On Israeli Genocidal Inclinations and The Jewish Problem
[Posted on this blog on 08/08/14. There's no particular reason to assume that the thirst for Palestinian blood among Israeli Jews has been satisfied yet. Quite the contrary, there's reason to believe they will ignore the decision of the World Court to cease & desist. – Ed.]
A short interview with «Ο Φιλελεύθερος», Cyprus
Do you have any comments on the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip?
Gilad Atzmon: It is agonizing to watch the brutality of the Israelis, but it was predictable. Israeli genocidal inclinations are entirely consistent with Jewish supremacist culture and Old Testament barbarism. The fact that 91% of the Israeli population supports the IDF massacre confirms that we are confronting a murderous collective that is a grave threat to world peace.
What is Israel trying to achieve in the region? Is it possible it is acting to insure [sic] its control of energy resources that may exist off the Gaza Strip?
GA: It is possible that the massacre in Gaza has been lightly influenced by geopolitical considerations. However, the Israeli lust for violence and its broad support from Jewish institutions around the world suggests that the motivation to kill and destroy other people is embedded in Zionist culture. Its homicidal impulses may relate to the manner in which modern Jews interpret their sense of ‘choseness.’
You have often expressed your support of Islamic organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas that have resorted to violence as a means of achieving their objectives. Do you believe that resorting to violence is an acceptable way to achieve political results?