

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The real goal of the "pandemic" was total digital enslavement, using digital ID and CBDCs: "[The] logical endpoint [is] totalitarian control of everyone on the planet using digital techniques. This whole thing is a multi-year plan designed to smash civil society, to wreck the economy, and to introduce various digital controls, [including] digital ID." "If you accept this, you are in the first stages of the same funnel that cattle go down waiting [for] the stun bullet. So please say no, because there’s no escape from the totalitarian control that digital ID will grant. Whoever owns the database and controls the algorithm, controls you." Dr. Michael Yeadon’s presentation at an SVPTF webinar, Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO, on Feb. 27, 2023. Dr. Michael Yeadon, PhD, former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergic and Respiratory Diseases worldwide for the drug company, Pfizer. He is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotech company Ziarco. Topic: Are the MRNA injections toxic by mistake or by design? Why is the WHO pressing them on the world?

TRANSCRIPT:[00:00:00] I can hardly describe to the audience how frustrated and angry as well as worried I feel. So I'm a career scientist, as Frank said. It's been obvious to me since about April 2020. That what was going on, these cells, which hadn't yet been fully understood, had as their logical endpoint totalitarian control of everyone [00:00:30] on the planet using digital techniques. And I'm afraid I believed then. And I believe even more firmly now that it's not just Big Brother in control that we face, it's extinction. And I'm going to describe why I am so sure about that. I'm getting up to three figures of interviews I've given, and it's immensely frustrating because as I gather [00:01:00] knowledge, I grow more and more certain of some of the things I'm going to tell you. And they ought to be such that a reasonable person, having heard them, you either got to decide that despite my years of experience and the fact that I've gained nothing from speaking out, I'm either mad or what I'm telling you is pretty, right? Pretty well, right? It's the latter. Obviously. I don't think I've gone crazy and I've received not a penny of compensation. [00:01:30] I haven't thought about it nor accepted anything, so I'll cut to the chase then. So before we get into the vaccines, it's actually really rather important to go back to the big picture. I've got a rhetorical question for you. How many times what's the right number of times would you think it appropriate for the public health people in your country and the leading politicians in your country to get on the TV and lie to you in your face? [00:02:00] What's the right number of times if it's in relation to health matters that could affect your health, your family's health, or your life? How many times? The answer is zero, isn't it? Am I making mistakes? But if they deliberately tell you things that they know are not true and can affect your health and life, I think you should disregard everything they say thereafter.



Dr. Michael Yeadon

I’VE grown increasingly frustrated about the way the debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death. Concerningly, almost no one will entertain this possibility, despite the fact that molecular biology is the easiest discipline in which to cheat. That’s because you really cannot do it without computers, and sequencing requires complex algorithms and, importantly, assumptions. Tweaking algorithms and assumptions, you can hugely alter the conclusions.

This raises the question of why there is such an emphasis on the media storm around Fauci, Wuhan, and a possible lab escape. After all, the ‘perpetrators’ have significant control over the media. There’s no independent journalism at present. It is not as though they need to embarrass the establishment. I put it to readers that they’ve chosen to do so.

So who do I mean by ‘they’ and ‘the perpetrators? There are a number of candidates competing for this position, with their drug company accomplices, several of whom are named in Paula Jardine’s excellent five-part series for TCW, Anatomy of the sinister Covid project. High on the list is the ‘enabling’ World Economic Forum and its many political acolytes including Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern.

But that doesn’t answer the question of why are they focusing on the genesis of the virus. In my view, they are doing their darnedest to make sure you regard this event exactly as they want you to. Specifically, that there was a novel virus.

I’m not alone in believing that myself at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’, but over time I’ve seen sufficient evidence to cast strong doubt on that idea. Additionally, when considered as part of a global coup d’état, I have put myself in the position of the most senior, hidden perpetrators. In a Q&A, they would learn that the effect of a released novel pathogen couldn’t be predicted accurately. It might burn out rapidly. Or it might turn out to be quite a lot more lethal than they’d expected, demolishing advanced civilisations. Those top decision-makers would, I submit, conclude that this natural risk is intolerable to them. They crave total control, and the wide range of possible outcomes from a deliberate release militates against this plan of action: ‘No, we’re not going to do this. Come back with a plan with very much reduced uncertainty on outcomes.’

