as part of their Great Reset which is their plan to make what was ours into theirs.

The current world population is 7.9 billion which means they want 7.4 billion people to say good-bye permanently. Even if they made it illegal to live beyond your 65th birthday, the Globalists would only reduce the world’s population by 632 million. In fact there are 2.291 billion people under 18. So even if they killed everyone 18 and over, the Davis Woke crowd would have 1.791 billion more people than they would allow to live.

To better visualize their genocidal plans, a reduction of world population to 500 million means that the Globalists want to kill 93.7% of the people alive today. Suppose you are under 65. Do you think the Davos crowd has you and your family on their list of survivors? There remains the question of how they plan to kill all those people.




The Trucker Convoy Leaders said they heard one thing over and over from the hundreds of thousands of supporters. That was that the Truckers Convoy gave them hope – hope they haven’t had for over Two Years.

Families, children, the elderly…all those most affected by the Globalist anti-human Satanic measures said the Truckers gave them hope for a better future. With the news that two of the Trucker Convoy leaders were arrested in Ottawa earlier this evening, Chris Barber and Tamara Lich, the tenuous, flickering candle of hope the movement for freedom lit in Ottawa has been virtually extinguished.

The candle of hope is on life support now. At least among those who understand what freedom was and what it should be. Is it normal to freeze the bank account of someone who has just been arrested? What about “innocent until proven guilty?” It appears that under the the Emergency Act…which has not even been passed by parliament yet…they can bankrupt anyone who disagrees with government policy.

Make no mistake about it folks, if, as it seems tonight, hope has been dashed in Canada, there will be a lot more suicides. Suicides were already at epidemic proportions. Now they will skyrocket. Probably 25% of people will want to end their lives–rather than live forever as slaves. But they want us to depopulate. That’s one of their stated goals. Especially the elderly, isolated, developmentally disabled–all the useless eaters. They want to save and pocket our tax dollars earmarked for housing, medical care and care for the elderly. Most of all…the greedy Globalists want to pilfer and ransack our possessions…you know the drill. “You will own nothing…”.


Mark Crispin Miller

University of Nevada 2022: Left-wing students demand the reimposi-
tion of the university's micromanagement of their personal behaviour.

While all eyes have been on Canada, there also have been massive Freedom Convoys, and joyous multitudes applauding them, and turning out to help them, all around the world. We’re seeing it (despite the usual blackout by the quisling media) in Australia, where 1.4 million vehicles, and between one and two million protestors, have taken over Canberra, Australia’s capital, the people calling for an end to all restrictions, and the ouster of that once-free country’s quisling politicians. There, too, the biggest protest in that nation’s history has been just as peaceful as it is diverse—a wondrous mass display of solidarity, to re-assert our fundamental human rights, spontaneously led by many thousands of real workers.

So where’s “the left”? Australia’s “left” is on the other side—just like “the left” in the United States and Canada, there being no diversity among them, as they’re all one in their boiling hatred of that mass resistance, and in fanatical support of the state/corporate juggernaut coercing universal “vaccination.” So, on this unprecedented global confrontation, there is no disagreement whatsoever between US “leftists” like Noam Chomsky (the first public figure to propose detention of the “unvaccinated), Amy Goodman, Michael Moore (“Get off my fucking bridge!”), Chris Hedges, Thom Hartmann, the Trotskyites at WSWS (World Socialist Web Site), Sen. Bernie Sanders and Stalinist noisemaker Bob Avakian, the liberals at MoveOn, and many of the “woke” contributors to Truthout, Nation of Change, Truthdig, Counterpunch, Portside, the Progressive and The Nation. Nor, on this working-class resistance to the bio-fascist order, is the fearfully like-minded US “left” in any disagreement with its counterpart in Canada, typified by Naomi Klein (who deems the Great Reset a “boring” topic), Henry A. Giroux (who says the truckers are attempting to destroy democracy), “woke” neo-Nazi Justin Trudeau (whose government trained Ukraine’s feral National Guard), and the sanctimonious rabble of Canada’s “left” parties (and let’s throw Neil Young in there, too); so that “the left” throughout all North America is absolutely unified against the workers.



Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Help Canadian truckers at the border: LifeFunder.com

‘Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation states.’

Dear Brothers and Sisters Canadian truck drivers,

The global coup that in these two years of psycho-pandemic farce has been carried out by the globalist elite appears most clearly if we do not limit ourselves to considering what happened in individual Nations, but broaden our gaze to what has happened everywhere.

Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation states, through the Great Reset desired by the World Economic Forum and by the United Nations under the name of Agenda 2030. And we know that many heads of government have participated in Klaus Schwab’s School for Young Leaders – the so-called Global Leaders for Tomorrow – beginning with Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern and Boris Johnson, and before that Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair.

It would seem that Canada is – along with Australia, Italy, Austria and France – one of the nations most infiltrated by the globalists. And in this infernal project we must not only consider the psycho-pandemic farce, but also the attack on traditions and Christian identity – indeed, more precisely the Catholic identity – of these countries.



Video Rebel
Video Rebel's Blog

The Woke Crowd at the World Economic Forum in Davos tell us that in 2030 we will own nothing. How will they accomplish their goal of taking all of our possessions away from us?

They will let our current inflation rate of just under 15% (according to Shadow Stats) grow to 25% which will launch Hyperinflation making food unaffordable. If you remember the rule of 72, 25% annual food price increases would double your food budget every 3 years or so. People who had investments, homes, cars, jewelry and personal possessions will sell them to buy food.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that food inflation is up 23.7% over last year. China has stopped exporting fertilizers which will be bad news for commercial farmers who rely on chemical inputs and for consumers who eat GMO food and have carcinogenic glyphosates with every meal.

Commercial feed lot operators rely on grains and corn to feed their animals. Rising feed prices have forced ranchers to thin out their herds which has dampened the price increase for beef temporarily to a mere 20%. Next year when the supply of meat has been reduced, beef prices will soar along with other food prices.



Steve Kirsch

Here's what we know. And what we don't know. Maybe a few of my readers can help fill in the gaps in this mystery.

Summary – The COVID vaccines are basically being forcibly thrust upon our military and nobody is allowed to ask questions, challenge the safety of the vaccine, look at what’s inside the vaccine, or challenge the wisdom of discharging soldiers who refuse to be vaccinated. It is troubling that standard military procedures for vaccines are being bypassed for the COVID vaccines.

When a top Navy pilot crashes a $100M stealth fighter jet (allegedly 72 hours after his booster), everyone is put under a gag order. That is standard. But crashes like that are not.

What I know for sure is that my military sources tell me that the US military will take all necessary steps to ensure that nobody finds out that the COVID vaccines are killing people, jeopardizing the safety of our armed forces, jeopardizing our readiness, and causing untold amounts of damage. Just like there was a cover-up when the DoD DMED data leaked out, I expect a cover-up here. So we may never find out what really happened here. This isn’t an honest level playing field.

Sources – My sources for the information in this article are members of the military and news sources available on the Internet. I believe the story at Real Raw News is almost certainly false, but the crash is real.



Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia

It has been approximately two years since the virus that changed our world so suddenly and completely made its appearance in a far-away place in China. We were told that it jumped from a bat — cooked or uncooked, I couldn’t say – and we were soon thereafter shown pictures of soldiers hosing down the streets of Wuhan with disinfectant chemicals, and locking people up in their apartments.

We have been made to believe that this pathogen was so deadly that billions of people needed to be locked away for long periods of time around the world, prevented from travel, pleasure and association. We were and have been daily assailed by numbers – the numbers of those ‘testing positive’ for COVID, the number of those dying from – or with? – COVID, day after day, over and over and over. Numbers, numbers, numbers, however dubious, numbers that kept marching on thanks to the mouthpieces of our ‘trusted’ Media.



John Waters

‘Rockers’ Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have not merely defected from rock ‘n’ roll non-conformism to establishmentarianism, but betrayed their unawareness of the truth and also their duty to uphold it.

There are those who believe that the behaviour of Neil Young in threatening to withdraw his music from Spotify unless it cancelled Joe Rogan for ‘spreading misinformation,’ and Joni Mitchell who issued the same ultimatum ‘in solidarity,’ can only be explained by wickedness. By this reading, the two are knowing collaborators with the evil machinators seeking to enslave the world and possibly wipe out significant chunks of its population. In short, they have sold their souls to the New World Order. I doubt it.

My sense of Mitchell’s involvement in the controversy is that she did it out of genuine friendship for Young who had put himself out on a slippery limb. There is nothing in her past record that suggests she might have any truck with the would-be architects of world domination and human subjugation.

In the case of Young, there is some evidence of such an outlook in his recent assertions that he would be prepared to give up all his freedoms to save the planet for his grandchildren.

Just before Christmas 2021, he said in an interview with Apple Music 1 that he ‘wouldn’t hold on to anything’ if it would save his grandchildren and other younger people from the environmental problems allegedly facing the world. He also praised US President Joe Biden for ‘addressing the world's most pressing issues, such as the climate emergency.’

‘There's nothing more important,’ he claimed, ‘than making sure that the earth is as good as it can be for our grandchildren. That's got to be the first thing, that's got to be the most important thing for everybody, for the human race.’ People all over the world, he said, must accept we have ‘got to do things’ even if they ‘may be unpopular.’



Cairns News
Letter to the Editor

Convoy to Canberra 2022: Truckies on the road to freedom

FOR those who actually think this Canberra convoy is an anti-vaxx protest...

It’s the cancelled surgeries.

It’s the family and friends we haven’t been allowed to see. The elderly parents passing away alone.

It’s the funerals of loved ones we haven’t been allowed to attend, and the limit to how many can celebrate their death or even attend at all.

It’s the kids cancelled birthday parties. The 2+ year olds that have never had a birthday party yet, nor attended one.

It’s the sharp decline in mental health. Because the worst thing for depression is being lonely. It’s the cancelled vacations, work trips, festivals, concerts, parties, reunions, and weddings.

It’s telling us how many people are allowed to attend our weddings.



John Varoli

History is clear -- major outbreaks of disease only follow wars and/or sudden climatic cooling periods that lead to famine. We have none of this today. So, how can Covid be a 'pandemic'?

If microbes truly are deadly — as bumbling government bureaucrats and greedy Big Pharma execs tell us — then there should be pandemics every year. Humans should be dropping like flies, on the verge of extinction. But we’re not. Why?

No matter how much we sanitize our hands and bodies, the fact is that over 400 trillion viruses exist in each of us, and trillions more are in the air, water and surfaces around us. In addition, the Earth is home to millions of distinct viral species, as well as bacteria. In short, the microbial world is the most dominant life vector on Earth. I could easily argue that we live on their planet. And we’re simply their hosts. Thus, microbes have a vested interest in keeping us alive.

But what about a pandemic? It’s a major killer, right? Not so fast. As a purely natural phenomenon, a ‘pandemic’ is extremely rare. In fact, I can argue that pandemics don’t really exist, and anyone trying to scare you about the “next pandemic” is a wicked rogue and charlatan.

The scientific data and evidence is clear — major outbreaks of disease only follow wars, famine, social upheaval or a sudden climatic cooling that weakens one’s body and immune system. There’s never been a natural mass outbreak of disease during a time of peace and prosperity, such as the era we’ve been living in for 30 years.

As long as you’re well fed and housed, with access to clean water and air, and not facing the scourge of war and physical abuse, and not under great stress, then chances are that until you turn 65 years old, you’ll never get an infectious disease worse than the typical winter cold. Yes, as you age and reach your senior years, your body eventually breaks down. Sorry Folks, death is inescapable. The good news, however, is that for most of your life, you won’t need to have an irrational fear of ‘pathogens’



Charles Eisenstein

A quick note here. We are in a time of tremendous volatility, not just externally, but for many people internally as well. On a daily basis, it seems, the world is flipping from one timeline to another to another. The future looks dark; I blink my eyes and all is bright. A blue sky fills with clouds in a minute, then they are gone again. Multiple realities coexist on a single planet. Multiple realities coexist in a single person.

Just saying, if you have been fluctuating between elation and despair, you are not alone. If despondency colors the breaking dawn, you are not alone. If a single ray of light (like a warm hello) dispels the despondency, you are not alone. If that hope is so fragile that a mere ill glance shatters it, you are not alone.



Strategic Culture Foundation Editorial

Washington and its NATO allies are jeopardizing peace in Europe. They are creating the conditions for war between nuclear powers.

American President Joe Biden said this week he thinks Russia will invade Ukraine. Only days ago, Biden and his top aides were not sure, saying they didn’t know if that would happen. If the highest-ranking members of the U.S. executive can’t agree on a coherent thought process, then there is strong reason to conclude that they are clueless and what they are claiming is baseless. In short, lies.

Deplorably, however, this cluelessness is inciting war in Europe. For nearly two months now, the Biden administration, aided and abetted by Western media, has been pummeling the public with the message that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine. This is not innocent cluelessness. It is criminal incitement of war and crimes against peace.

All of this propaganda – for that’s what it is – relies on a toxic Cold War mentality, as well as Russophobia, arrogant assertions bereft of any substance, and dodgy data. Satellite imagery purportedly of a Russian military buildup on Ukraine’s border actually shows established bases hundreds of kilometers inside Russia’s territory.



CJ Hopkins

This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets. There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted “Safe and Effective Kool-Aid” servers get to them.