The alternative I think they’ve used is to add one more lie to the tall stack of lies that has surrounded this entire affair. This lie is that there has ever been in circulation a novel respiratory virus which, crucially, caused massive-scale illness and deaths. In fact, there hasn’t.



Jan Terje Voilaas

Camilla Stoltenberg is a Norwegian physician and researcher. Since 13 August 2012, she has been Director-General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet-FHI). She is the sister of former Prime Minister of Norway and General Secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg.

Dear Camilla Stoltenberg,

My name is Jan Terje Voilaas, and I am a worrying father from Kristiansand. – I am worried about my family, especially for my three grandchildren, and one of the reasons is that the FHI [Folkehelseinstituttet-Norwegian Institute of Public Health] still describes the mRNA vaccines against SARS Cov. 2 (C19) as "safe and effective", while FHI, with confirmation from SSB [Statistisk sentralbyrå, Statistics Norway], says the exact opposite in its own statistics. What is lie, and what is truth?

I am addressing you, Camilla, because in 2021 you were honoured as "Role Model of the Year" by the magazine KK and that you then gave the following answer to questions about what was the most important lesson you took home with you: 💬 "Respect for all people, regardless. And warmth, love, freedom and commitment to a better world." My hope is that "respect for all people, regardless" also includes a worried grandfather from Kristiansand.

I have many questions and reflections related to the whole complex of C19 and mRNA vaccines, but will try to limit myself to FHI's own slogan; "Safe and Effective."



Dr. Michael Yeadon

It was prompted by this superb expose of malfeasance in the UK government.
Please repost EVERYWHERE.
Thank you,

What is the government of the United Kingdom hiding?

Dear everyone, who is nervously looking around and is asking “What the hell is going on?”

I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still on the right side of disaster & if enough of us become aware of what is happening here & everywhere in the democratic world, we can recover the situation. We really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter. Hence this urgent and unusual request.

Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible. If you experimentally adopt the position that OUR GOVERNMENT IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO HARM US, TO DISMANTLE MODERN SOCIETY & ENSLAVE ALL PEOPLE IN A DIGITALLY CONTROLLED TOTALITARIAN WORLD, it all fits. Nothing is surplus. Even if your immediate response is that this is absurd, please try it for a day or so.



A Midwestern Doctor
Harry Vox (Comment)

A Midwestern doctor explains that the Covid vaxxes are far from the first global depopulationist assault on human fertility by the pharma-medical complex, they are merely the most effective:

💬 We are all the prey now. As there is no good way to go about population control, a lot of very messy approaches have been tried. In the last article I attempted to highlight some of the horrific examples from the past, in order to show there is a clear case precedent for this being implemented on a large scale.

Given that vaccines are unconditionally trusted by most people and are very easy to administer, if a vaccination could produce sterilization or at least reduce fertility from a single injection, it would provide a technological solution to a dilemma the ruling class has faced for over a century. The only possible superior alternative I can think of would be a highly contagious respiratory virus (or “self-spreading vaccine”) that impaired future fertility without otherwise causing too much damage (and to some extent has been observed in men after COVID-19).

As a result, methods of making fertility-impairing vaccines have been repeatedly researched. Each of the candidate vaccines I was able to identify worked in a similar manner: they carried an antigen that was similar to a protein necessary for fertilization or pregnancy, and thus created an autoimmune response that impaired fertility.



Dr. Michael Yeadon

This is the first instalment of a five-webpage transcript of Dr Mike Yeadon's testimony to the 86th session of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, held on 7 January 2022. In this transcript, covering the first twenty minutes of his testimony, Dr Yeadon establishes his credentials and rebuts critics of his motives.

Covid measures as per global script, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, May 2020


I'm Dr Mike Yeadon. I describe myself as an industry veteran. I worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for all of my life.

My first degree was biochemistry and toxicology. English people don't like to brag, but I’m told I should. I was top of the year by a very long way.

As an undergraduate, I worked under military clearance at Porton Down: that's the equivalent of Fort Detrick. It’s where the UK military develops its so-called chemical defences. So I was under the Official Secrets Act—they must have thought I wasn't a crazy person at the time.

I also worked for six months at the Police Forensic Service headquarters at Aldermaston, so i learned a lot of analytical techniques in that time.