Yes, that’s right, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, the official Covid narrative is finally falling apart, or is being hastily disassembled, or historically revised, right before our eyes. The “experts” and “authorities” are finally acknowledging that the “Covid deaths” and “hospitalization” statistics are artificially inflated and totally unreliable (which they have been from the very beginning), and they are admitting that their miracle “vaccines” don’t work (unless you change the definition of the word “vaccine”), and that they have killed a few people, or maybe more than a few people, and that lockdowns were probably “a serious mistake.”

I am not going to bother with further citations. You can surf the Internet as well as I can. The point is, the “Apocalyptic Pandemic” PSYOP has reached its expiration date. After almost two years of mass hysteria over a virus that causes mild-to-moderate common-cold or flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms whatsoever) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%, people’s nerves are shot. We are all exhausted. Even the Covidian cultists are exhausted. And they are starting to abandon the cult en masse. It was always mostly just a matter of time.



Paul Schreyer

More and more secretive bio-labs are springing up around the world at a rapid pace under US military control, conspicuously many on the borders with China and Russia. What this might have to do with Corona is the subject of this broadcast from Ukraine.

The Corona virus is currently the dominant topic worldwide. Since the beginning of 2020, when the virus first appeared in China, hardly any other topic has preoccupied the world as much as Corona. In the following, we would like to give voice to some important opinions from Russia and Ukraine, shedding light on a side of the Corona issue that has so far been neglected.

Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council and former head of Russia's FSB intelligence agency, gave an interview to the Russian daily “Kommersant”, one of the largest daily newspapers in Russia, on April 8, 2021. When asked by the journalist whether China really deliberately provoked the Corona pandemic, Patrushev replied:

"Please note the fact that new bio-labs, which are under U.S. control, are springing up all over the world at a rapid pace. And, strangely enough, mainly on the border with Russia and China ... And the authorities of the respective host country where these laboratories are located have no idea what is happening behind their walls ... We are told that peaceful sanitary authorities operate on our border. In fact, however, they are more like Fort Detrick in Maryland, where Americans have been working in the field of military biology for decades. Moreover, the fact speaks for itself that in the adjacent areas there are diseases that are atypical for these regions ... There are good reasons to believe that the Americans are developing bio-weapons there."



Éric Verhaeghe

2021 restera probablement dans l'histoire comme l'année où les démocraties libérales ont basculé, pour une durée que l'on ignore encore, dans un modèle autoritaire où la liberté d'aller et venir peut être suspendue avec l'aval des juges, de façon disproportionnée et unilatérale, au nom d'un objectif à valeur constitutionnelle, celui de la santé publique, qui est invoqué comme un mantra sans possibilité d'analyse rationnelle. La guerre aux vieilles valeurs libérales est déclarée par la caste mondialisée, sous le prétexte jamais délibéré ni traité sur le fond de nous "protéger" ou de nous "sauver". Les bonnes volontés doivent s'unir.

En 2021, les démocraties se sont finies avec le consentement miraculeux de ceux qui sont en principe chargés de leur défense. Nous avons assisté au fascinant, au sidérant suicide, orchestré par ceux-là même qu’elle nourrit et qu’elle mandate pour la porter, de la liberté.

Depuis 1940, nous n’avions pas été témoins d’un retournement aussi brutal et insane en France. Il aura suffi de quelques mois d’épidémie et de peur de la mort dans les quartiers bourgeois pour que plus une voix ne puisse parler en faveur de nos libertés sans être immédiatement clouée au pilori d’un prétendu complotisme, aussi farfelu que l’accusation de communisme sous McCarthy.



Frederick Edward

In years past, complaints following the festive period usually involved an expanding waistline or slightly bruised liver. This being the modern world, of course, we have other things on our mind.

On December 31, American commentator Joe Rogan released a podcast with Dr Robert Malone. In the mainstream media you will learn that this doctor is a crank, a weirdo, an antivaxxer. Less frequently you will be reminded that he is one of the inventors of mRNA vaccine technology, making him one of the most qualified people in the world to pass comment on the issue.

Rogan’s interview with Dr Malone is three hours long and constitutes essential listening. Valid questions about the efficacy of rushed-out vaccines, their potential ‘rare’ or long-term side effects and the abandonment of medical ethics are all raised. For anyone whose critical functions have remained intact over the last two years, it is alarming stuff.

The interview has already been listened to millions of times. In the United States alone, Joe Rogan’s ratings consistently trounce anything that the mainstream media can produce. As such, he represents a grave threat to the narrative peddled relentlessly by Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Media. It is for this reason – sorry, for encouraging ‘vaccine hesitancy’ – that the interview has already been pulled off YouTube, and Dr Malone’s Twitter account shut down even before the interview’s release.

Perhaps the crucial moment in the chat is the discussion of Covid-19’s mental aspects. I do not mean the brain fog that comes with the virus and sometimes with the vaccine. Instead, it has long been abundantly clear that Covid-19 is predominantly a virus of the mind. The excessive reaction to its spread by governments, elements of the healthcare profession and the hysteria-inclined has revealed a deep spiritual sickness at the core of modern society.



Rob Slane
The BlogMire

Reflections on Another Year of Covidian Lies
and How the Truth Will Ultimately Prevail

As we [have] come to the end of the second year in Covidia, I reflect on just how much the instigators of the entire scam have managed to reshape reality in an amazingly short timeframe, such that what was considered normal 12 months ago is now considered abnormal, and what was considered abnormal 12 months ago is now seen as normal.

For instance, had one predicted 12 months ago that after “vaccinating” the elderly and those considered vulnerable, which was the “route back to freedom”, the Johnson Regime and countless others around the world would...

1. Proceed to push the injection onto all adults
2. Move on to getting it into children
3. Make thousands jobless who do not wish to partake in the experiment
4. Begin the introduction of Vaccine Passports
5. Announce that the allegedly 95% effective products wane so quickly they’ll need to    be taken every few months
6. Start talking about the possibility of mandatory jabs
7. Reintroduce the restrictions that these injections were supposed to do away with

…why such a person would have been called a Conspiracy Nut. Yet a year later the same person is called a Conspiracy Nut for opposing these very things they got called a Conspiracy Nut for predicting, but which are now reality.

There is something horribly ironic, and also deeply chilling about this. For it shows not only how easily manipulated so many people are, but also just how easy it has been for the Covidian Regimes to reshape reality such that millions have come to accept as normal the very things they would have dismissed just months earlier as the product of deranged minds. The last two years has felt like people are living in parallel universes, so much so that it’s almost tempting to wonder whether Zuckerberg’s hideous Metaverse is already a thing, with millions having unwittingly entered it in early 2020 without noticing.



James Howard Kunstler

Reality is penetrating the fog and fury of propaganda spewed out over cable-TV news in what may be the last desperate full-out campaign to sell “vaccines” to the credulous. Omicron is a bust, despite the shrieking about overstuffed hospitals (they’re not) in The New York Times.

Just as there is a crack-up boom in the final stage of a financial crisis, there is a climactic surge of hysteria in the Covid-19 war against Western Civ. Now, Dr. Anthony Fauci is pushing proof-of-vaxx for US air travel because, as he laid it out on ABC News’s This Week show Sunday with Jonathan Karl:

“[a] vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated…”

Monday morning on NPR, Dr. Fauci was beating the drum about the unvaxxed being a menace to society as maxi-spreaders of omicron. Is it possible he hasn’t heard that the vaxxed are catching it at a greater rate despite their vaxxes than the unvaxxed? Do you know why? Because their previous vaxxes have de-tuned their immune systems, that’s why. By the way, so far, one death has been attributed to omicron in the US — and even that case is a muddle. And Dr. Fauci is beseeching the twice-vaxxed to go get boostered? Is he determined to wreck absolutely every immune system in the land? Kind of looks that way, a little bit.



Rob Slane
The BlogMire

We are accustomed to thinking of great evil as instantly recognisable. From Nuremberg rallies to the squalor of the Gulag, great evil is something obvious and unmissable. Or so we think. Unfortunately, we have developed such a cartoonish idea of what evil, villains, and devils look like, that as a people we are entirely unprepared for the entrance of evil dressed in a very different cloak. As C.S. Lewis warned us decades ago in his Preface to the Screwtape Letters:

“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.”

Yet it is not only that great evil itself can be seemingly mundane, but it is often facilitated and allowed to grow by the ordinary, the middle-of-the-road. This has been the case in many totalitarian states, where the inaction and unwillingness of millions to confront the evil taking root and growing before their eyes has allowed it to thrive and take over their society like bindweed, and this is what is happening in our society right now.



eugyppius: a plague chronicle

The Pandemicists at Work: This strange and mildly disturbing illustration actually accompanies
the article, one of many cases where the New York Times betray the sinister undertones of their
agenda via accompanying imagery.

Corona has vastly expanded the ranks of pandemic planners and public health botherers. Unless something is done, these people will destroy all of society in their radical pursuit of a few viruses.

Just a few words on “Omicron is a Dress Rehearsal for the Next Pandemic”, a New York Times article by Emily Anthes, a science journalist with ties to the World Economic Forum. It’s subtitled “America’s response to the variant highlights both how much progress we have made over the past two years — and how much work remains,” and it’s every inch as awful as you’d imagine.