Then I did a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, and after that I jumped into industry. I had seven years, seven happy years, at the Wellcome Research Labs, before they closed after being acquired by Glaxo. So my my career spanned the consolidation phase of pharmaceutical companies—we call it the “dirty snowball”. Companies became absolutely huge, and that's relevant to what's happening today: they are so large, so powerful.



Rob Slane

One of the many things that continues to baffle me about the public response to all things Covid, is that the number of people demanding answers to the following questions is pitifully and inexplicably low:

1. Who was behind the creation of     SARS-CoV-2?
2. Why were they making it?
3. How and why did it get unleashed on     the world?

These questions should unite both those who believe with their whole heart that Lockdowns were necessary and saved lives, and those like me who believe they were utterly futile on their own terms, and have caused untold destruction. They should unite both those who believe that masks were necessary and saved lives, and those like me who believe them to have been utterly futile on their own terms, and a destructive dehumanising force designed to perpetuate fear. They should unite both those who think that the so-called vaccines were safe and effective, and those who believe these blood-clotting, immune-suppressing, gene-editing injections to have been useless on their own terms, and the cause of mass casualties, which will one day be found to have killed millions upon millions of people over the course of several years.



Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar

Russian biological samples ‘collected for research’ – US Air Force
How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
Abp. Viganò: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order

On Thursday, March 24, the Russian government held a press conference in which it presented evidence that Hunter Biden, the disgraced son of American president Joe Biden, helped to finance bioweapons research in Ukraine.

Hunter’s untoward activity took place in 2014. The proof comes from emails and other forms of communication found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which he recklessly abandoned in a computer repair shop in Delaware in 2019.

When Hunter was facilitating bioweapons research in Ukraine, his father, Joe Biden, served as vice president of the United States. Because of his background in foreign affairs, Joe Biden was tasked by then President Obama with overseeing America’s foreign policy. Joe Biden relished the assignment and took deep personal interest in countries such as Ukraine, Russia, and China.

But rather than advancing the interests of the United States, the Bidens used Ukraine – and other countries – to enrich themselves through brazen influence peddling schemes. Hunter Biden was paid, for example, one million dollars a year by a shady gas and oil Ukrainian company called Burisma. Since Hunter Biden does not appear to know much about oil or gas, he was obviously given his appointment and lavish pay because the company’s owners believed he could influence – through his father – American policy in ways that were favorable to the company.



Dr. Michael Yeadon

‘KNOWING WHAT I KNOW FROM 40 years TRAINING & PRACTISE IN TOXICOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & PHARMACOLOGY, to participate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER.’

Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, issued a warning to parents in the U.K. with school children between ages 12 and 15 years that the government is planning to inject experimental gene-based COVID-19 “vaccines” into them with or without parental consent, beginning next week.

Originally posted on a shared Telegram channel with Robin Monotti, Yeadon explained that children are not at any “measurable risk from SARS-CoV-2,” that there is “no benefit whatsoever” from these injections, that they are quite dangerous to young people, and are even proving to be ineffective against the virus. Consequently, these shots only present serious risks, and no benefit, and “WILL ONLY RESULT IN PAIN, SUFFERING, LASTING INJURIES AND DEATH.”

With candor, he stated, “This extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER,” and he advised parents with kids in this age range to keep them home from school this fall “no matter what.” Finally, he emphasized, COVID “has never been about a virus or public health. It’s wholly about control, totalitarian and irreversible control at that, and they’re nearly there.”



Rob Slane

Once upon a time there was a little chick called Chicken Licken. One day as she was scratching about in the farmyard, she heard a message coming from the television in the farmhouse saying that everyone must stay home or else we would all die.

‘Oh no,’ cried Chicken Licken. ‘I must go into my coop and stay there.’

So off she went to stay in her coop for three weeks, which was how long the nice man on the telly reckoned it would take. On the way, she met Henny Penny.

‘Oh Henny Penny,’ cried Chicken Licken, ‘There’s a deadly virus about and if we don’t stay cooped up we’re all going to die.’

‘But why would those who are perfectly healthy need to do that?’ asked Henny Penny confused. ‘If we’re healthy, that means we haven’t got it. And if we haven’t got it, we can’t spread it.’

‘Henny Penny!’ replied Chicken Licken aghast. ‘The man on the telly said that healthy people can spread it to one another even if they haven’t got it. Stay Safe.’

‘Sounds like nonsense to me,’ said Henny Penny, ‘but I suppose they must know what they’re talking about.’

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