In the piece, Anthes laments that the United States is “woefully unprepared for the challenges ahead, starting with the most fundamental of tasks: detecting the virus.” She quotes a microbiologist to complain that “We had a delay of one to two months before we were even able to identify the presence of [Omicron] … And by that time, it had already circulated widely between multiple states and from coast to coast.” She wastes many words on the necessity of “Testing, testing, testing”; here, apparently, America still needs vastly more capacity. She and her many scientist informants also want more gene sequencing to detect variants sooner. She’s sure that all of this is absolutely necessary, even though she doesn’t know why:



Rob Slane
The Blogmire

So here we are, 20 months into the most insidious agenda ever perpetrated, and it is now abundantly obvious that the “Conspiracy Theorists” were right.

Australia is now a full blown tyranny; the Green Pass is a thing across Europe; tens of thousands of care workers have been sacked for not taking a dangerous experimental product that prevents neither infection nor transmission, leaving the elderly in care homes in a desperate plight; Austria has resurrected the concept of Untermenschen (subhuman) for the first time since the little moustachioed dictator; children are being jabbed with a product that has no health benefits to them and huge risks; and Sesame Street’s Big Bird is now considered a greater authority on mRNA gene therapies than the guy who invented the technology. – Welcome to the Asylum!

For those who’ve been peddling the “Conspiracy Theorist” jibe for 20 months, give it up. Pretty much everything we were warning you about last year has either come true, is in the process of coming true, or in fact turned out to be a pale imitation of what is actually happening. There are things which even the wildest of our breed could never have envisioned, even if we’d spent a decade in a basement with our very best tinfoil hat on trying to hone our entry for the World’s Most Demented Scenario Award.

Like shutting down entire societies and economies – for the sake of a virus with a 99.9% Survivability Rate [*]. Like making everyone walk around with damp rags covering their faces – for the sake of a virus with a 99.9% Survivability Rate. Like herding people into getting injected with a brand new, never-been-used-before-in-vaccines technology, which uses lipid nanoparticles to distribute mRNA around the body, where it then causes billions of toxic pathogens to be produced in every organ of the body – for the sake of a virus with a 99.9% Survivability Rate.



Cesare Sacchetti
Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

There is a man that in this moment terrifies the hierarchy of the anti-Catholic church of Bergoglio. This man has been the object of tremendous and evil attacks by the mainstream media. They have been trying to smear him and depict him as a criminal or like someone who is putting in great danger to society. This man is Archbishop Viganò. His Excellency has become like a polar star of hope for those Catholics and even non-believers who have thirst for justice and common sense in this upside-down world. Viganò has been speaking calmly but his gentle voice has terrified the powerful people of the world. Viganò has exposed the Great Reset and the plan to destroy mankind. He clearly denounced the infiltration of Freemasonry into society and into the Church.

In other words, Viganò’s guilt is the one of having said the truth like a humble pastor of God. In this interview that His Excellency granted us, he once again tells us in what kind of historical period we are living. He also consoles us by reminding us that being persecuted for loving God and having Faith is the greatest honor that we may have. This is probably why so many people look at this man in this historical period. He’s one of the few pastors that can speak simply to the hearts of the common men. Here you can find his words addressed to any one of us.


Cesare Sacchetti
The Eye of the Needle

When Italian PM Mario Draghi and the members of his cabinet showed up in the briefing room to announce an unprecedented restriction of the fundamental rights, such as the right to work, he looked quite nervous and unsure.

For the first time in world history, a government has established that a worker has no right to work unless he gets an experimental vaccine, or he accepts to performing swab tests every 48 hours. No government in the world has gone so far in the execution of the Great Reset, which is the Davos plan to usher in a new global authoritarian society.

In this dystopic political model, there are basically two classes of citizens: on one hand, there are those who surrender to the regime and accept being used as guinea pigs to get the experimental serum; on the other, there are those who do not comply, and who are banned from civil society because they refused to become slaves of this new totalitarian world.

However, what we are seeing is not something that is the result of a totalitarian regime of the past century. What we are seeing is the direct result of the so-called liberal democracies. Before proceeding with our analysis, we should consider the failure of this political system; democracy, which has been mistakenly regarded as the best possible government model for many decades. The COVID terrorist operation has led many people to a rude awakening. Democracy is not the promised land that we have been taught. Democracy is the mirage of a false Eden that at a distance seems beautiful and flawless, but when you reach it, you discover a whole different reality.



John Waters

Ground-level study of public sculpture, Cloud Gate (‘The Bean’),
Millennium Park, Chicago, created by computer technology and
using 168 stainless steel plates, welded together into a multi-
directional bean-shaped mirror. (© Pinterest)

In discussing current technological drifts, it may be vital to remind ourselves that we survey not the fruits of recent breakthroughs but the cashing in of 20th century innovation.

There was a moment close to the beginning when the then emerging ‘millennial’ generation seemed like it might bring a waft of freshness. These early indications suggested the young were beginning to question and spurn the destructive ‘freedom’ ideologies of the 1960s and carve a new path of their own, drawing on the residual wisdoms of the ages and striking out in a new direction.

Alas, it has come to nothing. Anyone who witnessed or saw images from Dublin Castle on May 26th, 2018, as the young people of Ireland celebrated the arrival of legal abortion with raised glasses and cans, hoots of delight and crazed posturing for the selfie cameras, can be in no doubt about that. The present generation of Irish youth is the most educated young generation in the history of Ireland, and at the same time is the most stupid, probably because of undergoing that false but plausible form of education that involves, rather, ideological indoctrination in what is called ‘rational materialism’ or, more commonly, ‘secularism’. Certainly, being ambushed by the most deranged of Sixties refugees, they were not educated to live lives connected to fundamental understandings of reality; indeed they were ‘educated’ to treat such understandings with contempt.

As a result, the generation that ought now be preparing to take upon its shoulders the burdens of leadership, is easily the most spoiled, the most pampered young generation in the history of Ireland — incapable of seeing through the propaganda they have been fed, mouthing the Woke cliches adapted for their consumption from entirely dissimilar times and places, fixated on the trinkets and baubles of tech consumption, feeling empathy for ‘the planet’ but not for its human quotient — yet withal convinced, almost to a (wo)man, that the key takeaway from their formative years is that they have been oppressed by traditionalists and grey-bearded patriarchs, when in truth they have been isolated from all such sources of understanding so as to preserve them in ignorance.



Health Ranger Report

Over the last two years, globalists have confirmed that FEAR, not "science," is their ultimate mechanism of control over humanity.

The omicron "variant" media hysteria is pure fiction. It's nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation / genocide programs.

The evil genius of this narrative is that it requires no evidence whatsoever. Since no one can actually see a "variant" – and since no isolated omicron viral samples exist anywhere in the world for lab test confirmations – a coordinated mass media hysteria campaign simply implants human consciousness with the illusion of omicron, accompanied by extreme fear. To date, no one in America has even been diagnosed with the variant, and no one has died from it anywhere on the planet. Yet thanks to mass media journo-terrorism, half of America is now freaking out over something that likely doesn't exist at all. "Omicron" is almost certainly a coordinated fabrication. Yet out of nowhere, the media has managed to program the population to lose their minds upon mention of the word, "mutations." Although random mutations in genetic material take place literally millions of times each day in every human being's own body, suddenly "mutations" are the scariest thing imaginable, according to the hyperventilating media. (Which is why I call omicron a "scariant," not a variant.)

Remember when we were all told in 2020 that if just 60 - 70% of the country agreed to take two shots, everything would return to normal and covid would be over? It was all a calculated lie from the start. The lie promised freedom if people would just comply, but what it delivered was tyranny and fear... along with never-ending obedience to government-coerced vaccine compliance. What 2020 and 2021 have now exhaustively proven to the globalists is that fear is their ultimate weapon against humanity. Through the use of coordinated fear, they can convince about half the population of the world to be injected with deadly spike protein gene therapy shots that will kill them over time. Conveniently, all those deaths can be blamed on something else – like cancer – thereby avoiding any blame being focused on the vaccines. Why is there already a 29X increase in stillborn babies, by the way?



Dr. Shankara Chetty

‘The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,’ said Dr. Shankara Chetty.

(LifeSiteNews) – A prominent doctor credited with advancing the development of early treatments for COVID-19 has stated that, in his judgment, the purpose of the pandemic and vaccine campaigns, is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”

Dr. Shankara Chetty, a family doctor in South Africa who, according to his website, has “treated 7000 Covid-19 patients without a single hospitalization or death,” combined insights from his medical knowledge along with his observations of government dictates and media censorship to support his conclusions.

While participating in a Zoom meeting of people who appeared to be physicians, Chetty prefaced his remarks by posing a question:

“I think the perspective around what is happening is vitally important. We need to understand what the aim is. Everyone knows that there’s inconsistencies, that there’s coercion, but we need to understand why. Why is it there?”



CJ Hopkins

So, GloboCap has crossed the Rubicon. The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and digital compliance papers are commonplace, is now officially underway.

On November 19, 2021, the government of New Normal Austria decreed that, as of February, experimental mRNA injections will be mandatory for the entire population. This decree comes in the midst of Austria’s official persecution of “the Unvaccinated,”i.e., political dissidents and other persons of conscience who refuse to convert to the new official ideology and submit to a series of mRNA injections, purportedly to combat a virus that causes mild-to-moderate flu-like symptoms (or no symptoms of any kind at all) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%.

Austria is just the tip of the New Normal spear. Prominent New-Normal fascists in Germany, like Der Führer of Bavaria, Markus Söder, and Minister of Propaganda Karl Lauterbach, are already calling for an allgemeine Impfpflicht (i.e., “compulsory vaccination requirement”), which should not come as a surprise to anyone. The Germans are not going sit idly by and let the Austrians publicly out-fascist them, are they? They have a reputation to uphold, after all! Italy will probably be next to join in, unless Lithuania or Australia beats them to the punch.



Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

'Let us free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time.'

For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders. All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices. Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency.

This global coup d’état deprives citizens of any possibility of defense, since the legislative, executive, and judicial powers are complicit in the violation of law, justice, and the purpose for which they exist. It is a global coup d’état because this criminal attack against citizens extends to the whole world, with very rare exceptions. It is a world war, where the enemies are all of us, even those who unwittingly have not yet understood the significance of what is happening. It is a war fought not with weapons but with illegitimate rules, wicked economic policies, and intolerable limitations of natural rights.

Supranational organizations, financed in large measure by the conspirators of this coup d’état, are interfering in the government of individual nations and in the lives, relationships, and health of billions of people. They are doing it for money, certainly, but even more so in order to centralize power so as to establish a planetary dictatorship. It is the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. It is the plan of the New World Order, in which a Universal Republic enslaves everyone and a Religion of Humanity cancels Faith in Christ.



Christiaan W.J.M. Alting von Geusau

Hannah Arendt’s seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism, first published 1948, makes for sobering reading in the world we see developing around us in the year 2021. Indeed, we find ourselves in an impasse of epic proportions where the essence of what it means to be human is at stake:

“The totalitarian attempt at global conquest and total domination has been the destructive way out of all impasses. Its victory may coincide with the destruction of humanity; wherever it has ruled, it has begun to destroy the essence of man.”

Although it is hard to claim that – at least in the West – we find ourselves once again under the yoke of totalitarian regimes comparable to those we know so well from the 20th century, there is no doubt that we are faced with a global paradigm that brings forth steadily expanding totalitarian tendencies, and these need not even be planned intentionally or maliciously.

As we will come to discuss later, the modern-day drivers of such totalitarian tendencies are for the most part convinced – with the support of the masses – that they are doing the right thing because they claim to know what is best for the people in a time of existential crisis. Totalitarianism is a political ideology that can easily spread in society without much of the population at first noticing it and before it is too late.



James Howard Kunstler

Tripping over the doorsill into “Joe Biden’s” dark winter, what do you see out in the gathering gloom? That old Shining City on a Hill is looking more like Detroit in a sleet-storm, with dumpster fires sputtering here and there in the broken streets. The darkness descending is something more ominous than any ordinary night. In the shadows, an insectile legion seems to be stealing away with what remains of your country.

Was it reassuring to see Dr. Anthony Fauci declare on MSNBC: “What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who have been fully vaccinated but not boosted”? And the moral of that story? Get more of the same thing that’s not working — and if you don’t volunteer to get it, maybe we can find a way to force you.

How does this lying prick get to remain as America’s chief public health officer? Has he not done enough damage? In case you can’t put it together, that “uptick” is happening because Dr. Fauci’s vaccines undermine immune systems, making the vaxxed more susceptible to disease, and not just the illness called Covid-19, but to disease generally, including cancer, and to all kinds of mischief and mayhem around the organs as well. Now, in the gathering darkness of winter, we’ll see how far this “uptick” goes and whether public opinion will flip over the dastardly trick that’s been played on it.

Everything your government tells you these days is a lie — the old epigram goes — including “and” and “the”. The chief victim of that inexhaustible deceit is America’s rule-of-law. Case in point, the shenanigans in the DC District federal court last week in the action known as Page v. Comey et al. (basically the whole FBI and DOJ). This is Carter Page’s lawsuit over the phony FISA court warrants sworn against him in the attempt to use the “three-hop rule” to surveil everybody in the 2016 Trump campaign, and defame Mr. Page in the process.

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